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To the person below me...

No, I don't worship anyone.

To The Person Below Me,
imagine you find a magic lamp ... you rub it ... and a genie emerges. What would be your first wish?
1000 wishes, but assuming that isn't allowed the ability to see one day into the future anywhere in the world at will.

What is your biggest regret?
That I didn't do better when I was in school.

What is the grossest thing you have personally witnessed another person doing?
I've seen some constant drunk a few doors down.. take a dump on our hammock in the backyard before ><

How many hours do you have on your most played game (If applicable?)
Years ago, and I doubt I've played any game nearly as much, I played Final Fantasy 11 Online for years... I recall being somewhere around 110~120 days play time, not sure about the hours/minutes/seconds. If we're not counting time sinks like MMO's, then probably Disgaea 1 on the PS3. I was around 120~130 hours on that puppy. Great single player fun.

What band/song, TV show, or movie is a guilty pleasure of yours that you keep secret from people who know you?
> I still enjoy putting the Nintendo 64 on now and then to do some Golden eye or pokemon snap.

> What is the worst 'brainfart' moment you can recall? (brainfart is when you completely lost thought or replied something incorrectly when asked or was talking to someone)
I forgot what the word "cabinet" meant and spent an entire minute stalling until my grandmother pointed towards it. Fucking cringe.

What's a film you can't stand but everyone else seems to adore?
Shrek 2. I don’t really hate it, but I watched it on a pseudo date and definitely had to pretend to enjoy it.

What was the last board game you played?
... Chess. Hah. I play a few games here and there, especially since you can play a full game in under ten minutes. Makes it for a nice app game or a game for when you 'need to think about something else for a bit'. :)

What is your dream vacation like?
Beach town vibes, warm weather, good food and no obligations. Oh, and brunch, every single day I'm there.

What's at, or near, the top of your bucket list?
My favorite tattoo (I only have two) is the memorial piece I have for my foster mother, who we lost last year, on my left wrist. It's a red cardinal surrounded by pink dogwood flowers, and I just got the lettering done underneath it. It says "let go", which were her final words to me. Though I took it to become a mantra of sorts ever since, not just in terms of my grief, but in everything in life that doesn't serve me. Letting go has become one of the hardest things I have ever done, but, at thirty years old... I will never look back. Letting go has become incredibly freeing.

(Ahem, sorry, that was pretty deep)
To the person below me...

If you had the choice between your dream career, which (theoretically) pays just enough to get by, and a higher profile career that might burn you out but pays incredibly well, which would you choose?
Well, truth be told my current job is one that I do enjoy (but I wouldn’t call it my Dream Job either), so I do get paid enough to get by, barely of course but get by I do. So, I’d say that I would take my Dream Job because I know I could make it, even if I’m “just getting by”. Also, I suffer burn out from my current job and it sucks, so…..while I’d be getting paid more at a high profile job/career…..I wouldn’t want it because I know first hand…..burn out sucks and no amount of money is worth mental health strain.

Whew! Long winded, sorry! 🤣

To the Person below me:

I’ll keep it simple.

Cat person or dog person? (And if you have pets, by all means, be long winded and tell me all about them. Lol)
I actually like cats and dogs, but if I had to pick one it would be cats. The first pet I remember was a cat, as were the second and third and fourth. I’ve only had one dog that I remember.

To the poster below me: what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow what is your go-to comfort book? The one you’ve read a dozen times, will read a hundred more times before you die, and that you’re always trying to get other people to read?
In order to answer the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow I shall first need...a shrubbery. But my favorite go-to book is..., well it's a tie. Between Sir Terry Pratchett's Wee Free Men, because anything to do with his witches I adore and...Anne of Green Gables, because I'm a sucker for the slice of life that L. M. Montgomery did.

To the poster below me: What's your favorite 'weird food' combination. Like, a pairing that sounds really weird but that you absolutely enjoy?
Overrated: Marvels Avengers Endgame
Underrated: Autopsy of Jane Doe.

Poster below: Books or movies if you had to choose 1 type of media for a whole day
Books! Books all the life!
It is years i don't even have a TV... i just cannot sit and stare at a screen... it just makes me nervous and distracted. Books instead have the automated "rewatch the previous scene" with the flap of a page and allow one's mind to give shape to things the way we like... not trough the imagination of a moviemaker.

To the one below: would you Have a breakfast item of your choice as lunch for the rest of your life?
Absolutely I would! I'm a massive nerd for cereal. You vs the big delicious bowl of cereal she told you not to worry about. I'm not a big foodie anyway, so a light lunch suits me just fine.

Hello, below person. Consider: It's a clement day. The sun is shining, and the sky is clear. You're standing at the top of a hill. It's not a particularly steep hill, and it has a long slope that flattens out at the bottom. The ground is thick with grass, daisies and dandelions. Would you be willing to roll sideways down said hill, completely at the mercy of gravity?
absolutely not. leaving aside the fact that said hill has not been rigorously inspected for rocks (or the lack thereof confirmed as such), I'm not inclined to remove grass-stain out of clothing. cans and such on the other hand...sound like a good time. besides, I'm on a hill in picnic weather. sounds like an excuse for booze & nap.

dear person below me, you have just met truck-kun and isekaied into your favorite fandom. your special abilities are --- nothing. yep, you got fucked. what's your plan?
First off, cry a lot. Second, get a sense of the world. Is it a typical fantasy setting? Are there monsters? Adventurers? Where is it safe to live? Can you get pregnant? Dungeon diving is probably beyond my capabilities, so I’d better look for honest and/or lucrative work, hence the question about pregnancy! I might be able to find work as a scribe if literacy is low. Basically find a way to eek out a meager existence, and gradually improve it.

To the person below me, if you could be an amazing chef that specialized in some kind of cuisine, what would it be?
Well if this isn't a question perfect for me!

I'd rather be an amazing chef across all cuisines, or even just a good one, but if I had to pick (and I do) it would be mexican. I have loved mexican food since I first had a taste of homemade, genuine salsa from my dad's coworker's wife. I ate that shit up by the spoon full - no chip necessary, ( they're just an accessory ). I was super fortunate to have access to home cooked mexican food as a kid, and never turn down an invite to tacos (even though there are so many other dishes like Birria, Elote and Tamales to name a few). So if I had to specialize, it'd be mexican cuisine. I feel like I can run off as "okay" on everything else and not take a bruise to my very delicate ego. 🥺

To the person below me, when was a time you so narrowly avoided getting caught/hurt doing something that you swore off ever doing it again?

Bonus Question: Did/would you do it again?
this isn't quite what nt people would consider getting hurt, but i was in new york a few weeks ago and i was so fucking close to getting sensory overload, i decided that broadway just wasn't worth it. it's been, like, a week since, so i haven't had a lot of opportunity to break that vow.

that said, i like musicals and since i didn't have an episode, idk if it's gonna last.

to the person below me, what is your favorite musical and why?
hamilton, without the shadow of a doubt

just everything about it, god, makes the wannabe-history-buff in me happy

also, i totally would write alexander hamilton having an affair with angelica schuyler

egotistical/ambitious men whose only weakness is their own hubris and untamed lust? definitely not my type to write, never

“Why do you write like you’re running out of time?” —Eliza Hamilton

"And when my prayers to God were met with indifference, I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance.” —Alexander Hamilton

“That’s when I began to pray: Lord, show me how to say no to this. I don’t know how to say no to this. But my God, she looks so helpless and her body’s saying, ‘hell, yes.'” —Alexander Hamilton

“My dog speaks more eloquently than thee!” —Alexander Hamilton

“I wanna be in the room where it happens. I’ve got to be in the room where it happens.” —Aaron Burr

"Hamilton doesn’t hesitate. He exhibits no restraint. He takes and he takes and he takes and he keeps winning anyway. He changes the game. He plays and he raises the stakes. And if there’s a reason he seems to thrive when so few survive, then Goddamnit—I’m willing to wait for it.” —Aaron Burr

“Winning was easy, young man. Governing is harder.” —George Washington

“Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky. Imagine what’s gonna happen when you try to tax our whiskey.” —Thomas Jefferson

“He will never be satisfied. I will never be satisfied.” —Angelica Schuyler

“When I fantasize at night it’s Alexander’s eyes, as I romanticize what might have been if I hadn’t sized him up so quickly. At least my dear Eliza’s his wife; at least I keep his eyes in my life…” —Angelica Schuyler

let's keep this theme going

to the poster below me: what is your most memorable movie scene? can be any sort of memorable - just something that really stuck out to you. and why.
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