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Like a Little Sister? (Closed)

Jude shook her head, lifting herself up to look at him. "Not ashamed. Never ashamed." She told him, smiling slightly. "I wanted this, she told him. "I just want to make sure that you and Ashley don't have a worse fight." She said slowly. "And I don't know what this is, so I don't want this to be something that will come between you two."
Jerry sighed, but then slowly relaxed at her words, understanding finally her true intent for saying what she did.
he considered for another moment before he spoke, "And what is this Jude?" he asked looking down at her small hand resting on his chest as she looked up at him. This was all so sudden, and now he was forced to look at this beautiful young woman in a whole new light.
Jude shrugged, a bit nervous. "I don't know." She told him quietly. "It did happen a little suddenly." She blushed as she snuggled herself closer to him. "What do you think it is?" She wondered, waiting for him to say either it was a mistake or it was just sex. She had to put her guard up in case he did say it.
"It was fun." he said softly, "Lets not get all wierdaround eachother though." he said, "We once had a playful friendship, and I know at times it was love hate. I obviously think some of that is changing... I just don't want things to be awkward between us." He looked down into her eyes as he spoke, "Would you do it again?" he asked softly his hand stroking a stray lock of hair behind one of her ears.
Jude managed to hide the hurt that would have come to her at his words and she smiled at him, poking his side. "I don't think we could go without the playful friendship." She told him, her smile evaporating when he asked if she'd do it again, and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I would." She told him honestly. Then, she smiled again. "Okay, I should go make dinner." She said, pushing up to sit for a second on the edge of his bed. "Tacos sound good?" She asked as she stood up.
He looked surprised, "DId I say something wrong?" he asked softly he had meant everything to sound really encouraging, perhaps his words had come across wrong. "What I meant was ..." he sighed, "Nothing I say comes out right. I was trying to ask you to be more than just a friend to me, and I just didn't want things to be weird between us I..." he blew out a long sigh and looked away, what had gone wrong here?
Jude shook her head as she stretched her back, planning going to Ashley's room and then getting herself cleaned up before going ahead and making the dinner she'd had planned for Jerry anyway. When he went on talking, she turned to him and listened with a slightly tilted head. "What more would we be?" She asked, her breath coming in little bursts with the mere thought of it. She had always dreamed about him asking her something like that, only a little more direct. A smile spread over her lips as she watched him trying to figure his words out.
"I don't know." he threw a pillow at her, "We could start with lovers? and go from there?" he asked finally unsure what the right answer would be.
Jude laughed and caught the pillow. "You want to be lovers and yet you are throwing pillows at me?" She asked, throwing the pillow back. "You're lucky you're cute." She said, laughing. "Come to the kitchen in a bit and I will have a good dinner for you, lover." She said, winking at him as she walked out the door to get dressed and go to the kitchen to make their dinner.
"Who needs dinner I can just eat your taco if I get hungry." he said snickering at his own bad joke as he rolled over stretching.
Jude shook her head and giggled to herself at his comment. After putting on a pair of shorts that were short and loose fitting, and a tank top, she hurried to the kitchen and started to brown the hamburger for his tacos. She was sure that he would enjoy the tacos even if it wasn't her taco.
"Yo quiero Jude's taco." Jerry called as he came into the kitchen playfully swatting her on the bottom and smiling as he grabbed the bag of tortilla chips from the counter and ripping them open.
Jude laughed and looked at the man. "You are much less shy, I see." She said, watching him open the chips. "Did you need more energy so quickly for something?" She teased him, watching him eat. "Did you use up the store that you had?" She winked at him. Since she wasn't wearing underwear, she figured that it was 'easy access' for later.
"I go through fazes where I'm more shy than others." he said shrugging... He found himself laughing at her teasing, "Yup, I need my energy, I'm a growing boy." he said laughing.
Turning the burner on the stove down, the girl turned around and walked over to the man, wrapping his arms around his middle to press herself against him. "Are you now? What's growing?" She asked him, letting her hand slide over his back slowly, continuing the teasing as she pulled back, her hand running over his hips slowly before she went back to the stove. She was going to enjoy their current situation.
"The beaf that's going to go in your taco later." he teased, "It grows on occasion." he added eating another couple of chips.

Moving to the fridge he located the dip and popped the jar open with a popping noise, and a smile. "Success." he said as if he had done something amazing.
Jude laughed as she continued to make his dinner. "You are going to ruin your appetite." She said, turning her head to look at him. "Must you gorge yourself right now?" She asked, even as she giggled at his actions.

Not long later, Jude had the food all ready for them to make their own tacos. After laying it on the table, she sat down to start eating, turning to look at her newest lover. "Are you ready to try my other taco?" She asked with a laugh.
"I didn't think a handful of chips was gorging myself." he said with a laugh, "Haven't you ever heard this stuff goes with tacos... duh." he laughed and sat down at the table as she set out the food, "Sure, I'm sure they won't be as good as the one I had earlier." he said laughing as he began to stuff meat and cheese into the soft shells he had produced from the fridge.
Jude laughed and shook her head, making herself a soft shelled taco as well. "Well, if you play your cards right, you might be able to have the other taco as dessert." She suggested, winking at him. "Well, we've got two things we should probably talk about." She started, acting completely serious. "First, we should decide if we want to let Ash know, because it wasn't a one time thing." She started. And then, she added seriously "And second, the blow jobs. Which should we start with?"
Jude actually laughed again at the way he looked at her. "Well, do I still have to give you two more simply for my ride to my house tomorrow?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly. "Because my mouth might get tired by the end of the night if that's the case." She smiled at him and winked. "And if I do, then can there be the same thing attached to them that there was before? You know, the amazing sex?"
He laughed, her words relaxing him. "I think you should." he said with a laugh, "I certainly wouldn't say no." he teased reaching over to pat her hand, "But of course I can't force you to do anything." he said smiling gently.
Jude laughed. "Yes, but would you still drive me home if I didn't?" She asked, still playing on. "Because I could give you one more tonight and then another tomorrow." She pretended to think. "Would that work for you?" She smiled at him and playfully stuck out her tongue. It was still kind of strange to be talking like that with Jerry, and actually meaning it. But she liked it. She liked the feel of him in her mouth, just as much as in her body.
"That would meet the quota... remember I lost one for my big mouth earlier." he said laughing... "Even if you didn't I might drive you home..." he said. teasing her right back, "It certainly couldn't hurt your case." he said as he began to eat his Taco.
"Of course it wouldn't hurt my case." Jude said laughing. "I think that helps anyone who wants something from a man." She said, teasing him. She went back to eating, having only two tacos before sitting back and watching Jerry. After a while, she asked "So, are we still on for a movie?" She asked, knowing that he would agree to it, but using it as more of an entrance to the idea she had. "We could watch The Blair Witch Project."
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