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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The medic was giving a nod of his head and was stating, "Of course general." Did he truly care that he could potentially end up dead? Not really.... It seemed like already this woman was causing his general to become weird. So at that point he just busied himself with applying a cream to her back that would help clear up the infection for rewrapping it. Strange how innocent and vulnerable she seemed at that point in time versus when Aden had met her at the palace.
Aden waited for the medic to leave and then headed out stopping to guards and ordering them to guard his tent "no one is to go in with out me am I understood"
When Aden wasn't looking the medic was actually slipping something extra into the drink that he had made to help with her fever. He was managing to get her to swallow it down before he was taking his leave. However before the medic did leave he was at least pulling the blanket up over her, this way if somebody did walk in they didn't see the half naked woman on the bed.
The next couple of hours raged on and the battle seemed to be in a stalemate. There was actually an order being received from the prince to withdraw all troops and return to the palace. More the order was being cast because another army was marching on their own kingdom, and the king wanted all of his soldiers there to defend the palace. Did he care much for the civilians? Not at all. Over the last couple of hours, Azalea definitely hadn't gotten any better at all - in fact her fever only seemed to have gotten worse at that point in time. Her breathing was heavy and she hadn't regained consciousness at all. Another medic that had gone in there to check on her - at Aden's orders - was actually the one reporting this.
Aden looked at the medic who reported this information to him and then spoke "she was given something to help reduce the fever so why is it worse" Aden had already given orders to return to the castle and they were in a wagon currently heading back
The medic was actually sitting in the back of the wagon with him at the time, although he was sitting so that the red head was laying on her side, her head on his lap so that she wasn't laying on her back. Her wrists were bound tightly in front of her and he just had his fingers on her neck gently to monitor her pulse. "If I had to guess.... Something else was given to make it worse. After all... For reasons unknown... the king's general bought the injured enemy general into his tent and sought treatment for her." he was speaking although he was more speaking the thoughts that were running through the minds of everybody. This medic... he tend to anybody that was injured. Enemy or not. He was a medic and his job was to help those that were in need of help. "Once we get back I will get something made up to get this fever down. It would be best though - and I know that many will be against this idea - but if you are wanting to keep her alive that we take her to a room where she can be more comfortable and not the dungeon. I don't know what your intentions are but if you want her to live, the dungeon is the last place you want to send her right now."
Aden looked at her and smiled "I plan on keeping her she interests me and once we reach the castle you can take her to my chambers she will be staying there" Aden would lock his chambers so that she couldn't get out
"I know it isn't my place to say but I am also going to say it as she is my patient.... I don't advise forcing her to do anything that is going to cause her much strain until she is healed. The fact that she was able to fight as well as she was despite running a fever and actively bleeding is... not a feat many could do. Especially with how high the fever was." the medic was commenting after a moment in time.
"of course I will listen to you as you are her doctor I wouldn't want to do anything to risk her health" Aden wouldn't risk it not when he was wanting to keep her healthy
The medic was giving a nod of his head before he was speaking, "I would advise bringing in the medic that last treated her but don't give the idea that you were told she was given something more. Call him in with the impression that his help is still needed - and then once he actually arrives he can be questioned. I would like to give her something to help with the fever but since I don't know what else she was given.... there is a concern for side effects." A valid reasoning behind why he wasn't doing anything with herbs to get the fever down at that point in time. Some herbs clashed with others and with how high the fever was, he would have to use something different than what she had taken before. But he didn't want to risk that if there was something that what he gave her that could react with what was causing the fever to worsen.
Aden nodded his head "will do besides I had warned him that if anything happened to her it would be his head" Aden was beyond pissed at this point and this medic was going to learn that he kept his word the male would lose his head for going against a direct order
The medic was giving a nod of his head before just looking down at the young woman before he was speaking, "When we stop next - if you could order one of the knights to get some water from the nearest stream that would be fantastic." No it would be a few days trip back and thankfully there was a stream that would be along their path almost the entire time - and stream water was far cleaner. He wanted to make sure that she didn't get dehydrated from this fever.
The medic didn't leave the wagon at all, just continued to tend to his patient at the time, continuing to monitor her. There were definitely whispers around the camp about the woman that the general had brought in - there were even a few making comments about how he was going to turn her into his concubine or something like that.
while they weren't far off on his plans for the woman Aden didn't speak about any of that to them. First things first he had to get her well and that meant figuring out what had been given to her so that they could counter act the drug and get her better
The medic was just tending to her and was letting out a small breath of relief since she had seemed to wake up somewhat. Yes he had untied her at some point as to not startle her especially since she was very out of it from the fever. He was getting her to sit up slowly and encouraging her to slowly drink some water.
Aden soon returned with some food for the medic and some broth for Azalea. he didn't know she was awake but he had planned to wake her up so that she could eat
He would see that she did seem to be awake, at least somewhat awake. Although currently she was throwing up in a bucket with the medic just rubbing her back a bit. No he had made a slight judgment call and had made her a bit of a concoction to force her to throw up. Hopefully get some of the medicine out of her system if there was some still there.
The medic was taking it before he was speaking, "She is very out of it right now. The fever is causing severe delirium, which can be very dangerous. I will continue to closely monitor her. It would be best however if we do not bind her until the fever starts to go down a bit. Especially in this condition.... She could potentially hurt herself if she were to wake randomly." He was assisting in getting her to drink the broth, holding the bowl for her at the time. No this definitely wasn't normal for Azalea at all - and this was definitely a state that Aden would hardly see her in. Not this badly anyways. Perhaps he would see her in a state of vulnerablity and weakness since she tended to push herself - especially with defending friends and family. But he would never see her in a state like this, where her mind didn't even seem like it was fully there. It was as though she was a completely different woman. "Also that other medic did come and pay a visit while you were aware, and he gave me a medicine to help with the fever." the medic was commenting and was nodding towards where it was sitting - obviously having not given it to her.
Aden nodded his head "check if it is the right medicine and if not I will deal with him personally." while they were traveling Aden had the authority to do as he needed and he would kill the man if he tried to make her illness worse. while he suspected the male had he could't prove it yet but he wasn't above tormenting someone to get the answers that he needed
The medic was stating that it would be difficult to figure out what was in the medicine while they were traveling - as he didn't have the correct tools necessary. Although the man was giving an almost innocent smile before he was commenting, "But we do have a number of soldiers that we could perhaps get to help. They wouldn't know what herbs are used in a medicine to help with fevers. So we can have one of them go to get a new batch and watch - the medic wouldn't think anything differently about adding in something new with a soldier right there. What difference will they truly know with no training." The medic himself had a number of different herbs that were all packed away but he could pull them all out and the soldiers could point out which ones that were put in there. It was a simple mixture - there were only three herbs that went in there and were ground together before being mixed in hot water.
Aden nodded his head "lets do that I want to know what he is doing" Aden then looked to a solider who knew nothing about medicine and then told him to go and get a batch of fever reducing medicine form the medic. if they were asked what happened to the batch that was brought if fell and spilled
This had the soldier giving a nod and soon enough he was heading off towards the other medic to speak to them about getting another batch made. Well it definitely seemed to have the other medic grumbling but he was making it again. The soldier was just standing there watching although didn't say anything, just made a mental note about what all of the herbs looked like. After all that is what he had been told to do - pay close attention to what was being put in - that only three herbs should be going in. But there were four. Soon it was being thrust at him and he was being told to make sure that it didn't spill again, which had the soldier nodding and heading off.
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