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A perfect creation in the making by RobBase086 and amaya

amaya said:
Amaya hugged him back feeling better as she could see a familiar face. She looked at him "Yeah could have get trouble to the experiment, but currently it brought problems only to me. " she said trying to smile. Afterwards she sat down with him, for once again she explain at him what happened. "I don't want to cause you any problems, and if the bail is to high don't pay it. I just don't a lawyer and didn't know who else to call" she said while she was feeling bad she had to get him in troubles.

He could tell that she felt a bit releived by him being there for her trying to help her out. "No you brought the problems onto yourself Amaya because you have to be careful of the kind of guys you meet." He told her. He knew that he was right about that because some guys were trouble if women are not careful. "Well the bail is a bit high due to the crime they supposedly say that you committed. Let me see what I can do to help you out. If I can find a good lawyer then I shall do that for you ok?" He told her trying to comfort her to make her feel better.
She looked at him not saying anything about the problem, how could it be her fault. But she was glad she could get some help. She hugged him once again and thanked him. "It feels really good you manage to come" she said at him while she kept hugging him a bit longer. "If the bail is high don't pay it, i'll find some how a way to pay it.But you have to help me with the lawyer cause i don't know anyone" she said thanking him once again.
amaya said:
She looked at him not saying anything about the problem, how could it be her fault. But she was glad she could get some help. She hugged him once again and thanked him. "It feels really good you manage to come" she said at him while she kept hugging him a bit longer. "If the bail is high don't pay it, i'll find some how a way to pay it.But you have to help me with the lawyer cause i don't know anyone" she said thanking him once again.

Well she was not careful on who she became friends with, or allowed to get close to her. She was trusting when she should have been a little more careful with who she got to know. He felt her hugging him and hugged her once again, but he wanted to be careful so that she would not get into trouble or him. "Well I am glad to see that you are ok and I had no problems coming to see you at all." He told her. "Not to worry I will find someone to take care of you and prove that you are innocent. Yes the bail is a bit high and I am unable to pay for it to get you out of here." He told her as he told her she was welcome for the help that he was giving to her.
She thanked him again and cracked a smile that she could have someone in a time like that. She looked a bit better and she found hope again. Soon the police officer come to take her back at her cell, that she though she would have alone. "Good bye and thanks again" she said and followed the officer.
amaya said:
She thanked him again and cracked a smile that she could have someone in a time like that. She looked a bit better and she found hope again. Soon the police officer come to take her back at her cell, that she though she would have alone. "Good bye and thanks again" she said and followed the officer.

"Good bye Amaya. Take care of yourself and I will see what I can do for you ok?" He said with a smile trying to make her feel better. By the time Amaya arrived back to her cell she had a roommate there with her. It was a prostitute who got busted trying to propisition a undercover cop. " Hey sweet cheeks! Looks like you new here!" She says with a smile.
Amaya was surprised seeing the women in cell, she looked at the police officer trying to ask why would there be another woman in the cell. she had understood that there was no way she would have a private cell. She got inside looking at her she could see she was a prostitute, from the way she was dressed. She walked and sit down as the woman spoke to her. "Hi!" she said to the woman "yes i am new here" she confirmed. As she lowered her head trying to think where she could found the money for her bail.​
amaya said:
Amaya was surprised seeing the women in cell, she looked at the police officer trying to ask why would there be another woman in the cell. she had understood that there was no way she would have a private cell. She got inside looking at her she could see she was a prostitute, from the way she was dressed. She walked and sit down as the woman spoke to her. "Hi!" she said to the woman "yes i am new here" she confirmed. As she lowered her head trying to think where she could found the money for her bail.​

The woman watched Amaya as she entered the cell to sit down stressed out and worried. The prostitute could tell that Amaya had never been in jail before and it was her first time there. The police officer locked up the cell once Amaya was inside and then returned back to where he was working at. "I sort of can tell that you are new here. So what are you in for?" She asked looking at Amaya knowing she is stressed. "Do not worry. You will be fine." The prostitute told her.
The young girl looked at the woman, it took her few minutes though to answer. "Me... I was false accused..." she mumbled "they found a amount of drugs in my home...but I have never used any...neither did I sell". She pause for a bit not knowing why she would say the truth to that woman. "Of course no one would believed me since the drugs was found into my home...but now I know who did...but I cannot prove I'll need lots of money to pay the that I don't have ..." she said "anyway ...why are you here ?" she asked the woman too.
amaya said:
The young girl looked at the woman, it took her few minutes though to answer. "Me... I was false accused..." she mumbled "they found a amount of drugs in my home...but I have never used any...neither did I sell". She pause for a bit not knowing why she would say the truth to that woman. "Of course no one would believed me since the drugs was found into my home...but now I know who did...but I cannot prove I'll need lots of money to pay the that I don't have ..." she said "anyway ...why are you here ?" she asked the woman too.

The prostitute listened intently on what Amaya was telling her about her sad story as to why she is locked up inside there. "That is not good tht you were falsely accused, but that is what they all say is that they are innocent. With you I do happen to believe it though." She told Amaya as she then listened to as to why she was locked up there. "Sounds like someone wanted to frame you because you would not do what they wanted you to do." The way Amaya looked and acted the prostitute knew Amaya did not do anything wrong. "Well possibly my pimp Mitch can pay my bail along with yours. I cannot promise you that Mitch is not going to try to get you to do what I do sweetheart." She said honestly to Amaya.
Amaya listened to the women, the moment she said her that she may would able to have the bail paid for her. She paused, indeed she would be in trouble, but she would be free. She looked at the woman and looked her serious "Let's say your pimp pays for my bail too" she said softly "If I agree to let him get me in what you do, but till I repay and only the bail and with the extra money of course...will a be able after I have paid to stop" she asked as she wanted to get out of that mess.
amaya said:
Amaya listened to the women, the moment she said her that she may would able to have the bail paid for her. She paused, indeed she would be in trouble, but she would be free. She looked at the woman and looked her serious "Let's say your pimp pays for my bail too" she said softly "If I agree to let him get me in what you do, but till I repay and only the bail and with the extra money of course...will a be able after I have paid to stop" she asked as she wanted to get out of that mess.

As the prostitute said possibly that her pimp could help her out the thing is that Amaya does not know what she would be getting herself into though. The thing is that the prostitute was going to be in trouble with her pimp because she is locked up and not making him any money at all which could be a problem for Amaya as well. "Well the thing honey is that you do not know what you would be getting yourself into if my pimp paid for your bail." She said honestly to her. "That is all good that you would be willing to have sex with any man to pay him back. What about hiring a detective to prove that you are innocent so you do not have to get into what I am doing?" She told her honestly.
Amaya sighed and gazed at her "Well you right, but to do that I have to get out of here. So I'll need money for the bail and the detective, and I really don't have that kind of money." she said as she was thinking. "I just cannot stay in here, it really scares me. So next time you talk with you pimp , ask him if he can help" she said serious.
amaya said:
Amaya sighed and gazed at her "Well you right, but to do that I have to get out of here. So I'll need money for the bail and the detective, and I really don't have that kind of money." she said as she was thinking. "I just cannot stay in here, it really scares me. So next time you talk with you pimp , ask him if he can help" she said serious.

As the prostitute looks at her and then starts to say something to her. "You seem like you are getting yourself into one mess after another. If you are not careful you are going to wind up digging yourself into a bigger hole than what you are in now." She told Amaya as she just waited patiently for her pimp to show up at the jail to get her out. "Let me see what I can do for you ok. I cannot promise you anything though because he may want to pimp you out and use you like he is using me to make money for him." She told her seriously and then also what Amaya did not think about is that usually prostitutes get addicted to drugs due to their pimps giving it to them.
Amaya was naive as always she was just thinking to get out of jail. After all she was young and did often do mistakes. But that's who she was and that couldn't easy change. So she nodded at the woman's words, she could understand in a way what the woman meant but for now she would get any help she could to get out of that jail. So she didn't say anything more just waited to see what would happen next.
amaya said:
Amaya was naive as always she was just thinking to get out of jail. After all she was young and did often do mistakes. But that's who she was and that couldn't easy change. So she nodded at the woman's words, she could understand in a way what the woman meant but for now she would get any help she could to get out of that jail. So she didn't say anything more just waited to see what would happen next.

That is something that the prostitute noticed about Amaya and knew that she would get into more trouble if she did not think things out first before making such quick and hasty decisions with her life. "I think you need to take your time in making decisions because one of these times you are going to make the wrong decision and it could get you into a lot of trouble." The prostitute told Amaya. She was right about that, but would Amaya learn though?
Amaya took her time to think after all she had nothing better to do. She stood and walked thinking it more careful, but in what she would see it she would give it a try. After all she always was good in creating trouble for herself, maybe it was in her blood. "Nuh! I think I will take my changes " she said at the woman and sat down to relax. She stopped thinking about the matter for the time being at least.
amaya said:
Amaya took her time to think after all she had nothing better to do. She stood and walked thinking it more careful, but in what she would see it she would give it a try. After all she always was good in creating trouble for herself, maybe it was in her blood. "Nuh! I think I will take my changes " she said at the woman and sat down to relax. She stopped thinking about the matter for the time being at least.

Her cellmate watched as Amaya paced inside the small cell that they were in contemplating on whether or not she wanted to become a street walker or not. The prostitute was just waiting patiently to get released from there from her pimp. "Are you sure about this sister? I mean you are already in a bit of a bind right now and you do not need anymore added to your plate." She told her which was true about that.
But Amaya had already made up her mind, she took a deep breath and nodded at the women. "Yes ...yes and yes, I have made up my mind and I'm not going to change it that easily. I know you have right, but I need to get out of this jail" she said gazing at her. Then she would just lent her back at the wall, and close her eyes to rest.
amaya said:
But Amaya had already made up her mind, she took a deep breath and nodded at the women. "Yes ...yes and yes, I have made up my mind and I'm not going to change it that easily. I know you have right, but I need to get out of this jail" she said gazing at her. Then she would just lent her back at the wall, and close her eyes to rest.

The prostitute Roxsy hoped that Amaya was making the right decision because she will be going through a lot while prostituting. "I just hope that you are making the right decision. My name is Roxsy and yours?" She smiled holding her hand out to properly meet her the right way since they were talking to each other. As Roxsy had already called her pimp and told him where she was at.
Amaya opened her eyes and looked at the woman lifting her hands and shaking her "Em! I am Amaya, nice to meet you Roxsy" she said as she cracked a smile to her. Trying to start a talk she asked her "How long are you doing this job, and how did you get in that mess?". Looking at her wanting to learn about her story.
amaya said:
Amaya opened her eyes and looked at the woman lifting her hands and shaking her "Em! I am Amaya, nice to meet you Roxsy" she said as she cracked a smile to her. Trying to start a talk she asked her "How long are you doing this job, and how did you get in that mess?". Looking at her wanting to learn about her story.

As they were shaking hands she smiled at her as well. Then hearing her say her name to her. "Nice to meet you Amaya!" Roxsy said to her as they were getting to know one another. "I have been doing the job since I was 15. I ran away from home because my parents were not getting along too well. Mitch found me as I was walking to the food pantry and took care of me from there helping me out." As Roxsy explained what had happened to her and all.
Amaya sit back hearing at Roxsy's story, she would shake her head sadly and wait till she had finished wih her story. "That was really tough on you leaving home since 15.I'm really sorry to hear about that. " she said honestly. She looked at Roxsy once again and smiled "I am really happy we met, It would be really boring and sad at this cell if i would be alone" she said kindly to her.
amaya said:
Amaya sit back hearing at Roxsy's story, she would shake her head sadly and wait till she had finished wih her story. "That was really tough on you leaving home since 15.I'm really sorry to hear about that. " she said honestly. She looked at Roxsy once again and smiled "I am really happy we met, It would be really boring and sad at this cell if i would be alone" she said kindly to her.

They were getting to know one another and it seemed as if it was all going well. Roxsy could tell that Amaya was listening to her talk about how she got into the business at a young age. "Well I had to do what I had to do since my parents were not getting along and that is one thing I do not like which is confrontation." She told Amaya. "Yes I am glad that we have met as well because you are a really sweet girl and I am glad that we got to know one another a bit." Roxsy smiled at her and was happy that they were passing the time together in the cell.
Amaya smiled "It's for the best that i met you, i would really be sad with no way to get out of here. But then you pop up so sudden." she voiced. "At first I even thought it was a personal cell, so stupid of me. I didn't really want to share a cell. But Now I'm truly happy we do" she said to her as she was fixing a bit her hair. "Time passes faster like that" she admitted and looked at her.
amaya said:
Amaya smiled "It's for the best that i met you, i would really be sad with no way to get out of here. But then you pop up so sudden." she voiced. "At first I even thought it was a personal cell, so stupid of me. I didn't really want to share a cell. But Now I'm truly happy we do" she said to her as she was fixing a bit her hair. "Time passes faster like that" she admitted and looked at her.

Roxsy was glad to be talking to Amaya and getting to know her as well. "Yes I am glad that I have met you as well. I understand that you do not want to stay here and that you would not be happy stuck in here at all." She responded back to Amaya. "No this is not a personal cell because if you see more than one rack inside the cell that means that more than one person is going to be inside here. I am glad that I got the chance to meet you." She said to Amaya watching her fix her hair up. "Yes time does pass by a lot faster when you are able to talk to someone here." Roxsy agreed with what she had to say shaking her head with a smile.
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