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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

No shock at all that the former chief was making threats towards those in the station. Skye did find herself shivering a bit at his words though, how cold they were and there was definitely a thought in her mind that he might keep to his words.
Who would have figured that the former chief was actually losing his cool and actually picking up another mug and throwing it at them. Skye was giving a startled shriek when it was shattering on the wall behind them. At that point she was actually shaking a bit, visible terrified of the irate man. A few of the other officers were coming over to see what was going on as well.
There were a couple of other cops that were coming over although the situation ended up with the former chief being cuffed and hauled off towards cells for holding at that point in time. Nope the threats were just getting worse, and then there was the attempted harm towards not only an officer but a civilian as well on the premises. Nicholas hadn't come out of the office even hearing the commotion but he had been on the phone with somebody - somebody who knew about the situation. And it also happened to be the person who was being named as the next chief. Somebody who was suppose to get that job but the former commissioner had been buddies with the now former chief, so obviously that is how he had gotten his job.
Sky listened to the commotion on the other end of the phone and then spoke "well it certainly sounds like this former Chief is asking for some serious problems" Sky sat in his chair while he listened to Nicholas. he was trilled to be getting the promotion but he was worried that he was going to have to clean house and that would take some time.

Nate turned and checked on Skye and spoke "are you ok?" Nate checked her over to make sure that she hadn't been cut by any flying glass
Nicolas was commenting, "Yeah he is asking for some serious problems." He was letting out a breath of air before he was mumbling that he had been dumb enough to threaten a number of officers in the building, and had threatened a civilian. "Feel free to stop by anytime today. We are already having a celebration for his leaving.... well he thinks it is one I'm holding for my sister, since I rarely get to see her." Nicolas was speaking with a chuckle.

Skye was just looking towards him before she was giving a small nod of her head. She was more shaken at that point in time, and it seemed like some of the glass had cut her leg a bit but nothing serious.
Nate saw the cut and then guided her to his desk so that he could clean her leg up and get a bandage on it.

Sky listened and then stood up from his desk "Ill swing over there now as its as good a time as any plus I need to see how many people are going to be weeded out as well"
Skye was just following after him although she was more confused than anything, not really feeling the pain at the moment. Yet again there was more adrenaline than anything coursing through her at the moment. Give it like ten more minutes and she would definitely be feeling it. The cut was a little deeper than expected although nothing serious where she needed stitches or anything.
Nate hissed at the cut and made sure there was no glass in it before he cleaned the wound and then got it covered up so that nothing could get in to it
Nicolas was soon enough coming out to see what was going on before he was letting everybody know that Sky was going to be returning to the station and taking over the position of chief. This actually had a number of the others more than excited for that. After that he was handing his sister her tablet and was commenting that it had been making sounds. His eyes however did darken a bit when he saw that she was injured.
Nate looked at him "its not deep enough to need stitches so I cleaned it and bandaged it" Nate then stood and looked at the others who seemed really excited
Nicolas just giving a nod of his head before he was commenting that he was going to go and speak to the former chief. While he was doing that Skye was just looking at her tablet for a minute in time, although she did find herself blinking for a moment in time when she saw where the dot was flashing. At the station. The person was there at the station. How idiotic were they? Yet that almost made her even more afraid at that point in time. "Hey Nate......" Skye was speaking in a slow voice as she was showing him the tablet.
Nate looked at the tablet and then frowned "can you tell me where in the station?" he hoped that they would be able to catch him before he did something
Skye was just looking towards him before she was shaking her head before she spoke, "Not without diving more." And by that he would know that she meant hacking, and she really didn't want to do that in a place where she could get into some serious trouble. No the man was there... and currently rigging up bombs around the station in spots that nobody would notice.
Nate nodded his head and then looked at her "we need to clear this place out then" Nate looked at Max and made a motion which had the male going to the commissioner to let him know what was going on
Nicolas was actually in the entrance at the time speaking with Sky who had seemed to arrive there at the time. Yet before Max could get to him there just seemed to be explosions going off around the building - which definitely had yells going around. Parts of the building were collapsing, thankfully nobody was blown up at all. But there were a lot of people that were hurt by flying debris. Max would catch sight of the man for a brief moment as he took off running out of the station, pressing up a button which ended up blowing up the main entrance to the station. Part of the floor even ended up collapsing which had a number of people falling down onto the level below - Skye and Nate were a couple of those people that ended up falling.
Max cursed and then looked at the commissioner "I have to go I just say who did it" max then shot off after themas hoping to catch him before he could get away.

Sky watched as Max took off and then looked at his friend and boss "lets get to work on getting people out of there as fast as possible"
Max would manage to get out of the building before the bomb went off, but he was on his own chasing after the man at the time.

Nicolas was nodding his head before he was heading into the other room which seemed to have taken the most damage. There were a couple of cops that were down from being struck and there were others that were looking down to where some had fallen. Not that anything was really visible at that point in time not with how dark it was and dusty.
Sky walked with him and then barked out for a head count. he knew how many people were in the building and he needed to know that they were all still alive. this calm would help in the after math
Somebody was telling him how many officers were there then somebody else was adding that there was a civilian there as well. It seemed that at least eight people had fallen into the whole but by the grunts that were heard, at least some of them were alive. That was good.
Nate had cushioned Skye in the fall and while she was fine he was out cold and unable to communicate that he was ok. if someone checked they would find that he was breathing normally
Skye for the most part was fine thanks to Nate, although she was currently checking on his condition. He was breathing at least at the time and she was allowing one of the other officers to take over checking him over. They were at least medically trained - they worked as a EMT part time as needed on top of being an officer. Soon enough there were people yelling up affirmations that they were alright.
Sky nodded his head and then hollered down that they would get them out soon. Sky looked at those who weren't in the hole and started to call out orders to get people out of the building and for someone to alert the fire department as they were going to need their help
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