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A Fox Tale (EEE x The Sloth) NSFW IMAGES

That was a hard question to answer since Tony had no idea about hybrids but she will do her best to tell. “A hybrid that’s not spoken for or doesn’t have the right paperwork…. we don’t have any protection in society. We aren’t free…” she was trying her best to get the words out but he could see that she was thinking about how to phrase it. “The men at the club who took me it was my fault for leaving the safety of my masters home without anything and being alone that means anyone can do something to you. I didn’t have any protection and that was my fault I deserved that…. I learned my lesson I won’t go out by myself anymore. I now understand why my master kept me inside… those beautiful blue eyes lowered And she couldn’t look up at him. A hybrid without an owner was an interesting thing most took advantage of them and even the hybrid at the shop would have an owner that would’ve allowed her to do that kind of work.

When Tony went to take a shower she tried on quite a few things but settled on the blue dress which was the most comfortable as well as flowy. She heard him knock and when he came in and looked at her like that she blushed even more as she lowered her head and bowed. “Thank you sir. I really appreciate the dress you didn’t have to buy me anything nice. I’m truly indebted to your kindness.” Keeping her head lowered as she spoke she curtsied and slowly stood up again placing her hands right before her making sure to keep her posture nice. “My other master had me registered I don’t know the name of the place but he has me registered as his I’m sorry I don’t know how it works really I just know it hybrid needs a master or someone who looks after them since we can’t do it on our own.” The system wasn’t the best for hybrids but it was mainly to work in the favor of humans and it wouldn’t be surprising that she did not know the full ins and outs of that system.

It was hard to believe that it was already night and they will be able to go to bed. He told her she could eat whatever she wanted. He shouldn’t be surprised that the same thing would happen again tonight. She didn’t change out of the blue dress but when he would wake up in the morning he would find her sleeping at the foot of his bed kneeling with her hands on the bottom of his bed and even though she didn’t climb in she was still closer than before. Perhaps she was scared about sleeping alone or worried about someone coming to get her but being near him really helped at least she wasn’t running from him or locking the doors she was still learning that she had more freedom than she ever had in her life and that would take a lot of time to get used to but at least she saw him as safe.
The situation she was in was worse than he thought even if she was free or allowed to go outside and roam as she wanted she would not be safe she had to be owned by someone so that she would not be take and used like how she was in the club, tony was not happy about this system as he heard more of it from vixen she would either have the choice of servitude or be forced to be a play thing for anyone that found her outside. He could see that she was upset talking about this he still did not know fully what happened at this club only that it was really bad and had left a mark on her "it is not your fault vixen you did nothing wrong, you should have been safe when you left and you defiantly did not deserve what happened to you" seeing her eyes drop was not good "I will go and find out how to officially become your master so that you can be safe out there but i don't want to own you and i will not own you i won't take your freedom from you"

Her curtsy was perfect he could see more clearly the elegance that she had "wow that was a very nice curtsy you look absolutely lovely doing that" she was still holding her posture well and standing properly he hoped in time she might start relax more around him and not always hold her self to the standards of how she was expected to be in her previous masters home "you don't owe me anything you needed clothes and i could not let a lovely fox be in some rags, you don't need to apologise vixen i am also not sure how it works but i will go into the city tomorrow to find out how to do it and get it done".

As tony woke up he looked around to see if she was there and when he looked down to the bottom of his bed he saw her sleeping against the bed she was so peaceful when she was sleeping, he got up and moved to the bottom of the bed and placed his hand on her head and gently stroked her head. her hair was soft and smooth you silly fox he thought she could have gotten onto the bed and it would have been warmer and more comfortable but she stayed here as his hand moved over her head it moved to her one ear and his fingers brushed past it he could feel her fur was like silk. He picked her up again and put her in his bed and covered her with the blanket again before doing his morning routine.

Again he started cooking breakfast but this time he was going to do something nice for her, he was making pancakes and used some of the strawberries to fill them with and drizzled some chocolate over it as well. He placed it on the table for her and put on the warmer for it to help keep it warm for when she came woke up and could enjoy it her self. He ate his and went to the garage back to the work bench. he had a bunch of parts of cyberware and circuit boards, sparks came from the table as he used a welder and other tools to configure the parts and join them together. He wanted to get some work done before vixen woke up and he had to leave.
Vixen could not bring herself to mention what happened at the club to her but it was easy to see that she would be afraid to go outside. At least going outside alone was out of the question after what happened and how they grabbed her in the alley. Tony would eventually learn that hybrids needed someone to speak for them especially when people couldn’t afford them and they saw stress they were just grab them and take them and that’s what happened to the fox hybrid that was now at his home. The kind words that came from him when he told her it wasn’t her fault he would see her lower her head and she would start crying uncontrollably that probably gave him indication to what happened to her at the club since she was so upset about it and terrified for him to get close to her. Vixen brought her hands to her face hiding all of it as she started sobbing into her palms. That having no freedom part didn’t matter to her as long as she was safe and somewhere away from the men at the club she couldn’t go through that again. Your body was still in so much pain after what all of them did to her and Tony didn’t see how the bruises looked on her inner thighs and her ass he would’ve exactly knew what happened to her if he saw them.

When he went to go shower I gave her a chance to compose herself and play with outfits as she chose to stay in the blue dress. It was perfect for twirling after all! Tony was very sweet and she wasn’t sure if he was used to having hybrids but she still cannot let her guard down and she would still be the perfect companion with the house at least for now.

She had fallen asleep at the foot of his bed and when he woke up she was sound asleep and when he touched her hair and ears all they did was flick and she stayed in place in that deep sleep that she so desperately needed. She could’ve climbed into the bed but she was still scared about going near it if she would open up to him he would understand why but right now she just refused to talk about what happened to her in the club and every so often as she slept she whimpered having nightmares about what happened to her.

When she finally was awake she would make his bed and hop up quickly realizing that he was already weak and she would make a hurried run to the kitchen though she would see that he already made food and pancakes and he was off doing something else she felt guilty that he had to cook but it smelled good so she sat down and ate something first and hoped that she would ask for forgiveness when she finally saw him especially since there was chocolate and strawberries on the pancakes and her stomach was growling. When he did come out of the garage he would find her eating he would probably have to make some sort of noise to distract her since her ears looked very happy as they flipped and her tail switched and a happy manner as she ate very slowly and for once she looked like she was at peace.
It broke tonys heart seeing her cry like this and angered him that there were people who out there would hurt her in such away, at the moment he only thought that she was used to entertain the men at the club but he thought cause she was fox of such noble standing they would not have had her do anything sexual. Seeing her crying again he wraps his arms around her again at her shoulders as he pulls her into him and places his hand on her head to gently strokes her head to help comfort her "it is ok vixen you won't go back i will keep you safe from that" he remember to her when he met her and she was talking about being a trash fox these men were all bastards to have her thinking this way he spoke with a soft tone "vixen you don't have to worry about any of those men any more you are going to have a new life now one that you do deserve where you won't be hurt anymore".

The whimpers did concern him and the fact that she was always coming to sleep close to him had him thinking that she was scared of something when it comes to her sleeping but he did not understand why she did not get completely close to him or into the bed he just thought that this was part of her training but he did not like that she kept sleeping on the floor without a blanket to keep her warm he had to think of something to do for this and for away for her to feel comfortable and safe when sleeping.

As tony left the garage after completing what he was building he heard her eating and he walked up to the door and saw her sitting there very proper like and enjoying her breakfast, he could see her ears perked up and her fluffy tail swaying freely as she sat there enjoying the pancakes she looked absolutely lovely in her own world enjoying something she enjoyed it was a great sight to see and he did not want to interrupt her at this point he let her enjoy her self and take her time to eat she deserved a moment of peace and enjoyment. He waited at the doorway leaning against it and smiling at her she truly was lovely. After she finished eating he knocked on the door frame to catch her attention "morning vixen did you enjoy your food" he walks past her and sit down.

"so i am going to go out again today to see about becoming your master and getting all that sorted so will need you to watch the house again for me, is there anything else that you might know of that i will have to do or get for this process or what i would need to get so that you can be shown as having a master and then being safe" he looked at her getting lost in her blue eyes again as they seemed to be looking lighter today almost showing how she felt "and then i get back i thought if you are ready for it we can try go outside nothing crazy i will be with you the whole time and all you have to do even is just walk out onto the street, as much as he wanted to shelter and protect her he also could not let her be scared of going outside so he wanted to start by trying to get her used to being outside again.
The fact that she wouldn’t tell him exactly what happened to her said so much and the fact that she would sleep close to him being too afraid to sleep alone it was like she was guarding herself from someone that would hurt her. Vixen thought that life outside of the mansion walls would be freedom not more pain in her original master was kind but he was cruel and ruled with an iron fist. She was just a tweet to him and she really wanted to be free but the taste of freedom she got was painful and regretful.

Vixen would have a very hard time sleeping alone for quite some time it was only one night in the club but she was terrified. It was very kind of Tony to make her breakfast and she did eat quite a bit. Losing her self in the meal when she finally finished her ears picked up on him and her nose caught his scent in the doorway and she stood up really quickly turning to him and placing her hands right in front of her and giving him a polite bow. “Forgive me. It smelled so good I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t need all of them don’t worry there’s enough for you too.” Was true she ate her fill but she made sure it’s not eat everything even though she could have. When Tony sat down she would follow suit and turn to sit down very carefully and face him but she was still a bit too afraid to look at him not because she was scared of him she was just worried he might yell at her for eating more than she should have.

The moment he mentioned going out again she looked up at him with white blue eyes full of concern since she didn’t want him to go but when he mentioned becoming her master she nodded. The odds were in Tony’s favor since Vixen had to run away and her master figured that such a valuable hybrid would probably be defiled he wouldn’t want her again especially being exposed to the outside world at least he would freely give her up. She was now damaged goods he could just buy another hybrid. Tony would probably have to not tell her when he would find out that her owner would discard her like a piece of garbage after hearing that she got out.

For a moment she was quiet but then Tony mentioned going outside and she started panicking. “NO! No outside!!! There are bad men outside I don’t wanna go out there. Outside? Please don’t make me go outside. I’ll do anything you want just don’t make me go out there.” This is the first time she would reach over and grab his hands holding them as she was shaking like crazy and probably the first time she would look straight to his beautiful green eyes and hold his gaze pleading silently to not take her outside. She knew it would be good for her to get out but her reaction was telltale. “T…they’ll hurt me again… Hurt me all night again…please don’t make me go out there I’ll do anything you want….please master… i’ve learned my lesson outside of bad I’ll never leave this walls….I’m begging you…please don’t make me go out there..” Your voice was quaking with fear as she clung to his hand so tightly she didn’t mean to dig her nails into him but she was panicking and he could see the tears start to well up in those beautiful Cerulean eyes of hers and tears began to run down her cheeks. That was not a natural reaction that any hybrid would have about outside but maybe he would start to understand why she was terrified when she mentioned how they would hurt her all night again.
She got up faster than he thought she would and gave she did what she has done in the past with her hands and the bow mark was still not used to this so he was unsure how to respond to her for this "it is ok vixen you do not have to bow or do anything like that with me so please be at ease, you do not have to apologise though i made that all for you i have already eaten so please if you want more feel free to help your self" sitting down he was disheartened to see that she was not looking at him he liked seeing her face especially when she was happy or enjoying something her face would just light up and it was good to see "you are not in trouble or anything vixen honestly i don't think i could ever get mad at you so if you want we can store the rest of those pancakes for you to have later".

He could see that see was concerned for him leaving her again but this had to be done "hey don't worry i will be back and when i am it will be the papers to show that i am your master so after today no one will be able to hurt you again or even take you away from me" thinking for a moment "but i can't say how long i will be gone for i am not sure how long this process will take and i have to go past a client today as well for work so i will be gone for awhile but i trust that you can take care of this place for me while i am gone you did a great job yesterday so i know you will do good again today cause you are a perfect fox after all" he was very obviously wanting to boost her confidence to make her feel better.

Her reaction took him by surprise quite a lot he was not expecting her to have such a reaction, he would feel her soft small hands grabbing his as she pleaded with him and panicked he could see the fear in her eyes and he could feel her body shaking as she held onto his hands her fingers digging into his hand he did not show any sign of pain or try to pull away that would most likely not be a good thing in this moment, her reaction was the first time him seeing how bad it really was for her out there and he could see how deep the fear ran with her for this. He grabbed her hands back fitting them into his hands "its ok its ok vixen i won't have you go outside you can stay inside, there is no one that is going to be able to hurt you while i am around you are safe here".

Her reaction filled him with concern how could they hurt her this much, anger was building up inside of him at seeing his fox so scared and in such a state at just the idea of going outside the one part that caught his attention more was when she said "hurt me all night again" he had it wrong the people at this club obviously did more than he thought to her. He did not like that she was this scared but she also saw it as a bad thing to be outside that she should not have done in the first place. He moved closer to her letting her arms rest and not be streached over the table. Her nails digging into his hand had broken the skin and there was some blood starting to form on his hand that he noticed and turned his hand away from her so she would not see it.

"you don't have to go outside until you are ready ok i wont force you into that" he leaned forward to place his head against hers "you are going to be ok vixen trust me when i say no one will hurt you" tony would stay with her and let her calm down before he decided to leave "you remember where to go if anything bad happens and there is a phone you can use to call me if there is any problems or if you start to get scared ok" he places his hand on her head as a comforting pat and he leaves again.
Vixen so shaken up she was not gonna let him go for a good while even though he had to go and sort out the paperwork she was absolutely terrified. Tony was far tighter than her original master and the men at the club but the mention of going outside in any way, shape or form If the poor fox hybrid go into full on panic mode at her ears stood on and she was too scared to think about him making her go outside.

All she could do is help he would not send her out there but he at least did not pull away from her holding his hands as tightly as she did. Her face was stained with her tears as she began whimpering and it seemed like she would just not stop shaking. “I.. I can still feel.. I can still fe…feel how they touched me… I didn’t want it I didn’t want to do it… they made me do it….” Tremble in her voice he could hear the fear that would not go away in the imagery in her head made her start crying even harder. Her tail was dripping behind her and seem like she was trying to shrink and make herself look smaller as she held onto him.

He told her she could call him if she got scared and where she could hide in the house but for now she was clinging onto him for dear life since he was the only one that actually decided to help her and not do anything to her when she broke into his house. The way he pat her head was helping but he could tell she was hurting something fierce as she leaned in and pressed her head against his chest as she clung to his hands crying her eyes out she just needed reassurance and to feel safe and right now she felt like she was so broken she had no idea how he would feel if he knew exactly what they did to her at that club. “I’m trashy now… i’m lucky you want to help me but I understand if you don’t I’m ruined…” The final confession showed how she was feeling. She felt completely broken and useless and had a feeling Tony would probably throw her out for knowing how badly they used her.
Tony got closer to her, getting off the chair as he got right next to her and went down onto his knees so he was not just towering over her, his face painted a picture of clear concern and worry that he had for her, he did not think that the idea of her going outside would affect her this badly. When he was low and in front of her he raised his one arm and wrapped it around her back pulling her into him trying to show her it is safe with him and she is not in danger his other hand still holding on to her small hands not letting go. He could feel her whole body trembling in his arm. He noticed her tail dipping and going low and her ears being alert, lifting his hand up that was on her back he placed his hand on her head "its ok vixen it is over now they can never touch you again or make you do anything again". This was worse than he first thought.

He felt her head against his chest his one hand still on her head gently stroking her as he used his arm to hold her close and keep her safe the sound of her crying filling his ears was painful the sorrow he could hear in her voice was rough, he started to put it together what happened at the club and what violations they forced on her the bruises now combined with this. She was holding back this from him and it was understandable. Hearing her speak like this she could feel him embracing her more and with a soft and calm voice "you are not trashy vixen and you are not ruined either" he moves his hand from her head and leans back moving his hand under her chin to lift her head to look up at him, he looks her in her tearful eyes and smiles warmly at her then moves his hand from her chin to brush her out of her face so he could see her fully "you beautiful vixen and still a pristine a lovely fox there is nothing wrong with you".

His hand goes around to her back again as he embraces her again his hand back on her head softly stroking her "you are still you vixen and nothing those men could do would ever take that away and i would never abandon you no matter what you think i will be here for you" he sits there with her holding her hands with his one hand and his other around her back holding her small frame against his large one stroking her head and he waits with her letting her take all the time she needs showing her that he would not leave her when she needs him.
Tony was very fortunate that when he put his arm around her she didn’t run away or hit him she actually fell into him sobbing against him still clinging to his hands as he moved to get closer. His words were comforting but the thought of outside was even more terrifying considering how she was just snatched up for just existing and treated like a sex doll it really left a mark on her especially since she was extremely sheltered. He knew exactly what to say telling her that she wasn’t trash and how he pet her and held her made her feel better but she was still so shaken up he could tell it would take a little while for her to get used to even entertain the thought of stepping outside that door again.

“I’m not worthy of any master…. why are you helping me you don’t have to…” that must’ve really hurt to be something on her mind that she thought she didn’t deserve help or kindness. After all she was the one who left Home and this is what happens once you leave the safety of a master this must’ve been a punishment right? Tony did not push her away or tell her to let him go and she nuzzled her face in his chest sobbing as her ears folded back when he told her he wouldn’t go anywhere it was hard to believe that and she thought maybe she would do something wrong to make him throw her out.

The only thing she thought she could do was she pulled back and let go of his hands only enough to pull both hands up and placed them on her chest as she closed her eyes really tightly. “You can do anything to me…. i’ll be useful to you my other master like to touch me you can touch me too.” He could probably tell this was how she made her former master happy as she would bring his hands to her large chest and try to get him to touch her even though she was uncomfortable with it she had to prove that she was worth something.

Prove that she was worth keeping even if she was terrified of him excepting at the moment it was all she could offer. It was the life she knew and she had no idea that Tony might just be different.
As he continued to gently pet her head and hold her "we do not have to go outside vixen you can stay inside and be safe i won't force you into anything" he would give her more time and let her try for herself when she is ready to try go outside. Tony had a back garden and while it may be outside it was still protected in the walls of his house so when she was ready to try he would thought he would take her out there and that way it won't be as bad but only once she said she is ready to try, looking down at the fox now pressed into his chest he was so sad for her and she should not be this scared or blame her self for this these men that hurt her were monsters to hurt someone as sweet as her.

"you are worthy of anyone you want vixen there is nothing wrong with you and i am helping you cause it is the right thing to do you are sweet and precious and should have never been hurt like this you did not deserve any of it, i won't let you be hurt anymore i will keep you safe" tony was letting his feeling slip out a bit for how much he cared about her, he had become smitten with her over these couple of days seeing her when seeing she is happy and how much glows then seeing the joy in her face and how he tries to hide her excitement for things is enjoys or is happy with but her tail and ears always giving it away looking down at her and smiling "i want to help you vixen cause i care about you". Tony kept hold of her not wanting to let her go and showing her that he would be there for her.

He did not know what was going through her head at this moment but he just wanted to help her and shield her she was like sweet fragile girl who only deserved to be happy and to be able to enjoy her self and her life without worry about anything. He felt her lean back and was able to see her face and body again his eyes on her as he could see the tear stained eyes he felt her small hands on his and then lifted up and placed his hands on her chest, they are soft and supple as he felt her breasts when she pressed her hands against them he was a bit shocked by this as it came out of nowhere part of him was very tempted she was very attractive and he was attracted to her but looking at her face and seeing how her eyes where closed and how much she did not like being touched like this she was clearly forcing her self here and did not want this.

Pulling his hands away from her chest and no longer touching her "you do not have to do that with me vixen you don't have to force yourself to do anything that you do not want to do, you are already very useful to me and help me a lot even if you don't think you do" he was hoping that she would not be upset from him pulling his hands off her chest but he did not want her to think she had to give her body to him "you should only have someone you care for a lot touch your body vixen".
Vixen was more than shocked when he put his hands back. She was more than likely expecting her to do something that’s why she closed her eyes so tightly but when he pulled away she opened her eyes and looked at him very confused.

“I…I’m sorry master…. I did not mean to upset you at all…” she was going to continue with an apology until she heard him continue to speak as he said he didn’t want to do something that she didn’t want to. “B….but my last master said it was my job to make him happy and do everything for him don’t you want me to do that for you? If I don’t what is my purpose? my last master said it was my job to make sure I kept him happy how do I keep you happy?” all the thoughts going through her head he could see how confusing they were as her ears were flicking and focusing on him trying to figure out exactly what he wanted he was not the typical human that would have a hybrid and now she was confused about what she should actually do.

“Care for? My last master said it doesn’t matter what hybrids thought. We are made for humans it doesn’t matter if you want something I don’t know my purpose with your master.” Now he was starting to understand why she was so confused especially since she had no idea what to do and she was giving her more freedom than she ever had in her life and her beautiful blue eyes locked with his trying to figure out what he wanted from her since she had no idea what she even wanted for herself.
The control her former master had on her was horrible he made her whole life about him and serving him and making him happy instead her making her self happy. normally people have something they strive for or want to do or that makes them happy but her she was trained and raised just to make someone else happy and only care and focus on them this could not be allowed any more he would find something for her he would get her to have a life one that she deserved to have. "your master was wrong vixen you don't have to do anything you do not want to" he reaches out and takes her hand in his holding it as he looks her in the eyes "you are more than just your body vixen you are a sweet and kind caring girl you no longer have to give your body to someone you do not want if you want me to be happy be happy yourself and enjoy your life how you want to, you will be able to find your own purpose in time believe it or not everyone has that problem not knowing what are meant for"

Her ears moving about and her facial expression showed clear sighs how lost she was, something like this never even came as a an idea or thought for her was she just always thinking of her master and how to serve? he shook his head "you are not here just for human and what you do want does matter" he looked back into her eyes returning her gaze lifting his hand up he places it on the side of her face and wipes away her tears "tell me vixen what do you want, what is something you have wanted or wanted to do that your master always said no to you or shot you down for liking it don't even think just name something you want or like we can take it one step at a time to make what you want happen does not matter what it is as long as it is you who choses to do it"
It was strange to hear him say that her master, well her former master was wrong. That made her look even more confused as her ears focused on him turning in his direction. As he held her hands she looked down and she was too afraid of him. What he was saying sounded so strange and she had no idea if it was to believed. Tony was telling her kind words which he could tell she wasn’t used to having someone being this nice to her and treating her on equal ground. It took a few moments of silence before she would actually break it.

“Hybrids are not equal members of society. We were created to serve humans. To serve our masters and being happy for ourselves is not something we can do.” There will be a lot of work you need to do to get her to get out of that mindset she was raised in. When he began asking her what she wanted she couldn’t even answer let alone comprehend that he want her to say some thing. If she did what he hit her? Would he pretend this was a joke and yell at her for asking for anything though he did buy her chocolates and strawberries and new clothing but she was still terrified of asking for anything more.

“I’m Honestly very grateful for the chocolate and strawberries they should not even ask for more. It’s not my place sir. I don’t even know what I want I just don’t want to go back to the club. Is that okay to ask?” That was the only real thing she could ask for especially since the middle of the club left a mark on her and she took a moment to look up at him but she cannot keep her gaze on his eyes for very long. When Tony placed his hand on the side of her face she would not dare move she still is still at the statue.

“How do I repay you for being kind to me? I don’t even know how to say a proper thank you to you sir. All I have is my body. You are very kind to me and if it’s the only thing I can offer I don’t know what else I can do for you.” The poor hybrid was lost. Vixen Never really had anyone to tell her she could achieve happiness and here he was opening a new world that she could not comprehend at least she wasn’t running from him and letting him touch her face. For Vixen I wasn’t entirely huge step that he had no idea was helping her trust him.
Tony could tell by her ears moving that she was focusing on him and listening even though she was looking down or away from him, it was strange seeing her seeing her become confused or lost at him being kind to her or just treating her like he would anyone else how has her life been if something so simple and normal for humans was a surprise for her. He did not know if there were any good sides to her last master but he was defiantly seeing a lot of his bad side and the bad way she was treated or just viewed as by him. Tony just shook his head "you may have been created by humans but that does not make you our slaves and you are allowed to have wants and needs as well your happiness matters as well" he knew a part of her had wants or she could be selfish if to a extremely small degree, her want and enjoyment of the strawberries and chocolates showed that and that is how he would start to get her to have more or at least open up about wanting other stuff.

He could feel her body stiffening up when he touches her face and he carefully and slowly moves his hand on her soft skin being gentle with her to show that he was not going to hurt or, when she looks up at him he is smiling "you are allowed to ask for them when ever you want vixen" he did not want her to think that it was bad for her to enjoy the only things she actually seemed excited for "think of it like this you are always a good girl to me and those are your rewards so you can have them at any time" his face frowned a bit at the mention of the club the place that hurt her so much "of course you can ask that vixen and you will never go back there i will not let any you take you there again".

"you don't have to repay me or say thank you i just want you to be happy and have a good life from now on and if you will let me i would like to help you with it" he shook his head again "no vixen you do not only have your body you are more than just that, yes you do have a great and very attractive body" he felt kind of bad saying that to her considering the situation but at the same time he did not want her to think less of her or that now her body was not enough "you are a sweet fox vixen and kind and i can tell that you care a lot which is a great thing" tony stands up still holding her hands "we can hold off on getting the paper work done for today i want you to get a look at what you are allowed to do and what life can be like".

He knew that she would be confused or feel it would be wrong but he wanted to be the one to doing things for her as she rested flipping the roles so to speak so that she could see things from a different view.
With Vixen it was easy to tell what she was thinking or feeling especially with her ears and tail. They would move and focus on him and giveaway exactly every emotion she was feeling. Tony was treating her so kindly she had no idea how to accept it. Hybrids were never afforded such kindness especially since they were things to be owned and spoken for. Tony had no idea how her last master was but considering how well trained she was and the fact that she didn’t ask for anything show that he was ruling her with an iron fist. She never got any freedom. Tell me at least knew she could be selfish with treats but Vixen would not dare ask anything.

When he touched her face it only made her stiffen up if she was expecting him to hit her or scold her for even being this close. It took so much strength for her to even look up at him and when she did her ears folded back submissively letting him know that she wasn’t going to try anything on her tail start swaying as it held still. But he was smiling at her and she was confused to why he was being so kind and telling her she could have more treats because she was a good girl. When he told her that she did not have to go back that was when he finally got her full attention. Those fluffy white ears of hers stood up fully and completely turned to him. Her blue eyes focused on him intently. “I…but I owe you so much. I have to repay you somehow.” Even though the only way she knew how to repay him was with her body and he turned that down she had no idea what else to give him other than clean his house and make sure everything was perfectly in order. Vixen had never been treated with such kindness and she was so lost and confused but it also made her happy that she didn’t dare say anything about it. Tony mentioned holding off the paperwork and she nodded with that making her actually very happy especially since he could stay there with her.

“You can stay?” Her soft voice asked. Even though it was very shy her tail started wagging behind her giving away that it was happiness for her to get. “M…may I have the strawberries again master?” That was a big step on her part to even ask even though she probably say no though this was at least giving him an idea about how she was attempting to learn about her new home.
Seeing her ears and tail move made it easy for tony to tell how she was truly feeling and if he was being honest he found it extremely cute of her that this happened and she almost always seemed to hide when she is happy on her face but her tail and ears where just dead giveaways for what was happening. He noticed her ears going back when he touched her and that is when he was careful with her as he knew it was a sigh of her retreating and expecting something bad to happen but he would never hurt her she had been through to much already and he just wanted to make her feel better and be safe so that she never had to do anything defensive again he would take on any troubles that came and would protect her so that she could live happily.

He saw her ears pick up and he got to see her beautiful blue eyes again as she looked back at him "you don't owe me anything vixen" looking at her ears again he could not help himself "but maybe you would let me touch your ears they look so soft and cute and want to stroke them" his smile turned into a grin. Tony was finding himself becoming more attached to vixen, the more he spoke with her the more he found himself caring more and more for her and wanting to go even further for her. Tony could see her ears perked up and her tail wagging showing how happy she was "yes i will stay i want to make this a good day for you and have you treated right" she had a shy look and tone in her soft voice as she asked for more strawberries and this made tony happy as well even though it was small she was still asking for something for herself it was a good start "of course you can vixen in fact lets do this" keeping hold of her hand he helped her up off the chair.

He held onto her hand as he led her through the house to the lounge area where he had a couple of couches and a low table in the centre with a fan to help keep everything cool and a large tv on the wall across from the one couch he led her to the couch "ok vixen would you kindly sit here for me please and you can even lie on the couch if you want so you can get comfortable" he lets go of her hands and moves the fan to the side on a low breeze to give her a gently and cool blow of wind "wait here i will be right back" he walks off leaving the remote by her and he goes into the kitchen.

After a few minutes he comes back with a plate full of strawberries and a glass of water "i did not know what you would like to drink so got this first is there anything you would like to drink or try to drink if you have not had it before" tony wanted her to see what it was like for her to relax and have someone else take care of her for once and he would do whatever she wanted or asked of him. He got on his knees next to her to stay close to her and even picked up one of her strawberries and held it out for her offering it to her to eat.
Tony was being amazing and with all of his kindness he could see her slightly coming out of her shell though it was not much it was still enough for him to learn that a little kindness went along way. She had no idea how good he was about reading her ears and tail which she thought humans just could not do. Vixen let her ears perk up when she looked up at him. He even asked to touch her ears and that’s when she looked at him very funny and she nodded a very light yes she wasn’t used to anyone asking to touch her. “Y…you want to touch them? It’s okay if you do…” vixen had a very soft voice but she told them he could do it and even leaned her head for to give him an opportunity.

When he helped her off the chair she would follow him as her tail still would wag happily without thinking. Tony let her to the couch and had her sit down and she looked really confused especially since he was doing the moving around and it felt like she should be catering to him. It was a strange feeling to have the human help her. While she waited and when he returned bringing her strawberries and water he saw how shocked her ears got standing on end that he brought her something.

Vixen almost turned him down because she felt like she didn’t deserve to be served and that was her job anyways! “This is too much master you don’t have to do anything for me what is just fine please let me do something for you!” He could tell she was not used to this and she almost backed away and scooting back on the couch trying not to let him do anything too much for her. When he got on his knees she looked shocked but when he had a strawberry she froze in place but eventually she would lean in and take a small bite out of it. She was a bit defensive since she wasn’t sure if this was a trick or a game but she was happy to get the strawberry and he would eventually slowly see her loosen up. “You know I am the one supposed to be serving you.” She would say once she chewed and swallowed especially since the reversal of the rules was making her nervous and she felt like Tony was doing too much for her and that she deserve such kindness.
Tony could see that her ears perked up at his request and he felt a bit odd having asked when he saw that funny look on her face, he was not used to hybrids at all so he was not sure if it was a strange thing to ask of her, he had also wanted to stroke her tail but he thought both may be very personal to her and could be sensitive and he did not want to impose on her or if they are sensitives which he thought her tail might be the most he did not want to just ask for it as she might let him do it but only cause she thought it was an order and she had to do it even if she did not want to.

He chuckled nervously a bit at her look "it is fine if you do not want me to i do not know if it is something you hybrids enjoy or not" he was glad she said it was and even leaned her head forward so that he could made him feel better that she was actually fine with it. Reaching out he started by patting her head and then moving to her left ear and he moved his hand up her ear carefully stroking her ear, it was very soft and fluffy her fur was very silky and felt nice as he stroked it and then he moved to her other ear, they both felt oddly firm considering how she was able to move them so freely. He moved his hand down to the base of where her ear was and gently scratched her behind her ear his curiosity got the better of him to see if she would enjoy that.

He smiled as this was also good as she was letting him touch her as well it seemed like she was getting more comfortable with him. Tony laughed a little to see her surprise at him being the one to cater to her he knew this would be something new to her but he wanted to see how she would be and to show her she can relax and have someone else take care of her for once and maybe it is something she enjoys that way he slowly start having her take these kind of days off to get her out of the habit of always wanting to serve. "but i don't mind doing this for you in fact i enjoy it and besides you already let me stroke your ears".

He took his time and waited for vixen letting her get used to him being like this and holding the strawberry for her, she could go at her own pace as this would all be new to her. It was a cute little bite she took he could see her nervousness for all this in the bite and how she was moving but it looked like her taking the bite and nothing happening helped easy her a bit "who does not like a little role swap everyone once and awhile though, maybe next you can scratch my ears" he let out a bit of a laugh at the idea of that. Tony stayed calm for her and always had a smile trying to make this easier for her and have it look like it was all ok to do and there is nothing wrong. "So vixen today i want you to relax today you can watch tv and enjoy yourself i will be here if you want anything ok just ask" he puts the plate with her treats down for her on the small table by the couch so she can reach them and sits on the couch next to the couch she was on he would have liked to sit with her but that might be pushing it to far with him getting that close to her with his body.
Vixen was slowly letting gain confidence around him and when he asked her to touch her ears it was just very strange for someone to even ask. She would let him as she leaned forward and let her ears perk up to let him feel them. They were a bit stiff but very soft to the touch. There was no way she would tell him no but he was eventually telling her that it was up to her and that still made her feel nervous. “I really do like if my ears and tail is touched I’ve just never been asked before…” there it was she could actually tell him that it was something she enjoyed but she never in all of her life have someone asked to do it!

The moment he scratched behind her ear gently she let out a soft happy sigh and even closed her. That was a very vulnerable thing to do for her especially since she was at his mercy if he decided to do something unsavory. For now her tail was off-limits since it was a very special part of her that she kept guarded. When he eventually stopped she would open her eyes and watch him with those beautiful pools of blue focused only on him. When she saw him smile she was worried but he began to say that he wanted to have her rest and relax and the fact that she let him touch her ears it was his way of saying thanks. This time the beautiful fox hybrid did not protest.

It was very nice of her to accept and when he fed her the strawberries she took it taking small bites making sure not to accidentally bite him but he would feel his soft plush lips brush against his fingers. The moment he mentioned her scratching his ears he actually got a genuine laugh out of her. Vixen chuckled as her ears flicked on her tail wag happily behind her. “I’ve never pet a humans ears. Are they soft?” Now she was curious as she would look up and I his ears but not dare touch them. When he mentioned they would be there all day and she could ask him anything the only thing she would finally ask as she looked him straight in the eyes. “Please just stay with me… I don’t want to be alone.” Perhaps he thought she would ask for chocolates or strawberries but she honestly wanted company and not feel helpless and she had a feeling he might tell her no but she put her feelings on her sleeve and asked for him not to leave her side.

Without missing a heartbeat she would reach out to the strawberries and pick up line and hold one out for Tony to eat like he did for her assuming maybe he wanted the same treatment even if he said it was time to relax but maybe he would except a tiny treat that she was willing to share with him.
He was enjoying stroking her ear her fur was different to her hair which he knew would be the case but it was still a bit odd for him to feel the difference between the 2. Hearing her say that made him happy he knew another thing that made her happy but also she was coming out more and saying what she liked and enjoyed "that is good i hope you enjoy this a lot then" that is when he started scratching behind her ears "is it odd that i asked i do not want to just touch you somewhere that could be private for you with out you knowing" her soft sigh did take him by surprise as he had not heard that before and did not expect it but it was a good sound from her and very sweet. Noticing that she closed her eyes he started to scratch more and then lifted his other hand to scratch her other ear as well, tony knew that there was a good deal of trust or she was just really enjoying this for her to close her eyes as she had kept them open and always alert when around him.

She looked happy taking her bites from the strawberries and he felt her lips brush against his fingers as she carefully ate the strawberries and as she took the bite for one of them and felt her lips again he moved his finger gently over her top lip as she took the bite. This was the first time he was hearing her laugh and to him it was beautiful her voice was sweet and joyful and sounded like heaven to him he could not help but smile wider and laugh with her, her tail was wagging and her ears flicked so he knew she was really happy "oh no we have weird ears they are like rubber and just stay in one place do you want to feel?" he turns his head for her.

Tony just smiled at her "of course i will stay with you i won't let you be alone today" it was a very sweet request he could not turn her down, seeing her hold the strawberry out for him he did not turn her down she was so cute looking holding it and offering it to him so he took a bit of it taking half of it in one bite he did take the same small bite she did but he only did half as he did not want to bite her either after that he reached his hand up to take hers in his and he took the strawberry out of her hand and ate the rest of it. He got up and sat with her on the couch still holding her hand his hand was covering hers holding it closely. He turned the tv on for them letting her decide what to have on it as he held the plate of strawberries for her.
Tony could easily feel how different her furry ears were to her silken locks of blonde hair. Letting him touch her was a huge step for her since the club she was more cautious though Tony was showing her that all humans weren’t horrible. He was not like any other human she ever met And her interactions with humans wasn’t a very large group. The way he scratched her ears helped her relax and he could see that she was letting her Guard down a bit. Not only was one ear getting scratched but both were and that’s when she would close her eyes and he would see her let out a very relaxed sigh and it was the most relaxed he probably ever saw her!

Apart of her almost complained when he stopped but it was good that he did because she wasn’t ready to go that far yet. I was feeding her strawberries and now in return she was doing the same while her beautiful blue eyes followed him watching how he ate them just like her and wondering if that’s how humans eat strawberries too. The moment he asked her about touching his ears her own ears perked up and she would reach out and gently touch the top of his ear and rub her finger down his ear lobe and squeezed before she jumped at her ears perked up really quickly shocked at how they felt. “Not fluffy…” she quietly made an assumption about his ears which did not feel anything like her own. She wanted to touch them again but she figured only one time was good enough and maybe if he felt kind enough later she could ask again.

Vixen was not expecting him to give her a yes about him staying with her but when he did it would probably be one of the most genuine smiles he ever got from her before she turned away to hide it. When he took her hand after he ate the strawberry she would blush and hope that he would not notice it at all. There was a part of her mind that was worried why he was being so nice but for the time being she was enjoying it. Tony would soon realize even though he turned on the TV and gave her the option change the channel it was something she wouldn’t even touch. What she did next was she scooted a little closer to him and without thinking she would lay her head on his shoulder letting her furry ears tickle the nape of his neck while she would watch what he would watch. The thing about him holding the plate of strawberries she would reach over and instead of feeding herself she would hold that one for him so he could eat it after all masters eight first and she still didn’t understand the concept that she could eat freely as well. So luckily right now she was letting him hold her hand and she was being close to him without too much fear.
Tony could not help but smile and had to hold back a laugh as he saw how she was reacting to his ears feeling the way it did, her fingers were fragile and small and felt smooth against his ear although it was a bit odd for him having someone touch his ear but he could feel how curios she was about it by how her fingers moved and he even heard her saying "not fluffy" which was adorable he thought but also had to try really hard not to laugh, her curios nature was sweet to see "they are very different hey, what do you think? i like yours better if i am being honest feels much nicer" He did not know she wanted to touch them again and thought she was done as he turned his head back to look at her but of course he would let her touch them again if she wanted to.

Her smile was radiant she had such a happy look on her face when he answered her and her smile just brightened the room. She may have tried to hide her self blushing but tony did catch a quick glance of her cheeks going red before she turned away from him but he would not bring it up she can enjoy her self. It did however take him by surprise when he sat down next to her holding her hand that she moved closer she got close enough that she could lean against his shoulder this was so good she was defiantly getting more comfortable with him and being close to him he could tell she was still on guard for her self in other cases but this was a good step. The tips of her ears tickled at his neck but he could feel her soft fur against him as well now which was warm.

He would move his free hand over and place it around her shoulder like he was holding her and he first placed his hand on her head to pet her again and stroke her ear and give her another ear scratch. Seeing her offering him another strawberry he would not refuse as he saw it as she was being sweet and wanting him to enjoy the treat with her but he also kind of fiqured this could be part of her training so after he ate it he took another one and moved the plate to the side our of her reach "thank you that is very kind but i don't want to eat all of your treats they are for you after all" and he holds up the strawberry for her. He hoped that she was starting to see all this as not some kind of trick or that he was after anything and just that he wanted to look after her and let her have a happy life.

His other hand still held onto hers he could feel the warmth of her soft hand in his she did not feel tense nor did she look like she was nervous now which was good. Tony would not focus to much on the screen and some random movie played in the background his attention was fully on this lovely fox he had leaning against him, it was much nicer seeing her being happy and enjoying her self as he gently stroked her head. "This is nice vixen i would like to have your life be this peaceful from now on and you don't have to worry about anything" tony sits there with her holding her and gently stroking her while he feeds her strawberries.
Vixen found Tony interesting and as much as she wanted to touch his ears more she held herself back. Part of it was out of fear that she was asking too much of him. The last thing she wanted to do was mark him change his mind about helping her. “Different. I like them. They feel like a toy.” She said reaching for where human ears would be on het but she had nothing like his only her large fluffy ones.

Her mood was much better and with him next to her she felt much safer to the point she could even close her eyes while resting on him and not fearing that he would hurt her like the other men did. Het body was still sore from all of them and luckily she would not have brought back any souvenirs from the club only bruises and scratches. Fortunately she would not have gotten pregnant at all and now she could finally just rest. Her ears continued to tickle his neck as she leaned on him and vixen could not help but actually doze off resting on him not paying attention to the movie but she did grab i to his hand and cling tightly to him as if making sure he wouldn’t leave her there.

“Happy life?” She would mutter in a soft voice. Lucid dreaming and it only made her snuggle up more. For the first time in forever she was safe. It was even more adorable that half asleep she would eat the strawberries he was feeding her she was trusting him without thinking as she nibbled on what he gave her and she cuddled up pressing her body against his hoping he would let her sleep and sleep eat while she clung to his hand making sure he could not leave her on the couch in this wonderful blissful state of pure peace.
"oh like a toy first time hearing that one well i guess feel free to play with them when you want just if you have the urge to try and bite them try hold your self back ok" as tony sat there he could feel her small hand take his hand and hold on tight, looking over to her he could see that she was resting on him her eyes closed and she was so beautiful as she rested on him. Tony was happy to see her looking so peaceful, she was looking better than when she first came here as she was not cowering from him or hiding behind the doors peaking in.

He could feel her getting closer and snuggling up to him more, he used his arm to help her get closer to him. Smiling down at her as she spoke softly "yes vixen thats it have happy dreams" her breathing was steady as she rested and she was still taking her small bites from the strawberries as she rested on him such a silly girl she still wanted her treats while sleeping. He kept stroking her head and even moved his hand along her ear causing it to move down as his hand went over it. He knew he could not move for awhile as he did not want to disturb her and she did not want him to leave as she her hold on his hand showed and he did not want to stop her happy moment.

He sat there with her stroking her gently and letting her sleep against him, as he slowly fed her, her strawberries. He sat there for hours and even fell asleep himself at one point he held his hand over her to keep her close to him. After hours passed he woke up again with her next to him her hand was still holding his and he was still holding hers but it was late now and he had to get dinner ready. He tried to get up carefully and move slowly to let her sleep more but the main problem he was having was getting her hand to let go of his he rested her head on the couch with a pillow and then slowly started to get his hand free. He brushed the hair from her face before he left his lovely little fox was so cute as she slept.

He left the room and started to make some food for the 2 of them going with something small as she had been snacking and then sleeping so when she woke up she might not be very hungry but he did have something else ready if she was going to be hungrier than expected.
Hearing him a joke about his ears being a toy made her laugh and she try not to laugh too hard but it was difficult. “Don’t Worry I don’t bite I was trained not to.” She was trying to give him some comfort and hopefully he wouldn’t worry about it but once she lay on his shoulder and his arm went around her to pet her ears she was all his in that exact moment. It was a moment of full piece and she felt very safe in his arms. Vixen Let herself fall into a deep pattern of breathing. she had finally found some peace of mind and she didn’t have to run and hide as she held his hand and he continue to feed her while she slept eventually she would stop eating falling into a nice deep sleep which was good for him.

She looks like a perfect little doll barely moving with her chest rising and falling. Every so often he heard her snore. Vixen you looked extremely angelic and for a moment she did not look real with her tail just lying on the couch in a very calm way. The minutes turned to ours and she had no idea how long she slept but her body had given out and any moves Tony made didn’t even wake her in so he would have some trouble getting her hand away from his since she was clinging to it for dear life but if he peeled her fingers back slowly he would not wake her at all. It did not take him long to get her to rest on a pillow at her long blonde hair found out across where he left her making her look like a sleeping goddess.

Tony was able to make the food very easily and she slept through most of the smells until eventually if he peaked in on her he would see how her nose wiggled at the delicious scents from the kitchen. Slowly but surely she would wake up and stretch her arms up in the air still dressed in that beautiful blue dress but it’s strained against her large bosom. With a nice big yawn as she brought her hands down and rubbed her eyes to wake herself up. “Tony? W…where are you?” Even though her nose can pick up the food from the kitchen she was looking for him with the wide blue eyes and for the first time she used his name. “Tony???” She called out again but she didn’t move from the sofa apart of her was scared that he had left her but his scent was still in the house so he had to be nearby. Vixen eventually stood up and made slow steps towards the kitchen and to be honest she was stealthy he didn’t even hear how she walked with silent footsteps before she peeked in the kitchen to see if he was there.
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