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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just smirking for a brief moment in time, her eyes seeming to glitter with a bit of excitement at that point in time. For the most part though the rest of the night was relatively calm after he left. Little did he know though was that Azalea had managed to escape and was roaming the hallways of the castle. Already she had found one of the dancers although it seemed like the young woman was dead.
Aden was woken up when it was reported that she had escaped. this had him groaning and getting up so that he could join the hunt to find her
Not like it would be that hard at all. There were a number of guards that were just laying on the ground but if he checked on them he would find that they were still alive, just knocked unconscious. Right now she was standing in the throne room, actually having managed to find the surviving dancers and gathering them. Even Abby and Caera seemed to be there as well. Caera was definitely a bit traumatized at that point in time, and there was perhaps concern that she would get pregnant from the king's child, especially with how much he had fucked her the night before.
Abby was holding Caera close and just rubbing her arms to try and comfort her. while Abby hadn't been touched she knew that the others hadn't faired so well and she was sad that one of them didn't survive
Caera was just staying close to Abby at that point in time but she was deadly silent at that point, even more so than the first time that Grant had raped her. This moment had been far more traumatizing, yet she also had marks on her wrists from where she had been bound tightly. Azalea actually seemed to have a sword at the kings throat and the man was stating that if she killed them, all of them would die. "No... I will kill anybody who tries to touch my dancers." she was speaking in a deadly tone. There were a couple of guards who were wondering why she was such a fearless woman. "Why... I am one of King Hayden's generals. I am a woman who has walked the path of bloodshed and death many times."
Abby looked at Azalea and while she wanted her to kill the king she worried about everyone else and what the guards would do. if the king was dead the prince would take over and maybe they could stop the war from happening
The king was just tilting his head before he was speaking, "Then I propose a challenge." Oh many this definitely had a number of the guards shuddering a bit - knowing that this wasn't going to end well at all. This had Azalea just stating for him to speak before she lost her temper. "You take ten lashes from my general without making a sound and you can all go home." the king was speaking as soon as he spotted Aden come into the throne room as well. Even Cassian was there but he was definitely giving a frown - since that wasn't something that most people could withstand.
Azalea was just looking over at the king for a moment before she was speaking, "Accepted." Cassian was just looking towards Aden for a moment and mouthing at him to hold back but not all at once. No he wanted to see these women be able to leave but he also knew that Aden couldn't just hold back and openly defy the king. Yet Cassian did know that the chances of the red head leaving with the rest of the dancers was slim.
Aden held his hand out for a whip and sighed lightly he didn't know why he was doing this but he would do as the king wanted. Aden looked at the prince and nodded his head he would hit her but not so hard that she couldn't handle it
The king was just watching and was stating that the woman was pretending to be a warrior but she would be crying for him to stop after the first lash. Azalea was just giving a rather innocent smile before she was speaking, "Never underestimate a woman." She already had a few scars on her back from a whip, and soon enough there were a couple of guards that were holding her so that she couldn't try and run away. Yet Cassian was walking away from the king and going towards the dancers, just telling them to follow him.
Abby nodded her head when they looked at her and soon the group followed him.

Aden sent the whip flying and striking her back. he hit with enough force to fool the king but not so much that he hurt her
Azalea didn't seem to make a noise at all, but just staring at the king at that point in time. At first the king seemed to be fooled but as it got closer to ten he was starting to get annoyed. Her back was definitely red and there were a few spots that were starting to bleed from being repeatedly struck. "I want to see blood." was all he said. No holding back strike. It was the final one and the king was more than convinced that he would break her. There was definitely that expression of pain on her features but she hadn't cried out at all.

Cassian had just been taking the dancers out of the room so that they couldn't witness the torture happen.
Aden sighed and then sent the final strike using his full strength as he could tell that the king was getting suspicious.

Abby did her best to assure Caera that Grant wouldn't blame her and to not worry
Caera was just looking towards Abby for a brief moment in time but she was still quivering at that point in time, she was still scared. Although she was jerking a bit startled when there was a noise from the throne room. But it wasn't Azalea, the woman had definitely jerked when the whip had landed and there was definitely a look of pain but she hadn't made a noise at all. The noise was from the king, who was more than pissed off.
The king was just getting up to go and look, seeming a bit satisfied that the woman was in fact bleeding but he seemed more than annoyed that she hadn't cried out. "Get them out of my sight!" the king was hissing, more or less stating that the dancers were free to go.
Aden nodded his head and then ordered the men to take them back to their Carriages. Aden was getting them out of there as fast as he could
The dancers were heading towards the carriage with one of them questioning Azalea if she was actually okay. The red head was looking at commenting, "I'm fine." There was a tone of pain in her voice but she carried herself like a soldier, not allowing any of the king's men to even try and tend to the wound. No that she would handle herself. Caera just allowed herself to be drawn along with the others.
Abby kept Caera close and hoped that she would be ok. Abby then remembered what Hayden had told her about Azalea and knew she would have to ask him for the tea
Soon they were heading back home and one of the dancers was helping Azalea wrap her wounds at that point in time with some bandages that they had been given.
Abby looked at Azalea and then spoke "this didn't go like planned" Abby felt for the girl who had been killed as they had promised to get home together
Azalea was just shaking her head before she was speaking, "Yes but no. You learned some information from the prince." No when they had gotten away Abby had mentioned some of the stuff she had heard from the prince - about the king's plan.
It took them a few days to return to Caly's kingdom but they were finally arriving there. Caera still seemed a bit withdrawn at that point in time, her thoughts just being evil to her at that point in time; telling her that Grant was going to abandon her. Azalea had ended up falling asleep at some point in the carriage which had been a bit of a shock - yet while she was doing well she was slowly taking that turn for the worse. No proper medical care since they had left hadn't helped her injures at all.
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