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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Already Vincent and Caly's army seemed to be mobilized at the time. Caly was standing a top the wall overlooking the battlefield at that point in time before she was turning to retreat, already a guard covering her retreat just in case an opposing archer decided to try and shoot at her.
Azalea was standing on the battlefield although it wasn't long before she was actually taking a couple of steps forward and seemed to be walking forward towards the enemy line. This would have some of the veterans just mumbling that she was absolutely crazy at the time. This was more or less a challenge towards the enemy leader at the time. But this is what she had straight up told Grant that she was going to do, it would at least buy more time for the civilians to hide considering neither side would make a move.
Azalea walked forward towards the center and there were definitely some men around Aden that were chuckling. "They sent in the flower brigade it looks like to challenge the general." One of them was commenting. Although there were a few who knew better - had seen her in action before.
Aden shook his head "I have seen her fight before she is no flower" Aden then headed to the center of the field to see what she wanted to do cause it was either give up or fight and he had a feeling she would choose to fight rather then give up
Azalea was just watching as the general seemed to be approaching, at the time while her spear was in hand it was being driven into the ground for the time being. The air blew her hair out of her face as she just calmly watched before she was commenting, "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to approach. I'm sure a number of your men had some comments to make as well." With that she was smirking and stating that they weren't going to stand down. "We just had to deal with a madman.... Dealing with another won't be an issue as well. So I guess you have two choices yourself. You can either leave with your army with no retaliation from us.... or your king will get the war that he wishes."
"Sadly while I would love to take the first option as my prince has no desire for war his father is the current ruler and he says we are to fight" Aden shrugged his shoulders lightly before he turned to his men and signaled for them to stay there. he didn't want them attacking unless he ordered it
Azalea was just commenting, "Then war it is.... And here I was hoping that the smarter option would be taken. Seems like out of your royals... the prince is the only one with a head on his shoulders." With that she was actually grabbing her spear once again and shifting her stance ever so slightly.
"he is and if I was allowed I would have the prince on the throne today but sadly I am not" Aden then changed his stance ready to fight as well
Soon enough the pair seemed to be clashing with each other - and it seemed quite clear that the pair of them were pretty evenly matched at the time. There were definitely some soldiers on both sides that were wanting to assist, wanted to make a cheap shot.... but thankfully there were some around them that were smart enough to stop them from doing anything foolish. So far Azalea seemed to be fine although she could most definitely feel pain from the lashes, and could feel the wetness on her back some. But that didn't bother her much - her armor kept it hidden and would stop her from bleeding out.

As they were fighting however, a doctor was pacing a bit nervously and it was actually Caly and Abby who would come across his pacing as they were safely in the palace. "What seems to be the matter?" Caly was questioning after a moment in time. Although a frown was forming when he was breaking confidentiality and telling her about Azalea's condition. The infection while it had been getting better was still there a bit, and that she had a fever from it prior to leaving. "So what you are saying is.... It is only a matter of time before her body gives out and she collapses." Caly was speaking before she was looking towards Abby for a moment. Something to let Hayden and Grant know about since they were at the head of the army at the time.
Aden met her blow for blow and he didn't hold back which would tell her that he had when whipping her.

Abby looked at Caly and then spoke "Ill go and tell Hayden and Grant you stay here with Vincent and the others" Abby could get there and back easily enough but they needed to know incase something happened
Caly was nodding her head before she was returning to Vincent, although she was definitely worried about the whole situation.

Azalea didn't allow any expression to appear on her features she met him blow for blow; even as it dragged on. Yet the longer it did drag on - it was perhaps him that would be able to tell that something was up. Especially when she did seem to get a little sloppy and there were a few blows that she barely avoided. No the fever that she had started the morning with was flaring up pretty badly at that point in time. Understandable though... she was overexerting her body, past its limit.
Aden did notice and he used it to his advantage.

Abby rushed out of the castle and headed for the battle field dodging those who tried to stop her was she made her way to Hayden and Grant
Not that Abby would actually make it to Hayden and Grant, not before Aden was actually managing to down Azalea. Quite the lucky blow that she hadn't managed to block, and it was sending her straight to the ground. A shock to everybody on their army - yet Hayden and Grant would quickly understand why when Abby reached them and told them what was happening.
Aden put his weapon away and then walked over and picked Azalea up and headed back of this men carrying her with him. once he was back behind their lines he signaled for them to attack.

Abby breather heavily but she was able to tell them what was going on only to watch as Azalea was taken away by the enemy general
Not that Azalea fought back at all, nope she had ended up passing out shortly after going down to the ground. If any of her bare skin was touching his bare skin, he would be able to feel the heat radiate off of her at the time. It was pretty obvious that she had quite the high fever - and it would perhaps be a remarkable feat that she had still managed to fight as well as she had despite that fact.

Hayden was just drawing his weapon though before he was shouting out orders to defend the palace.
Aden could feel the heat of her fever and headed to his tent calling for a medic to join him. while he would keep her he would also have her tended to

Abby wished them luck and then ran back to the castle
A medic was coming over although seemed shocked that Aden was wanting him to treat an enemy commander. The woman was flush red from being feverish but in the end the medic was doing his job. The first thing he was doing was getting the woman out of her armor. Aden would be the first to realize that she was bleeding at her back, as it was seeping through the bandages at the time.
Aden flipped her over and pointed to the blood "tend to that first" Aden knew everyone was confused but he had beat her even if she had been ill it had still been a fair fight had he known she was ill he wouldn't have fought her.
There was a small whimper from her when he was doing that but it wasn't long before the doctor seemed to be removing the bandages after removing her shirt. The woman was soon there is nothing but pants and he was tending to the wound on her back. It was obvious that it was a little inflamed from infection in a couple of spots but it was still healing nicely.
The medic was taking care of her at that point in time although he couldn't understand what was running through the general's head at that point in time. He didn't understand why he had brought back an enemy commander, and was having her tended to nonetheless. While the general was there the medic wasn't going to do anything but once he left he was going to make sure that the woman was bound, and tightly.
The medic was just watching for a brief moment in time although he was halting him and having him readjust some of the bindings so that he still had full access to her back so that he could tend to it. Although he didn't understand why this woman cared at all - and it was something that frustrated him a bit. Yet he figured that he could easily remedy it as he was putting together something to help with the fever. Once the general left it would be easy enough to mix something in that would only cause her to get worse... and hopefully kill her.
Aaden looked at the man and then spoke his tone dark "if anything happens to her it will be your head do you understand me" Aden stared at the man and waited to see if the medic understood that if anyone tried something he would make an example out of the man
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