A Fox Tale (EEE x The Sloth) NSFW IMAGES

While tony was cooking he would take breaks to come and check up on her as he did say that he would stay with her and she might get a freight or be scared to wake up alone after she went to sleep with him on the couch with her so he wanted to be there for her to put her mind at ease. Each time he saw her sleeping there she was breath taking like a beautiful goddess sleeping on his couch. He was busy cooking in the kitchen and getting close to finishing it. He sadly missed her calling out to him especially since she said his name and not master or sir he would have been so happy to hear that.

He could normally tell when she was coming close to him or hear her in some way but her slow movements and quite walking made her a master of stealth and he had no idea that she was even awake. He was busy making the food still and humming a tune as she peaked around the corner of the door to see him there standing still around. He turned to the side and walked down the kitchen to the fridge to get milk and brought it back to the counter and poured a glass of milk and then started to get the food ready and on a plate for them both. Turning around he saw vixen at the door peaking in those blue eyes of hers shinning like the ocean but he could see that she was still sleepy and it was a cute look as he could see she had a good deep sleep going by how she still looked a bit groggy and her ears not exactly up but not fully down.

"oh good vixen you are up i was just about to come and get you and see if you wanted something to eat? it is only a light meal so you don't have to worry if you are not that hungry" walking up to her he has the glass of milk and hands it to her "here you must be thirsty" he reaches his hand up and fixes her hair so that it is back to normal "we can eat at the table" he was speaking softer and in a lower tone she had just woken up so he was going to speak quieter to her to help adjust her ears to the sound.
It was strange to see a human doing cooking not only for themselves but for her. It felt really wrong since she wasn’t used to this. Even though he continue to check on her she managed to wake up with him in the kitchen but eventually finding him and seeing him had her calm down. Even though she was listening her ears were still slightly floppy but when he brought our a glass of milk she groggily reached over and took it from him that fact that she was still tired was a good thing because she dropped all formalities and held the milk in her hand feeling how cool it was to the touch in the glass. Bring it to her lips she took a sip standing by the counter. She didn’t mind him petting her ear since she wasn’t fully awake. Letting him fix her hair since it was messy from sleeping she would sip on the milk slowly and that would help her stomach and he mentioned food but she wasn’t fully awake to even acknowledge it. “Sir? Why did you let me sleep so much I have so many things to do please forgive me for falling asleep.” The more the fox hybrid woke up she started picking up her formalities yet again.

It was very good that he spoke in such a low tone it helped keep her calm since her ears were still getting used to listening to all the noises and filtering out what she didn’t need. “If you were hungry you should’ve woken me up I would’ve made you food I’m sorry please don’t be too angry I was just tired I promise it won’t happen again.” Vixen was softly apologizing to him. She felt like she let him down especially since he was cooking and serving her it would take her quite some time to get used to him taking care of her.
Seeing her take her small sips so sleepy and groggy was nice she even was not act8ng like her self, so she did have moments where she could be like a normal girl and not all proper it was nice to see this side of her now he only needed her to be more like this when she was fully awake. As he fixed up her hair he smiled down at her with the milk glass to her lips and sipping she was so cute his heart skipped a beat. " You have nothing to apologize for vixen you are allowed to sleep If you want and you can sleep as much as you want I don't mind looking after you and beside I could not wake you up you looked so happy and beautiful sleeping there would have felt like I was waking up a godess"

She was becoming more awake as her training was coming back in and she was calling him sir again and acting like her just sleeping was a problem " I would never get angry at you for something like that and you did not let me down I am happy you were taking care of yourself" he stepped away from his sleepy fox and got their plates and had her walk with him to the table so they could eat. After that he helped her upstairs as he thought she might still be sleepy and could fall and lead her to her room to put her to bed " good night vixen I will see you in the morning" leaving the room he left the door open which he has not done before but not long after that he came back carrying a mattress and a blanket and placed it at the foot of the bed on the ground " I think I will join you here tonight vixen and keep you company" he said as he lay down on his mattress. This way he keep watch over her and she would have no way of sleeping on the floor again without warmth
The milk was helping her get back to sleep and even though she wanted some of the nice smelling food she was so tired. Vixen even though she was ready for a light snack in her belly made her want to go back to bed that’s her ears folded down and she yawned after that last gulp. She let Tony fix her hair which felt very nice and she sat the cup down on the counter without thinking about washing it. His words were so sweet and she thought he called her a goddess but she figured she has heard as her ears twitched wondering if she caught the right words. When he left her to the table she couldn’t resist as she sat down and began to snack sleepily.

Vixen actually ate a decent amount she was hungry but she was too tired to fully get into her trained mode and Tony could easily lead her back to the bedroom When he managed to get her in her bed she crawled up in a nice cute bowl with her tail wrapped around her. “Tony…goodnight..” In her sleepy haze she used his name again. “Company? Sleepy….okay…” vixen Would probably be mortified to see him sleeping in a mattress at the end of her bed but right now she was too tired and tripped into a deep sleep like she had not slept well in a thousand years.

Vixen was out for a few good hours before waking up and almost panicking. Her door was open and she slowly got up with her hair in quite the mess and still on her blue dress went to loom for Tony only to find him at the food of her bed sleeping. Normally she’d try to wake her master up but this time figuring he must be cold and uncomfortable She want to curl up next to him in the mattress and put her arm around him. Not only did her arm find him, but her fluffy tail And with that she would sleep next to him trying to make sure he was comfortable because he must’ve been not used to sleeping like this. Eventually she fell asleep and he woke up anytime soon he would find that his new house mate was spooning with him.
Tony enjoyed seeing her so sleepy it means she had a good sleep but now it seemed like her training and her proper way of acting and talking was all gone it was good to see her like this and to be able to see that she is able drop the formalities. She was so cute like this being partly dopey from her sleep. She managed to eat which is good as she can not go to bed without having something to eat. Tony smiled as she crawled into her bed and had her tail wrap around she was so cute. He was delightfully surprised to hear his name come from her lips it sounded so sweet and he now knew she did not just block out his name to keep her from using by accident. As he tucked her in and placed the blanket over her and patted her head "goodnight vixen sweet dreams"

Tony stayed up for a bit just to keep watch over her but before long fell asleep, as he woke up he felt warm and something fluffy and he moved his hand up and then touched something very soft and fluffy it felt smooth like silk and then he felt a small arm on him and as he opened his eyes he saw her ears then her head and face, vixen was here sleeping on the matters with him and snuggling up to him he was relived that she was not on the floor next to him or some other place that might not be good "good girl vixen" he said softly glad that she was at least staying warm with him here.

He gently stroked her fully tail and then placed his arm over her and pulled her in closer to him as he held her next to him. He could hear her soft breathing and she slept by him she was coming along way since he met her and going by how she was this evening he wanted to know how she would be in the morning now. He leaned down his arm on her back keeping her close and he placed his head close to hers keeping her warm and securing her And he would fall asleep again letting the morning come but this time not letting himself get up and sleeping in with her in his arm.
It was nice for her to actually get some proper sleep and when she ate it helped her fall asleep much faster they’ll wake me up and seen him in the same room she was worried. She felt bad for her new master especially since she was the one inconveniencing him and a part of her thought she would wake up before he would since she called up next to him. Vixen Had an extremely silky soft tail that would keep him warm as she cuddled up to him.

The sleepy fox hybrid did not mind his arm around her especially now that she was finally fully asleep though and she would wake up she would most likely be mortified since she didn’t wake up before him or clean up anything. He would feel her shift and wiggle trying to slowly break free from him hopefully not waking him so she could actually do house work. With her dress still on she knew nothing happened though she was still so embarrassed that she fell asleep and let him hold her like that. She still didn’t think she deserved any affection especially since she was slacking off in her work. His head was close to hers and he could feel her try to slowly get herself free praying that she wouldn’t wake him up and a part of her feared he would be very angry at her for falling asleep like this but little did she know he probably would not be angry at all she was still worried about upsetting him and maybe if she did something wrong he would kick her out.
Tony had woken up before her but did not get up and instead laid on the mattress with her he could not bring himself to get up and maybe waking her up in the process so he stayed in bed and as soon as he felt her starting to wake up he closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep mostly out of curiosity to see how she would react if she was the first one to wake up. He could feel her wiggling and trying to carefully get out of the bed obviously not wanting to wake him, he had to try so hard to hide his smile as she was trying this and tony thought this could be a perfect moment to prank her.

As he felt her shifting and trying to move out from his arm he started to move as well and did some fake groans as if he is waking up. He even moved his arm up and petted her head and in his best sleepy voice "good girl vixen you are such a cutie" and then he slumped his arm back down and stopped moving like he had gone back to sleep or never really woke up at all and then mumbled "you always good and make me happy" part of him kind of thought she might think she is doing something wrong or bad by sleeping in going by how she has been for the past couple of days so he wanted to say something to put her at ease if that was the case. Every time she started to shift and move he would pretend to be waking up.

Until after about 30 minutes of this and decided to free the girl of this and he rolled over onto his back and had his arm come off of her so she could move more freely. He opened his eye slightly to look at her a risk as she might see him awake and that all that was him teasing her but he also just wanted to see her and make sure that she was ok.
Vixen slept remarkably well even if she was sleeping on a mattress on the floor with her new master but when she woke up trying to get herself free and heard him talking asleep she froze. He really cannot get to angry with him when he pet her head especially since he was asleep and he didn’t know he was was doing. He called her a good girl but she didn’t say anything about it she would still wiggle slowly trying not to make him wake up figuring that she was disturbing his slumber but it was nice to hear him say something kind about her and it made her blush so he couldn’t see it.

It was so hard to get free and it felt like a lifetime trying to get loose without waking him and before she knew at 30 minutes had passed. When she finally got free she didn’t notice him peek at her but she quickly moved to make sure she put some distance between them especially since she figured he was still sleeping and even though she didn’t say anything he knew she heard him but she wasn’t going to bring it up figuring it was his night talking. She would slip out quietly to the kitchen letting him rest more and she could’ve taken a shower but she would go to the kitchen and wash her hands still in that beautiful blue dress though she pulled her hair back over her shoulders before she would start cleaning up and making them something to eat.

Part of her fear he would yell at her, and that was the reason she slipped out so fast to try and make him something nice and start up some coffee and she was learning how to use the kitchen and where everything was managed to get a pot of coffee brewing since it was something she knew how to do. Vixen wanted to check on him but she wasn’t sure how he would react even though he was being so nice to her but when he would eventually join her in the kitchen when she got side of him if he got closer he would blush because of his kind words.
Tony watched as she quickly got up and went to leave the room when he moved so she could get up the flowy dress and her tail moving like wind as she quickly got out of the room he couldn't help but smile at her she was so cute. He waited for about 10 minutes before he got up, he was curios about how she would be this morning as the last few mornings he was always up first and doing everything before she could get there plus she was having a problem with not knowing what to do and what purpose she had now so it might be good to let her have this, this morning so that she can have something that she is used to.

He walked into the kitchen and saw her finishing making the coffee "good morning vixen did you sleep well" as she got next to him and would close the distance and pet her head "i see you have been busy this morning, you did not have to do anything for me but i apricate that you did thank you, you are a good girl" he poured himself a cup of coffee and took a big sip of it and let out a satisfied sigh after drinking it "mmm that is good you made a great coffee here vixen, would you like a cup yourself" and he offers vixen a cup. leaning back against the counter taking another sip he stares at her noticing that she is still in the same dress and her hair is dry.

He walks up to her "have you taken a bath today vixen?" he already knew the answer to that "and as lovely as you look in that dress we need to get some new clothes on you as well" he reaches his hand out and takes hers "come on remember your care comes first before anything else" he leads her to the bathroom so that she can bath and change clothes she just would need to not have him by her side for this as she cleans her self
Vixen even though she wasn’t there for very long she was a whiz in the kitchen and she knew how to work things and it showed that she was trying to take care of a household or at least look after one person in the household. She made him a small breakfast of bacon and eggs with a side of toast and presented it nicely on the table though of course she made herself something small though this time she would make a place for herself at the table which was new.

“I slept well sir. I hope you slept well too you didn’t have to sleep where you did.” He could hear the guilt in her voice especially since she felt horrible that he slept on a mattress and she did her best to try and make it better though she didn’t mention anything he said in his sleep for fear he would be embarrassed. She could tell then kind words would make her blush and she would look down to trying to make sure he could avoid seeing her turn red but when he offered her coffee she would take it and sip it slowly. The fox hybrid like sweet things and would not complain about the coffee being black.

The moment he mentioned a shower she looked sheepishly down at her feet shaking her head no. “I’m allowed to shower? You should go first.” She felt bad taking liberties going before he did but she would really love a shower and he did buy her clothing but she really liked the blue dress. Not saying anything as he let her to the bathroom when she put her coffee cup down and left her alone to shower when she got out of her clothes and got in the shower he would hear her start to cry not because of anything he did but she saw the bruises on her body and thought about the club and that made her so ashamed. The poor hybrid was still sore and she was more than embarrassed and felt useless after what they did to her and she hoped that Tony would keep her since he was the nicest master she had ever had. Vixen had no idea if he would hear her cry but she made sure to turn the shower on the highest setting and hope that it would muffled her tears and she would wash her hair and ears and fluffy tail. Once out of the shower with a towel on she would look in the mirror and continue to cry even though she was trying to keep it to a quiet sub she hoped he wouldn’t get mad at her for being upset at the bruises still on her voluptuous and curvy body.
Looking around tony was pleased to see that she made her self food as well and even more so she made a place for her self at the table this was good it may be something small but that is how it can start and grow. Stretching his arms "oh yea i slept great thank you felt like i had something really soft and fluffy and warm on me" he was referring to her tail "best sleep i have had in awhile really and i did not want to leave you alone so i was more than happy to sleep there". Tony knew she was blushing he did not have to see her face for that each time she blushed she would look away in that same way. Hearing her voice he wanted to make her feel better "you know they say changing the view of the place where you sleep can be good for you so ultimately you helped me out there"

Tony was a little surprised she seemed to like the coffee seeing how it was black and really strong taking out some cream and sugar he added it to his coffee and took a sip again "oof nice and sweet" he did not enjoy that sip but seeing him do it might let her want to try it as well as he put them on the counter "help yourself if you want".

Smiling warmly at her and tilting his head a little "of course you are allowed to vixen remember now your well being and wants come first i won't ever get angry or upset at you for doing something you want to" he closed the door behind her and before he could leave he heard her start to cry and then the sound of water running as the shower came on it was louder than normal but her could still hear her crying through the sound of the running water. He stood by the door of the bathroom and leaned against the wall, her crying was heart breaking to him and all he wanted to do was go inside and comfort her but having a good idea of what happened to her it may not be the best thing for him being a guy going in there when she is naked in the shower but he waited around for her.

After awhile when the shower turned off he listened and could hear her crying again and now he could not take it any more he knocked lightly on the door "vixen i am coming in don't be scared" and he opened the door slowly making sure that she would be at least covered before he entered into the room and saw his fox crying the tears streaming down her face the towel covered most of her body but he could still see the bruises on her more now than when he first met her as she had less on he felt so sad for her she should not have that look on her face or those bruises on her either. Stepping forward slowly he reached out his hands placing them on her shoulders gently "its going to be ok vixen those men will never be able to touch or hurt you again" he got closer to her his hand going onto her back and he pulled her into him embracing her caringly as his other hand went to her head and gently stroked her long wet blonde hair.

Her wet body pressed against him and dampened his clothes but his body was warm against vixen and he held there there close to him "its going to be ok you are safe now" he hated seeing her like this "you are precious to me now vixen and i would never let anyone harm you ever again"
Vixen didn’t realize that he heard her crying. Her body still ached though the sadness she felt was hard to hide and keep bottled up. Even though Tony was kind she could not help but feel horrible for breaking in and all she could do was try to help him around his home. The shower helped her feel clean though when she saw the bruises on her body all she felt was pure sadness and couldn’t help the tears from flowing.

When she emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel she lost her battle with her tears and started sobbing. She did not even notice when Tony came in but when he did she jumped a little but couldn’t help herself from crying. At least he announced himself but she was still startled. The pain and anguish as she cried was easy to hear but when he told her the men would never hurt her again she brought her hands to her face hiding her blue eyes and letting her blonde hair hide as much as her face as possible as the towel dropped revealing so many bruises on her body as well as cuts from the manhandling. He was lucky enough to see her inner thighs because she had so many handprint bruises where they held her down. He pulled her clothes he could feel how soft her large breasts were against him and if he looked down he could see how they were bruised as well as she was laying into him still crying. “W… what they did was horrible….all of them…it hurt so much….I didn’t want it….they made me….they made me…” pain in her voice she was finally able to let it out as he held her while her ears folded back in her tail fell between her legs. Vixen Felt broken but here he was not leaving her side and holding her while he comforted her. “I’d understand if you don’t… don’t want to be after what they did…my body still hurts master….. I wouldn’t blame you if you put me in a shelter…” The last part was paying for this year because unwanted hybrids were go to a shelter and if they were lucky they might get adopted out again but must did not see another family or master and all she could think about was how Tony might not want her since she was now damaged goods.
The pain in her voice was shattering for him to hear his worry for her grew and anger built in him for the men that did this to her, her hair covering her face along with her hands hide her face well almost like she was trying to hide from him or not have him look at her. This was the first time seeing her fully naked as the towel fell and the bruises and cuts on her body became more apparent and were worse than what he thought, he could see many bruises of different sizes and at different spots meaning many men had hurt her and touched her, tony looked mortified to see what they had done to her and he was enraged that they would hurt his fox like this but he could not let anger take him as vixen needed him now. Seeing the brueises on her inner thighs and the rough hand marks showed how much she tried to resist but also how they over powered her and forced her repeatedly.

Her soft large breasts pressed into him as he held her close to him his arms wrapping around her wanting to cover her whole body to keep her safe. Still gently stroking her hair as he brings his head closer to hers "i know it hurt vixen and you did good fighting back against you have not done anything wrong and this is not your fault it is theirs you are innocent in all of this its not your fault at all" he tightens his grip on her as he holds her closer to him. Gently he moved his hand on her back up and down to help comfort her "i wish you told me this sooner vixen you should be resting more and getting healed if you are still in pain" tony picks her up being careful not to touch her any where private and still holding her against him and he takes her out of the bathroom "i would never put you in a shelter or leave you cause of this i need to help take care of you more now so that you can get better" his hold on her is tight like someone holding something precious they were afraid of losing "vixen i won't abandon you and i want you by my side always".

He carries her into his room and sits on the bed where he keeps holding her. He moves his hand from her head and grabs the blanket on the bed and pulls it up and wraps it around her and to an extent her. "I care for you a lot vixen i want you to know that you i will never leave you or give you up" tony was unsure what to do he cared deeply for vixen and seeing her so hurt was breaking for him and he just wanted her to feel safer with him and that he will always have her with him.
It’s felt good to be clean but being clean did not fix how she felt after everything that happened to her and she had been bottling it up to make sure she was the perfect hybrid for her new master and he finally caught her breaking down fully. When the towel fell expose in all of her injuries and bruises she didn’t realize she let him see all of them as she cried into her hands Her long blonde hair hiding her face with her ears folded fully back and her tail just completely limp. She didn’t bother to run away with her chest press completely against his it was soft but still sore though she accepted being held and comforted which was something she desperately needed but couldn’t possibly bring herself to ask for it since she didn’t think she deserved it.

She knew her original master wouldn’t want her after what they did to her and she figured this new master would feel the same exact way she was broken and used goods most hybrids were taken in since they were the best of the breeding pool and now she felt like she was just trash. Tony’s words shook her to the core as he told her that it wasn’t her fault and she did a good job fighting back. Vixen was not expecting him to be so kind and honestly was expecting him to yell at her for not doing more to protect herself but here he was stroking her long blonde hair and making sure she felt safe.

It startled her when he picked her up so easily and began to carry her holding her like a precious item to hit she hit her face in his neck when she let go of her face with her hands to make sure he didn’t see her crying as much as she did. Heath said something that she wasn’t expecting especially when he said he wasn’t going to get rid of her and wanted her by his side always not even her first master said anything so kind to her!

When they got back to his room and he told her he would never give her up and told her that she was going to be safe she pulled back and finally let him see her bright blue eyes that were stayed with tears in red from crying and she finally made for my contact for once but she didn’t say anything she only wrapped her arms around him and hugged him keeping him close before hiding her face again showing him for the first time true affection and in her own way trying to say thank you without using words but she held him not caring that she was completely vulnerable and nude. “I promise I’ll be good… i’ll never go outside I promise…”Vixen thought that was what he wanted to hear but he understood why she was scared about going outside at least for now she was slowly starting to accept him as her new master and refuse to let go of him as he held her. She went as far to even kiss his cheek gently it wasn’t much but it was something and let him know that she truly did appreciate him fully.
Tony looked down at vixen when she pulled back looking deep into her beautiful eyes an and he smiled warmly at her it was a very welcoming and caring look he had on his face his eyes locked on hers showing the worry he had for her at the moment was clear in his eyes, unlike her other master or any of the other men when he was holding her it was out of care and wanting to get her some place safe, he was not going to just leave her by herself or toy with her body or force her to do anything he was here to take care of her.

He had know vixen for a short out of time but in that time he had come to see her as a sweet girl who had a kind heart and others had taken advantage of that and hurt her so much, as he held her when he placed the blanket over her to warm her and cover her he decided that she would have a happy and perfect life from now on. He was surprised to feel her arms wrap around him and even at the feeling of her moving closer this was the first time that she made contact with him or accepted an embrace. He held her tightly back his hand running along her soft hair and over her soft fur on her ear, her head against his body as she leaned in "its ok vixen i think you are perfect already and i am so happy i found you, you can do what ever you want and i will be there to support you".

The kiss on his cheek felt nice her lips were soft and felt delicate against his cheek and he blushed a bit from her kissing him as he held her close to him he could feel her small body against his as she was holding onto him as well he was very glad that she was becoming so comfortable with him. "you are going to be ok from now on vixen you will never be alone again and i will show you that you are still a beautiful and lovely fox as you always have been those men took nothing from you that you deserve" his warm body kept get close and warmed up her naked body as the blanket around her back warmed up her back. He leaned his head against hers wanting to hold as much of her as he could. They both sat there for awhile tony not letting go of her until she wanted to he had to show her that she was cared for and that even though those awful things happened to her there was nothing wrong with her and she was not worth any less cause of it.
Tony’s new fox highbred clung to him holding onto him with her arms tightly around his neck. She really loved being close and forgot that she was completely nude even though she was wrapped up there was no way she was going to let go of him. His words were comforting and he could feel how her tail was slowly tapping against his leg just in a relaxed mode finally. He could feel how her nose rubbed against his cheek nuzzling him and all of his words just made her melt into him as he made her feel so safe.

Tony’s fingers ran through her damp hair and her fluffy ears which caused her to close her eyes and this time when she would finally fall into a slumber it would be the most peaceful slumber she ever slept. Tony told her that she would be okay and with that declaration she was able to sleep and relax if Tony really wanted to he could move her and even sleep next to her but right now her body really needed it after crying so hard she exhausted herself even though she was finally clean she was now mentally and emotionally drained. “I’ll always be on your side master…”vixen Told him in his soft sleepy voice letting him hear her his soft sleepy voice letting him know with her lucid dreaming that she was never going to leave him. All he would know is that he would have to pry her off of him or either lay down with her and if he laid down with her she would cuddle against him with her nude form without any worries of him going to hurt her.
Her tail was still a bit wet as he felt it on his leg slowly and calmly moving back and forward she was relaxing finally and he could calm down as well as she was able to get out of her state this was good as he was able to get her to calm down. Her hanging onto him was nice as it seemed to help relax her and make her feel safe. He felt her small body getting a bit more limp as she started to go to sleep and her nose was against him as she nuzzled him, he gently kept stroking her as she held onto him and as he held her close to him. He sat there holding her close to him letting her get warm from the blanket and his body. He did not have the heart to wake her up and have her go to bed as her grip on him was surprisingly tight so she did not want him to go it seemed and he did not want to leave her alone after what just happened.

He smiled at her soft sleepy voice "thank you vixen you are such a sweet girl" he kept one hand around her to help move her on the bed as he lay down with her, her arms still locked around his neck and he nose against his cheek. When he laid down with her he noticed her adjusting and getting closer to him as she started to cuddle with him and he had his arm around her naked back as he brought her in closer to him he was going to stay with her until she woke up as he wanted her to see that he would be there for her and he did not want het to panic or worry that he was not around when she woke up.

Her small form was so perfect as she slept there she really was like a goddess when she slept she was breath taking and as he was going to sleep he made sure she was covered properly with the blanket and that she was close to him he moved his head down low so that it close to hers he could her soft breathing as she was at peace and he fell asleep listening to here breathing. He was still in an alert state so he would only be sleeping lightly so that he could wake up quick and be somewhat awe of what is happening in case she needed him
Luckily for Tony she slept soundly and even giggled sleepily holding onto him. Normally when Vixen slept she was only lightly sleeping, but this time she fully inna deep sleep cuddling Tony and clinging onto him for dear life. The moment he moved his head closer she could he heard snoring lightly. The poor hybrid seemed like she never had a full nights proper sleep in years.

Eyes fluttered open as she would silently watch Tony and let go of him with one hand only so she could strike his face gently. “You’re still here. Thank you…” Vixen had no idea if he’d hear her voice but she told him anyway as he slept. This was a turning point for his little fox who was slowly realizing he was not going to leave her and without thinking she began rubbing her face and ears on him making him with her scent even if they were just in bed.
Vixens little snores were cute to hear as she slept bit it was good to hear as that meant she was out properly, she deserves a good proper rest. Her giggle was very cute and sweet and she seemed happy in her sleep. Tony was still sleeping when vixen woke up and spoke to him but his arms were still around her holding her close to him, even in his sleep he would keep her safe.

He did wake up slowly as he felt vixen rubbing her face and ears on him and he just lay there letting her rub her scent on his of course he did not know that was happening he just thought vixen was being cute and cuddly right now so let her continue to do it and it was nice feeling her face against his. His arm on her back started to move and hi other hand gently started to stroke her ear "good morning vixen" his voice was still tired and deep "did you sleep well my lovely little fox" the last part slipped out cause of his tiredness as he has not called her his yet out loud.

Tony found this a good way to wake up as vixen was quite good at being cuddly and her naked body was warm against him
Vixen didn’t mean to rub him so much but it felt good and instinctually she wanted her scent on him. While he was sleeping she would continue to do it as her hand would touch his cheek and caress him. Hearing his voice brought her some comfort and when he spoke she would fall back to look at him as her eyes were pensive studying his face as a spoke. “Yes…. I slept very well with you I don’t think I ever slept that well before. How about you?” She watched him and her eyes fell on his lips as he called her lovely. She didn’t flinch but she did flush but her hand continue to touch his cheek even as that slipped out of his mouth calling her sweet names.

“I can make you food. Let me make you something. Draw you a bath. Thank you for staying with me….I don’t feel alone anymore Tony. Please don’t leave me. I’ll never leave you,..” her voice was sweet and rather loving Ashley was leaning closer and kiss his other cheek. This would be the most affectionate he had Vixen And even in her state of nudity with the blanket she was making sure to give all her attention to time it was a nice sneak peek of how his life with her would be now that she was slowly opening up to him and feeling safe in his arms maybe he might be able to get her to go outside with her after breakfast.
Her voice being the first thing he heard that morning was nice, her voice was always sweet and easy on his ears "i am glad that you enjoyed it so much and had a proper sleep, how could i not have a good sleep next to you vixen your tail feels so nice and it is very relaxing having you by my side" her hand was warm against his cheek as he lay there in the bed with her. It was nice seeing her here and he could see that she looked a little different a bit more happier maybe? either way it was nice to see that last night had a positive effect on her.

Her voiced sounded more upbeat and caring as she offered to do things for him but this time it did not seem she was doing so out of her training or anything like that there was tone of care and affection in her words. Tony smiled at her "you used my name vixen that is great" he places his hand over her hand taking it into his hand. She seemed so happy he could not turn her down "i will need to shower but if you want to you can make us some breakfast" he got another kiss from her on his cheek she was being so sweet and kind, she normally is like that but now she was more open about it and giving out a lot more. "i told you vixen i would never leave you, you are stuck with me now" he laughed a little and took her hand and gave her hand a kiss "but i need to get up to do that" and he lets go of her as he moves to get out of the bed and go take a shower.
When he mentioned that she used his name she almost looked terrified but Tony did not seem angry at all he actually seemed very happy. His hand found hers as she crested cheek and still nuzzled herself against him. Just being here in the moment made her happy and when she offered to make food he gave her the go ahead though she would have to find clothing and luckily he bought her a good amount of things to wear. At least now she had a purpose but for now she didn’t get out quite yet nuzzling him I’m making sure to let her son to get on him but he had to know once he get out of the shower she would do it again. Butterfly kisses were placed on his other cheek as he kept her hand against his cheek and her tail would slowly start to wag and brush against him.

Vixen actually pouted when he said she had to let him up and he would feel her move begrudgingly at least to let him get out of bed Ashley picked up the blanket to cover herself since she was still shy about being completely nude and she wanted to hide the bruises on her body. “I’ll make you a nice breakfast would you like coffee or tea?” She was very sad to wiggle out of his phone and she stood in front of him and held the blanket against her forearm he could see the size of her bare body but she would cover enough of the front though her breasts were so big it was impossible to hide them fully and he got a vision of side boob.

“I’ll brush my hair and put on something. Do you like pancakes? Do you even have pancake mix? I can make them from scratch I’ll find the flour.” She was much more happy today than she was before and when she would make her way to leave the room he would get a nice view of her backside and tail and if you would let her she would go get dressed and prepare her breakfast and by the time he will come out she will be wearing a very cute sundress that did not hide her curves at all but showed them off with her voluptuous body. The green dress she chose even though it covered enough her breasts were so big it didn’t really do much to hide what she had and he would have a very lovely hyper to look at once he was out of the shower.

Tony just lay there letting her nuzzle him as he stroked her hair and scratched behind her ears she was having a really good morning and he wanted to help towards that as well it was so heart warming to see her like this she was being very cute with her nuzzles and she just seemed so much happier and at easy which was fantastic for him all tony could do was smile at her as she nuzzled into him more, he remembered what she said about the other hybrid putting her scent on him was she doing that now to him? either way he did not mind if it was her doing it and besides he got to have her nuzzling him which felt nice. The little butterfly kisses from her were nice her lips felt soft against his cheek.

Tony laughed a little at seeing her pout and very clearly not wanting to move but doing it anyway "it is ok we can cuddle later but there are things that must be done today i need to make sure no one can ever take you from me" she looked very cute with the blanket wrapped around her like that but not all of her was getting covered "i would like coffee please" he was enjoying vixens new found happiness and confidence "sounds good to me and yes i do but i don't think i have mix to make them, oh no you don't have to do that like that you can make something quick and easy and i do not mind" watching her leave he got to see her ass and her tail was sticking up wagging again showing that she was happy it is cute to always see that.

Tony went to the shower and spent 10 minutes cleaning him self and then got dressed again he made sure he was presentable before he went downstairs to join vixen. Looking into the room he could see vixen she looked wonderful the dress looked good on her and she was showing off her beautiful body which he could not deny was very desirable and the dress just added more to her look "wow vixen you look amazing that dress really suits you". She was a glowing vison of beauty her happy face and smile making everything even more better.

Sitting down at the table with his breakfast he would start to eat and then take a pause to speak "so vixen i want to go get the papers taken care of today to have me become your master are you going to be ok by yourself? there is an emergency phone and a safe room for you to use in case anything happens.
This was something for her but she was being very affectionate and enjoying it and it was so different from her very first master who wasn’t this kind to her. Vixen had a very sweet side. She is still young and she still had time to grow into her personality. She was able to dazzle him and treat him like her perfect pair. Vixen Had no idea that he caught Onto her marking him with her ears.

He was correct they cannot stay there all day even though she wanted to. She would make sure to prepare breakfast with pancakes and some fruits nothing too crazy but enough for both of them to enjoy together. Coffee was the easy part and she would make sure to give him with a side of milk and sugar if he wanted it and she made hers a bit sweet. “Oh I don’t mind. For you I don’t like making things I want to see you smile.” Vixen was truthful that she did not mind cooking.

While she was cooking and setting up he commented on her dress. “Really? Can you pick it out and it feels really nice. Come and eat” She would motion for him to go sit. Once everything was set up she would join him. “I’ll be okay as long as you come back. I’ll be safe until you come back and then wait for you..” vixen Told the truth and she trusted him to know He would come back for her as long as she stayed put. “I’m not going to go anywhere I like it here with you.” Her smile was genuine and really sweet bordering on loving but for now she knew she found the person she wanted to stay with.
"haha that is good as long you want to do it and make for your self as well that will be good then" he took his seat at the table and waited for her to come and join him. Taking a sip of his coffee he again let out a satisfying sigh of relief and relaxed and looked over to vixen who was looking like she was having fun and was in a much better place today as well, he enjoyed seeing her like this she was becoming more like how he wanted she was happy and looked care free and being able to enjoy her self without any restrictions on her.

"well i am glad that you like it i did have a bit of a worry about when i was picking them out if that wolf girl didn't help it might have been a very mixed bag of clothes" he chuckled nervously to him self he was not good at choosing women's clothes "of course i will be back can't get rid of me that easy" he smiled at her "i am glad you like it here vixen and after today is done then there is no one and no way anyone can take you away either". He enjoyed the meal with her she was a really good cook as the pancakes were perfect and he noticed that she slipped some strawberries into it as well. "mmm that was amazing vixen you are a great cook the pancakes and coffee were perfect even had a sweet taste of strawberry in there".

After he was done he made sure that vixen was fine and everything was set up as needed "ok i will be back as soon as i can is there anything you need me to get you while i am out" he gave her head a pat before he left and went into town to the building that he had to register vixen at, while there he saw that she was posted as a lost hybrid or abandoned rather as her former master just assumed the worst i decided to leave her to fend for her self. He took the page down for her and then went through the process of getting him set up as her master. Once all done he would head back to his house and to vixen.
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