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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Azalea was just giving a small nod of her head before she questioned in a slow voice, "Why am I here? I should be back with King Hayden....." There was a brief look of pain when she was moving wrong, shifting to get a bit more comfortable.
Aden walked to her and sat on the bed before speaking "your a prisoner of war" Aden was being honest with her at this point as he didn't feel like lying to her
Azalea just seemed a bit confused by this at the time, no she remembered the war declarations although that was all. Why was she there then? She didn't even remember marching into battle?! All of this confusion just had her head aching and she was just closing her eyes for a moment, her hand on her temple.
"rest for now it will come back to you" Aden then stood and headed out of the room closing the door behind him and locking it once more
Azalea was just blinking a bit although she just found herself moving to lay down at that point in time. The medic, who had been outside listening - more because he wanted to confirm a suspicion, was looking towards Aden as he was coming out. "It sounds like she has amnesia. A common side effect of that herb since I did more extensive research into it. I am unsure though if it will be temporary or permanent. But you could use it to your advantage if you were wanting to claim her as yours. A prisoner of war that you took into your care after she was severely injured, you've been treating her wounds for the past week." the medic was speaking. Sure he was against the general just taking the young woman but at least he was trying to supply something that could perhaps cause her to more find herself drawing closer to him on her own.
Aden nodded his head "I iiiill think about it but for now I am not going to lie to her as that would cause some issues later on if she does remember"
The medic was stating that from everything he had read that the amnesia was very rarely temporary, typically it was permanent.
Aden nodded his head "glad I killed that fucker" Aden was still pissed over the whole thing but it made things easier in the long run as well
"I say that if you want her... Try going the route of just lying to her versus just taking her as you please. At least then if she does remember she'll be less pissed that you lied to her than say if you were to pin her down and rape her." the medic was commenting after a moment in time before he was stating that he needed to go check on some others but he would be coming back in an hour with a smoothie for her to drink. Something to get something healthy into her system since he was sure that she wouldn't be able to stomach solid foods yet.
The doctor was just heading off although after an hour he was returning to check up on Azalea to see that she had fallen asleep once again, and it seemed like her fever was continuing to drop. At least now it was reading at 101 versus the 103 it had been before it had finally broken.
Aden listened to the generals as they talked about their current plans and he wondered when someone would just kill the king and take over
There actually seemed to be a few of the generals that were discussing overthrowing the king and putting the prince on the throne.
"But how will we deal with the king?" one of the generals was commenting. This had some of the others wondering the same thing. He hide behind his servants. Yet there was the one general who seemed to be out of the blue bringing up the woman that Aden had brought back with him. "Isn't that the female warrior that had been on the battlefield a few days ago?" he questioned after a moment in time.
The general was just questioning what he planned on doing with her. Another general was stating that he should just kill her while one of the more sensible ones was suggesting something similar to the doctor but a bit differently. "Compel her to fight with us. I saw how talented she was on the battlefield. You found her wounded and abandoned during a battle, having been left behind by her king. You brought her back here and have been nursing her back to health, claiming her as a prisoner of war to keep her safer as you took claims to it." the general was speaking.
Aden nodded "maybe, but her king doesn't seem like someone to leave a person behind and they were farther back they wouldn't have been able to stop me from grabbing her anyways but I do think I can convince her to help us" Aden figured he would have to free her but he would see if she would be willing to help them over throw the king
"Use the fact that she has amnesia to your advantage." the general was commenting after a moment before the topic was shifting as the king himself seemed to be coming into the room, along with the prince. Yet the prince definitely seemed a whole lot more sullen at the time, more than usual. But it was understandable... his father had taken his lover away from him after finding out about it. He had been furious that a prince would be sleeping with a mere maid and had her executed. And this is while a number of the generals had been gone.
Aden looked at the king and prince when he walked in and frowned seeing how down cast the boy looked. Aden didn't know what had happened but he had a feeling it was bad
The king was just stating that they needed to be prepared for the upcoming attack, a kingdom had been stupid enough to declare war on him. It truly wasn't clicking in his head that he was the one who had caused it to begin with by declaring war first one like every kingdom. This had some of the generals stating that they already had troops mobilized for protecting the castle.
Aden added his input when it was needed otherwise he kept quiet. Aden then waited till they were done so that he could go back to his room and check on his new pet
It wasn't long before the king seemed to be leaving as well, the prince just remaining with the generals to speak to them softly. When Aden did return to the room he would find that Azalea seemed to be asleep at the time, a faint look of pain on her face but she was asleep. The doctor was sitting in there as well and was stating that her fever had finally dropped down to 101 but hadn't quite fallen below that yet.
The doctor was just looking towards him for a moment before he spoke, "Also if you see the prince before I do. Please give him my condolences. I am sure that it was hard on him to witness that." For some reason he had the idea that Aden did know about the execution.
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