New World, New Things(Killdozer and Peekaboo)


Apr 25, 2010
It was a rather nice sunny day in Konoha, a time of peace was upon them and it seemed to show in the weather. People walked around the town happily, going about their business, shinobi that weren't on missions relaxing with friends and family. One person however, wasn't feeling so peaceful. They were a bit angry and wanted answers. They weren't even of this place.

An hour ago, a bit into the forest, something happened. A sort of portal had opened, connecting two worlds together. Someone from the other universe was thrown into the world of shinobi. Their name was Ichigo Kurosaki, a reaper from the town of Karakura in this other world that was strangely connected to this other place. It threw him out onto the ground and vanished, stranding him there. A groan escaped Ichigo, head hurting. The reaper sat up, rubbing their head and looking around. "Where the fuck am I," the reaper said, eyes widening as the words came out. The voice that said them was quite a bit higher than it should be. Ichigo stood, looking down. The same reaper robes were on, except they were a bit more form fitting, to the curves that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. A hand reached up, feeling the much longer orange hair that reached shoulders. "Fuck," Ichigo said, sprinting to a river visible from the clearing. Looking into the water, Ichigo's eyes widened more and jaw dropped.

"I... I'm a chick," she said, seeing the woman that stared back from the water. It looked a lot like him, just more feminine and with the features of a girl. "No way," she said, stepping back from the water and backing into a tree. She screamed, anger rising from all that had happened.

Now, about an hour later, she walked through the streets of Konoha, a pissed look on her face. She was lucky to find the town, but had no idea what to do, who to ask for help, how to contact her friends.
Sakura yawned and stretched her arms into the air as she walked through the streets of the village, enjoying the sensation of the bright sunlight on her skin. She had just returned from a mission to the North and it had been a frozen wasteland, nothing but Ice and was great to be back in the warmth of her home again. "Man....I can't believe I had to go all that way....and by myself too....geez....Tsunade-sensei may be the Hokage but sometimes I really wanna just kick her ass...maybe all the way up to that frozen dump and see how she likes it...."

Sakura sighed and shook her head, momentarily losing sight of where she was walking, which caused her to round a corner and bump right into a girl dressed in odd black robes with a large sword on her back. "Ah!" Sakura stumbled backover, shaking her head and looking up blinking. "Ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?" The pink haired medical ninja smiled slightly, looking over the strange girl. "Hm? I don't think I've seen you're not from this village are you? Are you a ninja from one of the others? I don't think I've ever seen a ninja dressed in robes like that...."
Ichigo stumbled as the girl bumped into her, snapping back to attention to see who it was. No one she knew. "I'm fine," she said, staring at her. "I'm from... out of town," she said, considering what to do. Leave and figure this out on her own, or open up and see if this girl could. She hadn't wanted to just come up to someone and ask them where the hell they were, but if they could talk and get to know each other, maybe she wouldn't freak out as much. It would be a difficult talk, telling people she'd been in her home as a boy, then just appeared in a forest, changed to a girl, and wandered to this town. Fuck.
"Out of town? Where exactly are you from? You look like you're from one of the other villages but...." Sakura looked the girl up and down, raising an eyebrow. "No headband?" She pointed to her own. "You know you're supposed to display it when you enter a foreign village or people might get the wrong idea. Sakura folded her arms, still examining Ichigo. "Well with heavy robes like that I'd say you're definately not from Suna.....way too hot for those kind of clothes....." She moved a little closer. "You sure you're ok? Your cheeks are looking a little flushed. Maybe you need some water?"
Headband? It was then he noticed hers, a band with a metal plate on it, some sort of leaf insignia engraved in it. "I don't have one," she said, crossing her arms. She had no idea how to go about this, sighing heavily and closing her eyes. "No, I'm not from whatever Suna is," she said. Her eyes opened at her next question. "Sure, that might help," she said. "Er, what's your name? I'm Ichigo."
"You don't have one?'re saying you're not a ninja?" Sakura raised an eyebrow, again looking at the large sword on the girls back. "...You're carrying a weapon like that and you're not a ninja? You really aren't from around here are you....?" She shook her head, then blinked, looking up. "Ah, I'm Sakura, Haruno Sakura, pleased to meet you" She smiled, then turned away. "Come on, let's go get you a drink, there's a nice cafe I go to not too far from here"
She shook her head. "No, I'm not," Ichigo said. There, at least that was out of the way. "Yeah, I have this because, well, never mind. I'm not a ninja," she said, stuttering a bit, not sure if she should talk about the whole reaper thing. "Nice to meet you to," she added with a slight smile. The girl nodded and started to follow her. "Um, where is this place exactly?" she asked, a bit embarrassed since the question would be so strange to her.
"So you're not a ninja and you carry that huge sword around.....?" Sakura looked over her shoulder as Ichigo followed her. "Hm? This is the village of Konohagakure, though most people shorten it to just Konoha. You've never heard of it? Most people in this part of the world know at least something about it..." She shook her head slightly. "You really must be from a long way what are you doing here anyway if you don't know where here is?"
"It is pretty far I guess, kinda complicated," Ichigo said, sighing lightly. She was going to call him crazy, she knew it. If someone came up to her and told them they were from a different universe or something and that they used to be a boy, they'd probably get a punch in the face and a couple names like 'crazy' and 'psycho.' Hopefully this girl was more accepting than she was. "Do you wanna, uh, get the water and whatever before we talk about it?" she offered, thinking it might be easier to explain sitting down than walking down the street.
"Complicated hm? Well I'm looking forward to hearing that one" Sakura chuckled slightly as she led Ichigo to a little street cafe, taking a seat and ordering them both a glass of ice water. "So..." Sakura folded her arms on the table, crossing her legs and leaning forward a little. "Feel like telling me just where you're from and how you got here? I'm not the first person that's going to be asking these kinda questions with that big sword you carry around. It's probably better that you tell me than wait for the Anbu to start asking questions"
Ichigo nodded, continuing to follow as they got to the cafe. She took a seat, sighing lightly as the waiter went away with their order. "Yeah, I'll talk now," she said. For a moment she thought about who the hell the Anbu were, but just decided they were probably bad and should steer clear of them. The waiter returned with their drinks, the red head nodding a thanks and taking a sip first. "Thanks. Well, I guess I should just get right into it. I'm not really from... here. Not here as in your town, Konhe or whatever it was. Here as in this whole place. About an hour and a half ago I was dumped into the forest a little ways away from the village, out of a portal or something. Trust me, I'm just as confused as you are," she said, sighing again and taking another sip. She felt that was enough to think about for right now, she could drop the 'I also was changed into a girl' bomb on her next.
Sakura sat and listened to the explanation, not completely sure how to take it. "Dumped in the forest....out of a portal? Doesn't sound like any kind of Jutsu I've ever heard of...." Sakura tapped her chin, seeming to think for a few moments. "Well...where were you before? Maybe we can find it on a map or something and start to figure out just what happened? It's probably as good a place as any to start right?" She smiled, taking another sip of her own drink. "Maybe it wont be too far and we can get you back there without too much trouble"
"Yeah, something like that. I was just... walking around and it happened," Ichigo said with a nod, glad she hadn't screamed or called her crazy or something. Was it a Hollow or some form of reaper magic? She didn't know if that was possible. "I hope that'll work. I'm from Karakura Town, near Tokyo," she said, drinking some more of the water. She looked to the girl's face, hoping to see some sign that she'd heard of at least one of the names before.
"Just walking around and it happened hm?" Sakura looked at Ichigo with more than just a hint of suspicion...but then with a story like that it was perfectly understandable. "Karakura Town? Tokyo? Never heard of them. They definitely aren't around here....well...they sure aren't on this continent anyway....though I suppose you could be a really long way from home....maybe we should go to the library and check it out or something, see if we can get an map and find something or somewhere you might recognise"
Ichigo sighed. Of course she'd never heard of it. "Maybe. I've never heard of this place either. It must be really far away," she said. If it was even in the same world. Maybe a different time period? Maybe the portal or whatever had taken her had sent her to a different time and that was why they'd never heard of the other. Or, it was some other universe. Anything was possible right now. Perhaps it was time to drop the other bomb on her. "There's something else," she said with a sigh, taking another drink. "Before I was sent here, I was... a guy."
((So so so sorry about my abscence lately >< Things have been insane for me as of late and I've ended up being absolutely exhausted!!! Please forgive me?))

"You were a guy? So you got stuck with some kind of transformation Jutsu or something?" Sakura seemed rather unsurprised by Ichigo's statement of having once been male, like she heard it everyday. "Well it might be some kind of curse seal or something.....but we can swing by the library later and I can try to undo it" Sakura shrugged and sipped on her water. "We can do it at the same time as we try to track down where you came from. Guess we should at least try and figure out if you're even in the same country anymore....."
Ichigo blinked. Well, that wasn't what he expected. She didn't seem surprised at all. Eh, made this less awkward at least. "Yeah, that sounds good," she said, finishing off the water. "Uh, thanks for helping me, and not freaking out when I told you," she said, a slight smile forming on her lips. When she'd first got into town, she had no idea what she was going to do, and was lucky to find Sakura like she had. "Should we head there now?"

[[It's fine ^_^ I totally understand, I've been slightly busy the last couple of weeks too. Good thing is we're still rolling :D]]

"Don't mention looked so lost and confused I couldn't just leave you by yourself..." Sakura chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Well we can head there now sure" She nodded, finishing off her drink and leaving a little money on the table to pay. "Come on, it's not too far from here. Just try not to draw too much attention to yourself with that big sword on your back...."
The girl didn't really like to appear desperate for help like she'd described, but it was sort of necessary here, she could let this one slide. Ichigo stood and walked with her. "I'll try," she said with a chuckle, following the pink-haired girl. "So, does the, uh, 'change' I mentioned happen often here or something? You didn't seem that surprised," she said as they walked.
"Hm? Well it doesn't happen often against someone's will, but most people can pull off a basic transformation Jutsu. You've never seen one before?" Sakura stopped walking, turning to face Ichigo and forming a handsign. There was a cloud of smoke, then a moment later in place of Sakura a teenage male was standing, hands in pockets looking relaxed. "See? Nothing to it really" Even the voice was male. With a yawn and another cloud of smoke, Sakura returned to normal, then turned to begin walking again. "But like I said, it's possible some kind of curse seal was applied to your body to force the transformation to stick onto you, but we should be able to undo it easily enough"
Ichigo stopped as she did, watching her hands in confusion. She covered her eyes when the smoke suddenly appeared, eyes widening as she looked back and saw that the pink-haired girl was now a male. "Ar-wha-" Ichigo sputtered out, looking away again when the smoke returned. She looked back, seeing that Sakura was back to normal and walking. "Nothing to it? You just, changed," she said in surprise, jogging a bit to catch up to her. There was nothing like that back in her world. "Maybe, I've got no idea. Is there any way you could tell?"
"Yeah, it's just a basic transformation jutsu, they teach it to every ninja at the academy" Sakura shrugged and continued walking. "Well....usually if there's a curse seal it leaves some kind of visible mark somewhere on your body. I guess the easiest way would be for you to check yourself and see if you can find some kind of mark or tattoo or something that you didn't have before. Once you do, we might be able to do something about it"
"That's...odd," Ichigo said. Everyone could just do that? People could do a lot more strange things in this place. She continued to follow, keeping pace with Sakura and looking around the village, trying to get a sense of where she was. "Some sort of mark huh?" she said, looking back to the girl. "I can look when we get to the library," she said. Now she hoped to find something, if so that would hopefully make it easier to cure. "Where's this place at?"
"Hm? You mean the library? It's just down there" Sakura pointed down the street toward a large building, various people coming in and out of it with books and scrolls. "Pretty much any book or scroll you could ever want or need is in there. So we're pretty likely to find something that can help you out in there. First we can take a look for any kind of mark, then we can try and track down a way to release it, then when that's done I guess we should start trying to find out a way to get you home"
Ichigo looked to where she pointed, seeing the tall building and giving a nod. "Cool," she said, continuing to follow her and listen. She gave a light smile after Sakura laid out a sort of plan for them, so glad that she'd found the girl. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she were to try and solve this herself... probably end up in a fight. Seemed to be a usual thing for her. They soon reached the library, Ichigo still following the pink-haired shinobi as she walked.
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