New World, New Things(Killdozer and Peekaboo)

Ichigo shook her head. "I know, we need to, decide what to do," she said. She had started to breath heavily as well, getting even more turned on by the sight of the girl. The slight amount of pre-cum dripping from her new penis, dripping wet pussy, now her hard nipples showing through her top...Ichigo's own nipples had started to harden, though not enough to poke through the robes she wore. Clearly visible though was her hand, seeming to move on its own back down to her crotch, rubbing her pussy through the fabric. "Shit," she said, not wanting to be this turned on, but unable to help it. She knew it was bad and they needed to fix it, but those thoughts were pushed away with others, and finally shattered by lust as she dived forward and took the girl in a deep kiss.
Sakura gasped as she saw Ichigo starting to rub herself through her robes, then yelped when the girl dove forwards and suddenly kissed her, Sakura's eyes widening. "Mmmf!" She stumbled back against the wall, panting heavily into Ichigo's mouth before her own lust overtook her, the pink haired kunoichi beginning to return the kiss, her cock starting to dig into Ichigo's stomach through her robes. The sensation caused Sakura to shiver, her hands grasping Ichigo's ass tightly.
Ichigo tried telling herself this shouldn't be happening, they needed to get help and get this figured out. They needed to get someone to fix Sakura and herself, then get Ichigo back to her own universe or time or whatever she'd been sent to. Her body didn't listen and the little voice went away, replaced by her own telling her to fuck his pink-haired girl. She continued kissing, moaning into it slightly as she felt the cock rub against her. These clothes needed to come off. Her hands moved to undo the belts and such that held her robes on. Zangetsu fell to the side and the large black robe floated to the ground, the smaller, white under-robe now just there. She wore no bra, so her breasts fell out from the forcefulness of trying to remove her clothing, the white robe being very loose, now simply hanging onto her slender frame. All the while Ichigo kissed her, rubbing their bodies together to feel her breasts and cock press against her.
Sakura gasped as she felt Ichigo stripping, waiting for the girl to be nearly naked before having to break the kiss in order to breathe, panting heavily and looking at Ichigo, seeing that naked body.....a smooth hairless pussy....a slender, curved stomach...large, firm breasts....oh god....Sakura had never thought about other women like this before but... "Oh god Ichigo...." Her cock spasmed and twitched, aching with desire. "I....I can't....I can't..." The girl immediately began to remove her own shirt, tugging it away desperately, before clean ripping her bra off her body, too impatient to bother with unfastening it.
Both robes were soon gone, leaving just some underwear. Guy's underwear, that easily slipped off since it wasn't exactly made for such a frame. Soon Ichigo stood nude before her, shivering a bit. This body felt so strange, especially now that she was naked and turned on. Her nipples were hard and erect, the new entrance at her crotch wet. She felt the dick twitch as it rubbed against her soft, revealed torso, Ichigo giving another shudder. Even weirder was the fact that she wanted this girl with her dick. Ichigo wasn't exactly attracted to guys, and still wasn't, in her head at least. Her body seemed to lie to her once more, telling her she needed that dick inside her. "Sakura," she moaned, kissing her again as the girl ripped away her shirt and bra. Their breasts rubbed together, making her shiver once more. Her hand moved up, grabbing her breast and caressing it, fingers pinching and rubbing at the girl's hardened nipple.
Sakura groaned as she felt their breasts rubbing together, hardened nipple flicking across hardened nipple....oh god it was all too much to bear. With a passionate growl Sakura grabbed Ichigo and turned her around, almost violently bending her over the table. "Nnngh....Ichigo....." The tip of Sakura's long, thick cock began to tease at Ichigo's pussy, grinding up and down it for a few moments, before starting to push slowly inside. This wasn't exactly how Sakura had imagined losing her virginity....if anything this was the exact opposite.....but oh god it felt so good! Inch by inch Sakura pushed her cock inside, never stopping or hesitating for a moment, determined to push the entire thing into the other girls body.
Ichigo moaned as their breasts rubbed and she played with the girl's, not expecting the sudden change. She gasped as the girl turned her and pushed her over the table, not caring since it meant they were closer to fucking. Her breasts rubbed against the hard wood of the table while she teased her entrance with the thick head of her cock, both making her shiver and beg for more. "Oh, Sakura," she moaned, getting louder as it pushed inside. Just for the other girl, Ichigo never really expected to have her first time be like this, with the other sexual organ, being fucked instead of being the one to push inside. Did she care? Not at all, groaning loudly as the whole length of her long, thick cock pushed inside of her.
Sakura moaned loudly, forgetting that they were in the library as she continued to slide her long, thick cock into Ichigo's body. "So wonder men think about this all the time!" Her cock twitched inside of Ichigo's body, Sakura's hands moving around Ichigo's body and grasping her breasts, squeezing them roughly. "N-nearly...." Sakura panted as finally her entire cock was inside of Ichigo's body, the pink haired girl holding herself there to get used to the sensation, sure that if she moved she would cum right away.
Ichigo groaned with her, not caring if someone outside the room heard them. Her cries got louder as the cock pushed inside her more and more, she was surprised at how big it was, loving every inch that was shoved inside. "Never thought it was this good for chicks," she said, her entrance tingling, the pleasure more intense than anything he'd felt. She let out a pleasured whine as the shinobi grabbed her breasts and squeezed, making her shiver. Her nipples were hard, sticking out between her fingers, making her shudder whenever she touched them as she caressed. "Ahh," she let out in a loud moan as the cock was fully inside, panting while feeling the hard length inside of her.
Sakura did her best to keep still, but before long her hips began to move by themselves, slowly withdrawing her cock from Ichigo's body, moving until only the head was left inside, before suddenly and violently thrusting it all back in at once, the table creaking beneath them. "AH!" Sakura squeezed Ichigo's breasts even more tightly from the sensation of thrusting back in, then did the same again....and again....her rythym slow at first....but it didn't take long for Sakura to begin losing control, every thrust beginning to get faster and harder than the last.
Ichigo groaned as the cock started to recede from within her, leaving just the head. Sharply she cried out as the thrust came again, hard and all at once. "Yes, oh god yes," she said, riding the sensations of the push, pleasure shooting through her as Sakura grabbed and squeezed her breasts tightly. Her own hips started to buck back, helping with the pushing, becoming less precise and more erratic as the shinobi did, soon getting faster and harder, each one making her moan louder and louder.
"F-fuck! You're so tight Ichigo!" Sakura was losing control of her body, her hips moving completely by themselves now, her thrusts practically superhuman in strength, the table beginning to give way beneath Ichigo's body. "Nnngh....oh god...I can feel something....I feel something coming!" Sakura didn't know what a male orgasm was supposed to feel like, but she was feeling something now, something building inside of her and desperately trying to get out.
With one final thrust, the table beneath Ichigo was shattered by the force, Sakura howling in pleasure at the top of her lungs, burying her new cock as deep inside of Ichigo's body as she could where it twitched and spasmed, before erupting with spurt after spurt of hot, thick, fertile seed, the kunoichi clearly caring little for the consequences.
Ichigo shouted out in pleasure as the girl fucked her, amazed at the strength of her thrusts, her hips barely helping to push back against her as her ass slapped against her thighs. "Ah, so big, so thick, amazing," she moaned loudly. She heard the table start to creak but thought nothing of it, only thing on her mind being Sakura's cock fucking her. "Ah, me too!" she yelled, some pressure having built up in her crotch before finally tingling through her as she screamed, her own juices flowing out over the girl's cock and down their legs. It was nothing compared to the shinobi's orgasm. Ichigo shouted as the table was destroyed, falling over with the girl as she thrusted hard into her, causing some pain that was overtaken by immense pleasure. She felt her walls close tight around the thick cock, feeling every twitch and shake as her load shot out, spurts and spurts of it firing inside, actually being too much and leaking out of her pussy onto the remains of the table along with her own juices. The orange-headed girl panted, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath.
When both of them had finally finished Sakura fell ontop of Ichigo, laying on the other girl and panting heavily, her cock starting to slowly soften and slip out of the blonde's pussy, allowing the thick torrent of cum to spill completely free between their legs. "Oh god....that was....that was incredible....I'll never call a guy a pervert again.....not when it feels so good..." Sakura was completely spent, having put everything into that fuck, that orgasm. She would've been content to lay there for hours, but then the door started rattling as if someone was trying to open it. "Oh hell.....we must've been heard...." Gathering what energy she could, Sakura slowly stood up, gathering her clothes quickly, though the remains of her shredded bra were left in the corner of the room. "Come on Ichigo....we gotta get dressed and get out of here before someone busts the door in...."
Ichigo eventually caught her breath, giving a shudder and final slight moan as her cock pulled out, feeling remnants of their climaxes flow out of her. It shocked her how much there was, of both their cum. The jutsu or whatever it was must have had some effect on that too. "Yeah, that was amazing," she said, still breathing heavily. Her body was about dead, and she would have simply lied there with the shinobi next to her, until the rattle of the handle happened. "Fuck," she said, gritting her teeth and forcing herself to stand, moving to her robes and underwear. She quickly got them on, slipping the boxers back up and just barely tying the robes. The boxers and under-robe were soon wet and stained by the cum and sweat that stuck to her thighs and legs. "How the hell do we get out of here? They're at the door," she said, looking to Sakura, worried.
Sakura frowned when she pulled on her shorts. They were skin tight and even with her new cock being soft it still left a very noticeable bulge. Still, she could worry about that later once they were out of here. "Hm?" She looked at Ichigo, then smirked, going over and putting an arm around the girls waist, though it was more so that she could carry the girl off with her at the right moment. "Don't worry, I'm a ninja, this kinda thing is nothing" Sakura reached into her side pouch with her free hand, waiting for a moment, before throwing several pellets at the ground. Just as the door finally burst open, a huge cloud of smoke filled the room, impossible to see through. By the time the smoke had finally cleared, the room was completely empty, except for a broken table, the tattered remains of a bra and plenty of male and female sexual fluids, leaving it rather obvious what had happened, just hot who had been there.

Moments later Sakura and Ichigo were stood outside the library, the kunoichi letting go of the other girl, though Sakura quickly folded her hands infront of her lap to cover up the bulge. "Ok....we should probably get back to my house or something and try to think what we can do next....we should at least try to reverse this and give you your....penis...back....."
Ichigo looked from the door and back to her, confused as she moved over and put an arm around her. "Eh," was all she was able to say before it happened. They got the door opened, smoke appeared from nowhere and Sakura seemed to fly through the library, pulling Ichigo along the way. Before she knew it they were standing in front of the library, the orange-haired girl blinking in surprise before coming back to reality. "Wow, that was... good," she said, giving a smirk. Ninjas were awesome. She liked being a shinigami, but the whole ninja thing was pretty bad ass. "That sounds like a good idea," she said, watching as the girl covered up her crotch, giving a slight smirk before looking back up. "Then you can change too, probably be best while you have that to not wear skin tight shorts. Looks good on you though."
Sakura couldn't help but blush as Ichigo commented on her shorts, quickly looking away and beginning to walk. Despite everything they had just done, it was a compliment that got her embarassed....boy if that wasn't backwards...
Sakura just laughed nervously as they walked through the village, though she came to a stop in one of the streets, looking at a store then turning to look back at Ichigo. "Wait here a second, I just gotta pick something up" She smiled, then turned to hurry into the store, being gone for a few minutes before emerging, one hand still covering her crotch whilst the other was just tucking something into her side pouch. "Ok, sorry about that....come on, my apartment isn't too far from here"

Covering up with both hands again Sakura resumed her brisk walk through the village, heading towards a small apartment building. She had moved out of her parents home about a year ago now, having decided it was time to start living a little more independantly despite her still young age. It was a small, but comfortable place, a spacious living room with a kitchen, two doors leading off, one into a bathroom and the other into a cosy bedroom with a bed big enough for two people, though only just.
Ichigo chuckled and followed the girl, amused that she was embarrassed from the compliment, yet they had been fucking like animals just a few minutes prior. She kept a few steps behind as they walked, the girl looking around more as they traveled through the town. Her gaze moved to Sakura as she spoke, giving a nod and leaning against the wall to wait. Must be slightly important, since she was willing to go in there while she had her... extra part. "Okay, let's go," she said, planning on asking what it was when they got to her home.

She stepped inside as Sakura opened the door, looking around and nodded. "Nice place, cool that you live by yourself," she said. In her world, it was weird for someone young like them to live away from their parents. Lucky for them though, would be weird to explain to her parents who Ichigo was and why their daughter now had a penis. "So, what'd you get at that store?" she asked, moving to take a seat in a chair in the living room.
"Oh....just something we might need is all" Sakura smiled and waved a hand "It's nothing important right now" She headed over for the kitchen, pulling out some glasses to get them each a drink of water. "Now we need to think of the very least we should probably find a way to reverse what I did in order to give you back your own body part....but somehow I don't think we can just have you perform the same ritual. You wont have any chakra control or the know how...and that kind of training takes years..."
Ichigo nodded, putting the thought aside. She gave a nod of thanks as the girl handed her the glass, taking a sip and thinking as the girl spoke. Sakura was right, there was no way Ichigo could do what she'd done. She barely knew what a jutsu was, let alone how to perform one. "Is there a way to do... the opposite? Like draw the symbols differently or do different signs or something?" she offered, using what little she knew to try to come up with something, sipping again at the water.
"Well it doesn't really work like's not just a case of everything having an opposite...and this is a rather unique situation. I can't think of anything even remotely like this happening before..." Sakura slowly sat down in the chair opposite Ichigo, still in her skintight shorts showing off the bulge in her crotch. "I'm trying to think of something....anything that might've caused this. It doesn't look like it was a curse mark like I first thought though....otherwise what I did would have worked...I'm sure of it"
Ichigo nodded as she listened to the girl, sighing a bit. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. "Hm," she muttered, looking to the ground as she thought and took another drink of water. She was purposely keeping herself from looking at Sakura's crotch, knowing if she saw the bluge in her skin-tight shorts again, she would probably get aroused, taking them backwards. They had to focus now. "What do you think would happen if you did it again? Like, do the exact same thing we did in the library. Would nothing happen?" she asked, limited knowledge of their techniques obvious. At least she was trying to help.
" the same thing again? I'm not sure.....I mean your body is a normal female I don't know if it would even have any effect. Even if it almost certainly wouldn't reverse what happened...if anything it could screw your body up even more. I think I'd need to do a little more research before risking that....or at least exhaust all the other possibilities..." She sighed slightly, sitting back and staring at the ceiling as she tried to think. Sakura wasn't used to feeling this. She was used to taking action, used to being able to just do things rather than having to think it through so much.... "I'm guessing nothing like this ever happens where you're from?"
Ichigo nodded, giving another slight sigh before looking back to the ground in deep thought. They couldn't reverse the ritual, shouldn't do the same thing unless there were no other options... She sipped once again at the water and set it on a stand next to her, crossing her arms under her breasts and staring once more at the ground as she tried to think of something, anything they could do. "No, not really. We mostly just fight, not really using any complicated spells or techniques. There are some, but they're pretty straight forward, like once shoots a fireball, one makes you move fast. No combining anything or changing the effects of stuff depending on what symbols or signs you draw or use."
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