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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Nicolas was just looking at all of the papers before he was commenting that he was going to be having a lot of stuff to look through; but he would at least look through it. "I'll not be in tomorrow morning until around noon, my sister has an awards ceremony that she is apart of at her college tomorrow morning so I will be there. But in the morning I'll be having bagels and coffee sent to the station for everybody."
They would find that Luna still seemed to be unconscious and Nox was there, but he seemed to be asleep at the time in the chair next to the bed.
Max moved to another chair and then sat down with Luna holding her hand lightly while Nate covered Nox up with an extra blanket he had asked for
Nox did seem to wake a bit when he heard them come in but didn't stay awake, he was at ease and most definitely trusted them.
It wasn't long before Nox did seem to wake up as his phone went off and he was just mumbling something into it.
Nox was just mumbling, "Mhm... Yeah food sounds good. Thanks Mason. See you in a little bit. And yeah we can talk more when you get here."
Nox was just looking over for a moment before he was mumbling, "First time in a few days... Been worked up and on edge. Mason and Skye are telling me that I should just stay at home for a few days and catch up on sleep."
Nox was just looking before he spoke, "She is my twin... Her being like this makes be feel like a piece of myself is missing...."
Nox was just nodding his head before he spoke, "I know.... But I still can't help but worry. She is my twin.... my other half.... I don't know what I would do without her."
Nox was just letting out a breath of air and soon there was a knock on the door and another man was coming into the room. Somebody that the other two wouldn't have met yet. Mason.
"This is Mason, this is the other person that sits with Luna when myself or Skye cannot." Nox was explaining and was accepting the bag of food from Mason. Mason was idly commenting about how he hadn't been able to get ahold of Skye recently and he was a bit worried. "I was just talking to her before I took a nap - she is at home and has dived deep into working on her latest prototype game." Nox was commenting which had Mason nodding. So she was ignoring the world.
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