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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Soon they were getting down to the lower level and they were able to get off of the elevator so that they could go to the cafeteria.
They were all getting off and Nox was stating that the cafeteria was on the other side of the hospital, so still quite the distance to walk. He was walking next to his sister and keep an eye on her for signs of weakness while Mason was pushing the wheelchair at the moment.
The twins kept walking although they ended up pausing for a moment when Skye seemed to run into the hospital, the other female looking a little out of breath. This had Luna tilting her head a bit and asking if Skye was alright. "Yeah! Everything is fine! Just thought I was going to be late to take over for Mason since he had told me he had plans that start in a bit." Skye was speaking while Mason was looking at his phone, reading the message that she had sent earlier that had stated for him to play along. He saw the other piece of information about the man being in town again but he didn't say that out loud - no Skye was there to let the detectives know herself. "Oh yeah that is right... I almost forgot about that." Mason was speaking after a moment in time before he was giving a low chuckle.
nate and max walked up and greeted Skye and asked how her brother was doing. they figured it was wise to be on her good side since if they pissed her off all she would have to do is go to her brother and they would be in trouble
Skye was commenting that her brother was doing well. With that she was just looking towards one of them and was asking if one of them could help her with something quickly. This had Nox looking over and asking if everything was alright which just had her stating that everything was fine, she just needed help getting something out of her car. Which wasn't a lie at all - she did have something in her car but she didn't actually need help with it. It was just an excuse to get one of the detectives to come out with her so that she could let them know what was going on.
Max nodded his head "Ill go with you" Max figured Luna deserved some time with her brother and he figured something was up that Skye needed to tell them
Skye was just thanking him and was then stating that they would be back in a bit. "We will be in the cafeteria." was all Nox was stating as he continued to walk with, just waving a hand towards them as Skye headed out towards her car with Max.
Max waved back and then followed her out of the hospital and to the car "so what is it you wanted to talk to us about but not freak Luna out"
Skye was walking over to her car so that she could grab the items and then looked at Max when he was asking what she wanted to talk to them about. This had her actually taking her tablet from her passenger seat to show him something after bringing something up on the screen. He would see that it was their city and there was a flashing dot that was on the other side of town. Still the distance away but in town nonetheless - about a half an hour drive where their current location. "He just got back into town early this morning. So far he hasn't left that location - which is a hotel after doing a bit of research - since then. Yet again it was like 2am when he returned." Skye was speaking after a moment in time. Then she was also stating that she was wanting to let them know about the news before they got bombarded upon returning to the station. "The chief is officially being replaced. The commissioner got more than enough proof of his actions - some of them even on video from the station - videos that the chief thought had been erased by the technician; which is true but the person in the security room saved those clips to an external drive to show the commissioner."
Max nodded his head "its our day off but we will probably hear about it tomorrow when we go in" Max then looked at the dot and then spoke "keep close to Luna and call if he shows up we have an active warrant for his arrest"
Skye was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I just didn't want her to start panicking at all. Nox knows and Mason knows. I messaged them this morning - I figured you two should know right away as well." After that she was grabbing a few things out of her car - some things that Luna had asked for.
Skye was nodding and soon they were heading inside so that they could join the others for lunch, Luna not even seeming to sense anything amiss at all.
Max would wait to tell Nate until they were headed back to the room and they could fall back a bit so that Luna didn't learn what was going on
The group just settled down so that they could all eat together before they were heading up to the room. This is when Skye was surprising everybody with some Cards Against Humanity, which they all played for a time. Soon enough they were all headed out to get home, with Nox staying at the hospital with Luna. He was telling Skye to make sure that she got home safe which just had her commenting that she had a ride home. Waiting out in front of the hospital happened to be Nicholas anyways, there to pick up his sister.
Max said he would be back tomorrow to get her statement and that she needed to rest well. Nate wished them both a good night and then urged Max out of the building so he could head home and rest
They were all headed home - Skye was going with her brother to his place to crash there for the night. The next morning came around, and Skye was actually going to the station with her brother. Nicholas was just greeting people as he was walking in before he was giving an order to a few of them to get some tables set up in the break room. Nope he had placed an order for some donuts and coffee to be delivered for everybody - a celebration. Yes it was a celebration for the chief being fired - or he would be fired anyways, but nobody knew that quite yet. "My darling sister here got on the Dean's List in college and I wanted to celebrate with her, but since I have been working so much, I figured that I would just have her come to me to celebrate along with my work family." Nicolas was commenting when somebody was asked. Not a complete lie and pretty much everybody in the station knew Skye.
Nate and Max greeted her and helped set up as they had been asked. while they didn't know what the Chief would do when he was fired they were taking extra care to make sure that nothing happened to the doughnuts and coffee
The chief seemed more than confused when he was walking in and just demanding to know what was going on. This had Nicholas just walking up before he was speaking, "Oh a celebration. I don't get to see my dear sister often and wanted to celebrate with her for her success on getting on the Dean's List, so I figured I could bring her here to celebrate with me. But while they are setting up, I need to talk to you about a case." With that the men were heading off towards Nicholas' office, where Skye was actually sitting on her tablet at the time.
Nate and Max watched as the commissioner took their chief in to his office to talk. while they knew what was going to happen they didn't warn anyone
Nicholas was just walking the man into the office and was letting him know that he was also wanting to talk to him concerning a promotion that was going to happen in the station. Although it wasn't long before the chief was definitely exploding in anger that he was being fired, no shock at all that he seemed to be reacting very negatively and more like an overgrown child. Even going as far as throwing stuff in his anger. "Skye. Please leave now." Nicolas was telling his sister and she was quick to retreat out of the room, with good timing on closing the door or she probably would have been hit by the coffee mug that was shattering against the door.
Skye was just chuckling before she was commenting, "No he isn't taking it well at all. He is throwing a tantrum at that point in time." They were moving out of the way quickly though as the door flew open and the chief came storming out, although he was definitely glaring at some of them.
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