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The Art Thief's Obsession (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Skye was just watching before she was commenting, "She hasn't shown signs of walking at all. But her vitals are strong which is good."
Skye was giving a nod before she spoke, "Nox called me frantic when she ended up springing her fever before she came to the hospital. He was so worked up and couldn't think straight, I had to call the ambulance for him."
Skye chuckled before she was stating that the twins were close and had always been close. "Rarely ever got into a fight." she was commenting after a moment in time.
Max nodded his head "I had noticed that they were close I am just worried that who ever is after Luna might target her brother to get to her" Max couldn't keep a guard on Nox
Skyelar was just looking at him for a brief moment before she was commenting, 'I wouldn't be too worried about Nox. He is smart and knows how to take care of himself. He has studied many forms of self defense."
Max nodded his head "that is good to know" Max relaxed a bit hearing this at it made things easier on him only having to protect one person
Skye was nodding her head before she was commenting, "And it isn't as though Luna is without protection. Nox, myself, or our friend Mason are always with her. The three of us decided that she wouldn't ever be alone, and one of us would always be with her."
Max nodded his head lightly "good the captain won't authorize a guard for her even though she is the only living victim and witness of this man"
"yea me and Nate are thinking of going above his head and going to the commissioner" Max knew this would piss their chief off but they had to keep her safe
Skye was just looking towards Max before she was commenting, "Well if you are wanting to do that then... I'll help you with that. I can easily get you a meeting with them without the chief knowing."
Skye was just watching as she waited for the person on the other end to answer the phone. Eventually there was an answer. "Hey brother dearest. I need a favor." she was speaking after a moment in time before she was explaining the situation. "Yes the two detectives on the case are wanting to have a meeting with you about the whole situation." she was answering a question.
After a moment in time she was giving a grin before she spoke, "I owe you. But yeah I'll let them know since they are here with me now." With that she was hanging up and stating that they had a meeting with him. "Although you'll have to go tomorrow sometime between 11am and 1pm since that is when he will be at his office. And that is also when the chief shouldn't be there he says."
Max and Nate both nodded their head and then thanked her for getting them the meeting they then said that they owed her one for doing this
Skye was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "If you stop by tomorrow it'll be our friend Mason that is here until about four. Nox has to work and then he will be here after work."
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