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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He watched her quietly for a moment, "It's going to smack you on your ass." He then made a face, "No...knock...knock you on your ass."
She swallowed it and gasped a bit before sitting back. It was strong, but she wasn’t about to look like a lightweight in front of him. “Easy drinking.” She said as she continued to eat. “Top me off please?” She asked.
She made a noise, finding it both endearing and infuriating that he didn’t feel anything from the wine. She finished another tankard and her face was visibly flushed from the alcohol.
"I'm not sober either, dear." He told her, "I'm better at hiding it. It is taking so much focus just to look at you right now." He grinned, flashing his large jagged teeth.
“Now we’ve had two glasses.. an’ you gotta feel more after that.. so, it works for me..” she said. “Is.. um..” she hesitated, “is.. the marriage..? Are we.. okay?”
“I ask b’cause.. well.. I’ve been doin like you said.. talkin’ to your- our.. people.. have y’been.. wanting to come home more..? I’m not.. driving you away..?” She asked. What had gotten into her? She was still feeling the wine at this point, but she just wanted to tell him everything.
"It's been...less cold..." He replied, "While I still don't feel wholly welcome in my own home's less hostile and that is a comfort.."
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