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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Abby did her best to tend to both females but there was only so much that she could do. once they arrived abby got out and handed Caera over to Grant who was waiting for them
Caera was just allowing herself to go to Grant's waiting arms, and was just burying her head into his chest. He would be able to feel her trembling lightly and one of the other dancers was telling Grant that she would explain to him what had happened in a bit.
Caera was just staying close to him although she wasn't saying much of anything other than she wanted to go to their room. The other dancer was walking along with them and was waiting until Grant had gotten Caera settled in bed before she was stating that she wanted to speak to him. "It would be best that you know the story sooner rather than later." was all the dancer said if he tried to argue that he wanted to stay with her until she was calm. No the sooner he understood why she was how she was... the better. He would know how to approach, or at least try and figure out a way instead of going in blindly.

Azalea was just climbing out of the carriage with the help of another one of the dancers who was stating that she needed to go to the medical wing and get her injuries tended too.
Robert looked at her and then took over supporting her "lets get you there then"

Grant nodded and then kissed Caera's head and told her he would be right back. he then stepped out of the room so that they could talk with out disturbing her more
The dancer was looking towards Grant after he was walking out of the room before she was explaining what had happened. Initially it was just the basic stuff, which perhaps had him wondering what this all had to do with why Caera was acting how she was. Then the other dancer was cringing a bit before she got into the sexual violence that they had all endured - granted she had gotten off pretty easily. The man that had taken her, hadn't actually penetrated her at all. "Caera was.... raped multiple times by the king. And he didn't hold back at all. He told her many times that her own lover wouldn't want her back when he was done with her. In his words "After all who would want a lover who bares the child of another man"." the dancer was speaking after a moment in time, although kept her voice low so that Caera didn't hear on accident.

Azalea was just looking towards Robert for a brief moment in time but she was allowing him to help at that point in time. Things hadn't gone how they had wanted but they had at least gotten some information... and only one of them had died.
Abby looked at Hayden, Vincent and Caly and nodded to them as she had gotten the most information she knew she was going to have to talk to them.

Grant nodded his head lightly "I'll talk to her I have a way to cause a miscarriage if that is what she wants and it isn't harmful to the person" Grant would do what ever Caera wanted to do while he knew this probably brought back some bad memories from him he hoped she could over come it and depend on him
The dancer was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Just.... take it slow."

Hayden was just looking over then looked towards Vincent and Caly who seemed to be there with them as well.
Grant nodded his head and then thanked her before telling her to get to the doctor to be checked over just to be safe and that he would tend to Caera. Grant then headed back in to the room and sat on the bed next to her and stroked her hair "want to talk about it"

Abby walked over and to everyones surprise hugged Hayden hurrying her face in his chest
This had the dancer giving a nod before she was heading off and stating that she would go and see the doctor in a little bit, after she made sure that Azalea went there first. That would perhaps surprise Grant a bit but not all at once. Caera was just looking up towards Grant as he was coming into the room and he was soon just gently touching her hair and asking if she wanted to talk about it.

Hayden was a bit startled but he was hugging her back lightly.
Grant looked at her and waited all while stroking her hair but giving her the time to process everything

Hayden would be able to feel Abby starting to shake she had held it together through the trip but now that they were back and safe it was all hitting her
Caera was just shaking her head some and soon she was burying her head into his chest, and he would find his shirt getting wet from her tears.

Hayden was just gently rubbing her back before he was looking towards Vincent and Caly, stating that he would speak with them later.
Vincent nodded his head and then looked at Caly "lets leave them be fore now" while he was still in a wheel chair he had gotten use to using it and had therapy to make sure he could still walk after he healed.

Grant hugged her close and rubbed her back lightly all while not speaking just giving her the room to talk if she wanted.

Abby heard them talking but she didn't move afraid that if she did it would all turn out to be some nightmare
Caly was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Yes, a wise idea."

Caera was just sobbing at that point in time and he would hear her whispering that she hadn't meant to.

Hayden was just turning and leading her off towards their room.
Vincent rolled away leaving the two of them to do as they wished.

Grant listened and told her that he knew she hadn't meant to and that he didn't blame her either

Abby walked with him still trembling
Caly was just watching before she was heading with Vincent and the medical professional that had gone with them to make sure that neither of them over did it.

Caera was just breaking down all over again.
Grant hugged her and assured her that he still loved her and would take care of her.

Vincent looked at Caly "I shouldn't have let them go"
Caly was just looking before she was speaking, "They aren't our prisoners. They are able to make their own choices. And I have the feeling that Azalea would have left on her own had she not gone with the dancers."

Caera was just mumbling in a soft voice that she wanted to bathe.
"I know but still Azalea is hurt one dancer is dead and god knows what happened to the others" Vincent felt horrid and he didn't like that people had been hurt

Grant nodded his head "I'll get a bath running for you." Grant then took a deep breath and spoke softly "I know of a safe way to cause a miscarriage if you don't want to risk having his child"
Caera was just looking towards him before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I.... I don't know...." No she was trying to think on the positive side... that she wasn't going to get pregnant with that man's child.

Caly was just looking before she was speaking, "I'm sure Aza being hurt is the whole reason they are back. I wouldn't be shocked if she decided to play some game." Wouldn't be the first time from what she had heard.
"the choice is your I won't force you" Grant wouldn't take that choice from her as it was her body

Vincent nodded his head "we will just have to find out later"
Caera was just giving a nod of her head but she didn't seem to say much of anything at that point in time.

Caly was nodding her head before she was watching as Hayden was disappearing with Abby.

Azalea was actually allowing a doctor to tend to her at that point in time - some of the others around her just giving a pained gasp when they saw her back. While she had a look of pain, she also didn't seem that bothered by it.
Grant kissed her and then stood up and went to run her a warm bath like she had asked as he didn't want her to feel like he wasn't supporting her

Vincent followed her gaze and then took her hand "we will know more later"

Robert looked at her back and then spoke "what the hell happened"
Azalea was just commenting, "Crazy king wanted to play a game. All I had to do was last ten lashes without making a sound. He got pissed because I didn't make a sound and wanted to see blood the last strike. I should have honestly started to giggle or something when it hit." No just to fuck with that king if anything at all. There was a flinch when the doctor was tending to the wound and he was commenting that it was infected. Not a shock at all with three days of traveling and not being able to clean it properly.

Caly was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, 'I hope so." With that she was heading off towards their room with him for the time being.
Vincent took on final look at Abby and then he turned and started to wheel to the medical wing to check on everyone.

Robert nodded his head as he listened to her and then shook his head "man was he stupid"
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