New World, New Things(Killdozer and Peekaboo)

"Ok....first of all why don't you go to the bathroom and see if you can find the mark? We'll need to know what kind of curse mark we're dealing with in order to release it" Sakura walked over to the bathrooms then looked between them. "Hm....well....I guess you should use the womens to avoid freaking anyone out. Though....maybe you should leave your sword out here?"
Ichigo followed her inside, nodding and looking to the bathrooms with her. She was about to go to the male's out of habit, but stopped as she spoke. She gave a light chuckle. "Yeah, probably. Good idea," she said, undoing Zangetsu from her robes and laying it against the wall. "Watch him for me please," she said, walking into the bathroom.

A few minutes later she walked out, a rather surprised look on her face. "Uh, I didn't find any tattoos or seals or anything. I did find, uh, something. Something that I had before but shouldn't exactly have now..." she said, hoping Sakura would understand.
Sakura looked at the sword when Ichigo went into the bathroom, raising an eyebrow and reaching out to poke the blade. "Geez....what is it with giant swords anyway? They must be hell to carry around all the time...." She shook her head slightly, then looked up at Ichigo as she emerged from the bathroom. "Hm? What are you talking about? Something you had before but shouldn't have now?" She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.
Ichigo blushed slightly, looking away. "I was a guy. Now I'm a girl. Something... stayed with me," she said, looking back to the girl. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was just... strange. The whole situation was strange, and she didn't like it. "I have everything that a girl should have, and something extra that only guys are supposed to have."
Sakura seemed confused for a moment, just raising an eyebrow as Ichigo spoke, before suddenly realising just what the girl was talking about, a blush nearly the same shade as her pink hair filling Sakura's face. "Y-you mean have a...." Sakura swallowed nervously, glancing around to ensure nobody else would overhear them. "....I....well.....I guess that....could well be a sign of the uh.....curse uh....let's uh...." Sakura's eyes kept darting from Ichigo's face to her crotch for brief moments. "....let's some research in the library then...." Sakura quickly turned to head into the library, moving toward some of the huge bookshelves.
Ichigo nodded as the girl finally got it, getting a bit angered at the situation. Bad enough she had to be a chick and thrown into some other world, now she was also a freak. "Yeah, let's do that," she muttered, looking down, face still slightly red as she reattached Zangetsu to her back and followed the girl. She hadn't thought about it before this, not even noticing. It felt normal. Now that she thought about it, she could definitely feel it, and it felt strange on this body. "So, I'm guessing this isn't as normal as the transformation thing?"
Sakura moved toward the back of the library where some of the rarer books and scrolls were kept, leading Ichigo there and starting to pull a few books out. "Ok then...maybe we can find something in here...." She moved toward a table in a secluded part of the library, sitting down and opening up some of the books. "No....this isn't at all normal....the transformation should be complete and perfect....there shouldn't be any....'leftovers' from the previous form..."
Ichigo moved with her, simply looking along the books as she did and then following her to the table. She gave a sigh at her answer. Of course this was weird, of course she'd never heard of it. She looked at the book once the girl opened it, lost in the words, not really getting any of the mentions of different 'jutsus' or techniques it mentioned. She moved back, sighing lightly again and waiting for Sakura to hopefully find something.
Sakura was flipping through various books, occasionally seeming to compare some, running her finger along some and uttering a few things under her breath. She spent nearly an hour reading the different books before finally closing it. "Ok.....I think I might be able to undo this.....I've found something resembling what you're undergoing so....." She rubbed her head slightly. "The only way is to try I guess....."
Ichigo watched as she worked, looking down to the books occasionally and then back to her face. Her foot tapped some as she waited there, hoping for the moment to come when she would announce that she'd found it. After about an hour passed and the girl closed the books, Ichigo's eyes widened and she sat up, listening now with earnest. "You did? Great!" she said, giving a smile, though it faded after she spoke again. "What are we going to try?" she asked, concerned since Sakura didn't seem to be exactly happy about it.
"Well....since I couldn't find anything specific to your....condition...I managed to find the closest things I could....and I sort of combined some of the various methods for undoing the curse into one. Don't worry, I have to come up with stuff like this all the time as part of my medical training" Sakura smiled and waved a hand dismissively, attempting to put Ichigo at ease. "Now....we can probably attempt it right here, where we have the books just incase anything unexpected pops just stay where you are ok?" Sakura raised her hand and bit down on the tip of her thumb, then bent over to begin writing symbols onto the floor in her own blood, going around Ichigo.
Ichigo raised a brow, following her as she moved to the spot away from the tables. The girl didn't sound so sure at first, but seemed to reassure her and know what she was doing. "Heh, okay, I trust you," she said, standing in place as the girl started to write symbols and circles around her. Now this was weird, seemed like some demonic ritual or something, using her own blood to draw some creepy looking pictures. It did look like something in the open book, so Ichigo assumed it was fine and continued to watch as the symbols were drawn.
"Ok..." Once Sakura had drawn a complete circle around Ichigo she walked around to stand infront of the girl. "Let's give this a try....just stay still ok? And try not to say anything...." She took a slow, deep breath, then started to perform various hand signs, the symbols drawn around Ichigo beginning to glow as Sakura continued making hand signs quickly, her eyes closed.
Ichigo watched, looking up as the circle around her was finished. She nodded and said nothing, following the order she'd been given. Her eyes widened some as the blood-drawn symbols and circle started to glow. Her gaze moved to the shinobi's hands, impressed at the speed she could go through the signs. This place seemed to be more technical, you just had to fight where she came from.
After a few minutes of making hand signs Sakura suddenly snapped open her eyes. "Release!" A small breeze blew around the two of them, the symbols glowing blindingly bright for a few moments, before everything settled back down, the symbols now gone having been used. Unfortuantely however, Ichigo still seemed exactly the same as before. "Huh?" Sakura blinked, then sighed. "Damnit.....that should've worked...." She grumbled and shook her head, then shivered slightly. " a little chill....must've been that wind...."
Ichigo put her hands in front of her eyes as the symbols flashed brightly, putting them down and opening her eyes as it calmed. Her gaze moved down slowly, hoping to herself that it had worked. She felt the same though, the same weight on her chest and feeling of the tight clothes; her eyes confirmed it as she looked down and saw the same female body as before. She gave a sigh, looking up to Sakura with a disappointed frown. "It's fine, thank you for trying," she said, knowing the young ninja had tried her best. She gave a slight shiver as well, the breeze from the jutsu chilling the area slightly. "What, what do you think we should try now?"
"Well.....I'm not completely sure what we should do really...." Sakura sighed and rubbed her head, then shivered again, though this time it didn't seem to be from the cold. "Let me think...." She turned to face Ichigo, leaning back against the table and looking up at the ceiling, the pink haired girl fidgeting slightly. Sakura didn't seem to notice the reason, but Ichigo might have. In Sakura's skin tight shorts a small bulge had formed for a few moments, then seemed to retract back again, then pulse out for another few moments, before going flat once again.
Ichigo furrowed her brow, noticing the pink-haired girl shivering once more. The breeze seemed to have left, maybe it had to to with the ritual. "Maybe another book will have a sugges-" she said, stopping mid-sentence as she looked down and saw what seemed to be happening in Sakura's shorts. Her eyes widened, cheeks turning red as she looked away. " Sakura?" she said, looking back awkwardly. "You, um, something happened, there," she said, motioning to her crotch.
"Hm?" Sakura looked at Ichigo with a look of confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Ichigo? What're you talking about?" She blinked, then glanced down after Ichigo motioned to her crotch. "What? There's nothing-" Sakura cut off as the bulge returned, gasping slightly. "Wh-what the hell?!" She backed up against one of the shelves, then let out a sharp gasp as this time the bulge didn't go away, it started to slowly grow a little larger, beginning to slowly stretch Sakura's shorts, as if something was growing from inside of her.
Ichigo's eyes widened, watching the strange bulge come back and this time not leave, instead grow even larger. "I, wha," she stuttered out, extremely confused by what seemed to be happening. Just then she noticed something, that familiar feeling she had, down in her own crotch, seemed to feel a bit strange. She turned red and felt through her robes down there, then let out a quick shriek. "Mine's gone! The ritual didn't change me back, it switched us!" she said.

[[They were going to switch right? I forget if it was that or that they would both be futas. If it was the other way I can edit.]]
((Yup, switch at first and then both later I think XD))

"Wh-what? Sw-switched? No way it can't be!" Sakura had a look of panic on her face, then winced as the bulge in her shorts grew larger, the top of it starting to move up her skintight shorts. " wont stop coming out...." She bit her lip to try and suppress the noise, they were still in a busy library after all. "Nnnngh....ooooh...." Sakura panted, then gasped as the bulge reached the top of her shorts, the tight fabric slowly being pushed aside as a hard, thick cock began to emerge from the waistband of her shorts, glistening with the juices of her pussy.
Ichigo's face grew panicked as well as she watched the penis continue to grow, pushing past the top of her shorts and sticking out. She gave a shudder as she saw it, her hand moving down when her crotch started to feel strange. Seeing the hard cock right there, was it affecting her body? "Shit," she said. The ritual must have had some other effect, maybe making her more sensitive. Just seeing the cock coming out of her pants was making her wet. "What do we do? Reverse the ritual!" she said in a panic, not even sure if that was possible.
Sakura bit her lip as the cock gave one final growth spurt, before finally seeming to stop, Sakura panting heavily as she slowly shook her head. "Nnngh.....oh god....wh-what....this is..." She shook her head slowly. "I...I don't know what to do....I don't....I don't know how to reverse it....I'm not even sure what to do...." Sakura looked down at it, barely able to believe this was real. "This.....oh god..." She panted, then winced. "My shorts are too tight..." She gripped them, slowly tugging them down a little, slowly revealing the entirity of her cock along with her glistening wet pussy at the base.
Ichigo let out a gasp as she saw Sakura slowly reveal the whole cock, wet pussy right below it. "Shit, what do we do," she muttered, giving shivers and slow, heavy breaths. The simple sight of that big, thick cock and her dripping entrance was driving her wild. Damn it, she was usually able to control herself better, sure she liked seeing girl's cleavage or skin, but it never made her like this...She felt like she needed something, something here... She looked down and gasped, pulling her hand away. It had started to rub her crotch through her robes. Okay, they needed to do something, now. At least get out of the view of all of the library-goers. "Come on," she said, taking Sakura's hand and turning her, walking behind shelves towards a room a bit further away. It was a private study room, at least here no one would see her standing there with a cock and her pussy just hanging out. "There," she said, closing and locking the door once they were inside.
Sakura gasped as Ichigo suddenly pulled her toward a private room, stumbling as she was moved with her shorts nearly around her knees and leaving a dripping trail of pre-cum behind her, before nearly falling into the room, not even noticing Ichigo locking the door behind them. "I.....I don't know what to do..." Sakura panted heavily, her new cock twitching whilst her hard nipples were starting to poke through her top. "Oh god....I can't believe this's really on me...."
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