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Bad Luck (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

“Sounds good, sounds good” Dammit, it was bad. He’d been aching all day, and now it was making him act stupid. Don’t push it, that ship has sailed.

“You.. wanna hang out?”
“Sounds good. See you soon” he sent and got dressed, something simple. Comfy jeans, open button up over his tanktop. He grabbed a few pre mixed margaritas, and headed over.
Sena ordered easy stuff - things they could both eat - and she put her homework away as she waited. She hoped her wife beater and jogger shorts weren't too revealing. Not like it mattered.
He caught himself before he started staring, smiling. “Hell yeah, hope you’re ready to drink.” He said, holding up the bottles.
He moved past her, and almost regretted coming over. This was bad. Her tits were huge, she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her whole room smelled like her.
He sat back and sighed a bit, not even realizing that with the alcohol and her, he was already half hard. “Damn, I forgot how rough tequila is..” he laughed.
"Gets the job done." She smiled before her phone pinged. She checked it and made a noise.
"Food's here, I'll go get it." She said and left briefly.
She came back after a second with the food and sat next to him, "I didn't know what to get, so I just got a bunch of sides...fries, mozzies, sliders for you..."
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