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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

It wasn't long before the soldier came in and was setting the medicine down. "Now which of these was put in?" The doctor was questioning as he laided out some herbs. This had the soldier pointing out some of them without much difficulty although it definitely seemed like there was another one that he was wanting to point out - but he wasn't seeing it. There was a frown on the lips of the medic before he was packing those away before showing him a different selection. No the first batch of herbs had been ones that were meant to help treat patients. These other herbs he was showing were herbs that were meant to harm. "Oh this one was also added." the soldier was pointing at another one once he was spotting it in the new selection which had the medic thanking him.
Aden thanked him and then sent him on his way before looking at the medic "so he is adding something to the medicine" Aden was more then a little pissed at this point and he was going to make the man pay for what he had done
The medic was giving a nod of his head before he was speaking, "I am glad I didn't make what I was wanting to give to her to try and get this down, the herb that he added reacts negatively to most medical herbs. That is why she is so sick. Essentially she was poisoned. Unfortunately, the best option at this point in time will be to just have her wait out the fever. That particular herb can stay in the system for a few days - and trying to give her more medicine to help get the fever down could make her sick again. And we will be back to square one."
Aden nodded his head "I will deal with that medic now that I know what he has done until I say otherwise you are her doctor and only you are to care for her" Aden wasn't going to trust anyone else with her care at this point in time as he was rather infuriated
The medic was giving a nod of his head before he was commenting, "I don't know what your intentions are for her - but it could be at least a week before she is fully recovered. The fever more than likely isn't going to break until after we return home." Especially since they were still days away and there was going to be a lot of stopping for the soldiers that were walking to rest - not to mention the weather was so unpredictable.
Aden nodded his head "I plan on making her mine but I am not cruel enough to do such a thing to a woman who is ill have no fear there"
The medic was giving a nod of his head and was grateful that the general was adding on that last part. Sure he knew that the general wasn't that type of person but this woman was also his patient, and it was his job to ensure that she stayed healthy. And if Aden was going to compromise that by trying anything.... then even Aden would find himself getting scolded by the general.
Aden then headed out to deal with the medic who had tried to Azalea as he had been warned that it would be his head if something happened to her
The medic in question was working on a few other things - although prior to leaving the doctor who was currently tending to Azalea had explained some of the herbs to Aden. Showing him the array of herbs that he used that were meant to heal then showing him those that were meant to harm. And the medic that Aden was hunting for was definitely mixing up some things using herbs that were meant to harm.
Aden walked over to the man and then spoke "just what do you think you are doing?" Aden hand his hand on his sword and he waited to see what the man would say
The medic was definitely jumping a bit and he was stating that he was remaking some more fever reducers for the rest of the journey for the woman that had brought in. Then he was commenting that he had been preparing to help with pain as well should anybody get injured and need something to help with that.
"I don't know what you are talking about." the medic was trying to play it off as innocent, acting as though he had no idea what he was talking about. As far as the medic knew... Aden had no formal training in medicine so there is no way that he could know. And from what he was hearing the doctor that was tending to the woman now was an idiot - only something that the other doctor wanted to make it seem.
"oh really" Aden then pointed at the herbs he was using and listed off their names and what they did in a quick fashion. Aden wasn't stupid and he knew enough about the herbs to know when he was being fooled and he didn't like being fooled
The medic was definitely going beyond pale at that point in time before he was actually stating that he was trying to get rid of the woman, that he was stupid to bring in the enemy general.
Aden looked at him "did I not warn you what would happen to you if you harmed her" Aden stalked forward more then a little pissed at that moment
The medic definitely learned the error of his ways and was left behind as the army continued to move on. It took a number of days but they were all finally arriving at the palace so that all of the soldiers could go and get settled in. Azalea was still in the back of the wagon with the medic although over the last day she had seemed more awake than before. The fever had definitely started to go down but hadn't fully broken completely, but now that they were in a safe place where she could rest comfortably that would get better.
when they Arrived Aden had Azalea taken to his room and locked in there the only person allowed in to the room besides him was the medic who had been tending to her.
The medic was tending to her and it would be a number of hours before he was reporting to Aden that her fever was finally breaking, and that she seemed to be somewhat conscious. Naturally confused as to where she was at the time, to be expected having passed out on the battlefield and waking up in a different kingdom. What they didn't realize though that.... she didn't remember the battle even. She didn't even recall meeting Aden ever, or what had happened in that kingdom with the dancers. Honestly she didn't even know what she had done in the last week.
When he walked into the room he would find that she did seem to be sitting up in the bed, just leaning against the back of the bed. She was still a bit pale and perhaps it was a good idea that nobody had taken to binding her at that point in time. It was clear as day when she looked at him that she had no idea who he was at all.
Aden frowned seeing this but at the same time he was looking forward to seeing what he could get her to do in this state. "how are you feeling"
Azalea was just looking at him for a moment in time before she was mumbling that she felt terrible, and she was in pain. She was putting a hand to her head as though it pained her for a brief moment in time. No pain she was use to but there was a foreign thought there that she should know this man but nothing came to mind. "Who are you? Where are we?" she questioned after a moment in time. Well that definitely told him that she didn't recall him at all; nor would she have recalled how she had gotten hurt or anything. Obviously she would know that she had gotten hurt.
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