Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

After a few hours they had recorded all of the songs, and Musa was down drinking a bottle of water.
Musa was looking over for a brief moment before she was taking the song from her then spoke, "I'll show it to the others in a while. Desdemona is going to be out of the picture for a bit. Her little sister just passed away."
Musa was just looking over before she was speaking, "Give me the song then so I can learn it. I will... sing it at her funeral."
Musa was just giving a smile before she spoke, "Anyways I am going to shower and you have a good night yourself."
Musa was giving a soft smile before she was going over to lock her door after the female had left.
Angel headed down to her car and once there she put her things in and then pulled out of the parking spot once she was situated in the seat. Angel then headed home so she could sent Musa the song
Angel drove home and then when she arrived she headed in and decided to relax and study her script for when she was actually going to start acting.
Musa was turning on the shower and stepping into it so that she could shower, and just enjoy the hot water at that point in time.
After a bit Musa was taking out her phone when it rang and just listened to her manager as the woman told her about a photoshoot - where a model had last minute cancelled and a new model was needed. "Tonight? Oh yeah I can come out and help." Musa was commenting although her manager was warning her that the outfits were a little more risque since it was for a swimming suit edition - not that it truly bothered Musa at all. "Give me like an hour and I'll be there - Des has my car so I have to walk."
Angel sat on the phone and listened to the man talk but she wasn't all that impressed with the idea of working on the film in part due to her current schedule but also because he wanted her to write the music with out seeing the script or being there which made her job that much harder. Angel listened to him for a bit longer before Turing the male down and telling him that she wouldn't be doing the music for him
A couple of weeks had gone by and the crew was all meeting together for another rehearsal of the script, although this time they weren't just doing a read through they were also acting it out. No costumes were in use at that point in time. Nico was just looking around a bit although he was noticing that Musa didn't seem to be there at all, but everybody else was accounted for. "I wonder where Musa is." he was commenting to Alex. While the men wouldn't know - Lilly would know that she was finishing up a modelling session at that point in time. She had decided to stick around with modelling off swimming suits - although nothing had been published yet. The last session had gone well but something had happened to the camera and the pictures had been ruined so they had needed to make it up.
Lilly looked over when she heard them talking about Musa and she walked over "Musa had a photoshoot today she will be here later but we have the music prerecorded so we will be able to do everything." with them having the music and the director loving the track they would play it where it was needed to help get everyone in the zone. this would also be the first day that Lilly would be playing her part and acting so she was a littler nervous about how everything was going to go. Lilly also knew that the director had told the two men that she was going to be the female lead as they needed to be able to react accordingly when the time came. Lilly looked over when the director hollered for them to get started and she moved to her spot on the stage where she would be reading the first of many letters from before she showed her face.
Everybody went through reading their lines although they were definitely shocked when Lilly started to read the lines of the mystery woman - yet in one way nobody thought anything of it at the time. She could have just been reading it because the person who was suppose to be reading it wasn't there or something. The fact that she was still actually playing the role was still a secret to everybody at the time. About an hour into the reading the door was opening up and it seemed like Musa was arriving at that point in time, just gliding over to speak to the director who was just stating that he was glad to see her there. Although at the time she still hadn't changed out of the outfit that she had been wearing to model - not that it really bothered her at all. She just listened to the read through at the time before she was just stopping the music before it could play again - so that she could jump in when it was needed.
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