The dancer was looking towards Grant after he was walking out of the room before she was explaining what had happened. Initially it was just the basic stuff, which perhaps had him wondering what this all had to do with why Caera was acting how she was. Then the other dancer was cringing a bit before she got into the sexual violence that they had all endured - granted she had gotten off pretty easily. The man that had taken her, hadn't actually penetrated her at all. "Caera was.... raped multiple times by the king. And he didn't hold back at all. He told her many times that her own lover wouldn't want her back when he was done with her. In his words "After all who would want a lover who bares the child of another man"." the dancer was speaking after a moment in time, although kept her voice low so that Caera didn't hear on accident.
Azalea was just looking towards Robert for a brief moment in time but she was allowing him to help at that point in time. Things hadn't gone how they had wanted but they had at least gotten some information... and only one of them had died.