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A Fox Tale (EEE x The Sloth) NSFW IMAGES


I’m a power bottom at rock bottom.
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe
@the sloth
The Year 4723
Human have come a long way.
Flying cars were now normal.
Implants and cybernetics were quite common as well as the birth of hybrids and other species.
There was a common law to treat humans as the alphas and anything below them alien or otherwise was secondary.
Even with alien life it was very rare for them to be treated equally on this version of earth it was their planet and there’s to do as they chose.


Vixen was a rare site around the city. If it wasn't for her fluffy white ears and luxurious white tail she stood out. She could hide her ears under a baseball cap but that tail of hers always got her in trouble. There were so many hybrid mixes cats and rabbits and so many other exotic ones but foxes people considered a jackpot. They were very hard to breathe and if one was found they were kidnaped and kept as a status symbol. Vixie and had managed to get away from a group of men and now she was scavenging trying to find dinner for the night keeping her self to the shadows even though she was dressed like she belong to somewhere fancy. The body con pink dress made her look high class and if she were human she would pass easily but there was no way she could hide. All she could do was stay to the shadows and hope no one will try and grab her again.

Life has always been hard for her. She was born to a breeder who is trying to create more foxes she was lucky to have her mother for some time but when she was old enough she was sold. She never had her freedom that was something she dreamed about but hybrids were never given such a luxury unless they were kept by someone wealthy or with power. Luckily she managed to escape but it’s keeping her first master was difficult and even though they had given up looking for her nobody would help her or if they did volunteer to help they expected her to earn her keep in all she knew were rough hands and unkindness. Perhaps tonight she could actually find a nice place to sleep after dumpster diving in finding leftover sandwiches she would find herself hiding in an alley eating the spoils that she managed to find.

Hopefully among the bright lights she find some peace of mind and maybe a warm place to sleep….
In this new world when the hybrids where created many people took advantage of them and the way that they were viewed and treated, these men took many of the hybrid women and forced them to work in brothels or sex clubs and often would pick up any they could find to sell them or use them. In the clubs and brothels they were often used as cheap entertainment to bring in more customers or used to make promotions and this was for the lucky ones. The girls that were sold into slavery were often kept as pets and treated as such. For one group they heard some whispers of a rare sighting a fox girl wondering the street, even if they were a lie it was worth checking out in case it was a fox and at worse they would get a new girl for the club. Mark was sent out to have a look around the street in the area that they said they last saw her, the description he had was her white tail and he was keeping a look out for it.

Late into the night mark was walking around the street checking down the alleys, the city was filled with the sound of cars driving and the people walking and talking as he made his way past a certain spot he heard some rustling in the alley and then saw some movement in the corner of his eye. It was a quick check he thought and he had his way down the alley his shoes hitting the hard ground of the floor and echoing in the alley, his foot steps got louder as he left the street side and the sounds of the cars died down a bit. Coming around the corner he looked down and there before him was the girl well dressed and looking very fancy his eyes immediately jump to her ears and then her tail he had found his fox. "well hello there what do we have here" he looked down at her with a dark smile "what is a pretty little fox like you doing here and with no owner around either" he looks around to make sure it is clear.

"my name is mark and you will becoming with me" he pulls out a 9mm pistol and points it at her "get up" he grabs a fist full of her hair and yanks her up to her feet and looks her up and down taking in the sight of her sexy body "on yea i can see why your kind are so prized" he lets go of her hair and stands next to her placing his arm around her waists making sure she could feel the gun on her back "now just come nice and quietly with me i am going to be giving you a job i think you will be good at". Mark leads her out of the alley keeping a tight hold on her.

He takes her to his car and puts her inside of it and drives them to the club and parks in the underground parking "welcome to club omega and you are going to bring a lot of customer in for us" he takes her out the car grabbing her arm firmly and pulling her along with him into the club. The sound of the music was loud as it thumped and filled the club, she was pulled along by mark into the owners office "hey paul i found our next attraction" and he pushes her forward into the centre of the room.
Vixen thought she had found a little peace. The sounds of cars filled the air in the bright lights blinded her a bit but she picked a corner that she thought no one was coming to especially since they were too many dumpsters. Her ears were overloaded with sensory and the loud noises of the cars. Keeping her self to the shadows she thought she was doing a good job making sure she was out of the line of anyone’s view so that proved to be wrong someone had indeed spotted her and sent someone to see if they could find her.

Huddled in a corner she was eating her sandwich it wasn’t the best but it was better than nothing. “My owner will be back soon.” That was a blatant lie but he pulled out a pistol and she froze her ears shooting straight up in the air.

Panic. She was terrified and she started trembling but he grabbed her hair making her let out a loud scream but to be honest no one would come to her aid and if they did they will probably do something even worse than what this guy was going to do. Pulling her up he put his arm around her slender waist she was quite shapely and if someone did catcher they would obviously keep her with the way she was bred.

She felt the gun on her back she couldn’t even run she was so scared she dropped her little sandwich and started crying. “Please….let me go. I’ll leave your neighborhood. I was just hungry….” Now she began to plead and beg him to let her go but there was no sign of him planning to let go of her waist or move the gun from her. Vixen was fast and stealthy but not faster than a gun.

He walked with her and put her into a cart there is no way she can get away her ears folded back, defeated and scared he started mentioning she would bring more customers that only made her cry more. “Please…. have a heart I didn’t do anything to you I’m just trying to live. Please…. at least pay me for what you’re doing.” This happens so much to hybrids there are no laws to protect them from this abuse or use all she could do is help maybe he would have some kindness in his heart to at least give her food or shelter for what he was going to use her for.

Vixie Was fighting a best she could though Mark was stronger than she was as he pulled her into the club the music was so loud she winced and pulled her hands up to cover her fluffy ears. She was pushed into the center of the floor and how she was dressed spoke volumes about how men had saw her and used her before. The question was were they gonna change your clothes and what were they going to do to her?
Mark stood by the door blocking it as Paul sat at his desk and looked up at her. He was in his late 40's and had short brown hair, he looked her up and down and could see she had been on the streets for a bit already with how dirty she was and the state of her clothes. He just smiled " you are a rare creature my dear not many like you around" he gets up from his desk as he pushes his chair back, taking slow steps he walks around the desk and approaches her he is at least a full foot taller than her and he looks down at her as he gets close to her.

"A very special product indeed" he nods to mark who comes up behind her and grabs her arms and holds them behind her back "we have to inspect the goods before we decide if we should sell you or have you work here" Paul reaches up and takes the top of her dress in his hands and then pulls on it splitting it I the middle as he tears her dress down the middle. The sound of the fabric ripping fills the room as he keeps going until she is left there with her dress destroyed. Pulling a small knife from his pocket he runs the flat side against her face being careful not to cut her and then lowers it to her bra and cuts it off.

Stepping back he admires her body as mark yanks at the dress pulling it off of her so that she is now standing in front of these 2 men with only her panties on. Paul picks his lips she had a great body and young as well, Paul walked back to her and mark held her firmly in place Paul reached his hands up and grabbed her breasts his rough hands taking her flesh into them, they felt rough and hard against her soft breasts but for Paul the feeling was different she was smooth and soft and he start to fondle and squeeze her breasts. " they feel very nice I think you will be better suited working here" he flicks his fingers and mark let's her go "get the collar and put it on her then start to show her off and put her in the cheap section we can use her to bring lots of people in".

Mark steps away from her and walks over the one the cupboards that is in the room and fetches a metal collar with lights and a little display on it " this will help us keep track of you so you can not escape us, you will work here and sell your body for us in return we might be able to give you any scraps that are left behind from the customers for food and you can't sleep here but you will come back every night or else we will find you and break you do you understand" Paul takes her chin in his hand as he speaks to her and mark walks behind her and brushes her hair to the side as the cold metal of the collar wraps around her neck.
Vixen had no chance of running away as the other male before her stood up he was much bigger than she was even if she tried to puff out her tail to make herself look larger that was not gonna do anything with people like this. Not only was he bigger but he was stronger when he decided to inspect her dress it wasn’t something that was well-made and it split easily she could hear the ripping as she would try to push him away and slap his hands away.

“DON’T TOUCH ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!” She would yell in hopes that maybe they would take pity on her but that wasn’t the case even when her dress ripped it revealed her very large double D breasts that were hidden by a bra she was dressed for another night club and it was obvious by the quality and how flimsy it was. With her size being as petite as she was her breasts look even bigger in the matching pink bra. She was going to fight back until the man pulled a knife and held it to her face making her freeze and stay extremely still she didn’t want to get cut but they only made her cry more.

The bra didn’t last long and she had no idea what she could do especially with the men surrounding her. With her breast now visible she was whimpering as she was left now with just her matching pink panties with nothing keeping them from looking and leering at her. When he started fondling her she started sobbing and begging. “Please mister… please don’t make me do it just let me go I won’t tell anyone you brought me here please…” her voice was soft and sweet she was so young she couldn’t be over 18 and she well kept. Hybrids like her were so rare and the way she was acting it sounded like she had an owner and they were separated especially since she was in such good shape with such a beautiful shapely body.

When he mentioned a car where she started trying to back away wondering if they would let her get any further. “Please don’t.. my master will kill you for doing this.” Even if her master Wood she had run away and was without any protection they probably knew this considering she was on the streets. When Paul grabbed her chin and held her face up to look and he explain the predicament she had no choice but to not agree there was nothing else she could do they caught her and they were gonna put a collar on her all she could do is try and figure out how to escape eventually or get the collar off. When he put the collar on her she started whimpering but no amount of begging would make him take it off and for now it looked like she was at the mercy of these men but she would still at least try to escape though for the moment she was trapped in at their mercy.
Paul laughed at her, her attempts to try and resist and protest and threatening them was amusing to him "your master will kill us" he let go of her face "if your master cared or knew where you were you would not have been on the street wondering by yourself or looking dirty, a prize like you when owned would be taken care of more properly so i don't think that we have to worry about him and besides after your first night here i doubt anyone would see you as a high prize" walking away from her he goes back to his desk and sits down "mark take her out and put her on display so we can get the everyone's attention and then put her to work in the cheap section so anyone can a chance with her i think 50 credits would be a good paying price for her".

Mark took her by her arm "come along now little fox your audience is waiting" mark led her out of the office the music that was dampened in the office filled her ears again as it grew louder again. The hallway he led her down was bright with a soft red carpet and they made their way to a pair of large doors. Marked pushed the doors open and the music came blasting through as the lights lit up the area as they flashed with different colours. The room was large with speakers by a stage that had a DJ on it and many people dancing on the main floor and along the sides there where tables with poles on them where various girl where dancing naked or sitting in the lap of the men grinding against them. He led her up to the stage to where the DJ was and grabbed a mic "how are we all feeling tonight club omega you ready for a good time" the club fills with people shouting "well we have a special guest tonight" he pulls vixen up more on the stage and then in the centre of the club a hologram appeared of her letting everyone see her body "for tonight for all you men out there she will be the main entertainment so if you ever wanted a fox then it is your lucky night cause she like it rough and wants to please everyone here" he puts the mic down and moves behind her placing his hands on her hips and slipping his thumbs into her panties and pulls them down revealing her pussy to the club and leaving her standing there naked.

There is a loud cheer of male voices as she is left naked he pats her ass "now lets get you set up for the night" he leads her off the stage and down into the crowd immediately the men close by come up to her whistling and leering at her their hands reaching out and slapping her ass grabbing at her breasts "easy gentlemen you can have your fun with her when you pay the price" he takes her to a room on the edge of the club that has stand a digital scanner for customer to pay to get inside and he pushes her into it "now make sure you give them a good time" and inside the room already waiting is 2 men who just look at her with lustful eyes. The room was dimly lit and had a table in the middle with a pole on it as well and had a couch that circled it.
When he let go of her face she turned her head away before she would snap back to stare straight at him with her piercing blue eyes. She would’ve been a beautiful human if she wasn’t a fox that was. It was then she regretted running away from her master but he was just as bad as these men he did far worse to her but at least it was just one. “I was accidentally let out by the help if my master find out what you’re doing I know he will ruin this establishment and ruin your lives.” That was a true threat to her master knew exactly where she was and that was a lie that she slipped out she actually ran away even though he was looking for her he easily aford another one. If her memory serves her correctly Paul was the boss and Mark was just the scavenger she was going to try to get back at him for dragging her out and did he say 50 credits that was not much!

“You No you could do so much better instead of giving me to him if you were smart you would’ve kept me for yourself and made more money I’m a purebred. I guess someone like you wouldn’t know perfection when you found it.” she was trying to at least lose reverse psychology on him hoping it would work maybe he would take her away. Anything would be better than this club and the music was so loud and made her ears go backwards and try to keep them folded down so she didn’t have to hear the loud bass.

That tactic was useless once the DJ grabbed her and pulled her on the stage and she tried to make herself look as small as possible even keeping her tail between her legs to look as unappealing or just not very friendly. She was trying to use her tail to cover up until the DJ grabbed her panties pulling them down but then she tried to wrap her tail around her waist to hide whatever she could even though her breasts were slightly hidden by her long hair she was trying to cover up as best she could even that was damn near impossible!

It was dehumanizing well that would not be the best word for it as she was taken down the aisle as men grabbed her and slapped her ass and they put her in a room with a pole that was dimly lit with a table she had no idea how to perform. She was a personal pet up until this point. She had no idea what to do either way she was going to make it extremely not fun for whoever bought her she plan to do whatever she could to make it terrible if she could do that at all. In the room she would put herself in a corner on the round sofa and curl herself up into a ball hopefully someone would at least take pity on her or leave her alone especially when she started crying.

It was a strange tactic but maybe if she was crying no one would think she was sexy. She had no idea if that would actually work but she was at least going to make it miserable for them to try regretting escaping her compound her master might’ve been an asshole but he didn’t like sharing what the hell did she get herself into?!?
Mark just ignored her protest for the most part as he pulled her to the room and he made sure that there was a bit of space between him and vixen so the men could all get a good look and touch of her "haha perfection are you, we will have to see if you hold that high of an opinion of your self after tonight" he watched her crawl and curl up in the corner of the couch and then looked at the two men who's attention was fixed on her, their eyes scanning over her naked body and tail and ears. "well gentlemen i will leave her to you, remember you only have an hour with her before the next customers will come in oh i make sure you treat her right she is a purebred after all" mark laughed as he left the room and the door closed leaving her alone in the room with the two men.

The men looked at her with a lustful hunger in their eyes as they approached her one going from the right side of the couch and the other from the left not giving her much room to try and run past them the first man to her left was short fat man "hey don't cry we will make sure to take good care of you" the one on her right who had short brown hair and was medium build came closer "yea you just need a good cock in you little fox and you will be better" both men got closer to her as they undid their belts and pulled them off. The fat man got to vixen and took her arms wrestling them from her as he pulled them from her so that they could better see her face and body. He held her arms above her head and against his large belly as he then pulled her back a bit so that her head was on his belly, the smell of his bad odour and sweat from his crotch hit her nose. With one hand he held her arms in place and then with his free hand he pushed her hair out of the way of her face breast and then moved it up and roughly grabbed her soft ears and pulled on one of them "look at even their ears feel softer and better than the other hybrid girls".

The man from her right had a bit of a fight at grabbing her legs and pinning them down so that he could get closer "this one likes to try and resist she must enjoy pretending not want to be fucked like a trash fox should" he shifts his weight and moves up more his hands running along her slender smooth legs and up to her thighs as he gets closer to her. He pushes her legs apart and gets between them. Now his body and waist was close to her pussy as he sat between her, using both arms and his body he kept her legs apart and now cause of both men her body was on full display to them she could see both of theirs eyes jumping from her large breasts to her smooth pussy and enjoying the sigh of her shapely young body. The man between her legs lets go of one of them and grabs her fluffy tail, it was smooth and soft in his hand but he was not gentle with her tail as he pulled on it and moved her it closer to him as he stroked it. He let go of her other leg and started to undo his pants and pull them down revealing his cock to her, he smiled "i have got your new favourite toy right here trash fox" and he takes his cock and places the shaft along her pussy lips and starts to tap it against her.
Why did she run away? She thought this life would be much better than the one she had locked up away in the mansion. She was tossed into a room and she couldn’t even find a way out to try to stay as far into a corner as possible which meant on the sofa tried to curl up and make herself less appealing.

Both were stronger than her and as they grabbed her it felt like she couldn’t even really hold a candle to either she flailed and try to scratch and make them bleed. She began screaming bloody murder and the smell that she could get from them was not appetizing I made her want to throw up. “STOOOP!!!! STOOOP!!!!LET ME GO!!!!!” That’s what her screaming started and she was begging them and trying to make them stop it but it didn’t seem like they were going to even give her a chance.

Vixen Heard them calling her names like trash box which wasn’t true she was purebred and she knew it! Her body was completely hairless except for her tail ears and beautiful long blonde hair. Her eyes were a beautiful cerulean blue like the sea not many foxes had her eyes and hair color that gave her away as an extremely expensive pure breed. Someone might look for her considering that combination was extremely sought-after.

The flailing got her nowhere as they grabbed her arms and held them playing the behind her she was so small and petite there was nothing much she could do against two of them! With her arms above her head she could see her face much more clearly she was absolutely stunning! She didn’t look real in fact she look like a beautiful doll at her body seemed like it was custom-made for whoever wanted her. Right now tears are streaming out of her beautiful blue eyes and she was trying to not breathe but there’s no way she could cover her mouth or nose with her hands being held away from her.

And that beautiful fluffy white tail was grabbed she yelled so loud and try to snap at him with her fangs. She even had things that was a nice little detail she was given everything about her will seem to be thought over in strategically bred into her. When she was finally pin down she would make sure to turn her head away she didn’t wanna look at him especially what he was about to do to her with his body between her legs she couldn’t even snap them shut to keep him away.

What was this poor fox hybrid to do? She was at their mercy and as he got closer to her hairless sex she just started sobbing uncontrollably even if he was going to fuck her she wasn’t going to make it fun. The poor girl was dry she wasn’t turned on and he would tell that when he tapped it against her slit that even if you pushed into her it was going to be very tight and hard going in! She hoped they would finish sooner rather than later, but how long was an hour and what were they gonna do to her in that hour? She also heard the man saying that they weren’t the only ones she was going to have a long night and a part of her hoped that maybe they would throw her away once they were done or at least leave some window open so she could escape.
The fat man holding her arms grabbed a fist full of her long blonde hair and pulled back on it forcing her to turn her head and face up to him, he had a sinister smile on is face as he looked down at the crying fox girl, tightening his grip so that she could not pull her head away he lowered his head and stuck out his tongue and licked the side of her face following along her tears so of his saliva was left behind as he moved his head back up "we have not given you a reason to cry yet so smile" and he lets go of her hair. Now that his hand was free he reached it down her body and grabbed one of her breasts in his large meaty hand, his hand enveloping her breasts and she could hear him let out a sound of joy as he took her soft large mound of flesh into his hand. He started to fondle and massage it letting her nipple slip between his fingers as he squeezed and played with her breast, "her tits are amazing frank so soft and big".

The man between her legs takes his cock into his hand and moves it along her slit and moves the head of his cock against her lips, he looked at her with a dark grin as he started to push a little into her hole, he knew it would not feel good for her if he forced his cock into her while she was still dry and this made him love the idea even more "lets see what all the excitement is for about these foxes" he grabs her hips his hands resting on her body and fingers starting to dig into her skin and pushes his cock further into her. His cock pushed part her lips and started to stretch her tight hole as it began to enter her. He could be heard grunting as he and moaning a bit as he started to enter her.

Frank used his grip on her hips to help pull her onto his cock as he pushed himself further into her. He started to move his hips back and forward thrusting a bit harder into her each time he want forward forcing his cock deeper and deeper into her with each thrust. His large member invade her hole and stretched it to fit itself into her. Frank let out a moan of joy as his cock got deeper into her. His body was leaning a bit over her and his was looked down looking at her breasts. He finally did a last hard thrust and his full length enter her as his crotch area hit against hers "ooh fuck she is so tight it feels like she is trying to milk my cock" looking down at her "are you loving my cock trach fox?" and he started to pull back his hips slowly enjoying the feeling of her walls wrapping and squeezing around his cock so much so.

Frank could be heard breathing heavily above her as the other man had his hand groping her breasts and pinching her nipples as he moved his hand between both. against her her head his cock also started to grow and get hard and started pressing and poking against her head. He let go over of her breasts and undid his pants as well and pulled out his sweaty cock right next to her face in his lap. He moved her arms and then pinned them under his legs, now with both hands free he uses one to grab her hair again and pull on it getting her to look over at his cock. There was a heat coming off it and he then took it in his other hand and started to tap it against her face from her lips to her cheeks and sensitive nose "open your mouth and suck on this and if you try to bite we will hurt you very bad" he placed the head of his cock against her lips and started to move it around her lips.
Fingers in her beautiful blonde hair made get try to shake and pull away but she was being held in such away and with that creepy man between her thighs and he made it impossible for her to snap them shut. Her hair was pulled making het make teary eye contact with her beautiful blue eyes. The lick to her cheek made her cry harder along with his antagonizing comments. Why were they doing this to her? Didn’t he realize that comment would make the captured fox cry more? The last thing she felt like doing was smiling! It threw her off when het let her hair go only to grab her large breast, fondling it and making her pink nipple go erect. “Please don’t…please….don’t do this….” She was trying to beg and hoping some pity on her. Sadly thst wasn’t going to happen.

The man between her legs pushed forward teasing hey bone dry slit and the way he was looking at her terrified her only making het try to wiggle away and she couldn’t even get away. The moment he pushed forward the shriek that escaped her lips was fear since he was going to use her. “NOOOOOOO!!!” Crying out as he held her hips and began pushing into her making the next scream ear piercing since going in dry was so painful as tears clouded her vision while her tears made her pink cheeks wet and salty. Vixen could feel how he stretched her and his voice grunting and groaning as he used that tighter than a human hole.

Frank held her down keeping her firmly in place as he started using her she really had no choice in the matter especially since he was a bit stronger than her a small petite body was. This beautiful fox hybrid was so tight even though she was dry it felt amazing on him. Anyone outside of the room would hear her crying and begging mixed with his grooms and moans of pleasure. He was working his way inside and when he finally did a full thrust feeling his way completely inside of her she screamed like he was murdering her because it hurts so much! When they found her she was roaming the streets san only had one person ever used her for sex and that was her master she ran away from and now these men were going to use her words that her own mastered did. The other man started growing her breast and it was at least a distraction from her being used in such a horrible way she just wish she could close her eyes and tune out but it was so much going on she at least shut her eyes tight and try to pretend she was somewhere else.

That tactic did not last long as she felt the other man’s cock in her face and him making her open her mouth to put it inside and she was so tempted to bite him but then he spoke and warned her about not doing that saying that they would hurt her far worse if she did. Vixen Opened her mouth taking that disgusting cock inside of it but she refused to suck it she let him do what he wanted closing her eyes so very tight hopefully they will both get tired of her and stop but he could feel her sharp fangs grazing his member but she was too terrified to bite down. If she did would they kill her or beat her she had no idea but what she did was lay there not reacting especially could hoping that they would get sick of her or at least think she’s a dead fish in bed. They kept calling her trash box when she knew that she was a treasure and that made her feel even more horrible about herself and making her regret running away from her life of luxury into the hands of men who used her like a sex toy.
The man holding her head starts to move it back and forward starting slowly at first and only pushing her head a little bit so that his full length does not go down her throat yet, he starts to moan a bit as he feels her breath on his cock and her wet warm mouth covering his cock feels amazing "woo she has a great mouth as well" he moans again and looks down at her face with his cock in her mouth "haha she sure does not seem like a high end fox right now she is just like a those trashy sex doll" with his free hand he starts to slightly slap her "is that what you are a trashy sex doll or rejected fox hybrid" he laughs at her and his large belly moves and grazes against her head as it moves "but worry we you can be our favourite trash fox" he starts to move his hand faster behind her and pushing her head more and more forcing her to take more of his cock in her mouth "ahhh yea that feels great trashy" he pulls her head to him and buries her nose into his pubic hair as he forces his full cock into her mouth and down her throat and hold her head there for a few seconds before he pulls back to her breath again and then pulls her head again forcing his full cock down her throat again.

Frank starts to get faster and his thrusts get harder into her tight young hole his cock pounding down deep into her as his hips bounce up and then down from his thrusting the slapping sound of his body hitting against hers starts to fill her ears and the couch can be felt moving bouncing as well almost pushing her hips back up into his as he thrust into her "fuck her pussy is to good i can't wait to mould her pussy to be a perfect fit for me" looking at her "you would like that right" he lets go of her hips and reaches both hands up and grabs her breasts, he lifts one hand up and brings it down open handed against her large breasts slapping them "wooo those tits are fun" he grabs both of them and starts to squeeze and pull on them and pinch her nipples hard. The smell of sex fills the room as the men start to sweat.

"ok frank it is my turn in thrashy" the man with his cock in her mouth pulls her head back up and then lets it go as he pulls his cock out of her mouth frank pulls out of her slowly enjoying the feeling of her tight hole still gripping his cock and wanting to enjoy the feeling as long as possible. Both men were out of her and frank grabbed her hips and pulled her up off the couch and turned her around so that her ass was facing the fat man and she was looking at frank. The fat man placed his hand on her back and frank grabbed her ears and pulled them up as the fat man pushed on her back forcing her body to bend over but holding her head up at the same. Franks cock was now in front of her face and he started to rock his hips back and forward causing the head of his cock to gently push against her mouth "come on say aaaah" his grip on her ears was strong but a worse one was about to happen.

The fat man got lined up behind her and tapped his cock agianst her soft plum ass "i bet she would like to be fucked like the mutt she is" and the fat man grabs her tail and has one hand on her waist as he pushes his cock past her ass cheeks and then against her hole he tightened his grip on her tail "i think you will enjoy her mouth more if she is screaming as well" and the fat man pulls back on her waist and yanks hard on her soft fluffy tail as he thrust forward brutally forcing his cock into her tight ass and forcing half the length of his cock into her then with a loud moan and some grunting his hand on her waist digging into her skin and pulling hard on her tail he thrusts more into her ass his cock stretching and invading her hole with a last grunt he gets his cock fully into her.

Frank taking advantage of this thrust his cock into her mouth and immediately his full length he shoved down her throat as he placed his hands around her head and pulled her head into his crotch.
Were all humans this vile and disgusting? Vixen was being smacked in the face and choked on his cock while the other one was pushing into her tiny opening which wasn’t even ready for him to go that deep inside of her they were shaking her body and making her nipples go erect without her even wanting them to do so. She wish she could turn off her ears instead of hearing what you’re saying about her and molding her pussy to their cock it made her sick and she tried to spit out the cock in her mouth but he was pushing so deeply it was hard to even talk and she probably is going to do the wrong thing and she let her fang grae his cock as it slid into her hoping to draw blood.

She was whimpering in pain how could they enjoy this she was not having any fun nor did she want these guys to touch her they weren’t even her type! When he decided to pull the cock out of her mouth she tried to bite down on it to try and teach him a lesson for forcing that disgusting thing past her beautiful lips. Frank was pounding her even harder making her cry and she would start screaming more when the cock was out of her mouth trying to get him to stop her youth or tight pussy was clenching down on him like he was trying to choke the life out of his thick cock her body just wouldn’t get wet because she didn’t want to enjoy them and even if she wasn’t enjoying it they were still having fun and that made her feel sick to her stomach. Her tail was so stiff it wasn’t even as soft as it could be

When Frank pulled out and grabbed her ears she was trying to avoid him pushing into her mouth trying to close it and keep him away but nothing was working and little did she know something worse was about to come. The moment he pushed himself into her ass that was when she opened her mouth and screamed and actually held in immense pain since she had never had anal sex before this hurt even worse than him in her pussy but that actually made her open her mouth and gave him way to shove that dirty cock inside.

Her body was shaking between the pair of them and she was just crying like she never cried before in her life this was worse than when she was taken away from her mother from the breeder and sent off to her master and now she was fully regretting running away and praying to every God she thought she knew that they would stop and maybe someone would let her go but now she had to enter him in her ass and she wondered what what happened when they would finish what they come on her or in her either way she didn’t want it but she had no choice but to endure.Her body was shaking between the pair of them and she was just crying like she never cried before in her life this was worse than what she was taken away from her mother from the breeder and sent off to her master and now she was fully regretting running away and praying to every God she thought she knew that they would stop and maybe someone would let her go but now she had to enter him in her ass and she wondered what would happened when they would finish what they come on her or in her either way she didn’t want it but she had no choice but to endure.
Frank kept a strong hold on her head as he started to move his hips and thrust his cock down her throat pushing her back while the fat man behind her kept a strong grip on her tail and pulled on it every time he thrust into her tight virgin hole forcing her more onto him plunging his cock deep into her, his hand on her waist was lifted and he then brought it down hard against her ass "SMACK" a loud sound of his hand hitting against her ass echoed in the room and then he brought his hand down again against her ass and again and again. Both of the men got the same rhyme and started thrusting into her ass and mouth as the same time forcing her body to push into its self a bit and forcing her back at arch a bit with each thrust. Frank started to buck his hips faster and harder into her open mouth his cock pounding into her young throat violently "careful frank she tried to bite me earlier i think she needs some more training" and he yanks on her tail again pulling it up and lifting her slightly off her feet.

Frank stops thrusting into her mouth and pulls his cock out of her and then grabs her face by her chin "is that right do you want to bite us trashy" he squeezes his fingers and squishes her cheeks when doing so "that is a bad girl" he lets go of her face and then grabs a fist full of her hair and pulls her head up, with his free hand brings it across her face hard slapping her and then brings it back hitting her on the other side of her face "you must not bite your better little fox, we told you not to do that and that means even trying to bite so you need to learn a lesson" frank closes his hand into a fist and keeps her head held up by her hair and then places his fist next to her head and against her cheek and theen pulls his arm back and brings it down against the side of her head hitting her with full force "little sex dolls like you need to know your place and trying to refuse your betters is not what you should be doing" he brings his fist against her face again hitting her against her her cheek.

Frank lets go of her head "take her arms" the fat man behind her still pounding into her ass forces his cock fully into her before he lets go of her tail and grabs both of her arms and pulls them back forcing her back to lay against his large belly and putting her front and breasts on full display for frank, the fat man keeps moving his hips as he holds her like this and frank gets in front of her "now i think you have something to say if you don't want to be hurt to much" frank just flashes a dark grin at her and then his fist connects with her stomach as he punches her and then again higher closer to her ribs and then again directly in the centre of her toned flat stomach. His eyes jumping from her face to her breasts as they jiggle from his impacts against her body, each hit also made it better for the fat man behind her as it cause her body to be pushed back and almost felt like she was pushing her hips back on him.
Frank held her so tight there was no way she can get away especially with the two of them she just wasn’t as strong as she thought she was. He was shoving that disgusting cock down her throat and there is no way she could avoid it and she even tried to bite him. That was the worst mistake she could’ve ever made because the retaliation was harsh and painful. The way they were using her ass and mouth at the same time it felt like she was complying with her wishes even though her body didn’t want to do it the way she was folded and held it couldn’t help but feel good for them. Not only were they fucking her and speaking her it would turn it to more abuse. When she tried to bite Frank he retaliated by pulling out of her mouth and deciding that hitting her and punching her would keep her in line and honestly that actually would because it hurt like hell to be punched in the stomach and smacked. The poor fox hybrid was getting bruised and beaten as well as used and fucked like a sex toy.

Lifting her off her feet it was hard for her to do anything but flail like a mad fox. He grabbed her hair and held her cheeks when he smacked her he would leave marks on her face making her so red they would last most of the night. When he hit her face with full force it caused her to bite her lip causing her to draw blood on what she did next was probably not the smartest move in any book but she spit blood and spit on him one if that would deter him from touching her. Her portal was getting manhandled and she was getting bruise like crazy but she didn’t want to break and show them weakness or she could say and yell was: “FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU!” Vixen was not sure if that would make them more angry but she was so hurt and distraught she had no idea what else to say she wasn’t going to vent to them she felt disgusting and she just wanted to run away and hope they would finish. “FINISH AND GO!!! FILTHY HUMAN SCUM!” That was not the brightest idea she had but she was sobbing uncontrollably and drooling spit and blood as she was being fucked in her tiny ass that was no longer virginal. Punches to her stomach or bruising her and making her push back on the fucking of his friend and her ass but it knocked the wind out of her she couldn’t talk and started blubbering. At least now she would be silent and cry or as best she could since she couldn’t even taken a deep breath of oxygen she had no idea how long they would go beating on her and using her but either way she had to figure out a way to get out and get this color off and escape this life. Vixen Even contemplated Finding her master but would he take her back after she’s been used like this she had no idea but she knew at least she was valuable since fox hybrids work hard to breed and keep alive maybe he would take her back if she groveled in apologize for leaving the mansion.
Frank wiped the spit and blood off of him and then slap her again this time with more force "you need to learn that your mouth is meant only for having a cock in it" the fat man behind her started to thrust faster in to her ass pushing her hips forward with each thrust, frank just laughed at her as he got closer to her and placed his hands on her hips "we are the filthy ones you like you were pulled out of a dump and smell like one to we are just helping you look and smell more for what you are and what you are only good for" he takes his cock in his hand and presses his cock head against her slit, the head of his cock slightly pushing past her lips as the fat man moved her body forward. He tightened his grip on her hips and thrust his hips forward into her at the same time the man behind her entered her and he started to match his friends pace both of them now thrusting her in her ass and pussy at the same time and squeezing her between both of their sweaty bodies. Both men's paced picked up as their cocks started to throb and twitch inside of her, their moans and grunts getting louder "hu hu you wanted me to finish" he gets out between breaths "i will make sure to fill your womb" both men thrust into her one last time and let out a moan of joy as they cum inside of her frank shooting ropes of cum inside her pussy and the fat man dumping his entire load into her ass.

Both of the men held her body between them as they pumped their seed into her, breathing heavily they both step back from her the fat man grabbing her tail and wiping his cock on it and frank taking her ear and pulling her head down and folding her ear over his cock as he used it to clean his cock, they both got up and pushed her back down onto the couch "thanks trashy but maybe next don't cry as much it is distracting" they put their pants back on and leave the room, almost immediately the next man comes in to the room for her. For the rest of the night many men come into the room and use her forcing them selves on her and using all of her holes none of them ever took pity on her or showed her mercy she was just a trophy for them to fuck and then brag about, most of the men took some satisfaction in hitting her as well all of them wanting to be the one to break her and make her submit to them. The men came in by them selves or up to a group of 4 of them.

As the time went on many men came and used her and in the late hours of the night and very early morning when the club was closing the last group of men were finishing with her, they placed her beaten body on the table on her back and stood around her as they all cam over her aiming for her face, breasts and body. The men leave the room looking quite happy with themselves "we will see you tomorrow for your price we can fuck you every night" as they leave mark walks in and looks down at her on the table "so did you have fun on your first night with us" he walks to the side of the table and lifts his leg up and places it against her side and pushed her off the table and lets her fall on to the floor, he did not want to touch her dirty cum cover body, the bruises on her body showing clearly now from where she was hit through out the night. Mark dropped a sack on the floor next to her "there is some rags in there you can use as clothes and we were nice and decided to pay you as well" he takes a trash can he brought in with him and dumps it on her some left over food comes out and wet rags and used condoms fall on her.

Mark just smiles at her enjoying the sight of her "so still think you are perfection?" he turns to leave laughing the door does not close behind him and he can be heard outside softly "don't worry about her she is not going anywhere and we can always track her by the collar if she leaves the building". the bouncers can then be seen leaving the door as well. Mark so certain that she would not move.
Between her ass and mouth being pounded the abuse in her body was more easily seen. Vixen had no idea she could bruise that easily. The name calling was making her feel worse. The fact that she couldn’t even talk or even argue back was painful. Hiccuping and sobbing it was shocking how she couldn’t be broken. Her body reacted but she refused to submit to this Frank fellow. Choking her on his cock she couldn’t argue back. They were treating het like a toy and their words were so close to breaking her. Running away was the worst idea she had.

Freedom? This was not freedom but servitude. No matter how much and hard they fucked her neither of the first set made her climax or even come close to it. They both settled on double penetrating stretching those unbearably tight holes. Even with them stretching her pushy and ass she flailed though neither of them took the hint and sadly poor vixen got her wish when both men came inside of her. Painting het insides white with cum. The sounds of her crying must have been heard from outside the room, but no one came. No one even checked on her.

When they finished they used her fluffy tail and ears to clean themselves off leaving her a pile or mess leaking cum from both ends with the taste of her own blood in her mouth. Crying on the floor after the name calling it wasn’t over as more men came in to use her. They hit her and treated her like a living sex toy. None of them were kind. Vixen had no concept of time and even zoned out. She played like a dead fish as the line of men never stopped. By the end of the night she was filled and coveted in strange men’s cum. By the time the last group left she was passed out on the table still nude and used. Her foxnapper said something but she ignored it until he shoved her from the table making her howl in unimaginable pain.

Mark tossed trash on her and left a sack there so she could clean up. She wasn’t hungry anymore and her tears started up again. How could humans be this cold and cruel? Her ears focused on his voice and where he went. This damn collar was something she wanted off. Pushing herself up she brushed trash off and putt on the illfiting dress he left her. It was black and way too big for her and she had no shoes. Mark left the door open and she cleaned herself up but there was no way she was going to stay here!

Luckily her breed was stealthy and when she couldn’t hear them anymore she limped slowly and snuck out. Having no idea where to go she stayed in the shadows. Moving away from the red light district into the residential area. Having no idea if this was a good idea Vixen just needed to get away. She couldn’t take another night being raped and beaten. Trying a few homes everything was locked up but luck was on het side she saw a double story looked nice and cozy too! The grass was well kept and it had a garage. What set this home apart was she saw an open window and a trash bin she could climb to get in. Taking this chance she climbed up and it seemed empty. It was dark and she heard no one so far and the first thing she thought to do was find the shower and clean herself off. Once she stripped and showered she drew a bath and not thinking of the danger she climbed in to soak and being exhausted made the mistake to fall asleep in this mystery house and the bath tub. Her ears and tail stuck out the most as she relaxed thinking this well kept home was abandoned….
The collar around her neck beeped and a red light came on when she got out of the club, the fox still caught the attention of some of the homeless men that where around in the alleys and back ways that she travelled in to make her way through the red light district none of them did anything or tried to approach her mostly cause all they could see was the large black dress that did do well to keep hidden in the dark street and then her ears but they thought that she was just another hybrid as they could not see what kind of ears she had or see her tail.

In the house Tony returned home late and locked the door behind him walking in he gave a sigh of exhaustion as he was tired and just wanted to relax and unwind, walking through the house he made his way through to the lounge where he dropped his black jacket on the couch and placed the keys to his car on the table. He entered the kitchen and waved his hand past a sensor that activated the lights to the room and he moved over to the stove and turned it on and took out some steak from his fridge that he was going to cook, it took him a couple minutes before he eye moved over to the window it was open wide and he was sure that he did not leave it open, walking up to it he looked out of it and looked up and down the alley but could see nothing out of place, pulling his head back in he closed it and locked it.

Looking around he was seeing if anything was taken or moved in the kitchen and then he heard the slight sound of water dripping and could smell steam from vixens bath. He walked out of the kitchen and carefully made his way up the stairs moving quietly the upstairs was still dark except for the the sliver of light coming from the bathroom that he defiantly did not leave on he thought to himself but who breaks into someone's house to take a bath. Tony moved closer to the bathroom and listened closely for any sounds, once at the door he placed his hand on it and pushed it open slowly and he was taken back by what he saw.

There is his bath tub was vixen her eyes where closed and her breathing steady as he saw her chest gently moving up and down he was expecting to be seeing a naked girl in his bathroom today and for a moment all he could do was look he ears and tail caught his attention and he noticed that she was a fox the next thing he noticed was the bruises on her body they looked bad and there was a lot of them he could not help but take pity on her something bad must have happened to her to be looking so beaten but at the same time she looked so peaceful while she was sleeping in the water. He cleared his throat and knocked on the door "excuse me who are you and why are you in my house " he says to her although he is not sure if she would awake up even. From where he was standing he was blocking the door his tall and large muscular frame making it look like it would be hard to slip past him as he would be able to reach quickly in that area.
It was a miracle no one bothered her at all considering she was wearing an unflattering dress and that she was running around like a mad fox she had no idea where to go she was looking for an escape and the homeless men did not wanna bother with her when she looked like that. At least the baggy black dress was able to hide most of the bruises she was carrying. The incessant beeping of that call I was driving her crazy she would scratch at it and try to pull it off but she had no luck.

Vixen had no idea what she was going to do in finding that open window in the residential area was a lifesaver. It didn’t occur to her that someone lived there and probably would not take kindly to her being there but she needed a bath and she just wanted to escape the outside and not be caught again. Normally she would’ve found food but she wanted to be clean and wash off everything they did to her even though she could not wash off the bruises and scratches they left on her poor body. The poor lost soul didn’t even think to close the window where she came in giving it away that she was in the house but for now she was in the bath and she was actually sleeping which wasn’t a smart thing to do but she was exhausted, but clean!

Toby stumbled upon her sleeping out cold and even snoring cutely. Worn out and exhausted she didn’t even notice someone came in or pick up on the noise as her ears flicked While She Sleeps picking up noises but not registering them. Vixen didn’t even notice she wasn’t alone anymore. The homeowner had returned and she was still sleeping but the moment he started talking she went into red alert. The knock at his voice startled her out of her semi peaceful sleep.

“I…I…please don’t hurt me!” Were the first words out of her mouth and she jumped out of the bathtub looking for a way to get out but he was blocking the only door and all she could do is clean herself in the bathtub standing there completely naked and he could see how badly she was bruised and even the scratches on her was still slightly bleeding, red and sore. He probably didn’t know how sensitive fox hybrids hearing was but it was also the fact that she was used and abused all night and then knock on my door made her think of the men coming into the room to use her.

Vixen didn’t mean to but she started sobbing uncontrollably and shaking like he was going to attack her even though she was in his house. “Please…don’t…. I don’t wanna do this anymore please take your money and go I can’t do it anymore….please mister…” her tail was fluffed up trying to make herself look bigger and her ears were standing on end and this reflex was trying to make her look like she was unapproachable and scary even though she was so small and stark naked most humans would not find this terrifying. Water drip down from her large breasts that were bruised but her body told the silent story of the abuse she went through.

With the only means of her escape blocked she brought her hands to her face and lowered them as she started bawling her eyes out not sure what she should do especially trapped would he use her like the other men at the club even if she was begging for him not to do it they didn’t listen to her and all she could do is prepare for him to do the same exact thing that happened to her all night.
Tony did feel a little bad for waking her up in such a sudden and quick way he did not expect her to react the way she did from him just knocking and speaking and going by that she was snoring and looked completely out he thought that she would wake up slowly or normally and so he was a bit guilty for disturbing her rest. The change that happened though was alarming one moment she was cute and peaceful in her sleep in the tub and the next she was now on her feet and out of the tub standing in front of him completely naked with her tail puffed up and ears at attention he knew that hybrids did this as a way of defence and to be intimidating of course her being so small and crying did not do much to make him feel intimidated or be scared, instead his face saddened as he saw the bruises and scratches on naked body. He turned his to the side to avoid looking at her out of respect as he did see her as a girl and did not want to just be leering at her naked body.

He could only imagine what she had been through with her body being like that and her reaction to seeing him and her first words asking not to be hurt "it is ok i am not going to hurt you i just wanted to know who you are and why you are in my house" his voice was deep and he spoke softly and low to sound as non threatening to her as he could. He could hear her crying and could see her shaking as he looked to the side keeping her feet in sight so that he did not take his eyes off this strange entirely "i don't know what you think is happening or going to happen but i am not going to hurt you and i am not going to do anything to you" he moves in the bath room to the towels that were hanging from the rack making sure to take slow steps and move slowly so he does not frighten her more, he grabs a towel and reaches out his hand to her holding it "here you can cover up with this".

"my name is tony and i own this house and i can see that you have had a rough night and i want to help, you can stay here and finish your bath in safety no one will be able to hurt you here i have a spare room down the hallway and you can sleep there if you want tonight" he lets her take the towel before backing away from her "i was about to eat so you are welcome to it as well i will make some for you and you can come and get it when ever you want ok" he backs to the door and then looks back up at her with his eyes closed and smiles at her "and don't worry i will not hurt you or let you be hurt while you are here" tony stood tall at 6'1 and had a well build body that his shirt shirt hid, he had short blonde hair.

He closed the door behind him and left just a crack open to the bathroom. He could be heard walking in the hallway as he left the bathroom door a few minutes later his foot steps could be heard approaching the bathroom again but he did not go inside instead only his arm could be see reaching in holding some clothes and he placed them on the counter by the door. He got some clothes from a previous ex that left them behind and he never got around to clearing them out he just hope they would fit her even a little bit. The he went back down stairs and started cooking the steak now taking out a second one that he would cook for her. The smell of the meat filled the kitchen.
Vixen didn’t mean to act that way she was terrified and even though she’s in a deep sleep her ears picked up any noise that could try and protect her from being hurt again. She couldn’t even look at the man in the bathroom as she covered her eyes and didn’t realize she was avoiding her gaze she honestly thought he was just going to take her like the other men did. Her sobbing just didn’t stop she was so broken up and her body kept shaking even though she was puffed out to the max she didn’t look intimidating at all she was scared and it was easy to see if she was expecting the worst.

She tried to claw the collar off and she had marks around her neck from trying to pull it off there was no way it was gonna come off of her very easily. “I’m sorry…. I saw an open window I had nowhere else to go please don’t hurt me… if you’re going to use me just finish fast and let me go… I can’t take it anymore. I’m not a trash fox…I’m not a trash fox….I’m not trash…..” vixen kept repeating over and over again she was trying to tell her self to believe it but after what they did to her she actually believed she was not worth anything anymore. She couldn’t let them see how they broke her but now I’m a strangers house he could see the damage they did.

When he said he wasn’t going to hurt her she looked up as he would move slowly and not too quickly so he wouldn’t startle her grabbing a towel and holding it out for her she slowly reached out and took it covered her self up still shaking like a leaf in a tornado. He could see how her ears turned to focus on him hearing his name but said he wouldn’t hurt her though she had no idea what to believe the men in the club told them their names and they still hurt her. What he was saying was very kind and she was scared to even trust it was he doing this just to get her to let her guard down and when he hurt her after feeding her?

He would see her nod slowly as she watched him with a very big scared blue eyes. She at least was covering the front of herself even though she was still dripping wet from the bath. This man was so much bigger than her he could easily do something to her but here he was with his eyes closed smiling at her she wasn’t sure what to think. “Bath…food…help?” The confusion was all over her face but he couldn’t see it. Looking over his body he was so strong he could easily overtake her with her being barely 5 feet at all she was petite and she was bred to have a curvy body in the towel just barely covered her large breasts.

He kept his word as he left the bathroom and close the door almost and she decided to get back in the tub to see what would happen when she heard footsteps coming back she almost panicked even though he kept his word yet again and only left her clothing. She stayed a little longer in the bath but her stomach was growling and the smell of food let her out as she would get out of the tub dry herself off and put on the clothing he left her which was quite too small for her in the top part at least. Her huge double D’s could barely fit in there but they covered her.

Even if he left her a sweatshirt and sweatpants the sweatpants were long on her since she was small and the top was straining against her large chest and she slowly would walk downstairs holding the pants up since it was hard to get the pants to fit comfortably with her huge tail. Vixen Would wander downstairs and peek she was afraid to get too close. “It’s smells nice… Are you sure I can have some? It’s okay I’ll take whatever you don’t eat. Don’t worry I’ll leave I’ll figure out where to go I don’t want any trouble.” She said as she held up the sweatpants with one hand and started crying at the collar with the other hand it was still flashing and she had no idea what would happen if those men found her again.
Tony could hearing the beeping from the collar as he stood in the bathroom when he first came in he also noticed it and saw the scratch mark around her neck but at first he thought it was just from what else was done to her. Hearing her voice sounding so panicked and then dropping down, tony felt sad that she was going through this and it broke his heart a bit to hear her saying that over and over again what ever she went through had really affected her not only physically, this world was cruel he knew that well but it seemed that she was caught in some thing really bad that just kept beating her down. "i won't hurt you, you can relax here and be safe i have no plan on using you in any way" he knew that he had to remain calm and move carefully so that he did not startle her in anyway.

He could not fully see her but he heard her voice when she said those 3 words "yes so you can take your time and just enjoy it i know things have been rough for you so you can go at your own pace". Tony was making sure not to pressure her or do anything that might seem like he is restricting her and just wanted her to be able to move and act freely.

Tony had 2 plates out and was placing the steaks on them with chips and some beans, he was busy cooking and putting the cutlery out for 2 people the sound of the sizzling and plates being moved and cutlery hitting against each other was in the room as he placed them all down and finished cooking the meals. Hearing her voice he turned around to see just her head peeking around the door, now that he got a better look at her and was not getting distracted by her shapely body or large breasts he could notice more her ears and her eyes he could tell she was still scared but at least she came down stair and would eat.

Tony smiled at her "of course you can have i already made enough for 2 so you can eat as much as you want" he takes the plates and walks up to her again moving a bit slower as he got closer to her and placed her plate on the counter and then pushed it closer to her and took a couple steps back "it is perfectly fine to eat and quite tasty if i do say so my self" he chuckles to him self a bit trying to bolster how good of a cook he thinks he is. He steps to the side and walks closer to the door so he could get past her "would you like to join me i am going to eat at the table" this is something he did not normally do but he thought it would be better for the moments.

Walking past her he could notice that the clothes he left her did not fit as well as he hoped they would the top was struggling to stay on and he saw that she had to hold up the pants this would need to be fixed. As he walked past her "you don't have to leave you are welcome to stay here tonight and get a night sleep in where you will be safe there won't be any trouble" he moves past her and goes to sit down to eat. Looking back to her i noticed the collar again and the light on it then he saw the fresh scratch marks and injuries around her neck that were new. "so what is the deal with that collar it looks like you are hurting yourself to do something about it" looking at it some more he can hear it beep as well "i can probably remove it for you if you want i don't think it suits a lovely fox such as your self"
The beeping from the collar was driving the poor fox crazy but she was ignoring it and when she finally came out wearing the ill fitting clothes and holding up the pants she would watch Tony Very carefully not sure if he would be a threat but he was being kind. She would stand in the doorway. The smell of the food was amazing and it was making her walk closer and closer and the fact that he started offering it to her was surprising. Being so kind and he told her that he wouldn’t hurt her at all.

You could see how her ears flipped and focused on every word he gave. He had done nothing to make her feel unwelcome or even try to touch her. When he offered her to join him that’s what she did she’s slowly approach the table and take a seat making sure to adjust her tail to make sure it was comfortable in the seat keeping the pants up. “The collar will help them find me I don’t wanna be found again can you help me get it off?” Were the first words and a question she asked him before even thinking about food it was about going back to the club but she didn’t want to tell him about what they did to her there. It was dehumanizing but she wasn’t a human was that even a word she could use?

“I don’t want to get you into any trouble either if you can help me get it off I’ll find a way to repay you somehow I just have nowhere to go” Vixen it’s finally starting to open up to him slightly even though she was terrified about being sent back so he was being super sweet she was still nervous about what could possibly happen. She was so hungry though when he brought the food to the table she wouldn’t dig in right away she would wait until he told her it was okay since she didn’t want to make him angry or upset he could tell she was trained to be proper as she sat there looking down with her ears folded back.

It was very strange to be eating at the table with someone you her first master like to dress her up like a doll and have her eat at the table as well so this one was being super kind she wasn’t sure how he would want her to pay so she would accept any kind us right now and if he asked she might tell him what happened to her but he could tell it was something she was scared to even bring up. Vixen kept sniffling since she felt sad and upset everything that happened to her left a mark and she felt absolutely horrified that she could even protect herself but at least this human was at least decent and it was shocking since she thought most humans were mean.
He noticed how much she had to just her tail and keep holding the pants up cause of and adjusting them he would have to do something about that to make it more comfortable for her but it was also clear that she was proud of her tail by the way that she moved it and was keeping it free and comfortable. He looked a bit concerned at her words she had a tracking collar which was not uncommon for hybrids and that she wanted it to be removed for fear of being found which is not a good sign especially since she was so badly beaten there was no way that someone who would have paid the high price for a fox hybrid would hurt her so much which means that who ever did put it on her did not get her properly "them? who is them and are they the ones that hurt you? you do not have to tell me if it to painful for you and i will get that thing off for you" looking at her neck and the scratch marks on it "and then if you will let me i would like to have a look at your neck to help take care of your injuries".

Sitting down at the table and looking at her just sitting there and not eating. Smiling at her friendly " you don't have to worry about me i can handle myself for any trouble that may come and if i have to get into a bit of it for helping a lovely fox like your self i have no problem doing so" he hoped that she would not get nervous or upset with him calling her lovely, he remember her in the bath room saying she is not a trash fox and he was trying to make her feel better or at least give her kind words to try and help boosts her self again "you do not have to worry about repaying me and if you have no where to go you can stay here i know i would feel better if you did and got healed up". Watching her and seeing that she still had not started eating yet "it is ok you can eat" she was well trained and it looked like it was by a strong hand by the way that even though she was clearly very hungry she did not eat.

Sighing tony just shook his head what has her life been like she could not even eat when she wanted to she had to get permission and who knows what other training and restrictions she had placed on her she should have been free. Tony knew about how rare and splendid fox hybrids are and they should be free to go as they want. As they ate he kept looking up at her to see what she was doing and how she was acting he had noticed that she was still upset and could hear her sniffs while eating. after they were done tony turned to her "so i never got your name would you let me know it?",

Tony got up from the table "wait here quickly i want to try and help your clothing situation quick" he walks back into the kitchen and then comes back with a pair of scissors "ok i want to make a change quickly and i would need you to stand up and let me touch the pants" he carefully held the top of the pants and made sure to not touch her body or tail as he cut a hole in the top part of the pants and under the waist band of it while doing so he spoke "you have beautiful tail you must take good care of it" once this was done he stood up place the cut cloth on the table along with the scissors "ok give that a try and let me know if it is better" looking down at her he could not help but notice her large breasts pushing against the top and he blushed a bit but there was nothing he could do for that at the moment "now lets get this collar off of you".
Sitting down at least helped her keep the pants up though the way the pants were sitting she couldn’t help but have her butt exposed mostly with her tail it was something she just couldn’t help. It switched lightly behind her as she sat there and when he told her it was alright to eat she was quite proper in the way she held her knife and fork. This beautiful fox hybrid was well trained and she must’ve belong to someone important but the way she was treated she had no idea if her master would even want her back like that.

Tony began to ask questions about them and she stiffened up and stopped eating. “Club…men in club… they took me when I was looking for food I ran away from home which was a very good idea I regret doing that now… they took me and put this on me.” Waiting to the collar as she started scratching at it wildly when she put down her knife and fork. She didn’t want to tell him everything they did to her since it was still so fresh in her mind and she was really upset about it she started crying again. Whatever the spend it left a mark on her and she was terrified.

Even though she was hungry she stopped scratching her neck and put her face in her hands letting her ears fall back showing him that she was still so upset. “Not lovely… I’m now trash… what they did to me….they…they…all of them….it hurt so much…. Didn’t want to do…they made me….they paid other men to do it to me….” Bits and pieces of her story were slipping out as she cried and sobbed into her hand. She couldn’t help it as she let her food get cold.

He spoke and asked for her name or at least she thought she heard it never even asked her name. “Vixen is now a trash fox….” That was painful for her to say as she started to believe it after what they did to her. That curvaceous body of hers was in so much pain and the back did help but not fully. When Tony got up her face looked up watching him he said he was going to do something to help her and she would trust him a little bit as she would stand up but he could tell how stiff she was expecting far worse. It was something interesting that he did and he didn’t touch her body as he cut a hole into the pants making room for a tail making the outfit more comfortable. When he fixed it and helped her get the pants back up she tied the rope making them tighter around her waist.

Vixen whispered a soft and delicate “Thank you.” Before sitting down and he mentioned getting a collar off her neck and that caused her to look up at him. “Can you do that? Please? I can’t go back I can’t do that again I don’t want them to touch me again…” he could tell how those large breasts strained against the sweatshirt but there was nothing he could do about that at least her tent would be comfortable but at least right now he could see how beautiful her eyes were. A beautiful shade of cerulean blue as she finally looked up at him. There is a glimmer of hope finally especially when he said he would try to get the collar off.
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