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A perfect creation in the making by RobBase086 and amaya

amaya said:
She listen at them carefully, after a while she walked in the back trying checking the outfits. Soon she saw a sexy silk black bra and panties, bit reviling her flesh. But she tried them on, they were fitting her. She found a black rope and wore above so she wouldn't walk half naked around the place.After she was done she joint Roxy "Feels not so good, but i'll get used at it. It's good that we have something on and were not totally naked."

Roxy got dressed putting on a sexy cheerleading outfit with a white g-string panties and some stilleto shoes. Roxy was working and walking around the place trying to see if any guys wanted a lap dance from her when Amaya walked up to her. "You will get use to it but let me tell you one thing honey. You cannot wear a robe to hide the merchandise because how are you going to make money if you are hiding your body?" She tells her. Which Roxy was right because she knew how to make money where as Amaya did not and is still learning the trade.
She listen at Roxy "Ok then I'll get it off" she said and at pushed down the robe exposing her body. She started fallowing Roxy around trying to see how it was working. As she felt a bit shy and blushed. "What's next" she whispered to herself walking around the club.
amaya said:
She listen at Roxy "Ok then I'll get it off" she said and at pushed down the robe exposing her body. She started fallowing Roxy around trying to see how it was working. As she felt a bit shy and blushed. "What's next" she whispered to herself walking around the club.

Roxy shook her head agreeing with her about taking the robe off from her body. "Yes that is the best thing you can do sugar is taking that off all right!" She said with a smile to her. As Roxy was walking around placing her hand on a guys shoulder blade and saying, "May I sit here with you sugar?" Asking the guy as he smiled at her looking at how beautiful Roxy was. The customer responded to her, "Yes please have a seat! Would you like to sit on my lap or in a chair?" He was with his buddies because they were celebrating a birthday or possibly the last night of being a bachelor.
Amaya noticed what Roxy was doing, she took few deep breaths and did the same thing. She started walking around were men were sitting touching their shoulders with her hand softly, taking a sexy look and asking them "Could I...may I sit here?" as she was fixing her face so i could be reviled. She was thinking to try her best after all she need the money.
amaya said:
Amaya noticed what Roxy was doing, she took few deep breaths and did the same thing. She started walking around were men were sitting touching their shoulders with her hand softly, taking a sexy look and asking them "Could I...may I sit here?" as she was fixing her face so i could be reviled. She was thinking to try her best after all she need the money.

The guy looked up at Amaya and smiled when she asked if she could sit where he was at. He then replied to her, "Yes you may sit here with me~" He said with a smile at her. He tried to make small talk with her. "So how long have you been working here?" He said to her and wondered if she was thirsty for a drink or not? The thing is that Roxy if she likes the guy can stick around but she must ask him if he wants a table dance, a couch dance, or even to buy her a drink to make some money that way. She had to flirt and tease just a bit to get him hot and bothered, but not out of control though.
The girl smiled looking at him "It's my first day, sir. Are you a regular customer here?" she sat next to him crossing her legs. "What would like, a drink...or maybe a dance...a table dance...a couch dance...or a lab dance?" she asked as she fixed his shirt. She tried to smile natural and to take sexy pose. It was her first time acting like that around strange men.
amaya said:
The girl smiled looking at him "It's my first day, sir. Are you a regular customer here?" she sat next to him crossing her legs. "What would like, a drink...or maybe a dance...a table dance...a couch dance...or a lab dance?" she asked as she fixed his shirt. She tried to smile natural and to take sexy pose. It was her first time acting like that around strange men.

He smiled back at her and learned that it was her first day. The table dacne cost more money, but if she gave him more than one couch dance for quite sometime she could make some good money that way with him. "That is interesting that it is your first day! How is it going so far for you?" He wondered about that and thought for a second or two. He was interested in getting to know her and thought he would play some games with her. "Let me think about what I want ok? How much is it for a couch dance and how much for a table dance? Oh and I am just here celebrating my friends birthday! I have never been here before!" He added to fill in information for her to have.
She gazed him friendly "It's going very nice,although I have many things still to learn." as she sat a bit closer to him wiping his mouth from some water drops. She was surprised cause she never asked for the prises, she nodded at waitress asking for the prises as she explained. "well sir, a couch dance is for sure a bit expensive than a table dance. But at couch dance you can have a better access to the girl." she smiled naughty. "Take your time, sir. Oh! by the way my name is Amaya." she said in a sexy tone.
amaya said:
She gazed him friendly "It's going very nice,although I have many things still to learn." as she sat a bit closer to him wiping his mouth from some water drops. She was surprised cause she never asked for the prises, she nodded at waitress asking for the prises as she explained. "well sir, a couch dance is for sure a bit expensive than a table dance. But at couch dance you can have a better access to the girl." she smiled naughty. "Take your time, sir. Oh! by the way my name is Amaya." she said in a sexy tone.

He was enjoying her company there with him while they sit at the table where they were at. "That is good that it is going very nice for you. Oh I bet you have a lot of things still to learn. I am sure you will get it all down without any problems at all." He tells her with a smile and feeling her moving closer to him as she wiped the water drops from around his mouth. "Well I am here to have some fun so I am not worried about what it costs for a couch dance." He told her with a smile. "Nice to meet you Amaya and I will take my time do not worry about it.' He tells her now with a smile.
She kept smiling at him kindly, as she would keep her body closer to him "Indeed there are still a lot to learn" she said as she was just invited for a couch dance. Although she had no idea how what to do exactly she smiled "I will try my best pleasing you sir" she whispered in his ear as she stood up facing him.

She stood about 60 centimeters almost two feet from the client, with her feet slightly more than hip-width apart and her toes turned out. She would gaze him and smiling,with her hips, begin to draw a circle, keeping her back arched. Then slowly she bended her knees and grind down as far as is comfortable, then she would move up again, continually undulating her hips and dancing erotically with the music. She would keep her back arched and upright. It was only the begin of her dance as she would take her time on her performance. She needed to do her best on that job, and she made a good start.
amaya said:
She kept smiling at him kindly, as she would keep her body closer to him "Indeed there are still a lot to learn" she said as she was just invited for a couch dance. Although she had no idea how what to do exactly she smiled "I will try my best pleasing you sir" she whispered in his ear as she stood up facing him.

She stood about 60 centimeters almost two feet from the client, with her feet slightly more than hip-width apart and her toes turned out. She would gaze him and smiling,with her hips, begin to draw a circle, keeping her back arched. Then slowly she bended her knees and grind down as far as is comfortable, then she would move up again, continually undulating her hips and dancing erotically with the music. She would keep her back arched and upright. It was only the begin of her dance as she would take her time on her performance. She needed to do her best on that job, and she made a good start.

He smiled because he liked that she was moving closer to him as they were sitting. "Well don't we have to go where those couches are at?" He pointed as a stripper was holding hands with a customer taking him to a private booth to give him a dance and you could see the stripper topless because the customer paid extra for that. She would rub her breasts in his face, straddle his legs and grind on him that way, flip over to where her butt was in his face.

He was expecting her to take him back there to ask what kind of dance that he wanted? He was looking into her beautiful eyes that she had and watched her hips as they began to move with the beat of the music in a seductive way. Roxy noticed that she was not giving the proper couch dance to him. "Amaya you are doing it all wrong! Take him back there!" She told her.
She smiled as she moved one more time and slowly stood up holding his hand "Sir would you like fallowing me into those rooms?" she asked kindly, as she nodded at Roxy after all none told her were to go. The young girl showed the man the path leading him in one of those sexy almost dark rooms. She closed the door behind her as she asked him "Ok, sir what kind of dance would you like?" as she gave him a list with the dances to choose. She stood close at him, in a sexy position as she was waiting for his answer.
amaya said:
She smiled as she moved one more time and slowly stood up holding his hand "Sir would you like fallowing me into those rooms?" she asked kindly, as she nodded at Roxy after all none told her were to go. The young girl showed the man the path leading him in one of those sexy almost dark rooms. She closed the door behind her as she asked him "Ok, sir what kind of dance would you like?" as she gave him a list with the dances to choose. She stood close at him, in a sexy position as she was waiting for his answer.

He loved the feel of her holding his hand as she guided him to the private room to give him a dance. "Yes I would love to follow you to one of those rooms." He says with a smile to her. The guy was thinking to see how hungry Amaya was hungry for money and if she would possibly have sex with him the back room when they were alone. "What would it cost for a nice screw with you?" He said with a smile to her.
She froze for a bit thinking if she should, she took a deep breath she needed at least paying her rent soon. She locked the door and lend her head to his ear "200 ..." she said as she sad on the table across him spreading her legs wide open. She would bend her body and sit in a very sexy position seeing if he would get on with his wish and screw her.
amaya said:
She froze for a bit thinking if she should, she took a deep breath she needed at least paying her rent soon. She locked the door and lend her head to his ear "200 ..." she said as she sad on the table across him spreading her legs wide open. She would bend her body and sit in a very sexy position seeing if he would get on with his wish and screw her.

He knew that if he asked how much it would run to have sex with her she just might do it and he was correct about it. As she leaned in to whisper into his ear and heard that she would not mind for $200 he was happy about that. "That sounds good to me! Does this also include a blow job baby?" He said looking at her as she sat in a position that was very sexy for him.
She breath deeply as she would get closer letting her soft hands above his pans, stroking it lightly. She smiled friendly "Blow job is a gift" she added slowly unzipping his pans and taking his cock out. She would reach at the table and take the glass of water pleasing it next to her pushing her hands in to make them wait. She started slowly and softly stroking his cock as she placed her body on her knees. Her wet hands would make th stroking more slippery and the feeling would give extra pleasure.
amaya said:
She breath deeply as she would get closer letting her soft hands above his pans, stroking it lightly. She smiled friendly "Blow job is a gift" she added slowly unzipping his pans and taking his cock out. She would reach at the table and take the glass of water pleasing it next to her pushing her hands in to make them wait. She started slowly and softly stroking his cock as she placed her body on her knees. Her wet hands would make th stroking more slippery and the feeling would give extra pleasure.

The guy could not believe that he was getting his dream come true of being able to have sex with a beautiful stripper. Every man fantasizes about that, but not everyone can get it done though. He smiled back at her as he began to play with her breasts and fondle them. "Thank you babydoll for the gift!" He says back to her with a smile. Feeling her undo his pants and then taking his cock out of his boxers that he has on. He watched as she dipped her hand into the glass of water to make them wet. He played with her nipples just a bit. It was feeling good what she was doing to him.
She could feel his hand playing with her firm breasts, whiles she pulled her tongue out and started licking cross all his cock gazing his size, that was big for her tight wholes. she would let her tongue move on cycles around starting from the top and up. She lifted her head watching at him and smiling as she started slowly and sexy sucking his tip as she moved her hands on his balls massaging and teasing them, her nipples started to get hard from his rubbing.
amaya said:
She could feel his hand playing with her firm breasts, whiles she pulled her tongue out and started licking cross all his cock gazing his size, that was big for her tight wholes. she would let her tongue move on cycles around starting from the top and up. She lifted her head watching at him and smiling as she started slowly and sexy sucking his tip as she moved her hands on his balls massaging and teasing them, her nipples started to get hard from his rubbing.

Amaya was doing a excellent job in satisfying the customer and planned on tipping her well. Who knows he might be a regular customer that comes in just to see her now or he might also tell his friends about her giving her more customers to have. "That is it baby! You are doing a great job!" He says with a smile to her as he then plays with her nipples by rubbing, pulling, and twisting on them. He knew that once he played with her breasts and nipples a bit it was time to get her really hot and bothered for him by rubbing and massaging her clit and pussy. So he took one hand and moved it down to her panties and began to rub and massage the front of her pussy that just had the material of her g-string panties she was wearing.
She moved sitting cozy on her knees closer to him so he could reach her body easily. Placing her hands on his legs to hold her balance she started lending her head in the correct corner so his pennis could reach deeper inside her throat. Sucking him deeper working her tongue on his skin as her nipples kept getting harder. Soon the feeling of his hand on her panties made her moan softly, "hhhmmmm" still sucking him as he was moving in and out of her mouth, her panties started getting wet slowly.
amaya said:
She moved sitting cozy on her knees closer to him so he could reach her body easily. Placing her hands on his legs to hold her balance she started lending her head in the correct corner so his pennis could reach deeper inside her throat. Sucking him deeper working her tongue on his skin as her nipples kept getting harder. Soon the feeling of his hand on her panties made her moan softly, "hhhmmmm" still sucking him as he was moving in and out of her mouth, her panties started getting wet slowly.

The customer was enjoying what Amaya was doing to him. He smiled as he felt how good she was sucking him. His hand then slid into her panties and began to rub and massage her pussy even more. His fingers rubbed and massaged her clit. He slowly began to slide his fingers into her. Sliding in and out of her. Deeper and deeper his fingers slid inside her. Faster and faster into her. "That feels great baby!" He tells her in a pleasing way. His fingers began to slide harder and harder inside her pussy now. "Do you like it baby?" He asks her.
She would keep her mouth at the center of his hard member working in up and down hard, sucking deep down her throat. She would look at him and some times she would pull away take some deep breaths and let groan. She could sense his fingers trying getting in her wet tightness. "aahh!! ohhh!!!hmmmm" she was groaning feeling fingering her cunt making it wetter as she was moving her body with the music really sexy.
amaya said:
She would keep her mouth at the center of his hard member working in up and down hard, sucking deep down her throat. She would look at him and some times she would pull away take some deep breaths and let groan. She could sense his fingers trying getting in her wet tightness. "aahh!! ohhh!!!hmmmm" she was groaning feeling fingering her cunt making it wetter as she was moving her body with the music really sexy.

He was loving what she was doing to him while she sucked onto this cock. He would work his fingers deep inside her and eventually thrust them into her. She was doing a fantastic job at sucking his cock. "That is it sexy! You are doing a great job of taking care of me!" He said smiling at her. With his other hand he gave her nice firm ass a smack just to see if she liked that or not? He gave her nice firm ass a squeeze as well. He knew that he could not smack her too hard because if he did he would leave a hand print on her ass making it red.
She looked at him as she was sucking on his cock deeply, feeling his light smack. She was not used at this bad she needed this job and the money and she wanted to try her best even if she wasn't fond of it. She nodded at him as she could feel his large finger thrusting in her wet whole making her more wet. When ever she could she would groan and try to catch her breath as she was simply pulling of his member from her mouth.

(Sorry for the delay! I couldn't connected!)
amaya said:
She looked at him as she was sucking on his cock deeply, feeling his light smack. She was not used at this bad she needed this job and the money and she wanted to try her best even if she wasn't fond of it. She nodded at him as she could feel his large finger thrusting in her wet whole making her more wet. When ever she could she would groan and try to catch her breath as she was simply pulling of his member from her mouth.

(Sorry for the delay! I couldn't connected!)

He looked deeply into her beautiful eyes and enjoying what she was doing to him. He smiled as he gave her butt a playful smack. It was not to hurt her or anything but to arouse her a little more if she was into that sort of thing. She was doing a fantastic job and he planned on tipping her well with a little extra money on the side for the job that she did. If she did a well enough job he just might become a regular customer for her and that could be how she makes her money. Never know it could also be his way of getting serious with her as well if she was interested.

(It is ok I understand things like that happen you know.)
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