Konoha's new generation (Peekaboo x Ryu_Momochi)


Sep 25, 2010
Things had changed a lot in Konoha in the past few years, the next generation of genin had become the new generation of protectors for the village. Now, Hyuuga Hanabi was a 15 year old Chuunin and no longer assigned to a specific team, instead she was assigned where needed and with who. She always had been something of a loner...she had never worked well with a team, preferring instead to do things her own way.

Despite so many changes however, some things hadn't. Whilst Hanabi had begun to develop at a very young age, just like her older sister Hinata, unlike Hinata Hanabi hadn't developed further than her intial small spurt. Now she was left with a barely noticeable chest, only just enough to push up her skintight shirt. Hanabi often found herself jealous of her older sister, cursing that the older girl had such a wonderful body and chose to hide it, whilst Hanabi had nothing to hide. Still, it wasn't all bad. Years of training had left Hanabi with long, shapely legs and an ass so tight it looked like it could bend steel.
Unlike Hinata, Hanabi tended to wear clothes that showed off her body, opting for skintight materials, though enough that she still had complete freedom of movement.

"Geez....why did they have to give me a partner..." Sighing as she walked through the village, Hanabi was headed for the point she had been told to meet a male ninja, someone who was to be her partner for an upcoming mission. The two of them were to train together to get used to each others style, before they'd be sent on some secret mission together. Whilst she was reluctant, Hanabi couldn't exactly refuse. Someone like her didn't get to pick and choose her missions after all.
"I don't work well with others." He said softly to the jonin who gave him the mission, his ice blue eyes looking at him in disdain,"I work alone." He knew he wouldn't get a choice in the matter, but he would give a fight anyways. He hated having to look after another person, the missions like that were just too boring. He loved action and adventure, the kind of things his father would tell him when he was a young child. He wanted those kinds of missions, and nothing with other people. He was kind of a lone wolf, preferring that way of life over being more team oriented. He always ended up having to babysit anyone who partners up with him, and he was fed up with it.

He had been waiting at the point where he was supposed to meet up with his partner, his short black hair rustling with the wind as he sat atop a tree branch, a large sword stuck into the bark above him, shading him from the sun as he napped. He had been early for their meeting, so he decided to nap while he could. His personality didn't really allow for another persons input, so he knew there would probably be some arguing. He stretched lightly, his black shirt and pants baggy and sagging as he rested, hanging a bit over his arms, making him look bigger than he actually was. His sword was another matter, it was large, very large, larger than you'd expect a sword to be, and it looked as heavy as it was. One would know that it took true skill to handle such a sword.

He sighed softly as he napped, not wanting to do such a lame mission, but he couldn't refuse, not if he wanted to stay a ninja. It was his way of life, and there was no way he could change that. He stretched lightly, enjoying the midday warmth, the perfect time for a nap. He could smell the scent of flowers in the air,'Spring is truly here...' he thought to himself as he repositioned himself, getting more comfortable on the branch,'It'd be better if I didn't have a mission...' he whined to himself, opening his eyes lightly at the sounds of someone getting nearer.
As Hanabi approached the meeting point she glanced up, hearing something coming from the tree, first a voice, then movement. She frowned at the sight of the boy, clearly her partner. He was probably a year or so older than her, and from the way he was dressed she could tell he was trying to play mind games, attempting to make himself appear larger than he actually was. "Hmph....so....he's the one..." The girl muttered under her breath, brushing a little hair away from her face, her white, piercing eyes staring at the boy as she came to a stop beneath the tree.

She folded her arms and stared up at him, beginning to tap her foot impatiently. "Well? Are you going to get your lazy ass down here or am I going to have to come up there and kick it down?" Her cockiness and impatience was immediately obvious. Like him she clearly didn't want to be here, didn't want to be stuck with a partner, someone who would just get in the way. "Whilst I could do this mission alone, it seems other people would be happy if you came along to help me and back me up. So get down here and do as you're told boy"
He heard a voice and stretched lightly, looking down at her slowly,"Hmmm... great... a girl..." he said, slowly standing on the branch and pulling his sword from the bark, dropping it down so it stuck into the ground as he landed beside it,"Listen here girly... I don't need a partner, I don't need someone to babysit, so here's the deal, you stay out of my way, and I'll try to make sure you don't get killed." He said, pulling his sword from the ground with one hand and placing it on his shoulder,"And by try... I mean not very hard..." he said, walking down the path a bit. They were supposed to head to a nearby hotel where they would get to know each other, but he was more interested in the open air bath. He didn't want to have to be near her any longer than he needed to be, and would ignore her if he could. He sighed lightly as he looked back at her,"Well... hurry up... we're supposed to be at the hotel by 8..." he said, looking at her impatiently.
Hanabi twitched angrily at the way he was acting, almost growling as he dared to speak to her like that. Did he have any idea who she was?! "You....you're the one who needs a babysitter here not me! Big sword or not you don't intimidate me. Feh.....such a big blade.....it's almost like you're over-compensating for something..." She smirked slightly, folding her arms as she began to walk, moving around to walk just a little ahead of her. The girls ass swayed slightly in the skintight shorts she was wearing, part of it her natural way of walking, part of it intentionally put on by the girl in order to distract him. Maybe Hanabi wasn't anywhere near as developed as her sister, but she certainly knew how to work what she did have.
He walked with the sword on his shoulder, chuckling lightly at her anger,"Right... this sword was passed on to me after my father died... it takes skill to wield it and strength to even lift it... I doubt you could even lift it off the ground..." he said, letting her walk as far ahead as she wanted. He wouldn't fight with her, her anger already showing that he had won the confrontation. He knew about her family, but he didn't care about that kind of stuff, if she wanted to act like a spoiled princess, he would let her, he just wouldn't do anything that she asked of him,"Besides... if I'm the one over compensating, why is it that your'e the one wearing such revealing clothes without anything to show for it...?" he asked, passing her a bit as he walked, letting a hand move and tap her chest with the back of his hand teasingly.
Hanabi nearly snapped when he made fun of her body, almost turning and slapping him when the back of his hand touched her barely there chest. She had to clench her fists in order to restrain herself, biting her lip as she fought the urge to just pound him into the ground in a bloody mess. The second this mission was over she was going to take steps she never had to work with him ever again. "How dare you...you....insolent...." She growled, glaring at him....if looks could kill then he would be dead before he knew it. "You'll pay for that little remark.....mark my words....watch your back....."
Ryu chuckled at her reaction,"Oh no... did I hurt the princesses feelings...?" he said in a mocking voice,"You might be part of an important family back in the village, but out here you're just another piece of meat." he said as he stretched, closing his eyes lightly,"I bet you've never really been in real combat, life or death... that sort of thing..." he said, looking back at her,"Probably always had someone pulling their punches to make sure you didn't get hurt..." he said with a smirk. He knew he was pressing all the right buttons, knowing just how to deal with her type.
"I've been in combat, I've been on missions, I've put my life on the line....I earned my place as a Chuunin through sweat and blood. Regardless of my family I earned my own place, and don't you ever dare think otherwise" She frowned, her fists clenching so tightly she was nearly drawing blood from her palms. "And if you keep pushing it, I'll give you a demonstration of just what I had to learn the hard way"
He chuckled at her as he slowly moved, putting his sword in the ground before moving close to her, his fac einches from hers,"Hmmm... I suppose you're right..." he said softly, looking her up and down,"You're not the type to just have everything handed to you..." he said, giving a soft smirk,"You don't have the right body type... too flat..." he said, teasing her once more,"Why... I doubt you even have any guys after you at the moment..." he said, turning from her to grab his sword again.
That last little comment was crossing the line....sure Hanabi had been a bitch, but then he hadn't been a gentleman either, but at least she had been willing to just let things drop. He on the other hand seemed to want to keep pushing the same buttons over and over again. Once his back was turned, she snapped. Moving swiftly and silently she got right behind him, violently backhanding him across the back of the head. "Enough! I wont tolerate you mocking my body any more!"
He laughed as he felt the backhand, turning quickly and gripping her hands, pushing her roughly against a tree by the side of the road,"If you didn't want people to notice your body, then you shouldn't make it so obvious." he said, looking into her pale gray eyes,"But you didn't say I was wrong, I bet you don't have any guys after you, and not because of your body..." he said, moving and pinning her arms roughly above her head with his own,"I bet you wouldn't even know what to do if a guy liked you... you wouldn't know how to react if a guy even showed you the slightest bit of sensual attention..." he said as he gave a soft smirk.
Hanabi growled as he grabbed her hands, coughing as she was slammed into a tree at the side of the road, squirming a little as he moved in close, recoiling away from him when his face got rather close to hers. "Stop talking like you know so much..." She growled, then spat into his face. "Now let me go you asshole, or I'll make sure you regret ever touching me....and believe me....you will regret it...."
He smiled softly as she spat,"Such disrespect... and you're supposed to be part of the illustrious Hyuuga family?" he said, his hand readjusting so he could hold her hands still above her head with only one hand as the other moved along her side,"Why... I bet you've never been without a bodyguard who scared away any guy who thought to come close..." he said, his hand moving over her hip softly and over her thigh,"I bet your father wouldn't let you take the classes taught to most other konoichi about the more... womanly arts..." he said, letting his hand ghost over her inner thigh.
"My family doesn't make any difference to anything! I've earned my place as my own person, not as my fathers daughter..." She growled, attempting to pull her hands free, but the position made it impossible. She shivered as his hand ghosted over her clothes, which were so thin she could feel his touch like it was against her bare skin. "My father.....whatever he did or didn't do is none of your business..." She shivered again, then gasped when he touched her inner thigh, her eyes widening. "I warned you...." She growled, then suddenly brought her knee up sharply between his legs, kneeing him right in the crotch.
He smiled softly as he shook his head,"You don't get it do you...?" he said softly, her knee seeming to do nothing,"None of this is really happening..." he said, moving away from her a bit, letting her hands free. He suddenly faded away before reappearing in the tree, the sword still there,"You can't even shake off a simple genjutsu... pathetic..." he said, letting his hand ghost through his hair,"And it was obvious too... how sad..." he said as he stood up, stretching lightly,"You might as well just head back to the village... you can't take on a mission of this importance if you can't even tell when a genjutsus been placed on you..." he said, walking past her.
Hanabi gasped and stumbled when he faded away, taking a deep breath as she suddenly found herself back beneath the tree. Genjutsu....she hated Genjutsu....it had always been her biggest flaw. Well....maybe that was the reason the two had been paired together...he had a strength where she had a weakness....whilst her Byakugan likely gave her quite the advantage over him in terms of scouting and infiltration. "I'm not going back...." She frowned, starting to move forward. "You bastard....don't ever dare think of touching me like that in reality"
He smiled as he looked down at her,"No problem... I could always use genjutsu..." he said with a smirk as he tossed his sword down, following it soon after,"Besides... if I'm not mistake, you were making some pretty cute noise while my illusion self was playing with you..." he said, following her and whispering it in her ear as he passed,"Why I almost didn't think you'd fight when his hand went up your inner thigh..." he said teasingly as he placed his sword on his shoulders, stretching and taking a deep breath.
"You wont get me with the same trick twice..." Hanabi growled, then blinked as he whispered, her cheeks flushing before she growled and clenched her fists. "Shut up! Genjutsu completely screws with my head! It doesn't matter what's happening I can't control what my body does or sounds like ok?! God what is it with you men? You're all a bunch of fucking perverts...."
He chuckled softly as he moved away,"That's right, all guys are perverts, if you think I'm bad, what makes you think that our enemies are any more forgiving?" He asked seriously, turning to her,"I bet you would freeze up if our enemies got a hold of you how I just did. They wouldn't stop like I did, they wouldn't be as simple in their teasings as I was!" he said,"You have to be prepared for everything, even the worst circumstances such as that." he said as he pointed at her,"That is why I don't like to work with konoichi, they think they're so superior and yet they never think of the simple fact that they are women, and they have more liabilities then men do." he said as he turned away, walking down the road more.
"I've already had to deal with enemies just like you, perverted bastards......of course dressed like this it gives them a false sense of security, it lowers their guard, it gives me the oppertunity to strike when they're vulnerable" Hanabi wasn't naive, she knew exactly what some men were trying to do to her, and she knew exactly how to take advantage of it when they tried. "Sexist pig, you have just as many liabilities as we do. If you see one attractive woman who isn't wearing much, that's it, you're completely gone. Don't try and pretend you're so superior!"
He smiled softly as he turned to her,"Let me guess... a few c-ranks... maybe a b-rank or two...?" he asked, popping his knuckles softly,"You do know this is an A-rank... maybe even an S-rank... we'll be up against the most dangerous types." he said as he looked her over,"You think you're strong... think that you could hold your own against some of the strongest enemies?" he said, slowly turning and placing his sword in the ground,"I bet you couldn't even take me if you tried..." he said, giving a soft smirk.
"I know perfectly well this is an A-Rank mission, and it's not my first for your information" Hanabi folded her arms across her flat chest and frowned. Whilst this wasn't her first A-Rank mission, it was her first without a Jounin to accompany her. "I'm perfectly capable of holding my own against anyone....especially you. I already know you're a pervert, already know you have a weakness" She glared at him, before moving to just walk past him.
He smiled softly, his hand moving out almost quicker than the eye could see, a kunai in it and a soft slash along the side of her shirt,"Oh really?" he said softly, not even turning to her,"You may know my type, but you don't know me fully..." he said, turning his head softly,"We'll make a bet..." he said as he turned to her,"You and me, fight right now... winner gets complete unquestioned control of the mission." he said, moving and putting the kunai back in it's case,"No arguements, no suggestions... unquestioned control to do the mission their way..." he said as he smirked,"First to give up loses..." He suggested as he stood about fifteen feet from her.
Hanabi didn't move or flinch as he cut the side of her shirt, just stopping her movement and frowning, turning to face him. "I hope you're planning on paying to replace this shirt. I don't mind it getting beaten up on a mission, but not by my 'partner' because he's feeling inferior...." She frowned at his offer, they didn't exactly have time for this, and it seemed like a stupid thing to be doing before a difficult mission.....but she couldn't exactly turn down the offer, it would make her seem like a weak coward. "Fine, but don't expect me to hold back on you..." At least her Byakugan would give her a good advantage, it would make it impossible to sneak up on her, even from behind she'd be able to see him.
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