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A Fox Tale (EEE x The Sloth) NSFW IMAGES

His new Fox hybrid was doing much better today especially since the atmosphere was more relaxed with Tony and he could tell that the way she was kept before was very rigid and now she could actually let down her guard a bit and her happiness was showing. Sipping on her coffee after blowing on it slowly so she wouldn’t burn her time she was very careful with a cup especially with her little fangs. Focusing on her breakfast when he mentioned the wolf girl he would see her look up at him watching him curiously about how he described her she couldn’t really get jealous since he wasn’t truly her master yet but she didn’t say anything about it. The way her ears twitched when he mentioned wolf girl he could tell she was paying more attention to the content of what he was talking about.

The talk about the wolf girl vanished when he mentioned how after today it would be together and be safe that made her feel so much better as she took her knife and fork and cut into her pancakes. “We are trained to cook you know. I can make a lot of things if you want me to it’s my job to make sure you’re happy.” That programming was going to take a long time to get out of her but at least she was admitting some of the skills that she had trying to make sure he knew that she was capable of taking care of him.

When they both finished she would make sure to clean up but when he pat her head he could see the happy swishing of her fluffy white tail behind her showing that she really loved this kind of affection. “No. I’ll be right here when you come back do you have anything you’d like for dinner?” Vixen asked watching him with hopeful cerulean eyes. When he would come back she would make sure the house was extremely clean and had snacks ready for him believe it or not she could bake and could handle an oven so when he would finally return she would have freshly baked cookies nothing fancy only sugar cookies but he would make sure he had something delicious when he got home as well as her waiting in the kitchen.
"it is good you can cook very important skill to know but you do not have to go out of your way to make me happy i will be happy knowing you are happy and that you are safe and able to be your self but do not worry about cooking dinner tonight i have a plan for that" he wanted to see how she would do with food that she could not use a knife or fork for. Seeing her tail wagging made him happy that meant she truly was happy.

When he returned and walked into the house he could smell the fresh scent of baked goods and the cookies it was a delicious smell and a very welcomed one if not surprising as he did not expect anything to be getting baked. He had his way to the kitchen where the smell got stronger and he looked into the to see vixen standing there and he could see a tray of cookies, he knocked on the door to let her know he was back "i am back vixen what have you got going on over there it smells great" he walks into the room with her and up to the counter. As he walks up to her he places his hand on her back as a way of saying i am here and then takes his hand off her back "it looks like you can bake as well i did not know that you are full of surprises hey"

He takes one of the cookies and picks it up to take a bite "mmm this is great" the cookie was still warm and soft which was great as he did not like when the cookies where to crumbly and could just break apart. He turned vixen around and placed some pages on the counter "i have good news vixen" he points to the documents "it is official now i am your master and now no one is going to be able to do anything to you again"
He told her don’t worry a lot dinner which she was worried about so I’m order to keep busy she baked since cooking dinner wasn’t up to her. Waiting for Tony to come back she couldn’t help but pace around the living room worried about what Ned he’d bring back. Vixen did eat a few cookies but she made enough for him not to notice. Cleaning up and she even took a nap in the living room,

Vixen heard his footsteps she shots up and practically ran to The kitchen to set up. “Welcome home! I baked you a treat. I think they came out well. Would you like some milk?” He could tell she was nervous not because he was back but she had no idea what news he had. His hand on het back calmed her but one look at that ticking tail he could tell she was a ball of anxiety. Vixen was full or surprises but her mind was elsewhere as she watched him eat a cookie and enjoy her baking but the moment he mentioned good news her ears stood at attention. The moment he pointed at the documents vixen felt her heart starting to race but the moment he said the magical words of ‘I am your master and no one would take her away’ she almost jumped in his arms wrapping her arms around him and without thinking was press her plush lips against his in a kiss because she was so happy to hear this news! Vixen didn’t think he’d get mad but right now she was too happy about the news as she pressed her body against his kissing him while holding but it was up to him if he would let her continue to kiss him or pull away.
"thank you was everything alright while i was gone? i can see that, thank you that is very nice of you and no thanks on the milk not much of a cookie and milk guy my self but if you enjoy it please go ahead and have" he could see her tail flicking and hear in her voice that she was nervous even her body language showed that was nervous about something, he enjoyed the cookie she made for him unsure what she was nervous about but when he saw her ears perk up he had a pretty good idea now about what was on her mind.

Her reaction took him by surprise he expected her to be happy but he thought she would wag her tail and smile and say thank you or something along those lines at least he was not expecting her to jump at him and wrap her arms around him and kiss him. It was a very welcomed reaction though as he felt her small frame press against his body and her breasts press into him as well, her soft plump lips pressing against his lips. It took a moment for him register what was happening and he wrapped one arm around her lower back and his second arm went around her back and his hand to the back of her head as he closed his eyes and shifted his head and pressed his lips back against hers returning the kiss.

He kept kissing her enjoying the taste of her lips, his hand supporting her head as his arm on her lower back brought her closer in to him, his hand moved down her dress and went along her round tight ass and he picked her up lifting her more off the floor as he held her up against his body and letting her legs go on either side of him. His hand moving through her soft hair he pulls back breaking their kiss and he looks into her cerulean blue eyes and then touches his nose against hers before he leans back in pressing his lips against her again as he kissed her again.
The milk did not bother her but she got herself a glass but her focus was not on the cookies anymore it was on anything he had to say she was worried that her first master would come back and take her home. That thought weighed heavily on her mind. The news he brought was indeed happy causing her to hug him and keep him close to her body with her lips against his and when he kissed her back that gave her a sign that he enjoyed it. He would feel how her lips would begin to move when she felt him kiss her back and she would let her tongue slip into his mouth if he would let it.

His strong arms wrapped around her back and lower back keeping her close and he could feel how fast her heart was beating against his chest. Vixen Had soft lips that taste like the cookies she baked. Her body was soft and when he lifted her up she was very light and easy to hold as her feet moved from the floor she didn’t fight or wiggle wildly she let him easily hold her. When he picked her up like that she wrapped her legs around his waist and made sure she would stay there and when the kiss was pulled back her eyes found his and there was a long silence and she wasn’t sure what to say but what came next probably would make him a question if she was all right. “Bed?” What is the only word that came out before his nose rubbed against hers and his lips found hers again and she wasn’t sure if he would acknowledge it but right now she would kiss him back and let her tongue play with his and wonder if he would take the invitation.
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