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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"I do not parade you as a trophy!!" He snarled, advancing on her swiftly, "You are my equal, dammit!! I take you out so that you may be known in your new home!! So you can learn how we live!!" His tail thrashed angrily as he bore down on her.
He was quiet, watching her tentatively, keenly aware of how terrified she was. He forced his muscles to relax and he exhaled loudly, clicking to ease the tension - to signal no ill will.
"Why not ask me...?" He asked, trying to level his tone.
“Because you’re always busy.. you’re always here, then gone, looking at me with expressions I can’t even read.. I know I’m not your ideal bride, wife, mate, whatever but.. I’m trying.. I’ve been trying..” she said.
"You can do more than just hide're a shaman, aren't you..? Attend spiritual are needed...they cannot like you if you only try appeasing me.." He said.
She was gifted a rather large bottle of some kind of wine, and she brought it back to the house for them to share over dinner.
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