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A Fox Tale (EEE x The Sloth) NSFW IMAGES

From what she was saying tony could tell that she did not have a good life at her home and when she managed to escape it only got worse and going by what she was saying he could take a pretty good guess at what had happened to her, he knew that hybrids where treated badly but this seemed to cruel this fox was beaten and her spirit seemed damaged as well. Tony had a guess what club she was talking about going by the distance she would have travelled and from the collar that she was wearing. "it is ok you do not have to tell me everything if it is to painful you can leave it and not think about it" he grew more concerned as he saw her scratching at her neck and the collar more "it will come off you don't have to hurt yourself like that".

"the hurt will be over now and you will be able to leave all that in the past". Looking into her cerulean blue eyes it felt like she was staring deep into him and he became lost in an ocean of her eyes, they were so lovely to gaze into. "vixen that is a nice name and it is good to officerly meet you now" smiling softly at her wanting to seem comforting and welcoming "vixen you are not trash and what happened to you does not make you that way either" he wanted to make her feel better and to smile but that might take awhile for her to heal on that side so for now all he can do try and make her feel safe and no longer in a threating place. "you won't be going back there vixen they won't be able to take you and yes i can get that collar off of you"

He waited until she was done eating not wanting to stop her or interrupt her from her meal, she did look very lovely and cute eating and enjoying the meal. Once done he stood up from the table and walked next to her to let her get up and lead her into his garage "once we get this off of you i want to have a look at your neck you keep scratching at it so i want to take care of the wounds you have there now" in the garage there was his car and a workbench then multiple crates filled with mechanical parts and cyberware, on the desk was a few tools and a monitor that was attached to it. "please have a seat and i can have a look at this" he pulls a chair up for her by the desk and waits for her to sit down "now vixen i want you to relax and i will take this off of you but i will have to touch your neck and shoulders".

Tony took a couple of the tools and placed them in the centre of the desk and then took a cable from the monitor and pulled it out, taking one of the tools he placed it against the display on the collar and it was able to get under it and then he popped the display off to reveal a circuit board underneath it he connected the cable to port on it and the screen came to life with a bright blue background and then text rapidly scrolling down it. Tony placed the tool back down and then placed his hands on vixens shoulders gently and then moved them up to her neck and the collar being very gentle with her and letting her get used to his hands. He looked down at her into her blue eyes and smiled "ok lets get this thing off of you" Taking one of the other tools he places it against the the circuit his other hand still touching her neck as he holds the collar in place, the screen starts to flash red and the collar beeps more loudly and rapidly, tony looks calm as he keeps working and then his eyes go back up to meet hers "you know you very lovely eyes" then he smiles "and there we go" the screen changes blue and the code running down it ends and with the sound of a soft click the collar unlatches at the back of her neck and tony takes it and opens it as it comes off of her neck and he places it on his desk "that is a much better look for you i rate"
It was Very hard for Vixen to talk about. All the things they did to her she felt broken and hurt and wondered how humans could be so horrible. What they did to her for money it made her former master seem like a Saint! It was amazing how far she walked away from the club in that state she was in. Luckily she was able to eat and she actually finished a good portion of her food. The lost and confused hybrid was hungry and she even managed to clean her plate but leaving a small portion off to the side which was a proper thing for a lady to do at least that was what she was trained to do.

When Tony told her that she did not have to tell him everything that caused her to look up at him with those beautiful blue eyes of hers. He also said that she would never be going back there and she hoped he wasn’t lying. Even if he was lying she hoped that he at least would be gentle. So far he had been kind and even fixed her pants making sure she could be comfortable in his home that she broke into. He gave her no reason to not trust him, but she was on high alert. It was hard for her to maintain eye contact not because he was mean but she was worried if that might mean he would do something. Waiting for the other shoe to drop was exhausting.

“T…thank you…” she said in hushed voice when he said she had a lovely name but what caught your attention was how he could get the collar off. If he could the bad men couldn’t take her back! Once the meal was finished he could see how she hesitated to follow him into the garage she had no idea if he meant he would takeoff the collar or would he do the same thing the other men did she was putting a little trust in him but she was ready to fight at any moment and he could tell with how fidgety she was.

Anxiously she took a seat and her tail swishing so fast it was causing wind. Her nerves were really bad. She would have to keep still And that she could do but he said he would have to touch her neck and shoulders she gave him a nod letting him know that was alright and try to stay as still as possible. Her tail on the other hand was a different story. The fluffy ears on her head folded back but she could still hear everything he was doing. She closed her eyes even though she probably shouldn’t half as he got his tools ready. The beeping was loud and it was scaring her but she managed to sit completely Stella while he worked on it. Opening her eyes she was watching him carefully because she figured she close her eyes he might try and do something that was just her paranoia talking. When he commented on her eyes she looked terrified not because she was scared of a compliment but she wasn’t sure if that was a way for him to make her feel safe and let her guard down she wasn’t sure if she should say thank you but he could tell that she was not used to being complemented without an ulterior motive.

When the click of the color coming off was hurt she let out a large sigh of relief. Her neck all around the color was red and scratch she was trying to get this thing off for so long. Vixen caused quite a bit of damage to her neck but nothing that wouldn’t heal especially now that it was gone she wanted to smash that thing but the beeping stopped and she wasn’t sure if she had to do more to it to make sure they couldn’t find her.

“Burn it. Smash or do anything I don’t want them finding me again.” Vixen finally spoke out with her hatred for that collar. “W…what do I owe you?” That last question probably hurt him since he expected he wanted something in return she wasn’t used to people on the outside doing things for her for free and she was prepared to pay the price for this since the color was gone and that meant the other men wouldn’t come after her and she was curious what he would ask for.
Tony had kept a good distance from her and let her move at her own pace so that she could take her time and make sure everything was fine as they proceeded into the garage, her nervousness and fidgeting made it clear that she was still uneasy and on edge about everything but he was happy that she still came with him and was not just trying to run immediately away, she still had some trust in her and a glimmer that all was not lost for her. Tony noticed her tail swishing behind her it was kinda cute how it gave away how she was feeling if only it was under better circumstances and her tail was going cause she was happy that would be much better.

Her body language was clear that she was nervous at his touch even though she said it was fine he still limited it as much as possible and when he did touch her he was careful and gentle so that she could know exactly what he was doing and where his hands where as he noticed a few times she had her eyes closed until she opened them again. seeing how her neck was after the collar was removed was much easier she had really been scratching hard at this thing to get it off. Tony was a bit taken back when she spoke it was the most assertive and aggressive he had seen her be since getting here even her voice got louder but it was good to see she still had fight in her, "ok we can that but i feel it might be better if you had the honours of destroying it" he takes a hammer looking tool and hands it to her "you can destroy it as much as you like vixen" he took a step back so that he would not get hit accidently or have any parts fly at him.

Putting his hand to his chin and looked like he was thinking "i had not thought of anything" his eyes lower back down to her she looked so proper with how she was sitting on the chair a real beauty of a fox, it still confused him how they would let someone like her get hurt this badly, "well if i had to ask for anything i would like to see you smile and have you stay here tonight so you can heal more that is all i want, there is a spare room that is already ready so you can stay there the door even has a lock on it that you can use if it helps you".

He let her do as she wanted with the collar and when she was done he offered her his hand to help her up off the chair "i would like to have a look at your neck now i want to clean up the wounds and patch it up" he leads her out of the garage and back to the table where he lets her sit down "i will be right back i have a first aid kit somewhere that i can use for this" he leaves the room letting vixen be there alone as he searches for the first aid kit. She can hear him walking around and moving things and by the sound of it something crashing and hitting the ground with with in the distance "ah fuck my foot". It was a few minutes before he returned with the first aid kit and walked back over to her, pulling up a chair next to her he stat next to her and placed the kit on the table.
Tony kept his distance but as he helped her she started to realize he wasn’t going to do anything especially since he did not make any sudden movements or grab her in any perverted way. That collar once off he heard her sigh with relief. Once free of it and when he gave her that hammer he could see her demeanor change and there’s a lot of anger not at him but at the collar as she stood up and started beating on the collar. Her tail was swishing very fast with each smack of the hammer breaking the collar into many pieces. He would even catch her crying that color had such horrible memories for her.

It must’ve been such an interesting site to see her break the collar like that but once she was done she put the hammer down and took a few deep breaths looking at the destroyed item on the table. It was a relief they couldn’t track her through it anymore and she made sure of that by smashed to smithereens. “Thank you.” Even after all of that her voice went back to being soft and sweet as she thanked him for letting her do that.

Vixen would at least let him help her and take his hand every so often to lead her since he seem to be making it clear that he wasn’t a threat to her even though she was still so very skittish. The moment Tony mentioned her neck she brought her hand up to touch it Giving him a nod of approval help her clean off but she scratched. Getting comfortable in the seat again she would let him go get the first aid kit but when she heard him stub his toe she jumped ears standing at full alert and he finally got back. When he pulled up a chair next to her she was sitting so stale it look like she might not even be real. With her blonde hair and blue eyes looked like a toy with her fluffy white tail and ears. Foxes like her were specially bred and Tony might be able to guess That one that looks like her was extremely expensive and for someone or a group to use her like they did at the club did not recognize how lucky they got.

The only thing he asked of her with a smile but she wasn’t quite ready to give him one yet especially after the night she had but at least he wasn’t asking her to do anything sexual or trying to touch her. This was the safest she felt all night! He offered her spare room and his generosity seem to have no bounds but at least that was a conversation starter. “Are you sure it’s okay? If I stay? I promise to be quiet and clean or whatever you need me to do and if you need me to go I’ll figure out what to do next. I don’t know if I can go back to my old master anymore…. i’m not in pristine condition…” that tidbit of information gave away that someone most likely rich bought her. Even though someone with money bought her and kept her that didn’t mean she had the perfect life after all she ran away and ended up on the streets that said a lot without saying anything at all.

“W…why are you being so kind to me you don’t have to….” It was nice for him to finally hear her speak out a bit more since being silent was driving her crazy at least you could ask a bit about him. “Do you have a hybrid living with you?” Vixen was curious and maybe that was why he was nice to her he might have one in his home, but she wasn’t picking up a scent at all so she had to ask.
Tony watched her smashing the collar just striking it over and over again until it was completely destroyed and nothing but small parts of it remained, he noticed the tears in her eyes as she smashed it, this was good for her to be the one that got rid of it hopefully it would bring some peace to her once it was gone by her hands. Tony just smiled as he heard her soft voice again "you are welcome" taking her hand gently, her hand looked so small in his but her hand was soft and tender and she felt so fragile. Once he was back and sitting down with her he noticed how good her posture was and how well she sat in the chair very proper and it gave her a air of elegance. She looked almost like a doll and he could imagine her there in a fancy dress and just how radiant she would look, she defiantly bred for a specific reason and most likely for this old master of hers that he could only guess used her as a trophy and showed her off. It just made it all the more confusing that anyone else getting there hands on her would have her treated like this or damage her in such a way.

He was still at a loss though at seeing her even bruised up like this she was still so beautiful. Her soft voice was a welcome sound again "of course it is i would not offer it to you if i was certain it was ok" he opened the first aid kit and took out a bottle with a clear liquid in it "you can do that if you want but while you are staying here you are free to do what you want vixen i don't want you to have to do anything until you are healed up and strong again but you won't have to go i won't send you away" he looks a bit sad again as he hears her say that "he must not be a very good master then if he can't see that you are still pristine and lovely vixen, but would you even want to go back you are free now?" he pours some of the liquid on a cloth "this will sting a little but i just need to clean the marks on your neck ok" he places the cloth against her neck with cleaning alcohol on it and gently pats it down around her neck being careful not to press to hard and give her time if it hurts to much.

Putting the cloth back down after cleaning her wounds he takes a bandage and starts to wrap it around her neck carefully he looks back to her with a bit of surprise on his face "you are in need of help i saw you hurt and in pain i could not just leave you like that or kick you out in your state i am not a monster" he secures the bandage "it is simply that i saw you needed help and i decided to help you" looking into her blue eyes "is this uncommon for you to come across?" he sit backs up after finishing on her neck "no i do not i stay by myself why do you ask are you picking up on someone else being here?" tony looks around wanting to make sure there was no one else around that should not be around.

Knowing there was no one else around Tony Tony cleaned up the first aid kit and closed it back up " so vixen let me know show you where you can sleep" and he leads her up stairs to the spare room he had it was a plain room something normal you would see for a spare room it had 2 side tables by the bed which was a king sized bed and there was a desk with a cupboard and a TV built into the wall " so it is not much but I hope it will do and if you need anything I will be down the hallway" he steps to the side to let her have a walk around the room "and I think tomorrow we need to get you sorted out with some proper clothes that would fit you better as well".
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Vixen was a pretty quiet hybrid as she watched with her beautiful blue eyes taking everything around her. She was still in her shell that she was trying to be seen and not heard that she had lost it at the collar. The way she watched Tony with intensity he knew she was paying attention to him. Watching his every move as her ears would follow the sound of his voice and her tail swished occasionally showing that she was reacting to him. Perhaps her old master would be looking for her but if she found out she was abuse the way she was she would be tossed away and she had no idea how big of a favor Tony was doing for her.

This literal stranger was offering her a room and safety which there was no way she was going to turn down after all she had nowhere else to go. “Free?” That was the one word T repeated that he said especially in his home she was free to do what she want remove how she pleased which was something she was not used to. Ashley would clean her wounds she’d whimper every so often because it would sting when he was cleaning her off. The scratches on her neck were red and angry. Tony at least warned her but it still hurt but he could see how she kept her composure as her ears folded back and she bit her bottom lip try not to make any noise.

“Thank you for not throwing me out. I knew it was wrong to break and I’m sorry I did it. I’m just very lucky you didn’t hurt me. I really appreciate it.” Vixen was quite well spoken and polite as she sat there while he bandaged her up not making too much of a fuss at all. “I only smell you in the house I was just curious. Most humans have hybrid companions now I was just wondering if you had one here. That’s all sorry if I overstepped your boundaries.” She lowered her head an apology and whimpered since her neck was still sore.

When he would lead her to show her where she would stay she was shocked that she got her own room she was expecting him to tell her to stay in bed with him but this human was very different than the one she was used to being around. “It’s more than enough and your hospitality is really sweet. Don’t worry I’m housebroken.” She was used to certain conversations like this and she would destroy anything as she looked at the room with the big wide eyes surprise that she would get this to herself. When he let her explore she would walk around the room and even touch the bed feeling the fabrics as she sniffed the air to get a feeling of the room. “What time should I wake up to make you breakfast in the morning?” It was a force of habit to ask even though she was new she would try and pull her weight and she wondered if you would allow her to cook something for him. he could tell she was a companion hybrid by the way she was acting and even when she stopped walking around she stood and faced him placing her hands folded right in front of her waiting for him to give her an order Ashley hoped nothing would be too terrible but so far he’s proven that he was a sweet human.
Every time vixen whimpered tony would stop so that she would not be hurt to much with the disinfectant that he was using on her "yes i would count you as a guest now so you don't have to worry about anything here did your master not let you have any free movement or anything like that in the house?" he was curious as to how she lived and how her master was to her, tony just had this idea in his mind when looking at her that she should be allowed to roam freely and go as she pleases it was something that he thought would add to her ascetic and he wondered if her master went for that as well or if he kept her as a caged bird only for show. She was defiantly from a rich background which meant her master was a very wealthy man the way she spoke gave away her up bringing in that regards along with how she held her self defiantly high class. Tony had not run into a fox hybrid before and he wondered if they were all like this, "you were just doing what was needed to survive anyone would do what they can for that" looking at the parts of her body that was not covered up and seeing the bruises "i am sorry you did not find me sooner could have had a better time out from your master place, did he keep you locked up in there or were you allowed to roam and go outside? oh don't worry it is fine you have not over stepped anything i just never really looked into getting one i don't like the idea of owning another person".

Tony could not help but laugh a bit at her words "haha that was not something i was concerned about but again you don't have to worry about anything if anything happens or comes up or if you need anything feel free to come to me ok" watching her walk around the room was good she seemed to be getting more used to him and the idea of staying here if even by just a little she may have been getting less tense. Seeing how she turned to him and stood proper in front of him with hands folded together again very proper and high class like much like you see with companions who have served people before "so you do not have to do anything vixen i want you just to rest and enjoy your self" chuckling to himself a bit cause he knew that she would have spent most of her life being the one to serve her master or anyone else she was told to but now he would flip it on her and let her have someone do things for her "i will take care of breakfast for you, you just enjoy your self and come down in the morning when you are ready".

Tony turns around to leave the room and before closing the door slightly "good night vixen i will see you in the morning" he close her door halfway and leaves the light on for her to do as she pleases with and his foot steps could be heard heading away from the room until the stop and he is now in his room for the night he left his door open so that he could listen out for her if there was any problems or if someone else might try and break in now. It had been a strange day for him and his mind was racing about what to do and about what to do with her and if any of the men came looking for her, vixen was damaged but at the same time was also a very sweet girl that this world had already hurt and it would do so again if he just let her go back outside, companion hybrids often did not survive long if they last their masters as they were trained to obey them and be dependant on them to a degree but she was special a fox very rare and sought after it could make things more complicated he would have to figure out what to do.
Tony was so gentle with her and it reminded her of her former master but Tony was much nicer and actually talk to her like an actual equal. Every time she winced or whimpered he would take even more care to make sure he wouldn’t hurt her anymore. When he began asking questions about her former master she shook her head no about the free movement. “I had I assigned space and he told me where to go. There were some places I wasn’t allowed to be in on the grounds.” From the way she spoke you could tell that her former master was quite a wealthy man and quite controlling. He was making her feel much better about herself since he wasn’t upset that she broken and how anyone would’ve done the same in the situation.

“It would've been nice to find you sooner. I had no idea six places existed outside. It’s the first time I’ve been outside of my masters lands. I had no idea where to go once I left it was probably a really bad idea for me to actually leave. I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Vixen continue to speak but didn’t elaborate too much at least not yet and even if she came from a wealthy background it sounds like it wasn’t very happy. Holding her proper pose as she explained her situation the leaving out critical details which she just wasn’t ready to share yet. Well she explored the room walking around helped her learn about where she would be staying as she touched the tables as well. It was very adorable to watch her explore and she even took a chance and sat on the bed. The fact that he told her to rest was shocking. Vixen was used to serving others and here she was being told to rest and relax she had no idea what to do with herself!

“Enjoy? You don’t have to worry about that you’re helping me I should be the one making breakfast for you. Would you please tell me what time to wake up?” You could tell she was struggling to find a purpose especially since he was giving her free housing and helping her she had to do something in return, right? When he turned to leave she’d watch him focusing on every aspect and taking his scent sniffing the air. For most of the night she would rest but she slept so very lightly.

Being alone in the room even though she was used to it she was scared and instead of staying there she would slowly get out of bed and find the door to Tony’s room. So instead of going inside she would curl up outside his door and sleep there especially since it was closer to him but she was too nervous to even enter his room at least from outside she could protect them if anything happened. When he would wake up in the morning he would find her outside of his door curled up in a ball with her fluffy tail curled around her. She was very dependent on humans and even with everything that happened to her it was bred into her to trust them even after she was hurt so badly.
Tony was listening as he care for her wounds he found it so odd that she had restricted movement and was barred from some areas of the house that she lived in who does that to anyone, "it must have been tough to deal with only being allowed to go and move where you were told to did this pervious master of your control everything about your life there?" It was cute watching her walk around the room exploring it she looked so curious about it all, when she sat down on the bed tony took it as a good sigh she was happy enough with the room "yea there are a few places like that around especially in the red light district where i think you where going by that collar, i think it was good that you left if you were not able to keep on going living there with him or if it was getting to much it is good to have left was just maybe a bit of bad luck for how it turned out"

Tony could see she was not used to this kind of life she looked like she needed something to do, something to help pay him back as she wanted show she could be useful it was not uncommon for the companion hybrids to be like this as they were trained and bred to serve so it was all they knew but tony did not want to have her keep playing into that role of her life he wanted her to be able to enjoy her self and her new found freedom "how about this vixen think of tomorrow as a day off you can wake up at your own time and let me handle everything and then tomorrow we can talk about what you can do around here would that be fine with you?" he did not notice her sniffing the air or watching him so closely as he left.

In the morning he woke up and got out of bed and slowly walked over to his door still groggy tony did not like the mornings or getting up early but he had to, when he opened the door he looked down and immediately confused to see vixen sleeping on the floor in front of his door. Why was she here and not in her bed, why did she sleep outside the door and not come in. Tony crouched down and looked at her she was so peaceful sleeping there curled up with her tail carefully he placed his hand on her head and gently stroked her head she had been through so much she deserves some time to be at peace. Carefully tony picked her up as not to wake her and carried her over to his bed and laid her down on it and placed the blanket over her he just smiled at the sleeping fox and then left the room.

Tony went to have a shower to clean himself and help wake him up as well, was only last night that he found vixen in the tub here soaking and cleaning her self she was a sweet girl but maybe naïve as people who break in don't generally take a bath in the house they got into but he did find it kind of sweet of her being like that. After his shower he got out and dried off and put on some new clothes before heading down stairs, he first went to the garage to remove the smashed collar so that she would not have to see it again then he went outside to his garden where he had some gym equipment that he would use before making breakfast for the 2 of them.
She was waiting for Tony to give her some sort of orders and it looked like she desperately needed some thing. Taking every word and hanging off of each one it made sense that he told her she could have a day off and at least that language she understood. Vixen nodded and she didn’t dare argue against him. For now she was just really quiet and when he left she explored a bit more of her room but it was hard to sleep in a place that she didn’t know and that’s what brought her to his room. Before she knew it she was passed out sleeping on the floor outside of his door. Not even noticing that morning had to come she was in a nice deep sleep and when he would find her not even his opening the door would cause her ears to move or notice.

Without much effort he easily lifted her up and luckily she did not wake up at all as he moved her to his bed and placed her there getting her comfortable and putting a blanket over her. Vixen had been so exhausted! After with amend it to her and running away her body finally gave into a deep sleep. Tony could go about his day and clean up the mess she made in the garage and even work out nothing woke her up at all. Sweet vixen as a sound sleeper and only when she finally started smelling food did she wake up. Slowly those fluffy ears of hers twitched and her tail slowly started to wiggle as she woke up but what she didn’t get was how did she get in his bed!

Luckily she did not panic she was still in the clothing she had on last night as she sat up and looked around. His room was much more cozy but that was because he lived in it. Yarning she would get up rubbing her eyes and making her way downstairs to the kitchen as she perked in not sure if she should go in. Looking around for Tony even though he said she could go anywhere in the house she wasn’t used to having such freedom as she stood at the kitchen door she still desired orders to be given to her. The idea of freedom was still so very new. It would take some training on his part to get her used to not having to follow him around like a lapdog. The majority of companion hybrid we’re not used to surviving on their own and it as evident that Vixen would be quite a bit more time to get used to having freedom at his home but at least the fact that he didn’t touch her or try anything was building trust with her especially since she was expecting him to probably do something similar like them in the club did.

“Hello? Master Tony?” She call out since she wasn’t quite sure what to call him humans wanted to be known as master didn’t me? Tony would eventually learn that hybrids or an interesting addition to their society and the one he found had a lot more learning to do.
Tony was standing in the kitchen by the stove cooking just a normal breakfast for the two of them which consisted of bacon, eggs, toast and beans the smell of the food cooking got stronger the closer she got to the kitchen and she could hear it cooking and frying on the pan. Hearing her soft voice he turned around and looked at her, he could see her just peeking around the corner looking very timid by doing so "good morning vixen i hope you slept well and please don't call me master i am no ones master" he turns back to keep on cooking "you can also come in if you want you don't have to wait for permission or anything to go into any room join me in a room". Looking back at her she did seem a bit better her tail did not seem as stiff and even the way she was standing did not seem as ridged as the previous night.

He could feel her standing in the door way looking at him and he just sighed knowing what she wanted or at least wanting to do what has been trained and bred into her it may take awhile for that to end but for now it seems like it might help her if he did something for her on that side "hey vixen can you grab a couple plates for me please and then get some cutlery out on the table" he asked in a nice way for her to do this to try and start getting her used to having people ask her to do something instead of telling her this way he could use it later to teacher her that she can say no to people and did not have to do everything that was told to her.

After cooking he dished up the plates and for both of them and and took them to the table and placed the plates down "there we go you can eat as you like vixen" he remember that she would not eat if he did not say anything. He found vixen to be charming and very cute in her ways, he wonder how she was before all of this happened or if she was ever allowed to be herself her training and the way she acted even now in certain times did suggest that she had to be proper and a tamed lady for her master at all times. "so vixen today i will need to go out for a few hours would you be willing to watch the house for me and make sure nothing happens" he had to word it in such a way that it would seem like he is asking her to watch the house and that would be her task but he knew nothing would happen it just seemed the best way to have her feel like she is doing something and he wanted to go out to more clothes for her so that she had ones that would fit her "hey vixen when you were with your old master what did he have you wear and did you like those kind of clothes or did you have another kind that you enjoyed".

He would have liked for her to come with him as he did find himself worrying about her being alone again but at the same time he can't have her walking outside in public like how she is now the men out there most likely would comments or make offers to buy her or rent her and he did not want her to have to go through anything like especially in her current condition " while i am out is there anything i can get you, anything at all consider it a treat". He had hoped she knew what this was as he did not like the idea that no one had ever treated her nicely or dotted on her before.
She could smell the food and it smelled divine. Staying at the doorway she’d watch him and made sure not to make any sudden movements. “Forgive me Ma…sir…”Vixen was trying her best not to say the wrong thing but he didn’t want her calling him master and she was trying to figure out what he like to be called. That would take some time to get her to unlearn but for now she was at least not cowering in a corner. “It smells really good.” Everything smelled so good and no matter how badly she wanted to go in she stayed at the doorway until he mentioned that she could come in.

He could see her mood was improving by the way her tail swish behind her due to her curiosity. One step after the other Vixen found herself in the kitchen and there she was touching things again it was a bit endearing how she was enjoying her new scenery as she let her tail swipe against any surface that she got close to. Tony was quite smart on his feet when he decided to give his hybrid fox a task she jumped on it. Plates and cutlery that was something she could do and be useful too bad she had no idea where it was and instead of asking she would start looking. When she found what she needed she would set up the table now that she was welcome in the kitchen.

Tony was a good cook it and when he put it on the table she could see how she hesitated before she would actually take a seat and it was showing that she was trying to break her habits though it was very strange for her to have freedom around his home. Even though she was so hungry she would eat quite properly using a knife and fork keeping her posture almost perfectly. The fact that she could maintain control and cut her food eating it bite by bite showed that she had great restraint.”MMMM! This is a really delicious thank you so much sir.” The names for him were something she would have to be trained not to do she wasn’t sure if she can even call him by his first name or even if that was proper for her to do. When he told her he had to go out for a few hours and asked her to watch the house she stopped eating to look up with her bright blue eyes and nod enthusiastically. “Of course. I’ll take care of the house I hope you won’t be gone for long.” She was a bit scared to stay alone but she did not wanna go outside yet and the house was safe. While she was eating he asked about her old master and about what she would wear and then she went silent as her ears folded back and her voice sounded very embarrassed. “Master what happened to dress up and whatever he found amusing or found me to look beautiful in or sexy even. He really liked lingerie. It’s not the most practical but it was better than being nude. If we went out he put me in dresses usually anything blue he liked how it matched my eyes.” She at least gave him some answers but he shouldn’t be surprised how her old master would dress her up especially with her breast size.

It was a very good idea he wouldn’t have her come out this time at least until the bruises and marks healed up it stood out especially with the clothing that didn’t fit her very well. When Tony offered to get her something she would actually surprise him and say something that was completely out of the blue. “I…I I like chocolate can I have some of that I only usually get chocolate on my birthday. My master thought it made me a little too energetics but once a year I’d get some. If not that’s fine I know I probably shouldn’t ask but strawberries would be nice you don’t have to get them for me if you don’t want to.” Started to shoot herself down for even asking and began to take things back. Her first master wasn’t too bad he just treated her like a toy and now Tony was treating her more like a person this was so confusing for her but the moment he asked her about treats her ears perked up happily and she was wondering if he would actually get her something.
"there is no reason for you to apologise you have done nothing wrong" she was still calling him sir now but it was at least than master and he would just deal with it for now and would work on getting her to call him tony "thank you they say if it smells good it will taste good as well" tony watched her in the corner of his eye as she made her way around the kitchen, her tail caught his attention the most as it was swishing behind her a much better improvement than how it was last night with it being puffed up or moving so Ridgely, it was nice to see her easing up and being so curious, she did seem to like letting her tail swipe against things so might be worth for him to keep anything that can be knocked down a bit further back on shelves and that. He had a smile on his face as he watched her searching for everything wanting to be useful it was cute.

She was still so proper for the way she ate he would have to intrude her to some kind of food that would make this hard for her to do so she can experience what it is like "tony is also fine vixen and i am glad you enjoy my cooking one less thing to worry about" her expression when she heard that she would be looking after the house was nice for him to see she looked so excited about this and it was good to see her looking so happy about something or being excited it was a good sign for him "don't worry it is only going to be a few hours you won't even know that i am gone" tony could notice her ears going back and down she did not seem to have good memories of this either it boiled tonys blood that even something this simple she was not able to enjoy cause of her life as a companion for this other guy.

He hated that she was dressed up for his amusement and just to be eye candy for the world tony was starting to get more and more of an idea of how her master saw her and treated her, just some object or toy for him to play with and discard and they bred and trained her to be accepting of this and to just let it happen, well now that she is here with him he would show her another life one that she can enjoy. "you do have beautiful eyes did you enjoy the blue dresses? or was he putting you in lets say revealing dresses what did you prefer to dress if you had the chance?" tony want her to be comfortable with her new clothes and did want anything that would trigger a bad memory for her, maybe when she is feeling better and is able to he can take her shopping and let her get some enjoyment from it.

Tony took a second to recover from her speaking up he thought he might have to convince her to say something or find something for her to try he smiled back at her so she was able to have her own self desires so there was enjoyment for her at that place then "well i would like to see you being energetic" he could see a bit of her bright side coming out when she wanted the chocolate and strawberries she seemed to get a bit excited at the idea and wanting them but it fade as he saw her training coming back and taking back what she said "so chocolate and strawberries hey i can do that for you no problem" After finishing eating he put on a jacket and grabbed his keys "if there is any trouble that happens i want you to go to the top floor in your room is a safe room that you will be able lock your self in for safety and i will be back soon so enjoy your self vixen" he walks past the door into the garage and gets in the car to leave.
Apologizing was some thing she knew well. This whole world of freedom was something she had no idea how to handle and the fact that Tony was being absolutely sweet she was worried if he was going to get angry or yell at her at some point but he never did. Even when eating her toast she would cut it in small pieces and eat it properly she didn’t even use her hands. Make a proper lady she did not finish everything on her plate even though she really wanted to. What was drilled into her was A proper lady never finished everything or used her hands.

While she was sitting that fluffy tail would show how much she enjoyed the meal by switching back-and-forth and as she stopped halfway through she would place her hands on her lap and look at him trying to see what he want her to do. Vixen was doing her best to try and read him! Her ears were focused on him like a satellite trying to figure out what signal he was sending out. The moment he mentioned that his name was okay she looked confused. “Tony? Are you sure? I know we aren’t equal am I allowed to use your first name?” She never really had any freedom of her own she was with a breeder before she had her master purchase her so she had no idea how humans actually were other than really strict or violent. It was nice to hear he was only going to be gone a few hours she would survive on her own that long at least wasn’t the club.

Tony could see she was easily excitable when she got something to be happy about but she was trained to be prim and proper and not show it. It was very fortunate for him that her ears and tail would give away her feelings very easily and when he told her it was only a few hours they perked up with excitement though her face was neutral. He complimented her eyes making her blush. Ears folded back showing she was very embarrassed. “What I like? No one’s ever asked me that before….I like blue I think. Dresses are comfortable. I don’t like when it’s too tight…it’s up to you. You’re me new master now aren't you?” Vixen asked not sure if The fact he was asking her about clothing he was now her new owner. This fox hybrid has never been alone before and assumed he now was her keeper.

The moment he said he could do chocolate and strawberries those ears of hers popped right back up and her tail started going wild swishing crazy behind her like a pet puppy who is just told they were a good girl he could see how excited she got. She’d watch him get his jacket her about the safe room upstairs as she nodded and walked him to the door making sure to actually bow and formally see him off. “Yes sir. I understand I’ll take care of everything while you’re gone don’t worry.” She told him and when he left she would begin to clean up and not lightly clean she was doing a deep clean of his home to the point she didn’t even rest even if she was hurt she would make sure to wash the dishes and she actually finished her food when he wasn’t watching. Vixen He would not get angry that she finish off all of the food he gave her especially since a lady was not supposed to eat every everything.

When he would eventually come back his house would look amazing she would’ve managed to go get the fridge and make something nice. Making sure to chop up a nice salad and she would take out some simple chicken and do a roast with tomatoes and basil it wasn’t anything fancy but it was something that she played it very nicely with what ingredient she had. Having no idea when he would come home he would like to come home to a beautiful home that would seem to spark with how she cleaned it up. He was already a very neat person all she did was make sure to give it extra elbow grease. Trying to look as bad together as she could she brushed her hair but she had no makeup to put on and she would sit by the door on her knees waiting for him to return with the table with all said she would make sure he was welcome home properly. Tony was going to learn how well trained companion hybrids actually were with the one he rescued.
Tony could only smile as he looked at her eating her ears up and her tail swishing back and forward so much showing she was enjoying her self it made him happy to see her like this in a perfect world her tail would always be swaying. It was strange to him still that someone would be so unsure about using another persons name "of course it is fine and vixen i want you to remember this we are equals you are no less than i am or anyone else everyone is the same so don't be so hard on yourself" every moment he spent with her he was learning something new about her from the way she spoke and moved to how she reacted to different thing or tried to hide how she actually felt the tail and ears where a big help for that though. Tony laugh a little as he saw her remaining calm and collected and looking proper but when he leaned over her tail was swishing quite ecstatically and her ears would be perked up fully as well he was glad she was happy now he just needed to break her habit of always staying so proper and her just be herself and act how she wanted and how her tail showed she was.

Seeing her blush and her ears going down was very cute she had this sweet side to her that he thought not many people saw or cared for as they always just saw her as a object and wanted her body. "that is a shame i will have to change that then any time there is something you like i want you to tell me ok" tony shook his head "i am not your master or owner vixen i am hopefully your friend but being free means that no one owns you or controls you, you don't have to answer to anyone any more. ok so blue and dresses are your style and ones that won't be tight on you i can work with that"

After seeing her ears jump up and how crazy her tail was going he had to get her chocolate and strawberries just the idea of it made her so happy so he had to make sure to get them and get good ones so he could spoil her. Seeing her bow and be so formal it reminded him of how maids would be and she said sir again it would take some reinforcing to get her to change that "thank you and you can relax it should be easy to watch over this place" he left with the garage door closing as he drove off.

Tony had gone to the shopping district to get some food for the week as well as some other parts and bits that he would need for work, he made sure to get a few different kinds of chocolate and a large container of strawberries for vixen. His final stop was to get clothes for her and he had to go to a store where they specialised in hybrids clothes but he had to go to the one in the high end of town where the rich went for their pets as he wanted to get her good quality clothes. Once in the store he had a awkward conversation with a female wolf hybrid as he had to describe vixens body and shape and figure so that they could get clothes for her, while there the wolf hybrid stuck to tony closely walking next to him and leaning against him he would not notice it but her scent was getting on him as she was attracted to him and wanted to ward off any others from him.

He got a few dresses for her in different colours and in blue he made sure the dresses would be comfortable fits for her and nothing that would be tight or sexy but while walking around he did see a beautiful blue dress that matched vixens eyes perfectly it was a sun dress and he thought he should get that for her she would look amazing in that. After getting everything that was needed he took care of a few other tasks and then returned home, vixen could hear the garage open and his car pull in and then the door open with him carry multiple bags. "i am back vixen" he could smell a nice aroma in the air from her cooking he looked down and saw her on her knees waiting for him "oh vixen hi why are you down there" looking around he could see that the house looked amazing and could smell the food "wow this place looks great and what are you cooking it smells really good" he lets vixen get up and walks over to the counter to put the bags down "great job vixen this is great" he moves the bags with the clothes to one side close to her "i got a few things for you there you are welcome to try them on and see what you like and want to keep and then i did promise you a treat" he reaches into the bag and pulls out the chocolate and strawberries for her.
Being home alone wasn’t too bad for her at least she was learning about his house and wondering but shouldn’t go into his room. Made sure everything was nice and clean. She didn’t organize too much since he had no idea how he wanted things but when he would come home he would at least see shiny floors and dinner is served.

When Tony did come back she welcomed him fully. Even when vixen stood up she would keep her head lowered since that was how she would beat her former master. She knew the exact moment he came home since he had the garage door open and her ears were pretty darn sensitive. When he walked in the door she did sniff but did not say anything though she did keep her distance. He smelled like another hybrid but that was not her place to say anything about since her former master also had other hybrid lovers she was just his trophy and play toy.

Vixen notice the multiple bags and quickly sprung into action to help him taking the bags in and placing them someplace that they wouldn’t get in the way. To be honest she wasn’t expecting anything from him he went out to do his errands and her job is to take care of the Homestead. “I no idea what you liked so I did roast chicken with basil and tomatoes I’m not sure what you like to eat I just hope you like it if not I’ll make you something else sir.” She was giving him options the last thing she wanted to do was make him angry.

The compliments made her smile to herself but she kept her eyes lowered since she could smell a wolf on him she figured he was out doing other things so she would at least make sure he had food and make sure he would get his energy back from whatever he did with the other hybrid. Tony mentioned that he got her some treats which she was not expecting her ears perked up when he mentioned to take a look. Slowly and cautiously she would and she would spot the strawberries first but she wouldn’t touch them because he didn’t say she could eat them yet. Then she noticed the chocolate those are both things that she asked for and she was shocked that she even got some thing! “Sir you really didn’t have to I did nothing to deserve this. I’m gracious trust me but I don’t deserve it. Come now you should eat. You’re probably very tired from your outing.” She didn’t bring up anything about the scent that she smells but he could tell she put some distance between him since she figured he had other taste and maybe she was just the maid and she didn’t mind that. There was no way she would complain about her master doing anything with other hybrids after all he didn’t formally or officially take her and she was just a guest.
Tony was impressed with how clean the place looked looked she did a good job cleaning the place and it was even better cause he came into a nice smelling aroma of the food she cooked, he was still surprised to have found her waiting for him on her knees and even when back in the house she had her head bowed and was not looking at him "why are you looking down vixen you don't have to wait for me or bow your head, i appreciate you greeting me and it is kinda nice to come home to but you don't have to do that here" he did notice her staying further away from him but he thought nothing of it at first there were many reasons why she would be doing this.

She at least still seemed energetic which was good as she moved to help with the bags and getting them all in and on the counter "thank you for the help" looking at the food she prepared and how she set it all up it was clear she put effort into it wanting him to enjoy it and showing she did a good job "it looks great vixen thank and it smells amazing as well" smiling at her he says "and how can i not like it when it was made by you" tony knew a large part of her doing this was part of her training as a companion and wanting to be useful as one he would have to find a way to break her of her training but that could be tough as it has been her whole life up to now.

He noticed her smile and he finally got to see it but she had her eyes down and not looking at him which again was odd going by how she has been so far but seeing her by happy made him happy and it was nice to see her showing a bit more of her expression rather than trying to stay composed all the time. He was half expecting her to jump at the strawberries or chocolate and start eating them but she did the same thing she always had been doing and waiting for permission, he needed a way for her to think that it was an order but also so that she would never have to wait for him to give permission each time. "tony is fine, and why does it matter if you deserve it, it is just something nice for you to enjoy and i felt like treating you to something nice" he starts to walk past her "and besides i would say that you have earned it with how good a job you have done here today" and he gestors to the house and the food "i am doing fine was mostly uneventful was just going to get some parts that i needed as the main reason to go".
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Vixen it’s just his houseguest so she wasn’t going to complain about the smell of the other highbred it was just something she was used to her other master coming home smelling like since she wasn’t his only pet but she was the one he kept at home. “You help me of course I need about you and make sure you’re comfortable you don’t have to do this but you’re so kind I owe you so much.” Vixen A very soft voice as she spoke but made sure to keep her eyes down after all he had to say companionship elsewhere she had no reason to look at him because she must’ve disappointed him or at least that’s what she thought. The Kirby fox hybrid kept her distance but was close enough to make sure she could help him at any time. Making sure to help with the bags and put things away as long as he instructed her where they went she was quite helpful and good around the house. “Calling you just buy your name is too impersonal isn’t it?” she asked as she reached out to touch a strawberry picking it up and sniffing it even though she really want to pop it right in her mouth. The moment when he said she earned it by cleaning up the house she actually finally looked up but then quickly back down to the strawberry as she brought it to her lips into the small dainty bite. Even if she really wanted to devour them she was going to be very polite about it. Tony actually gave her permission to eat when she wanted that was something very strange and hard to comprehend but she wasn’t going to turn that down and for once he actually listen to him. This time she actually sat down with the strawberries and started eating them slowly but she was smiling and she seems so much happier. He was even treat it to her humming a cute little tune.
Tony just smiled at vixen she was such a sweet girl and he could see that she was trying to make her self be useful but she did not have to he wanted her to be able to relax and enjoy life now and not have to do anything she did in the past or fall back into her old habits of her past with her former master "you don't have to worry about me vixen if you want are free to do what you want you don't have to be how you were with your old master with me and you do not have to owe me anything i was just helping you cause i care" her soft voice was sweet as always but she was still looking down and not at him unlike before when she would look at him, he could tell something was bothering her or something had upset her. He watched her for a moment as she tried to help with putting things away but not knowing where they went made it tough so he started to tell here where everything went and helped show her where to put them. "not at all i call you by your name and it is fine but you can call me what ever you feel comfortable with i just want you to know that it is fine for you to use my name" he got a glimpse of her face and eyes as she looked up for a brief moment.

She took a small cute bite of her strawberries which was good for tony to see, she had accepted it. Leaving the clothes bag on the counter he walked up to vixen and reached out his hand placing his fingerss under her chin and gently lifting her head up to look at him his dark green eyes meeting and locking with her blue eyes as he looked down into her soft eyes and he smiled at his fox "what is on your mind vixen you are acting kind of strange since i got back"

She looked so happy and joyful sitting there eating her strawberries and enjoying them she looked like a pristine doll with the way she was sitting and eating them so politely she was so delicate and sweet how could anyone hurt her, tony then decided that he would protect her and keep her safe from the world and anyone that would try and hurt her. He heard her start to hum and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of her voice and the tune she was humming it was so nice and soothing to hear.
Vixen ate like she was a bird. He would nipple very carefully making sure not to stuff herself too much because that was unladylike. It was sweet how he said she owed him nothing but she was just a hybrid and she had a feeling that maybe his generosity came with a price though she might eventually find out he was generally a nice person it would take her a while to get there. While she was eating and humming her sweet tune and he came over and lifting her chin to make her look at him she froze like a deer in the headlights with her eyes wide and pupils dilated.

“S…sir…. I’m not acting strange I have no idea you had another hybrid she might get uncomfortable if she smells you…. there’s nothing wrong with having another one. You are my master now so I can’t comment on anything you do may I ask that if you do engage in such thing as a perfume I can still smell her on you.” Vixen Finally confessed that she would try to look away from his green eyes she didn’t think she should make eye contact especially if she wasn’t his main hybrid. He had no right to be upset especially since he took her in and the kindness of his own heart. Tony had every reason to say no and either way she would accept it but he did ask her to tell him about it and she hopes he wouldn’t hit her for being insolent. He could tell after she spoke she was worried about his reaction as she made sure to avert her eyes wondering if he would yell at her for speaking out of place. The soft songs she was humming stopped as the silence felt the room and maybe he might be angry enough to take away her chocolate and strawberries but she figured she would have it coming.
It was cute seeing her nibble on the strawberry but it did feel like she may have wanted to eat them in a different way, tony was sure to be gentle when he lifted her head up to him and looked into her eyes. Tony looked a bit confused at first at her "another hybrid?" and he gave him self a sniff but could not smell anything "first vixen i am not your master then what do you mean i can not smell anything and you are the only hybrid that i have been close to" looking down at her delicate face he could not help be drawn in by her, her soft blue eyes and gentle features, her lips looked soft and welcoming if he wanted he could take her but he could not do that to her after everything she has been through she needs a safe place so he could not take advantage of her. Thinking back he remember when he was in the store getting the clothes for her the wolf hybrid standing close to him the whole time "the only other one i can think of is the wold hybrid from the store she was close to me the whole time i was there but she was just helping me select clothes for you" wanting to try and cheer her up "besides why would i go for another hybrid when i have such a lovely one at home already".

Tony could see that she was worried or scared cause of what she said, he defiantly did not want her to be afraid of him or of being able to speak her mind he had kept physical contact low as he did not want to scare her or make her relive the memories of what happened but seeing that look in her face he could not help him self he let go of her chin and got lower and wrapped his big arms around her gently embracing her and holding her close as he hugged "i would never hurt you vixen i just want you to be safe" he had one arm around her and the other going up her back his fingers going through her soft hair "what can i do to help you vixen and make you feel safe" his voice was that of concern for her as there was no hint of anger or annoyance towards her.
She was able to take small bites but even as she ate he could see how her ears would focus on him. “I don’t think humans can town or I can pick up our scent very easily but we can.” Vixen trying her best to explain but she never had to before and she helped maybe he would understand that her nose was extremely sensitive. She had no idea about other breeds of hybrids but she new dog, fox and cat hybrids all had a very keen sense of smell. “Store? Clothes?” That had her confused because she didn’t expect him to buy her anything but that didn’t make sense!

He was flattering her saying why would he go for someone else when he had such a beautiful one at home and that made her blush but she didn’t say anything about it. “Master…Tony… hybrids can’t exist without a master I think since I’m here you must be my master now only if you want to.” She was giving him some insights on her life well all hybrids since they were not regular citizens they were classified as pets and could be owned. With how she was looking at him currently her blue eyes to focus on his bright green ones thought she had no idea how to act normally around anyone. Vixen always been a house hybrid until she escaped and got stuck at that horrible club. When he let go of her chin and went in for a gentle hug she froze completely because she wasn’t sure what was going to come next and it wasn’t Tony’s fault that she was so nervous. Considering what she has been through she was scared of touch and so far he seems so nice but the way he hugged her it was nothing sexual and it was actually comforting though her tail was puffed out of reflex she relax a little bit as he held her and she started crying again. Was asking her how he could help her feel safe and that made her cry so much more she couldn’t even answer the question as she hid her face in his chest. “Please don’t send me back to the club I promise I’ll be on good behavior. I don’t have any money right now I can’t repay for any of this… maybe if we find my original master he can pay you for it I don’t know if he’ll be angry at me for leaving….” Vixen luckily for Tony was speaking more and that was a good thing especially since she let him hug her since he made his movements very clear. “I’ve never met a human without a hybrid before…. are most humans like you?” Curiosity finally got the best of her and she asked.
Tony nodded "ok so your sense of smell is very good and it is picking up on this other hybrid that i was talking to in the store that is amazing so if i ever get lost i can count on you to find me by sniffing me out then" he joked and laughed a little. Looking back at her "but there is nothing wrong and there is no other hybrid was just a random one i ran into at the store" tony also seemed a bit confused "yes i went to the store to get you better and more comfortable clothes what did you think was in the other bags"

Tony could see her blushing and she was even more cute when she did, he had heard that hybrids had become reliant on their masters and that it was something that was bred into them but he did not know it was this bad it was like she could not go on if she did not have a master "vixen i do not want to own you but if it helps you can stay here and do what you want if you want clean and cook and other things like that you can if you want to relax and do nothing or want to do something you enjoy or go somewhere you want you can and i will help i will be your master in name only just so that you will be safe and no one else can have you".

Holding her in his arms he could feel how she tensed up was this a mistake to do he thought and then he felt her relaxing a bit and then could hear her start to cry and feel her burying her face into his chest as she kept on crying he moved his hand on her head stroking her gently to comfort her he was making sure to be holding her in a protective way but one that held her tight that would restrict her movement "it's ok vixen you don't have to worry about any of that i will never let you go back to that club or to your former master you are free of them now and you don't have to repay me anything remember all i want to see from you is that smile of her and you being happy, i will help make that happen so that you never have to cry again" he was happy that she was letting him hug her she could have easily broken out of the hug if she wanted to. Tony wished he could say most were like him but being as common as it was for hybrids to be slave and viewed as pets and animals not many were kind to them "some of them are good most are indifferent but you don't have to worry about them anymore" he let go of her and removed his hands from her and looked back down at her "as along as i am around i will protect you from the bad ones".

Tony picked up a strawberry in his fingers and brought it up to her offering her it. He stood back up "so now i assume if i take a shower and change the other hybrids smell will be gone" he did not want her having to deal with that anymore and it seemed to upset her that it was there so he wanted it gone "and then after that if you want you can take your chocolate and strawberries up stairs and try the clothes on and see what you like and if they fit you well". he slowly and gently places his hand against her face and uses his thumb to wipe away her tears by her one eye before he went off to shower.
When Tony mentioned that she could sniff him out anywhere that actually made her laugh for once and he wasn’t wrong her nose would be able to pick out his scent already since she spent the night at his place she already knew his scent and could tell when someone else was on him. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to buy me anything I’m fine in this clothing.” That was obviously a lie since they were ill fitting but she was quite happy that he would even think of her.

“I don’t have a master anymore and a hybrid without a master is… Well they are unspoken for…. I wouldn’t mind if you were my master.” Vixen Had no idea how to properly explain it especially since Tony didn’t really understand The ramifications of being an unknown hybrid. Her emotions were all over the place and the fact that Tony was so nice to her she was so shocked that a human could be this kind especially since she broke into his home and he had every right to hurt her, but he chose not to. He wasn’t even forcing her into sexual acts or making her do things and for the first time in her life she could actually relax fully even though she was still a nervous wreck. Tony was holding her but not tight enough to keep her confined and she stayed in his arms of her own free will. He could feel how soft her blonde hair was and even though she was sniffling he could feel how her chest pushed against his. When he pulled back enough to feed her strawberry she wasn’t sure if she should except it but she did and took a tiny bite out of it chewing it and swallowing before taking another one and finishing it letting her lips brush against his fingers and she almost apologized for it.

When he let her go and mention he would take a shower but he also told her she could try on the outfits that he bought for her and she nodded and when he took his leave to take a shower she would take the bag after the room he let her use. When he would finally come out of the shower and knock on her door he would find her trying on the blue dress that fit perfectly but did not hide how curvy her body was or how large her chest was. Even with the bruises and red scratches all over her body she looked so much different out of the sweatsuit especially with a dress that accommodated her beautiful fluffy tail. At least slowly she was getting used his presence and he got closer to knock she wouldn’t jump this time.
It was nice to hear her laugh it was the first time he had heard it since she got here, her laugh was sweet just like her voice was when she was humming. Tony looked at her and his eyes going from the top of her to the bottom and then back up to her face "those clothes do not suit you at all and must be uncomfortable" he was trying to understand what she meant and why it was so important for her to have someone as an owner "what does it mean for you if you are unspoken for" looking at her with a bit of concern as he thought now that she could be put in danger or there could be a group of men that worked for one of the corporations that was involved with breeding the hybrids that would take her away if she did not have one. " does it help keep you safe if i become your master? but i do not want you calling me master" he was not to happy about it but he would accept to becoming her master but he would make sure that she would not actually be a slave.

She took small bites of the strawberry as he held it for her he was hoping that she would break her habit just a bit there and eat it like she wanted to but this was fine as well it was kinda cute though as she did that as she finished it on her last bite he felt her soft lips brush against his finger he just smiled at her letting her know it is fine. After his shower was done he went to her room to see how she was doing and if she was getting on fine with trying her clothes knocking on the door he made sure it was fine for him to come in first and then he saw her in the blue dress and he stunned she was so beautiful, radiant even in that dress it was perfect for her and showed off her tail more as well.

Tony took a moment before he snapped back to his sense "you look amazing in that vixen it really looks good on you" tony was still a bit distracted by how well she looked and while trying to hide this from her he was not doing a good job as his face and the look of joy gave him away. Other might have seen her as ruined or trash but tony saw none of that in her. "so tomorrow is there anything i will need to go and do to officially become your master?" he was not sure of the process for this was and there was the threat of her old master coming back for her and in the current state he would not be able to stop him from taking her unless they did this.

Before going to bed he walked up to her "good night vixen again if you need anything i am down the hall and you are allowed to eat when you want so if you want a snack at night or more of your treats you are free to get them" he closes the door behind him as he leaves, before going to be he remembers that he found her sleeping on the floor outside his room the previous morning so he writes a note that he sticks to his door just in case on the note it reads "vixen you don't have to sleep outside the door you can come inside, it will be more comfy than the floor.
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