The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Ace say the girl looking at her and smiled politely. She sat on a stool as she answered the girl. "Good evening Vicki, its nice to meet you." She paused for a moment while she got comfortable then continued. " No I do not work here... No one here could ever afford what I have, and even if they could I wouldn't sell..."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Aww, well that's a shame. You're real pretty, and I'm sure y'all would make a lot." Still smiling in a friendly manner, Vicki would kick her legs for a moment before crossing them. "So if you don't work here, is there anythin' I can get for ya?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Yeah, thanks..." She watched the usual tactics of a girl in the brothels. She smirked and shook her head. "No, Theres nothing you can get for me, but thanks..."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Alright, well you just let me know if y'all need like a drink or anythin' at all~" Sliding off the counter, Vicki would straighten her skirt and give Ace a friendly good-bye wave before bouncing off through the room, stopping to chat with patrons in an attempt to put a smile on their faces. Even if they didn't buy anything, people who had a good experience were more likely to come back, or recommend the place to their friends.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She nodded her head and smiled in return. "Ill keep that in mind thanks" She watched as the girl left and decided it was a good idea as there was nothing really going on that night anyway. Pushing herself off the counter and sliding off the stool she headed through the bar and up the stairs toward her room
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Oh, my," Caim murmured to himself at his table, his eyebrows knitting together as he came out of his daydream. It seemed he had lapsed into some fantasy or another during the droll festivities of the Cat's Meow. Leaning away from his table and pulling his arms from it, he looked around, obviously mildly perturbed that he allowed his mind to wander.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Hey sugar, you doin' alright?"

Vicki had happened to stop by Caim's table as he woke up and looked around with a slightly unsettled expression. Placing one hand on his shoulder, she'd lean in and look him over, concern etching over her face. Which just looked kind of silly in her bunny costume, but that was alright.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Caim maintained that furrow of his brow; one which knitted tighter together as Vicki leveled her hand on his shoulder. Shifting his eyes and looking her over, the young thief pursed his lips in speculation while making special note of her strange outfit. So strange that it in fact softened his expression once his eyes made their way towards the woman's face.

"Well," he'd begin in a charming sort of voice as he leaned back in his chair, smiling at Vicki's obvious concern. "I am now." Raising one hand up and curling a finger to scratch absently at the side of his head, the man looked down to readdress the woman's outfit. "I'm sorry; but what are you wearing?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Well that's good, I would not want to have to try and cut y'all off, if you been drinkin' too much!" Her accent was strong as ever, and her big blue eyes looked Caim over as he took in her outfit. The blonde twirled a loose strand of her curly hair around her finger and smiled down warmly at him.

"I'm a bunny, see?" She'd twirly slightly so she could shake the puffy tail that had been attached to the back of her skirt at him. "I work here, and my boss said to wear a costume. So... I wore one?" She'd giggle a little, and shrug. "It's a bit silly, but fun! I'm Vicki, by the way."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I haven't had a drink yet," he'd reply with a shrug of his shoulders before watching Vicki twirl girlishly in front of him, unashamed of her employer's interesting choice in apparel. Who was he to judge, though? Liar, thief, all around scoundrel - he was hardly in the position to judge anyone in their line of work. He instead nodded and smiled all the more warmly at the obvious woman of the south, his hand reaching away from the side of his face to extend in the woman's general direction.

"Vicky, huh? Short for Victoria, I s'pose? Well, it's nice to meet a friendly face. The name's Caim. Nice to see someone having fun with their job. You're quite the bubbly personality."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Pleasure to meet you, Caim. And you are dead on with my name." Vicki shook his hand warmly in greeting, smiling down at him. "And of course I have fun with this job... You should not take a job if you do not think you are gonna enjoy it~" She nodded once to emphasize her point, bunny ears flopping ridiculously on her head.

"Do you mind if I take a seat here? And I must ask, what brings you to our little neck of the woods, Mr. Caim?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She had dainty fingers, or so the thief thought as he shook the girl's hand. Releasing it promptly and withdrawing his hand, he found himself nodding blandly towards her opinion on not taking a job unless it's going to be enjoyable. Stifling a grin that threatened to come over his face, he determined that Vicky was indeed correct; one's profession should suit one's tastes. There was nothing more fun than a thief's life, or so he humbly thought.

Gesturing with his hand towards a seat across from him to let the girl know she was indeed welcome at his table, Caim kept his chuckle to a minimum at her flopping ears before responding to her inquiry. "This is a brothel," he replied unceremoniously, looking at her with the play of a smirk on his lips. "There are only so many reasons as to why a man visits such an unscrupulous place."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki would slide into the seat, resting her elbows and hands on the table as she sat with her back arched and chest pushed forward. Perhaps it was a little tacky, but what was the point of having such divine assets if one didn't use them?

She'd pretend to be shocked when he answered her question, reaching out and playfully swatting at one of his hands. "Why Mr. Caim, I'll have you know that I'm scrupulous as they come!" Giggling a little then, Vicki would flag down a passing waitress, ordering a lemon drop cocktail for herself and asking Caim if he would like anything.

Once their orders were placed, she'd turn back to Caim. "Well now Mr. Caim, I only thought there was one reason a man would visit us... So how about you tell me about the many?" Winking flirtatiously at him, Vicki would wait for his answer.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Whiskey," the thief ordered with mild detachment while his eyes remained very intent on the bubbly blond seated in front of him. Did she just get witty with him? Despite all the outward appearances of a ditz, it seemed Victoria did indeed have a brain between her ears. It was attractive to say the least; perhaps just as attractive as the assets she presented to him with the delicate and artful arch of her back.

"A drink," he replied evasively as she questioned his reasons for coming to the brothel, his hand gesturing towards the waitress who had walked away and now proceeded to pour both he and Vicky their respective drinks. "The fine company of beautiful young women such as yourself," again he gestured, though this time at Vicky to emphasize his point. If she could be a flirt, he could and would return the favor.

It wasn't long before the waitress was setting their glasses down on coasters before Caim and Vicky. Caim took his tumbler with evident delight and drank modestly before sighing contently, feeling the burn work its way into his stomach. "Yes, I think it's the company I'm looking for. Nothing really lives up to flirting outrageously with a pretty girl you don't even know."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki was indeed intelligent, but with a body and general personality like hers, she found it much easier to interact with clients if she faked a bit of ditziness. Besides, while some men may find biting sarcasm attractive, most of the clients that came to a brothel were there to be made to feel good and a blonde southern belle was as unthreatening as they come.

"My my, you are far too kind, Mr. Caim." Vicki would sip delicately at her martini glass, licking the stray liquid off of her top lip in a slow but enticing manner as she set her glass down.

Tapping her chin with one delicately french-manicured nail, Vicki would appear lost in thought for a moment before grinning at the man that sat opposite her. "I think I can think up a thing or two that would very much live up to that, dependin' on the kinds of things you like to do~"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"One does try," the man responded with an idle arch of his brow as he watched Vicky lick her lips with all the deliberate slowness a woman of her profession could muster. Caim saw the direction this conversation was taking and was obliged to see it through to the end. Setting his own tumbler down and leaning forward, the thief set the flat of his arms on the table and watched as the southern woman tapped her chin in apparent thought.

Astute of mind, he saw right through her typical-blond exterior; but was more or less inclined to play the part of the believer. If she was going to commit to the facade, then wasn't it his duly appointed duty; nay, obligation, to play the role of a common mark? He was a good sport, after all, and she looked very fun to play this game with.

"Well," he began expansively, running the edge of his fingertip along the rim of his glass as he looked across, staring quite blatantly at Vicky's sizable chest. "I just might have to take you up on that, beautiful."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki smiled innocently when she noticed Caim staring at her breasts, and she'd slowly trace the finger that was on her chin down... Running it over her neck and then between her breasts, and then further down still. The blonde's grin would widen when he mentioned taking her up on her offer.

"You flatterer, you~" Giggling, she'd lean forwards, pushing her shoulder blades forwards as well, giving herself a more generous cleavage. Moving her lips to his ear, she'd softly whisper her rates, as well as a few choice things she'd like to do to him, her lips catching his earlobe occasionally.

She did wonder though, if she was being too forward. While Vicki wasn't new to the game of seduction, she was new to working as an escort, and she was unsure of the most tactful way to go about such business. Her concern and lack of confidence didn't show on her face however as she leaned back, reaching for her drink.

"If that sounds agreeable to you, Mr. Caim."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The murmurs and promises of carnal delight were enough to set even the most experienced of men on proverbial fire. Add to it the generous catch of his earlobe between her lips and Caim was hers for the picking. Clearing his throat and looking towards his whiskey in a vain attempt to ward off the flush of heat that emanated from his face and brought color to his cheeks, the thief took his tumbler and drew from its contents, leaving nothing but a trace residue of the fine brew.

Setting the glass back down and moving the coaster to the side, Caim gingerly rubbed his chest and looked across, musing in silence for the briefest of moments before he smiled ruefully. "Well," he murmured appreciatively, eyes as shrewd as they were enthralled. "You drive a hard bargain." Rolling his shoulders and drawing himself away from the table, Caim soon rose to his full yet modest stature and gestured for Vicky to do the same. "I'll defer to your discretion as to where the--" he paused as he groped for the right word. "--transactions will take place. Unless you want to negotiate the wares right here and now..."

Trailing off, Caim nibbled his bottom lip and arched both of his eyebrows high upon his forehead.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vicki couldn't help but giggle when Caim cleared his throat, and she finished off her own drink when he was silent for a moment or two. She stood with him, gently grasping one of his hands and smiling warmly.

"I think my room will do nicely, if that's alright with you?" And if there were no protests, she would lead him up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door behind them.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Candira said:
Lorie smiled at Atreides and thought for a moment. "I'm afraid I'm a lover, not a fighter, my dear. I couldn't teach you anything that might be useful in a fight." She pet his ears a little and sighed. "What I can teach you is how to give an excellent back rub...or inflict a great amount of physical pain to someone. It won't work in a fight, but if they're lying down..." she shrugged and turned to look at him again. "Interested in that?"
The young Nekomata didn't think much of the ominous man's bad joke, passing it off as such. He didn't know the rank of any of the patrons here, so Atreides figured he'd let the comment pass without a word. He didn't want to ruffle any feathers.

"Hmmm... Well, I could brush up on my massaging skills!" Atreides joked, which was followed by a small giggle. "However, I don't know much of anything besides defending myself physically. Not even magic, psychokinetic, or incarnum. I figured it was worth a try though. Do you know of anyone in here that could teach me something helpful to my journeys?"

It was evident in Atreides' azure eyes that he was eager to learn anything taught to him. His eyes were just as curious as that of a playful tomcat.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kite Xiroh said:
Candira said:
Lorie smiled at Atreides and thought for a moment. "I'm afraid I'm a lover, not a fighter, my dear. I couldn't teach you anything that might be useful in a fight." She pet his ears a little and sighed. "What I can teach you is how to give an excellent back rub...or inflict a great amount of physical pain to someone. It won't work in a fight, but if they're lying down..." she shrugged and turned to look at him again. "Interested in that?"
The young Nekomata didn't think much of the ominous man's bad joke, passing it off as such. He didn't know the rank of any of the patrons here, so Atreides figured he'd let the comment pass without a word. He didn't want to ruffle any feathers.

"Hmmm... Well, I could brush up on my massaging skills!" Atreides joked, which was followed by a small giggle. "However, I don't know much of anything besides defending myself physically. Not even magic, psychokinetic, or incarnum. I figured it was worth a try though. Do you know of anyone in here that could teach me something helpful to my journeys?"

It was evident in Atreides' azure eyes that he was eager to learn anything taught to him. His eyes were just as curious as that of a playful tomcat.

"Hmmm, I can teach you how to cook a few things, if you'd like. Beyond that, I'm afraid I can't help you with much. Sorry, Tray. But come visit me again sometime. Maybe I'll teach you a few other things," she said with a wink.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He laughs and shakes his head as he takes a deep breath from his pipe. The bubbling of the hooka loud yet not obnoxious. "I heard the boy doesn't have money", exhaling through his nose, "So why tease the boy like that Lorie?"

"If the boy wants to fight, Eli has been getting a bit bored, or maybe I'm just bored watching him sniffing up everyone's skirt." He sighs and pours himself a glass of wine. "Hell, I'd fight the kid if he's itching for a lesson", lowering his gaze and sliding his feet from the table to the floor.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly leaned against Shadow and kissed his cheek. "Don't get too excited, hun. Maybe someday he'll have all the money and boss us around?" She kissed his neck and rubbed his shoulders. "But he does have a point. Maybe you should ask Eli. He was a security specialist."

Lorie made a face to tease her boss and put a hand on his shoulder. "The offer still stands if you can afford me." That said, she scratched him behind his ears.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

His eyes narrowed and he hunched over with the pipe in his mouth held there by his hand as smoke rolled out of his open mouth. "There's limits to jokes hun. Me being bossed around by anyone isn't something I can even laugh off."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I'm just glad to get to know ya'." Atreides said as he preened, his ears perky and happy. "This is the first place I've found that has nice people."

Atreides accepted Lorie's scratch behind the ears gracefully, wondering if he should take the ominous man's offer. Maybe he could learn something? The young Nekomata stood from the bar confidently, and addressed the man on the couch.

"Also, I'm not looking to fight, I'm looking for a teacher, good sir. If you're willing to teach, I'm willing to learn." Atreides said as he made eye contact with the back of them man's head. "Also, I'd love to learn any recipes you have to offer." he said in a quieter voice to Lorie.
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