The Dragons Tribute (LunarWolf and FluffyPuppy77)

She didn’t have to go home, the world was open to her now… her other town sold her to the dragons to be used as breeding stock- if she could be used…
The mighty beast wouldn’t even know if she left, curling up after his meal to sleep away until he needed to feed again…

The gold would know though. Coming back around after a few days to find the beast deep in sleep and not answering her summons, the human bride was gone and there were strips of furs left behind in a pile. She had fled, or was eaten in an attempt. Silent magic filtered through his collection, not a single human skull there.
Her town would be protected for a year… and they would choose a new bride from some where else in hopes to garner more experimental wombs to try and grow their population.
Eve wandered down the mountain and headed for the near by village that she could see from where she was. Eve hoped that she would be able to settled somewhere and live life like she wanted to and not as some dragons bride. Eve was still annoyed that he had basically kicked her out and hadn't even bothered to see if she wanted to stay. It took several days for Eve to reach the village and when she did she found that it was abandoned and there was no one living there
With old style rules and gods, the town folk here had gone against the dragons contact. With nothing answering their prayers, the sick died and the healthy grew weak. Unable to hold a harvest because of a bad land system, they starved or moved away. What moved in were creatures and their masters; witches. Some were good but a while coven could cause disasters if their moons aligned. Only one was out in the late afternoon sun, outfit meant for summer as she tended to a weird plant, allowing it to bite her arm before she squeezed some pod on its leaves. Toxic grey goop left the tip, of which she collected.
The plant turned on her arm, eyeless petals seemed to sense a new body.
“Whom ever you are, you probably shouldn’t stay too long. There isn’t much for Normys.”
Eve looked at her "may I ask what you're doing?" Eve was curious and wondered what the woman was doing granted she knew that she needed to leave soon but she was still curious. Eve then looked around and wondered if she would fins another village in a day or so or would she start having to hunt for food ignorer to survive while she traveled. Eve knew how to hunt but is wasn't something she was fond of doing but her father had insisted that she learn
“Harvesting Seed. We use it to help guide men in to us easier.” The plant let go as if almost eager to bite another being. “Need any? Help get a thick male in between your legs with ease… look at you. Wrapped in so many spells, like it’s asking you to be a dinner course for some one. Where did you get that fancy head charm girl?” The witch pulled her fingers in the air twice as the plants roots wrapped her ankles and forced a walk towards her. Who said she was a good witch???
Eve screamed when the plants forced her to move closer to the woman "let go of me" Eve didn't feel like answering the woman and she didn't like that she was being forced to do something she didn't want to do. Eve had kept her distance for a reason since she hadn't known the woman and she hadn't wanted to be a bother either
“Oh hush darling. Cowbell is harmless.” She showed her arm, not a prick of blood on her skin, just nectar. “She likes to hold on to things while we pick her pods.” The roots kept her walking until the girl was directly in front of the witch. “I just wanted to see your pretty diadem better. Dragon made, high quality. Heirloom or can I buy it from you?” She asked as Cowbell released her roots and jingled the pod filled leaves at her.
“No my dear, I don’t think she came for ease in potions. You came because you ran from something. Am I right?” The plant looked so sad as it hung its bright petals low. “Maybe I’ll get you a chick later as a snack.” The witch pet the sad thing as it wiggled sadly.
Eve shook her head "I was sold to the dragons but the dragon I was given too didn't want me so I left as for the thing on my head you are welcome to it but I was unable to remove it" Eve had tried to take the thing off but she hadn't been able to get it off. Eve didn't know if the woman would be able to get it off either but she was welcome to try if she wanted it that badly
The witch hummed a note that had the metal of the diadem heating up. Plucking it with deft fingers as it hit a certain hotness, she freed it from the girls head. “Thank you for telling me it was an actual gift from them, I would have tried so many methods first. But due to this, it’s actually bound to you. All the spells I wanted from it will only work for you. Beauty and always clean hair.” She turned it over in her hands before an evil smirk graced her face. “He didn’t want you as you are now… you are a dragons bride… try being a dragon instead? Care for a spell?” She offered as the diadem resonated in her palms- dying to get back to the girl. “This was for beauty… you probably would be the scaled beast of his dreams.”
Eve looked at her "you have to be a dragon to be able to shift" Eve didn't think that what she was saying was possible but she wasn't going to be rude either. in this case she was just point out what she knew to be a fact. Eve didn't know if it was even wise to try and use magic as she wasn't a witch. Eve then looked at the plants around her and wondered what they were all for .
“Nonsense!” The witch laughed as a blink had her the shape of a Doe. “I am a witch, I do as I please. Taking or making shapes that makes men want to squeeze…” she started a little song, a spell. Her plant raised its petals and opened its full bloom. “.. With but a bit of power, so can you. You want to be of power, to get back at the few. The ones that cast your aside to be something’s stew. What better way to find your place, then to take it, with shining scales to their face. Be a part, or take guise off- a Dragoness you’ll be at heart.” She didn’t need a wand or a coven to do simple things like this. She was messing in magic, taking a long dead dragons soul and power up from its grave. “Wrongfully killed it holds greed, wanting to make you whole and that fulfills its deed. Never able to find a partner, what better way then a new starter.” Her hooves turned to feet again as she clutched right to the child’s hand and tucked the small circlet around her wrists like a hand cuff. “Do as I say: wings for night time, feet for day, you’ll never have another boring sway. You’ll turn all eyes when you return, fair warning, you will have a tough life ahead of you.”
Eve looked at her and then at the circlet that was around her wrist "what did you just do?" Eve had been following her but she was confused as to what was going on and why she had said she would be a dragoness. Eve knew witches held power but she wasn't a witch but now it seemed like that the woman had made her one and given her the ability to shift in to a dragon. Eve looked at the roots that held her in place and wondered when they would free her and let her leave
A deft movement from hand to head, the witch had the crown back on her skull.. “I made it so any time you put the diadem on it would give you the body of a dragon. It’s form change magic. The dragons soul is in the circlet, you don’t need to do anything to power it. The poor dragon died before ever having chicks of her own, she wants to support you.”
Either the change would be painless if it would hurt if she shift, the witch didn’t know.
“But you can become human again if you remember you have it on you.” She gave a wicked grin again “or remember how to use two feet. Toodles dragoness!” The witch vanished in to the garden to leave the shifting dragon bride by herself. Shadows had touched her garden at this point and some creature could be heard moving above on the failing roofs.
Eve looked at her departing back and then looked at the things on her wrist before she turned to head out and find out what all she could do. Eve got away from the city and then focused on her bracelet and allowed herself to shift in to a dragon. the first time she shifted hurt like hell as her body expanded to take on a new form. Eve's pain cries turned in to roars that reverberated up the mountain and back down in to the village to be heard by all
A quiet golf clap from the witch and she gave herself a pat on the back for hearing such a marvelous noise echo the dead town. A few steps in to a waltz like dance had her raising more plants from the back of her garden. More of what she called Cowbell. Harmful ones like nightshade and a type of poison ivy.
This witch had plans with her coven sisters, she needed the men to become entranced and she would get her sacrifices any way she felt.

The roar was muted passed the cloud layers and magic that prevented all from finding the dragon nation. But still heard. Pained and alone. Several ears turned heads to see the gate to the world. A dragon was down there?! They turned back to the gold dragon who sat in the throne. What should they do?
Eve finished shifting and stood her legs shaking under her. Eve moved her head and looked at her new body before she started to move and get a feeling for how she needed to move to do things like walk and even try to fly. once Eve found a way to get out of the woods she found a clearing and this had her stretching out her wings and flapping them as she tried to take off and fly for a moment. It took Eve several hours to get the hang of flying and how to take off along with landing
“Like watching a chicken try to fly.” A calm voice spoke, a silver head tipping to the very badly done flight. “What? It’s like you’ve been living under a Crab this whole time.” It sneered. It had no interest in this- her soul wards still working to keep un wanted things away. “Madam Elder called on me to check out that awful roar. Though it might be a Hunter. But it’s a full grown dragon trying to fledge.”
It didn’t have wings, hovering over the trees it had watched from. “Think you can make it that high? Do you have the lung strength?”
Eve looked at the silver dragon and let out a low roar as she hadn't figured out how talking worked in this form yet. Eve stretched out and then flopped on to the ground and then huffed she was tired from everything and wanted to be alone while she learned not have someone judge her or ask things of her she wasn't ready to do. Eve turned her head and ignored the other dragon as it was being rude. after resting for a bit Eve stood up and took off once more this time going higher then she head before to try and build up her strength and get use to how everything worked together. unless the other dragon was going to be helpful she ignored it as best as she could
“Don’t use your shoulder muscles, use your chest, longer flight time. And flex your toes as you go forward, more thrust, less wing power.” He showed her up close how he was swinging claws as if swimming in the air; doing a spiral around her struggling form. “Tail should only move when you want to steer, flat out other wise.” Dropping back to catch her floundering tail and stretch the membrane at the end for straighter flight. “Come on, go upwards. Let’s get you back to the cloud nation.”
He was helpful- he was sent to check, and he had found a forgotten youngling. “We can rest in the mountain side- but we need to get you home before nightfall. Or at least just UP.”
Eve followed his directions and flew back to the one place she had left. Eve didn't know if they would kick her out once they found out she wasn't of dragon blood or not but she would have to wait to find out. The flight was hard on Eve but eventually they made it to where it was safe and she could land and rest to regain her strength. Lilly wanted to shift back but she didn't know if it was safe to do so as it was she had already caused problems thanks to a witch
“So, hatchling; how did you get free of where ever you were?” The silver asked, still hovering with no winded nature. He twisted like a silver streamer as he hung upside down on the mountain above her. “Your voice is a mental thing, chick, coming from your brain to your mouth. If you can talk at all.”
Eve looked at him and managed to get a few words out "witch made me like this" while she had shifted willingly she hadn't asked to become a dragon. once she was rested Eve stood up and then looked at the other dragon and wondered if he understood what she meant. Eve didn't know if it would help if she just shifted back or not but she figured it would be better to wait and talk to who ever had sent them to find her. Eve then took off once more waiting to see where they were headed.
“Witch? Witches can turn people now?!” He yelped in surprise, claws loose as he slipped off his perch. Landing in his chin, he was fine; he wiggled back to a stand and took up to the air in a rush. “Higher; shifter, we have to get above the clouds!” He rushed. She was large but only just larger than the tallest human. He could carry her up if he asked and she dared trust him.
“We have to move fast! If we don’t get above the clouds they could call back their magic and pull you in like a thrall! Do you dare let me carry you?” Witches were stronger at night…
Eve looked at him and then nodded her head as she was still struggling to keep up with him. Eve knew once they got to where they needed to she would have to shift and hopefully she would be able to turn back. Eve flew closer remembering his instructions from before so that they could get out of there and fast. Eve figured something was wrong if he was freaking out over the fact that a witch had given her the ability to shift. talking had hurt so Eve didn't try to talk anymore then she absolutely had to and at that moment words weren't needed to give him permission to carry her
The silver beast wasted no time in clapping her wings shut and tight against her body, mid flight he only dropped them both a few feet before rushing up with magic racing across his tail for speed.
He spoke no more, lithe body passing the cloud layer as the sun vanished past the valley. He didn’t stop until he got to the temple that she had just been in three days prior.
“Madam Elder!!!!! There’s a problem!!!” He screamed out at the bottom of the steps. Hurried gold claws took the large dragoness to the door, thee colored heads followed her pace.
He had since set the dragonlet on the ground and bowed really low.
The gold was shocked to see the —— chick that this silver brought up from below. She was going to greet it but the Silver butted in. “Witches, my lady. They can turn humans to dragons now.” He called out.
This had the gold even more interested.
If that’s true, and this is a spell, did the witch reveal a way to go back. Or were you turned as a spy?” Her teeth flashed at the chicklits face.
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