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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"your men invaded my home and forced us out already" Abby wasn't going to say what kingdom she was from but if he wanted her to kill the king she would be glad to do it especially if it mean her friend was safe
Cassian was just shaking his head before he spoke, "I had nothing to do with that. I have tried to tell me father this is a bad idea but he is warped... and delusional."
Abby watched him and then spoke "your father needs to jump off the tables point on this castle" Abby was more then a little pissed as she was going to do what ever she could to help her friends
Cassian was just looking over before he was commenting, "Right now... Father has the most power in the kingdom. Most are loyal to him. Even if I were to try and overthrow him, he has more supporters than I do. Even with the general at my back." He was however just looking towards her and pushing her back onto the bed and putting a finger to his lips and made it seem as though he was leaning over her just as the door was opening. Sure enough there seemed to be the king checking up on him to see how he was doing with his vixen. "Just about to explore her body before you came in." Cassian was speaking although Abby could see the look that the prince had.... a look where he almost felt ashamed of these words. And she would soon understand why when the king seemed to be commenting that a dancer was a least better than some measly maid. After that the king was commenting that he was going to go back to enjoying his new toy.
Abby heard him call Caera his new today and she moved to get out form under the man and attack his father. "touch her and Ill cut your dick off" Abby was more then a little pissed at this point and she was ready to kill.
The king was just looking for a moment before his eyes seemed to be flashing angrily although he was still deadly calm before he was speaking, "Anger me and I won't take my anger out on you but your friends. And just for your rebellion now... It is your friend that will suffer more. She looks so vulnerable and adorable all tied up on my bed right now; and she felt amazing when I fucked her the first time before I came here. And I was going to wait until tomorrow but I think.... She'll be mine to enjoy all night long. If it is true she has somebody she loves.... He won't want her back after I am done." With that the king was actually turning to leave the room, a couple of guards moving to block her from attempting to follow if she did try and follow.
Abby growled and looked a the guards "move or I will make you" Abby may use fans but she was just as skilled of a fighter as Azalea was she just didn't want to hurt people
Cassian was just gently taking Abby by the arm and leading her away before he was speaking, "It would be best.... To not interfere. Father makes threats all the time. Given how he is in a good mood right now, chances are he will not go through with it, fully anyways. He will probably enjoy himself one more time and then leave her be for the night. But it would be best to not push him right now. For the sake of your friends. The other dancers will be far safer than you friend with him and even your friend in the dungeon."
Abby looked at him "being raped isn't safe the fact of the matter is she is married and they are trying for a baby and your father just fucked that all up. not that he husband will leave her"
Cassian was just looking at her for a moment before he was speaking, "Be glad that it is just him touching her. You upset him and he could have her tossed into the barracks, passed around like nothing but a toy." That had happened a few times before, and some of those men hadn't hesitated at all.
Cassian was just looking before he spoke, "You leave to try and rescue them... And you are sentencing all of yourselves to something worse. My father isn't above torturing either."
Cassian was just looking towards her before he spoke, "I never once said I was going to do anything. I have a lover, and I would never do anything to betray her."
Cassian was just watching for a moment before he spoke, "Don't try and leave my room." As this was happening, Caera was definitely being subjected to the king at that point in time - the man not even carrying if she was married or anything. There was even a solemn promise that her husband wasn't going to want her back. "Don't worry after I am done having my fun with you... I plan on having my fun with all of your friends as well." the king was giggling before he was gasping and making the side comment that they could all bear him children. No he had no idea that Abby was pregnant, so that definitely kept her safe.

As this was all happening, Azalea was attempting to try and break out of the dungeon cell.
Abby nodded but she wasn't sure on what she was going to do as she didn't want Caera to suffer

Aden came back down after hearing that she was trying to break out and he watched her from the shadows for a bit before speaking "you won't get out of here"
Azalea was just looking up when she heard his voice before she was getting to her feet. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'll find a way. I always do." she was speaking in a sharp voice, an unafraid voice.

Cassian was just commenting, "For the time being just.... stay silent."
Aden walked up to her and smiled "even if you do get out of here your friends are already being taken "

Abby moved to a corner and stayed as far away from him as she could
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was speaking in a cold voice, "And for every man who has touched them.... I will kill them. Actually now... I won't kill them... I'll just make them suffer. I just cut off their dicks." It was so strange how it was said so coldly, so emotionless, yet there was a deadly smile on her lips.
Aden leaned down so that he was eye to eye with her "I would like to see that happen" Aden wouldn't let her out but he was interested in seeing what would happen if she did get out
Azalea was just looking at him before she was giving a small giggle before she was cooing, "Don't doubt me. Your king is already foolish and underestimates us ladies."
"and I know for a fact he has already had your one friend whom he took with him." Aden had gotten the report of the king taking her and while he felt for the woman there was little he could do
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "Well then I guess.... my first target will be that of your king." There were definitely a few of the other guards that were done there that were tensing up and one of them was actually telling her to silence herself. She found herself laughing some before she was commenting, "As though any of you could beat me as you are threatening."
Aden looked at her and then spoke "I wish you luck with that" while he had been talking Aden had also been putting a second lock on the cell to keep her locked in there
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