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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

The change was drastic, the gasp that rushed out of her one of fear rather than pleasure as he slammed her down against the bed. "Wh-what ... wait," she whimpered and struggled against the bonds. "I was enjoying it ..." She rubbed her face against her shoulder and upper arm, trying to get the blindfold off as she felt anxiety bordering panic welling in her chest and making it hard for her to breathe.
Hearing the stammered out words he held her lower body down as she struggled somewhat, the blindfold would not move unless he took it off and leaning down he captured the soft sweet tender flesh of her earlobe, sucking on it as he ground hips harder against hers burying the entire length of his rock hard thick shaft deep within the soft pink folds.
"Henry," she whispered shakily and grunted when he plunged into her. "Please stop ... I don't like this." Her body was tense and she kept trying to pull away from him, tears forming yet unable to fall freely as they were trapped in the material.
He heard the words, his eyes noticed how her body had responded. Pausing mid stroke he pulled out and moved back from her on the bed before removing the blindfold.
"Untie me ... please," she said with a voice as tremulous as her body. She was flushed and eyes wide with fear. "I don't understand ... what did I do wrong?" she asked in hushed tones.
His own eyes met hers, still sparkling he reached down to untie her hands fully first then legs as he spoke in a soft tone. "Nothing wrong, just expected too much too soon is all."
Scrambling up into a sitting position, she pulled the blanket over her body and hugged her arms tight around herself. "What were you expecting? I thought things were fine until you, you threw me down and pinned me so hard," she hiccuped. One thing she was sure about now, no more being tied up ... period.
His eyes watched her pull the blanket closer around herself as she sat there, his own body moving on the bed as he spoke in a soft tone. "I guess I thought you would trust me more, you needed to relax a little more than you did and allow your body to experience something new without craving to take over like you did."
His words caused more confusion and she blinked as she shook her head. "I wasn't trying to take control," she said in hushed tones. "How could I when I was tied up? I had no control and you ... you slammed me down ... when I was scared, you kept going." The experience had shaken her confidence, what little she had in the first place.
He could tell that the inexperience was showing through from her, it had been too much too soon and he knew it more than ever now as he moved slowly from the bed to put his dressing gown on, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking a sip of the wine he spoke softly. "It is my fault, you like to touch while making love. I believed you could go without that want."
"I don't understand," she continued softly and her face burned with shame. "Is it wrong to want to touch you and talk to you when we make love?" She knew she wasn't the greatest lover but she was questioning everything about herself now. He seemed to like what she did before but his aggression and frustration bewildered her.
He moved to lightly caress her face, softly kissing her forehead as he offered the glass of wine to her while speaking in a much softer tone. "No it isn't wrong to want to do that, I just wanted to take you to a new place of sexual bliss."
Her eyes drifted closed as he kissed her forehead and then she downed the wine in one gulp, hoping to take the edge off. "You already did," she admitted as she let her fingertip run around the rim of the glass. "I've never ... come that hard before. Maybe a couple of small ones but I couldn't see or hear anything with those two times." Her bottom lip was peeking out as she looked down. "Guess that sounds pretty pathetic."
He smiled and listened to her words, lifting her head up his eyes softly met hers allowing her to see the concern in his before placing a soft kiss to her lips, words whispered. "Sweetie not all, I just need to take things slower don't I."
Her head nodded yes as he moved to kiss her so sweetly, her voice unwilling to admit she needed him to slow down or even that he'd frightened her so badly. Finally after a tiny hum that sounded almost like a whimper, her vocal cords kicked in again. "My second boyfriend was ... rough," she whispered. "Even when I'd say no, he said I was his and would do what he wanted. I was so scared I couldn't do or say anything." He could feel the light trembling as she brought up one of the worst times of her life.
He waited with bated breath, the history of what she had experienced before at the hands of her ex only made what he had done worse and now hating himself almost. Standing slowly from the bed he walked slowly to the bathroom and took a quick hot shower, relieving his heavy sacs of the pressure that had built up, barely lasting two minutes his seed was soon down the drain. Taking a few minutes to dry his body he tied the bathrobe loosely around his waist and returned to the room, eyes downcast as he sat on the edge of the bed.
He didn't say anything ... simply got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Tears welled and spilled down her cheeks as she buried her face in her arms atop her knees. He hates me now, she thought to herself and her shoulders shook with her silent sobs. Never was good enough before so why should this have been any different? Fantasy rarely lived up to reality and she'd failed again. When he came back out and sat quietly on the end of the bed, she looked up and read his posture and silence as utter disappointment in her. "I'm sorry," she whispered and sniffed as she tried to dry her cheeks. "I understand ... if you don't want ... to see me ... anymore," she choked out as she pulled the sheet up almost to her shoulders so he didn't have to see much of her.
The words came almost silently to him, his mood was too somber right now and moving around on the bed he pulled the sheet down and lifted her chin up high, blue eyes meeting hers as he spoke in a whispered tone. "Sweetie I want you more than ever, right now though I know I have pushed you too far and feel bad."
Hope rose in her breast as he moved around, obvious in her expressive eyes as he exposed more of her and tilted her chin up to gaze into his gorgeous eyes. "You didn't know," came her hushed tones which were thick from the tears of shame. "It's something I never told anyone before ... thought I'd pushed it all away." Her knees lowered until her feet were stretched out and gave her room to lean forward and wrap her arms around his shoulders. Now that they were out of that moment, she knew he hadn't meant to scare her and all she wanted was to comfort him and receive a little comfort in return.
Hearing the hushed words followed by her legs stretching out further he smiled softly as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, his own long strong arms rubbed the curvature of her back as he placed several on her forehead. His words barely a whisper. "Sweetie love you so much."
He could feel her breath hiccuping lightly and hear the sniffle as her body relaxed against his, the soft strokes along her back going a long way to help. "I love you too," she admitted though had been afraid to say that before. Too many times those words ran someone off and she'd held it in check until that moment.
It had been quite some time that she'd felt comforted like this, strong arms holding her close and sweet kisses. Funny how one could learn to live without something though constantly longed for that which was lost. Now that she was nestled in his arms, she knew she would miss it more when they parted and went back to their usual lives making this moment quite bittersweet. "Lay with me," she whispered and kissed his lips as her fingers tugged open the sash to his robe.
The whispered words floated softly through the short distance to his ears, a soft smile spreading across his face as he felt her slender fingers pulling at the sash on his robe, easing his body back a little from her he removed the robe throwing it off to the side of the room over the dresser before laying down, pillow placed slightly up to the headboard as he rested his head against it offering his chest to her.
Closeness was what she craved the most and she wasn't sure if he would be surprised, but she didn't pounce on him. Instead, she stretched out next to him with her cheek resting in the hollow of his shoulder as her fingertips brushed lightly along his offered chest and her leg slipped over his to rest between his thighs. His cologne was still lingering and she breathed deeply, her body relaxing even more. She'd told the truth when she said she was a simple person and didn't need fancy things. It truly was the little things in life that made her feel good.
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