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Bad Luck (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

“Sorry I’m not good at asking for stuff.”
“Don’t worry I’m keeping this for me”
“Fuck I hope that wasn’t weird”
He was struggling, eyes flicking over the image again and again, over every curve, every inch of exposed hide. His breathing was heavy, his tail flicking hard. “F..Fuck..~” he said quietly.
She kept sending him pics when he asked - and any other normal girl would have found it gross to send a guy she wasn't even fucking half nudes - but she wanted him to hit. She was just too scared to make the first move.
He needed her so badly that it began to physically hurt. But he ignored it. He felt bad enough asking for these pictures, but it’s like he was addicted to it.
He stared at the message. Was she interested? Obviously she was, at least a little bit. Don’t overdo it. “Yeah, of course.” “What kind do you want?”
“Maybe that’s not.. damn I’m bad at this.”
“What do you want to see?”
He swallowed hard, taking several, and trying to find the best ones to send. She had been generous. So, he sent one as soon as he left the gym. The pump made his arms look huge, made his chest look huge as well. He left his shirt off, and his shorts on. His hair was a mess, and it was obvious that it was a good workout. “Sorry, I don’t do this very often. Is this ok?”
He was massive. Her heart was pounding as she savored the image. “Well, good! Just uh.. lemme know if you ever want more, I guess haha”
Kick backs seemed like bad ideas. Being near him drove her insane with desire, but like hell she would ever do anything. She called him her bestie, for Christ's sake. She may as well have shoved a giant stop sign in his face.
She didn't want to think about that, she was crazy enough as it was.
She sat in her apartment, doing homework to hopefully distract herself.
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