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To the person below me...

Not clicking that link. Yeah, it's youtube, but not interested.

v Poster below me thinks Pazzo really comments on a whole lot of these games.
^ When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and let everyone wonder how the fuck you did that.

The person below me is replying nearly each day in the forum games section?
Kiiiinda. I do all my "homework" on the PC, but I don't let myself get swayed.

The poster below me likes to play first and then do their homework later.
No, maybe one day...

Person below me can identify at least five different perfumes or colognes by scent alone?
Actually no. I am not allergic to anything.

To the person below me, would you please share one of your guilty pleasures?
Oops, posted right as Dementia did! This is an edit. I am somewhat of an Otaku. :)

The person below me loves double penetration. :D
Sure. I will go ahead and come out of the closet about my sexuality... I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. I just love women!!!!

The person below me has a good story with a humorous climax
Negative. I am one of the few people on this earth who could manage to burn jell-o.

The person below me has a groaner of a joke to tell us...
What's the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? SNOWBALLS!!! Get it? Cause of the men....and the women.....I'M HILARIOUS DAMN IT!

The person below me just thought of purple elephants after reading this
I chuckled at your joke. And I was thinking about a purple dragon after reading what you've written.

The person below got hypnotised or knows someone who got hypnotised.
No sorry never known anyone who has gone to the shows or had it done in hospital.

The person below me has spoken to a spirit
Never actually spoken to a spirit, but have had a couple paranormal experiences.

The person below me has an anime addiction.
So i've been told.

The person below me is going to get an oral pleasure marathon. If they can keep up, that is
I would gladly go for one of those...
just make certain you can keep up with me, I don't wan't to hear any of this "Oh My God I am so tired" nonsense...

The Person below me has dealt with a lover with no stamina one too many times.
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