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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He panicked, which was incredibly uncharacteristic of him, "No, no, you're fine...! These things take time...! Villages aren't built in a day, as you humans say...!"
She made a noise and took a breath before downing some more of the wine straight from the bottle, setting it down firmly with another gasp and a slight shudder. “Kiss me.” She said, “Not built in a day no but Iii’m tired of gettin’ no results.”
His hands on her made her shudder and gasp a bit, her face going a darker shade of red. “I-It.. doesn’t translate fully..” she said. “B-but that’s it..”
“What.. did you mean..? What organs..?” She asked. She was in his lap, and still looking up at him. He noticed again just how small she was by comparison to him. And how soft she was when he had grabbed her:
He made a soft noise and brought his tail forward, the tip - which had always looked rather odd to her - opened up to reveal a gelatinous appendage.
"It's to aid in mating. But, humans don't have the proper organs in their females to receive what my ovipositor provides." He explained.
Her face flushed a bit more. “O-Oh, I see.. s-so you don’t kiss or.. mate.. damn.. y’dont.. are we..” she struggled with the wine a bit. “Can we.. physically..?”
If this was all they were able to do, she would be fine with that. She did her best to ignore the growing ache between her legs, and just focused on spending this intimate moment with her husband.
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