A perfect creation in the making by RobBase086 and amaya

amaya said:
She agreed in a way with him but she would accept an offer if she could get good money from it, of course she wouldn't tell anything to him. She took the money and thanked him placing them away as their time was off and she had to go back to work, since the night was still going on. She stood up and opened the door "Nice to work with you sir" she said as she let herself back to the bar.

The thing that she does not realize is that by sleeping with other men there is a chance that she could contract something from them, or pass it onto them. That would not be good if that occured plus, she could come down sick as well. He smiled as she opened the door and turned to look at her. "Yes it was very nice to work with you as well sexy!" He told her.
She smiled as walking outside "Hope to see you around again!" she said to him with a smile as she got in the bar and order a soda so she could refresh herself. She sighed and fixed her outfit looking around if thinking if she should find some more costumers to dance for, so she could even pay sooner for her rent.
amaya said:
She smiled as walking outside "Hope to see you around again!" she said to him with a smile as she got in the bar and order a soda so she could refresh herself. She sighed and fixed her outfit looking around if thinking if she should find some more costumers to dance for, so she could even pay sooner for her rent.

He was not planning to leave yet, but sit and watch the other strippers strip and perform. He really enjoyed himself with her. "Oh I am sure you will see me around her all right!" Smiling at her as he walked back to his table where he was sitting at. He could not keep his eyes off of her and loved to watch her move around and all in the place there. She was a very beautiful woman he though to himself.
After she had her soda and fixed herself, she started walking around moving her hips really sexy. She was looking for free costumers and getting closer to ask if they would like a dance. She was smiling and looking adorable walking around and see if anyone wanted some of her services. Of course she never thought she would end up like that,but she wasn't complain anymore after all she needed money.
amaya said:
After she had her soda and fixed herself, she started walking around moving her hips really sexy. She was looking for free costumers and getting closer to ask if they would like a dance. She was smiling and looking adorable walking around and see if anyone wanted some of her services. Of course she never thought she would end up like that,but she wasn't complain anymore after all she needed money.

The guy was hoping that she would have came over and socialized with him for a bit. He was busy watching all of the other dancers walking around. They would come up and ask him if he would like to have a lap dance with them or not? He said, "Let me think about that and I will let you know ok?' He said to them while he sat there sipping on his beer that he had at the table there with him.
She had few offers and try her best to the next lap dances she gave, she was trying her best and the clients looked happy when ever they got out of the back rooms. She was getting better as she had tried more than enough strip dances. And with the money she had earned she could pay her rent.
amaya said:
She had few offers and try her best to the next lap dances she gave, she was trying her best and the clients looked happy when ever they got out of the back rooms. She was getting better as she had tried more than enough strip dances. And with the money she had earned she could pay her rent.

The clients seemed very pleased with Amaya in what she was doing to make them happy as a stripper. What Amaya did not know was Rick was there and wanted her to come over to him. He was that sleazy manager that picked her up at the bar a few days ago and then left her stranded with no job or money.
Hours later she noticed Rick, but she wasn't sure if it was him. She walked towards him as she wanted to show him she had now a job and she could take care of herself. She gazed at him sitting next to him "Oh! what would you Sir like?" she asked as she tried to notice if it was really him.
amaya said:
Hours later she noticed Rick, but she wasn't sure if it was him. She walked towards him as she wanted to show him she had now a job and she could take care of herself. She gazed at him sitting next to him "Oh! what would you Sir like?" she asked as she tried to notice if it was really him.

Rick was paying attention to all of the other ladies that was in the strip club and did not realize that Amaya was there until she came over and sat next to him and said something to him. He noticed this beautiful woman talking to him and as he turned to look to see who it was it was Amaya who he recognized from before. "Well right now I am just looking thank you Amaya!" He said to her with a smile because he knew that she would never make as much money as what he was wanting to help her make in the first place. Plus, he could have also helped her to become very famous with the men as well.
Hearing her name she was sure it was Rick, she wasn't very happy to see him over there but since she was a customer she couldn't do anything more. She nodded at him "Well yes get your time and find what your looking for" she said as she stand up as he didn't want anything and walk towards a next client. This night she had been stripping a lot, more than she thought.
amaya said:
Hearing her name she was sure it was Rick, she wasn't very happy to see him over there but since she was a customer she couldn't do anything more. She nodded at him "Well yes get your time and find what your looking for" she said as she stand up as he didn't want anything and walk towards a next client. This night she had been stripping a lot, more than she thought.

Rick was not too happy to see her either because he was trying to help her get everything that she could have, but she did not want it. She would have went very far if she had the right atttitude but she did not want it though. Instead she would not listen to him at all! He was not very pleased with her. "Well currently I am just looking because I just arrived and I am not just going to immediately want a lap dance you know sweet cheeks." He said with a smile and watched her go and talk to the other men there at the strip joint to see if she could make more money.
She was working as harder as she could trying to please the costumers, she stripped many times that night and few of the men touch her as they liked as a bonus. So most of them enjoyed their time with her. She was a bit confused, cause she wasn't used to show her body around so many times or to strip for many men, but she needed the money after all. Soon she would be able to pay the rent, her tutor fees, and more things she wanted.
amaya said:
She was working as harder as she could trying to please the costumers, she stripped many times that night and few of the men touch her as they liked as a bonus. So most of them enjoyed their time with her. She was a bit confused, cause she wasn't used to show her body around so many times or to strip for many men, but she needed the money after all. Soon she would be able to pay the rent, her tutor fees, and more things she wanted.

The guys in the club did love Amayas service since she did a great job at it as well. She pleased the customers and due to that they paid her well for her services. She must have cleared more than enough money that night to take care of her money woes. Which that should make her very happy about that. Guys loved her body and how friendly she was with them. Amaya just might make a name for herself and have customers coming in and only asking for her to strip for her and give them a lap dace as well.
She kept working hard at that place,since the money was good and she was getting more attention as she thought she liked it in away. She was smiling mostly cause she was able to get the money she wanted and cause her life was getting better in a way. She was pretty, studied and found a work she could make money. She felt so lucky.
amaya said:
She kept working hard at that place,since the money was good and she was getting more attention as she thought she liked it in away. She was smiling mostly cause she was able to get the money she wanted and cause her life was getting better in a way. She was pretty, studied and found a work she could make money. She felt so lucky.

There were a lot of guys taking looks at her as she worked and loved her style. Rick was telling other managers or people in the porn industry that she has the body and the looks for the business, but she does not have the attitude at all because he tried to help her out. The thing is that she would not listen to anything that he had to tell her. He told them all that she just does not have the attitude to be a porn star. She wants to do things her way and not someone who cares about her at all. He was bad mouthing her and all.
The girl paid attention that Rick was telling bad things about her, she didn't like that but she was working and couldn't just walk over there, where Rick was, and simply slap him for telling all things for her. She kept dancing and tried not to pay attention to him, now she was finally making some money, why had Rick to ruin that.

((I'm finally back...sorry for being gone for so long))
amaya said:
The girl paid attention that Rick was telling bad things about her, she didn't like that but she was working and couldn't just walk over there, where Rick was, and simply slap him for telling all things for her. She kept dancing and tried not to pay attention to him, now she was finally making some money, why had Rick to ruin that.

((I'm finally back...sorry for being gone for so long))

Rick was trying to screw things up for her with her new job there at the strip joint so that she would not make hardly any money for her to come crawling back to him begging for him to take her back. He had more pull than what she did because she has to remember that he was doing this long before Amaya became the new her. He had this smug grin on his face like he knew that he was getting the word around about her. He wanted to get her to do things his way so that he could help her out. The problem was that she wanted to do things her way and no ones way at all.

((It is ok. I understand that things come up. Glad to see you back!))
But Amaya had enough of Rick, she couldn't get why he would be like that. After all she remember how he treat her, there was no way she would get back to him. So one day after finishing work and Rick was still around she waited him few meters outside the Club. As she saw him getting out she got closer to him and tried to ask him. "Really what's your problem?" she said looking at him serious "next time you keep up telling things about me, I'll let the police know you try to kill me once" she told me loudly "so stop messing with me up..." then she moved on.

((Glad I am back!!!))
amaya said:
But Amaya had enough of Rick, she couldn't get why he would be like that. After all she remember how he treat her, there was no way she would get back to him. So one day after finishing work and Rick was still around she waited him few meters outside the Club. As she saw him getting out she got closer to him and tried to ask him. "Really what's your problem?" she said looking at him serious "next time you keep up telling things about me, I'll let the police know you try to kill me once" she told me loudly "so stop messing with me up..." then she moved on.

((Glad I am back!!!))

Well Amaya was something that Rick could not have and she did not want his help or listen to what he had to say to her that is why he was trying to screw things up for her. "What is my problem it is you with a bad attitude sweet cheeks. I tried to help you out, but you did not want to listen to me. So I figured I would cause a little trouble for you." He said with a grin on his face to her. "I am not saying anything that is going to hurt you and the cops cannot do nothing about it." He tells her and just walks away from her into his nice car that he had not listening to a word that she had to say to him.
"Your really out of you mind, then talk as much as you want after all there nothing more you can say only lies" she looked at him just going away. And she walk back at her home slowly trying to think of an idea, how to make him stop all that. He really was acting so crazy, her mind was working trying to find some plan when she stopped outside her house and was just thinking.
amaya said:
"Your really out of you mind, then talk as much as you want after all there nothing more you can say only lies" she looked at him just going away. And she walk back at her home slowly trying to think of an idea, how to make him stop all that. He really was acting so crazy, her mind was working trying to find some plan when she stopped outside her house and was just thinking.

He did not care because he was making more money than what she was making and he gave her a chance, but she blew it though. "Yeah, Yeah, what ever!" He said hopping into his car and starting it up driving away from her as she walked back to her apartment. He just chuckled and laughed at her about that. She did not realize that he had money to set her up and planned something with his henchmen while she was at work.
Amaya didn't think of that possibility at all, she open her house door and walked in. Soon she forgot about Rick, she had more important things to organize than losing her time on that rich crazy man. She started dancing and trying the new dance she would try tomorrow at the club. Then later she fall asleep and tomorrow as the day went by she manage to be again back at the club, trying her new outfit.
amaya said:
Amaya didn't think of that possibility at all, she open her house door and walked in. Soon she forgot about Rick, she had more important things to organize than losing her time on that rich crazy man. She started dancing and trying the new dance she would try tomorrow at the club. Then later she fall asleep and tomorrow as the day went by she manage to be again back at the club, trying her new outfit.

Rick had set up an appointment with a couple of his guys that work for him. He spoke to them about placing some drugs into Amaya's apartment and then calling the cops claiming that she is selling drugs out of her apartment. It was a way to screw up her life a little bit to where she would have had a prison or jail record. Rick thought that this was a great plan and should teach her a lesson.
Of course Amaya had no idea something like that would occur, next day she went on her work and started working normally. No idea what Rick and his friends where up too, she never thought he could be like that. That day she was happy she managed to work and dance for some more clients, and made some more money.
amaya said:
Of course Amaya had no idea something like that would occur, next day she went on her work and started working normally. No idea what Rick and his friends where up too, she never thought he could be like that. That day she was happy she managed to work and dance for some more clients, and made some more money.

As soon as Ricks men finished the job they called the cops on Amaya to set her up so that she would get into trouble. Rick called the cop portraying a concerned parent worried about how he had heard about this apartment selling drugs out of it. He did not want his children to be influenced to start doing drugs. That is what he had told the cops. He hoped that they would come out while she was coming home from work so that she could be arrested. He smiled and laughed in a evil way.
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