The Dragons Tribute (LunarWolf and FluffyPuppy77)

Eve looked at the elder dragon and cowered back as if scared. she then closed her eyes and focused on how it felt to be human and let out a low roar when she shifted back as much like the first time it hurt. after a few minuted Eve sat on the ground breathing heavily. Eve knew the woman would know who she was but she decided to speak "I didn't ask to be able to shift in to a dragon but she did tell me how to shift back but as for reversing the spell no she didn't tell me that" Even then recounted everything that had happened so that the woman would know what was going on and how this had come to pass so that she could decide what to do
Teeth grinded against themselves as the girl that she had given away three days ago had come back. As a shifting dragon. Unheard of!
She had meant the reverse to human, she had displayed that.
On the girls head was still that diadem of beauty… now tarnished with a soul she could sense.
I told you when you arrived here, head up back straight.” She poked the girls spine with her claws.
“You know this human, elder?” “Yes, she arrived via bride and carriage you pulled.” “Oh…..”
Said touch removed the nasty skins she was still in from her escape- leaving her nude. “Get to the long house, either in scales or skin. Go eat.” She directly order the bride. “Don’t mess around with my generosity. I could have you eaten quite quick.” The Silver turned his head away and down out of respect for the wayward bride and her bare nature.
“Was good to escort you back again.” He said quietly as the looming Gold watched the girl.
Eve sighed at being bare once more and not feeling comfortable walking around naked she shifted once more this time it wasn't painful at all she then stood and headed to where she had been directed so that she could eat. Eve didn't know what was going to happen to her or if she was going to be killed. Eve hadn't asked for any of this and by this point she was ready to go home and hide away so that no one could ever see her again.
The Long House was full of dragons in either full scales or humans, some had clothes most did not. They didnt care for that.
"Welcome dear. Have a seat- What type of meat can I get for you tonight. We have fish, venison and a special treat tonight, Whale! Took two soldier to take it down and fly it up here! A bit on the chewy side but very good." the small humanized dragon, orange scaled by her hair; announced to the new comer red and gold.
"Gorgeous colors by the way, welcome to the Cloud nation. Flown in from the south?"
Eve shook her head she didn't want people to know that she was a human turned dragon knowing she needed to talk she croaked out "can I get venison please" talking hurt and she was trying to limit how much she talked. Eve hadn't gotten permission to reveal what she was so she was going to keep it a secret. Eve bobbed her head in thanks and then watched as the other dragon wondered off.
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