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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The doctor had made it back to the room with Azalea and shockingly she hadn't collapsed at all, although she had come over close. Currently she was sitting on her knees on the ground next to the bed, but the doctor was using it to his advantage to tend to her back.
The doctor was just looking over before he was speaking, "Yes in my bag I have a couple of pills that are meant to help with pain." Although he was startled when she was turning them down stating for him to save them for somebody else in the future that couldn't handle pain that well. "Okay scratch that. There is the cup on the table if you would grab that. It is my medicine to help with fevers. That other stuff should finally be out of her system." the doctor was speaking.
The doctor was commenting that it would take a bit for the medicine to kick in, and with that he was slowly helping her to her feet gesturing for Aden to come over and help as well. Although what the doctor was suggesting next was a bit of a shock for both of them but she didn't have the energy to argue, no the medicine was also one that made one sleepy as well. "It would be best if you were to sleep in the same bed as her, to monitor her more closely." the doctor was commenting.
Aden nodded his head and while he was shocked to hear the doctor suggest this he nodded his head and then carefully picked Azalea up and settled her on the bed
Typically Azalea would try and fight against this kind of stuff but not at this point in time, there was no fighting at all. She was just letting him do was he wished at that point in time. Once she was laying on the bed she was shifting so that she was laying on her side, finding that more comfortable. Not that she seemed to be conscious for long, fading into the darkness rather quickly.
The night went by fine for them, Azalea seemed to sleep through the night without any issues at all. Her fever seemed to be dropping which was a good thing.
Azalea didn't seem to move much at all from where she was laying other than to shift from laying on her side to laying on her stomach.
Azalea didn't seem to rouse at all - which was strange for her. Usually she was a light sleeper and woke up at the smallest of sounds and movements, but now was a completely different story.
Sure enough after a number of hours there was a knock on the door with a maid announcing that breakfast was ready and questioning if he was coming down to eat or if he wanted it delivered to his room. He would perhaps find himself in that awkward situation of at some point Azalea had taken to using him as a pillow.
After a bit Azalea did seem to be waking some although she seemed a little out of it. Not as badly though as she had when she had been giving the wrong medicine.
Azalea almost seemed a bit startled when he was speaking and was just looking up for a moment in time. It seemed to take her a moment to orient herself before she was mumbling that she was tired and was in pain.
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