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The Mystics Prediction (Guardian Angel and LunarWolf)

Sebastian was commenting, "Lets go then. I'm actually a bit more new to town. Only been here a couple of months. Well lived here before but over eight years ago; so a lot has changed." No while he and Eric had been running the club together for years - Sebastian had been running remotely after having moved away. Had ended up coming back to visit a few years ago and started up the business with Eric before returning home. Not like he didn't pull his fair share of stuff - even with being towns away.

Ravette was deciding to buy a couple of things and handing over some cash to the stall owners. Although cash reminded her that she did need to reach out to her family and have them wire her some money.
Lin stood and then gathered her bag before looking at him. "lets head out then" LIn had lived in tow for a few years so she knew this place was good or at least it was to her.

Eric walked with her and purchased a few things here and there when they caught his attention
Sebastian was chuckling before he was getting to his feet before he spoke, "Lead the way."

They visited a number of the stalls while they were there, although she only bought a couple of things while there.
Lin walked with him for a couple of blocks before they reached the restaurant and then she walked in getting the staff with a smile
Sebastian was following after her before wandering into the diner with her, and just looking around slightly.

After a bit it seemed like Ravette was done with the market and was wanting to see more of the town.
Ravette was following after him before she was questioning, "Where too now?"

Sebastian was just looking around a little bit as he entered the place. It wasn't a super large diner but it wasn't small either - it was rather quaint and cute actually. Comfy and homely.
"I figured we could take a walk through one of the parks here if you are interested" Eric knew the parks were rather nice

Lin sat down at the table and then thanked the waiter when they were brought some water
Ravette was just looking before she was speaking, "That sounds wonderful."

Sebastian was just grabbing up the menu and just looking through it.
Lin already knew what she was going to get so she let him look it over so he could decide

Eric nodded his head and then walked with her to the car
Sebastian studied the menu for a bit but in the end he was eventually deciding on what he was wanting.

Ravette was following after him to his car and was slipping inside.
Lin looked at him when he put his menu down and then spoke "know what your getting?"

Eric put their things in the trunk and then got in to head to one of the parks
Sebastian was just looking before he was speaking, "Bacon cheeseburger with fries and a coke I think."

Ravette was just settling into the passenger seat.
"good choice" Lin looked over and flagged down their waiter so that they could order.

once she was settled Eric started the car and then pulled out and headed out to the park
Sebastian was just looking before he was commenting, "It is my normal thing to get - i'm not really feeling like getting anything new."

Ravette was just looking around a bit as they drove.
Lin nodded her head "That is understandable" Lin then placed her order when their server came over.

Eric headed to the park in the center of the city
Sebastian was placing his order as well.

Ravette was just looking around for a brief moment in time.
Eric soon pulled in to the park and found a parking spot. once he found one he pulled in and parked his car

Lin looked at him after their orders were place "so besides a club what do you do for a living"
Ravette was hopping out of the car once it was parked and shut off, just looking around a bit.

Sebastian was just looking over before he was speaking, "Basically run the club and I do a lot of computer programming. Making security systems for people and what not." Was he going to mention that he did some hacking? Not at all.
Ravette was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Yeah lets go."

Sebastian was just chuckling before he was commenting, "Pretty easy for me."
Eric offered his hand to her incase she wanted to hold it and then waited.

"well I am glad to hear it" Lin had wanted to be a painter but she couldnt pay her bills painting
Sebastian was nodding his head before he was commenting, "If you ever need a system upgrade let me know. I can make a security system nobody can hack."

Ravette was just looking towards him for a moment before she was taking his offered hand with a smile.
"I will do that but i doubt my company will take you up on your offer they don't like listening to us agents" Lin frowned a little when she thought about the company she worked for

Eric walked with her after she took his hand and just admired the scenery
Sebastian was just chuckling before he was commenting in a rather mysterious voice, "I mean I could almost force their hand. All it would take is a small little hack.... very minor. A little freaking out from them, when they could ask for suggestions you could make a recommendation." No he was genuinely wanting to people helpful - yet again the clubs personal information was saved with this insurance company. He wanted to protect that as well. It did mean a lot to him as well.

Ravette was just looking around as she walked with him before commenting that it was quite beautiful there.
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