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Madness (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Listen," he stood and moved toward her, "I am not fond of the arrangement either, but we should try to make it work. Even if the Zael'rin have a distaste for you, they know what you're doing is for the betterment of both clans. We are quite prideful, but we aren't fools. I want to make this as painless as possible."
So, he tried. He tried to love her; he courted her publicly and privately, hunted for her and gathered her herbs for her shaman work.
She did her best in return, making sure he was fed, and bringing other trades into the house, as well as making sure it was clean.
He didn't know what more to do; human courting seemed different from what he was used to. She was grateful for the things he brought her but never showed more than gentle enthusiasm for them. What was he doing wrong? Why couldn't he love her...? Why didn't she love him...?
She made a noise, she was getting equally frustrated. His greetings were gruff, even when he brought gifts it always seemed forced. Like all he cared about was the success of the marriage instead of the love he said he wanted.
Eventually, the courting stopped. What was the point? She saw him as nothing more than a brute who kept her locked away in their home. What a terrible life he had been doomed to.
He came home and saw her in the same spot he had left her in and scowled, "You aren't trapped here. You are permitted to leave."
He turned sharply, "I give you the treatment you deserve. I have tried, Ifera. I have done all that my people demand in courtship and you squandered it. Made my efforts less than nothing. And don't you dare say that I did not try, because I did. You did not want my courtship and so you have tainted my affections with spite."
“You drop gifts at my feet and leave! I appreciate the gifts but if I wanted only gifts I would not look for love! All your people demand, and I have done all my people demand! I show you no spite, I don’t even know what you want of me!” She said, closing her book sharply.
"I have duties! Obligations! I do not simply drop my gifts and fuck off! I work to keep my people safe! Our people! A home to shelter you and food in your belly! I do what I am meant to! I want to be a mate to you, but by the Sacred Fire, Ifera, you make me miserable! I dread returning to you because I know my home will be cold! Your knife like glare dogging me everywhere I walk! How can I love a woman who won't let me?!"
“I make you miserable? I don’t know how to make you happy! I cook for you, I clean for you, I bring more revenue into OUR home! I’m trying my fucking best, Maleris, I’m trying but damn it all do you have any idea how hard it is to be uprooted from your home, dragged into what, up until a very short while ago, was considered the enemy camp, just to be paraded about as some trophy?! To be seen as the key to peace when you don’t know the first thing about anything of these new customs, the new foods, the fact that your new husband is twice your height and could kill you without any effort whatsoever?! Do you have ANY idea how hard I am actually trying?!”
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