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To the person below me...

That depends on the topic. I care about a lot of things, but not about everything at the same time.

The person below me is confused.
Hmm...I am a little hungry and I do love pasta, but would rather have an omelet right now.

The person below me loves giving hugs and receiving hugs.
That's my specialty - but only to those who are special ;)

The person below me has a desire to reveal something long held secret.
If by awhile, you mean like two days? I guess.

The person below me ate cereal today. Right from the box because fuck washing a bowl.
Damn straight

The person below pulled the middle finger on someone because they were stupid, and with that they felt like a total boss and badass
Yeah, a few weeks ago while driving, somebody passed me in a no passing zone while I was going the speed limit, and almost wrecked because of it. Needless to say, I flipped him/her the bird and was thoroughly pissed off. People who can't drive, and do stupid things like this is a huge pet peeve of mine.

To the person below me: Write a Haiku about boobies, and how they influenced your life in some way.
my small breasts
She caresses
Hers are big
we enjoy
Removes shame

The person below me has hurt someone bad enough to draw more than a few drops of blood.
No. I've wanted to at times, back when I was in middle and high school. But I was too much of a goody-goody to actually do anything overly violent. I sometimes wish I hadn't been though >.<

To the person below me:

What's your biggest regret so far?
Why yes of course, I could and would into science with that level of eyebrow-raising, finger-waggling, arm-bending enthusiasm. The same level of competency, however? I think not.

To the one below me (because I refuse to believe that everyone in here is a person and not some super intelligent feline being that plots to take over worlds, one forum at a time):

On a scale of one to the tip of Dubai's Burj Khalifa, how high are you right now?
I'm gonna have to say zero. I'm not high at all, and I don't want to be.

To the person below me...

If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
Leader of the known world. I got a lot of ideas that would make the world a much better my opinion haha

To the person below me:

If you had the option to either go 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past, what would you pick and why, assuming you had all the knowledge you have now.
That depends, can I go back to my own timeline or would I be stuck? If I'd be stuck, then I'd go forwards in time because any change of the past changes the future too.

What would you do when you had the ability to teleport yourself as well as objects and living beings?
I live with my mom. My father passed away in 2012.

To the person below me, what is your favorite animal and why?
A fox. They're clever and cute, and look like a mix of a dog and a cat. Why choose when you can have both in one?

To the person below me, do you have any big plans coming up soon?
Well I consider not arriving late to classes to be a plan everyday, so perhaps coming on time looking all primp and proper is a big plan. Dressed to impress and all that jazz.

Hey there, person below me! How devastated were you when those nummy Oreo O's cereal were pulled back?
Not really at all, I didn't really like cereal at all and I do t like it now ^^ ~.~

Person below me.... Have you ever wished to be the opposite gender for a day if you could
Curious phrasing, but not really. Although, I wouldn't have minded. I would've just stayed home and had a masturbate-a-thon!

The poster below me is bisexual.
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