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Bitches of Dracula (mainman x mappy)

"The judge and the mayor is on the payroll..." The enforcer said. "We have 8 locations to clear if we want to split up before they regroup."

The various vampires agreed to go to the labs to destroy them and free any vampires inside, a few of the vampire assassins picked up a target each and the enforcer decided to go for the mayor.

As he drove to the mayor's house, he saw 2 cops outside and the girl nodded at him. The girl walked up to the cops, shoved her thumb into the cops' necks. The enforcer cuffed them and asked the older cop. "Is there mayor inside?"

The cop shook his head. "The mayor left for the precinct..."

"Which precinct?" The enforcer asked.

"Precinct 1," The cop said. "He expected people to come for him."


"The whole police station..." The enforcer said.

2 motorcycle parked their bikes and the enforcer moved behind and choked them silently. The cops kicked silently in the air and the enforcer dragged them behind a pillar. "Damn it, too fat..."

A round sergeant was walking by and the enforcer covered his mouth and pulled him behind the pillar. The sergeant some how managed to fire a round and suddenly the alarms went off. The enforcer decided he had not time and went guns blazing with the support of the girl. He was quick and deadly with a gun and shot many cops in the head as he started a massacre. She circled towards the cops behind cover and easily kicked them unconscious.

The duo seemed to have good chemistry for taking out cops, but things went south quickly and armored cops came and fired at the enforcer. The enforcer popped some capsules to heal his bullet wounds but these armored cops were relentless and seemed to have no fear as they were in heavy armor and the enforcer came out and shot 3 of them in the head and suddenly they realized that they could still be killed but 2 of them were too stupid to figure it out and they exchange rounds and shot the enforcer full of holes. The girl attacked from behind, stabbing their throats and killing them. However, it was too late. The enforcer had a fatal shot in the throat which prevented him from taking the capsule and he could not heal the wound in his neck before bleeding out.
SWAT and state police arrived to hunt down the killers. They found a topless lady fucking a plump motorcycle cop with 10 other motorcycle cops on the ground with their breeches down.

"Get that bitch..." a police captain commanded and 4 fat armored cops surrounded her and tried to pull her off the motorcycle cop. She turned around and punched the cops and 2 cops choked while the other 2 cops were in pain and she mounted an armored cop and pulled down his armor and removed his pants. "God damn it, take her down already!" The captain took a shotgun and blasted the lady off the armored cop and she flew 20 ft away and she ran off.

"Go get her!" the captain commanded.

The cops moved in groups of 4 to search for the killer. Many of them were nervous as they spotted a lot of dead customs officers and security guards. "What the fuck did this?" An old cop asked and there was complete silence. The old cop turned around and a large vampire was choking 2 cops and biting into the throat of a third cop, crushing his larynx. The old cop shot the vampire and the vampire crushed the throats of the cops and smiled a grin full of sharp teeth and pulled the trembling old cop close. Its claws were sharp and easily cut off his belt and pulled down his pants and the vampire turned the old cop around and fucked him.

Gunshots were heard and all of the cops focused their attention and approached. The topless lady circled behind the approaching cops and grabbed the rear bald cop with thick glasses, bit into his neck, and dragged him away.

The main group of cops were fighting a large vampire which shoved his hands into the armor of the cops, killing them and placing them on spine on his body and grabbing other cops and draining their blood. This vampire was large and now covered with armored cops and it was still moving in a blur, killing the groups of cops he reached.

"What the fuck is this thing?" The captain asked and the cops surrounded it and fired. More cops arrived and they seemed to have pinned it down as it did not advance much then with a sudden burst of movement, it reached 2 cops and pulled them into his shell.

"Fuck!" The captain said. "Just fucking die!"

All the cops were shooting at the vampire and did not realize that there were 2 other vampires and the topless lady grabbed another plump cop, disarmed him and pulled him away. The large vampire moved among a group of cops in total silence and shoved his hands through the necks of 2 cops and bit into a third cop's throat. The remaining cop was confused as he could not hear anything and his head was grabbed and the vampire bit into his throat.

2 motorcycle cops arrived and heard the gunshots and rushed over and the topless lady pounced on them and rammed fists into their soft bodies. She mounted on the plump balding cop and pulled down his breeches and fucked him while grabbed the other cop's throat and holding him down.

The police captain was suddenly in silence and saw a large vampire behind him and the cops around him all killed. The sergeant took his radio out but could not make any sound and saw the captain getting skewered by the large vampire's dick and the vampire bit into his throat. The sergeant turned and ran. Most of the cops were killed already and the remaining one could not take down the monster using armored cops as shield.

The sergeant reached the exit and saw all the cops outside on the ground with their pants down as well and the topless lady walked over and hugged him. She disarmed him and pulled down his pants and rubbed his hair. The sergeant trembled and was hugged and she rubbed his dick and thrust on the erected dick.


New cops arrived and as the cops exited the vehicles, silence surrounded them and their necks were grabbed and they were drained. The large vampire rammed a police SUV and dragged the cops inside and bit into their throats. They were clearing up the remaining cops and a helicopter flew by and saw the massacre. Some ambulances and reporters arrived, and they were quickly destroyed by the monsters who advanced towards the city.


The cops at a roadblock suddenly could not hear anything and the large vampire grabbed 2 cops and the topless lady hugged and kissed an old cop. The remaining cop was grabbed and picked up by the tall vampire with sharp teeth and froze in fear. The vampire licked him and sniffed him, then bit into his neck. Although these vampires seemed deadly, they do not seem threatened by these cops and the cops were left alive.
The girl stood there and watched the enforcer gurgle in blood and die. A few cops surrounded the girl. "Drop the knife!" An old cop shouted and the girl stood there and released the knife and the cops went closer.

"Why did you kill my friend?" The girl asked and stared at the cops and suddenly moved towards the nearest cop and punched his throat. She chopped and broke the spines of 2 cops and kicked the old cop towards a group of cops and rushed over. She emerged behind the old cop and moved with inhuman speed among the cops, making them unable to shoot her and she broke bones with every punch.

All the cops were taken out. She had many bullet wounds and she went to the bag on the man, took out several capsules and popped them into her mouth and collected the capsules from the dead armored cops. She took a few knives and moved to the side as she saw more cops arriving.

She stood on a police van, looking down on 4 cops walking by and leaped on the cops, stabbing them in the head and thrusting the daggers into the spines. she waited and 2 cops ran by and she grabbed the boots of the rear cop and stabbed his back into his heart and as the other cop turned around, she leaped on him, grabbed his head and snapped his neck.

She rushed over to a man in a suit and shoved the knife into his eye. She went to the back of the trunk, opened the rear door and saw FBI SWAT and she started stabbing them in the head before they even realized they were in danger.


It was a massacre. The uncoordinated security forces were simply ambushed and killed.


"What are you doing here?" A plump cop with white hair asked as he saw the girl approaching. "This place is dangerous..."

She looked at him and the plump cop did not feel like a threat and she calmed down. The cop brought her to the police car and gave her a drink and she grabbed his hand and wrapped her legs around his neck and choked him silently. He collapsed and her eyes narrowed as she spotted the guns on the other cops and moved towards them. She leaped and kneed the head of a fat cop, cracking his skull and she kicked another cop in the neck, snapping his neck. The remaining cop was shocked and saw a heel smashing against his nose, ramming it into his skull and the cops fell lifelessly to the ground.
The Russian group quietly took out several key targets and kidnapped various scientists. They reached a roadblock and the female vampire walked towards the cops while the others circled them from behind.

"Stay where you are..." A plump cop commanded and drew his gun. "I say, stop!"

The lady smiled and said, "you smell pretty tasty..."

"You should not joke about things like that..." The cop said and approached as she put her hands up.

The cop heard muffled moans and saw the other cops on the ground with the sergeant in a chokehold. The lady hugged the cop and disarmed him. "I've brought some ball gags and extra dildos, and we are going to have fun..."


2 of the cops from the roadblock were dragged into the van with the kidnapped targets and the cops were gagged and the lady proceeded to fuck them. The cops were gagged and cuffed and the lady left them as the group stuffed the kidnapped victims into a container. "Wow, good job..." One of the Russian athletes said and the lady went to sip from her cops again and gave them blood.

"We are done with the work, do we want to check on the vampires?" One of the girls asked.


The vampires were still killing everything they saw. FBI SWAT arrived and the large vampire was shot repeatedly but managed to reach them and feed on them to heal up. The police helicopter circled and followed them but the ground units could not stop them. Other cops evacuated the residents and others in the area but reporters and other curious people keep wanting to stay and watch.

The group approached 4 cops who were getting people away and the group moved among them and the cops were grabbed and choked. They circled and took out the small groups of cops dispersing the crowds easily as they looked like the average people around and they took out the cops with 1 blow. An old cop saw the girl leap and knee a fat cop and the cop collapsed and 2 young men moved among the other cops and chop them in the necks and the cops collapsed and the old cop was grabbed by a lady with large breasts and she kissed him. "Let's fuck!"


"Oh, anti-vampire device!" The girl shouted excitedly as she saw large UV lights shining on the vampires massacring several armored FBI SWAT officers. The vampires seemed to be blinded and the SWAT continued to shoot at them.

"That's not fair..." The vampires and the Russian group rushed towards the police with the UV lights and assaulted them. The out of shaped cops did not offer much resistance and the lights were turned off and the cables destroyed. One by one, the UV lights shut off and the vampire monsters were able to heal and there was complete darkness in the area and screams coming from within.

"What the fuck?" The female Russian vampire muttered. "I can't do that..."


The topless lady grabbed a motorcycle cop and snapped his neck. The other cop beside shot her in the head and she grabbed his gun and tossed it away. The cop turned and ran but she grabbed his belt and unbuckled it and started pulling down his breeches and rubbing his dick. The cop was overpowered and fucked and she started draining his blood to heal her wounds.

The large vampire reached another group of heavily armored cops and the cops shot at him and he grabbed the helmets of 2 cops and crushed the helmets with their skulls. The cops realized that this thing was inhumanly dangerous and tried to run but it was too late. The vampire hugged 4 cops at once and crushed their ribs and drained their blood one by one.

The darkness disappeared and the tall vampire was draining the blood from the last FBI unit.

There were more armored police units which did not understand the dangers they were in and the large vampire walked on the side of the building and landed among a group.


The group saw 2 overweight cops and rammed punches into their soft bodies and the vampire walked over. "I thought you guys were fed enough?" The vampire asked.

"Just in case." The lady said. "These look tasty to you?"

The vampire jerked off the cops and drank from them and the young group brought more trembling old cops over.


"Jesus Christ!" A captain shouted on the radio. "They are all dead!"

The sergeant beside the captain was grabbed and the topless vampire bit into his throat. The captain fired a that lady's head and shot her twice before she slapped away his gun and grabbed his throat. The sergeant was drained while the captain was lifted off the ground.


The captain was being fucked by the topless vampire, but unlike normal vampires, she was killing him with every thrust. A pudgy cop rushed over with a shotgun and blew the lady off the captain. The cop fired a second shot directly below the neck of the vampire and blew her head off.


The Russian group was surrounded by the cops as well. The vampire was shot by a new group of fast-moving SWAT units and decapitated and the young people did not resist and were cuffed by the cops and brought to a police van. The young man broke the cuffs and grabbed the plump cop, choking him silently and the lady looped her cuffs around the other cop's neck and snapped his neck. The young group were humans, but filled with so much vampire blood and they were physically faster and stronger and the cops near the police van were ambushed and dragged into the van.

A bald cop with a white goatee was grabbed and the lady placed a knife at his neck and showed him the pile of cops in the back. "We just want to get out of here, and your friends will not die."
The mission was to take out the dirty cop, but without the enforcer, the girl's kill switch was turned on, and she started hunting down everyone she deemed as a threat.

The girl was visibly upset, tears was rolling down her eyes and she was filled with anger. She saw a police car drive by and followed it and spotted a police station and decided to go there.

The girl leaped on a fat cop beside a police car, wrapped her thighs around his waist, covered his mouth and squeezed, breaking his bones and preventing him from breathing. The fat cop flailed and collapsed. She saw a motorcycle cop with a white goatee entering the police station and followed closely behind him and kicked the back of his knee as he entered the station, grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck.

She looked into the next room and saw 2 cops chatting and leaped towards a cop, kneed his head and cracked his skull. The other cop was shocked and reached for his gun but she sprang on him, kneeing his nose into his brain, killing him instantly.

A few cops heard some fighting sounds and as a fat cop entered the main office, he saw the other cops on the ground and the girl leaping towards him and kicked his chest and send him flying into the cops behind him. She rushed over with inhuman speeds, stomping on the throats of the cops, killing them easily.

A cop with thick glasses drew his gun and fired at her, but she seemed to move erratically and managed to dodge the bullets and reached the cop and punched his soft gut, rupturing several internal organs and the punched his throat and crushed his larynx.

A round police captain heard gurgling sounds and saw 2 cops on the ground with their throats crushed. The girl circled behind him and covered his mouth as he was about to radio for backup and chopped his neck, breaking his spine.
The Russian group listened to the police radio as the vampire fucked the cops one by one and drank their blood. The police managed to kill off the female vampire but shortly after, the large vampire and the tall vampire massacred the rest of the cops. "Wow, they took down one... not bad."

The group went to their next target, a military scientist and saw a police car outside the house. The girl nodded at the man and they moved to the police car, opened the door and grabbed the 2 cops out. "Too easy..." The girl said and choked the old cop in her arms. They broke the main door and entered the house. A middle aged lady work up and her head was slammed on the wall and she slumped over and the older man was grabbed and cuffed by the man and dragged to the van and the group drove off.


"Roadblock.. 4 cops..." The girl said and the 2 men nodded and moved towards the cops as the van rolled slowly towards the roadblock.
The girl on the ceiling leaped on 2 armored state troopers, wrapped her thighs around a trooper's neck and grabbed the other trooper and snapped his neck. The trooper tapped and flailed and she twisted her body and snapped his neck.

She exited a room and saw a fat trooper outside and punched his throat. His head was grabbed and he was dragged into the room kicking and she snapped his neck. "Something is not right here..." A plump trooper ran over and entered the room, spotting the fat trooper on the ground and the girl grabbed his gun arm, wrapped her ankles around his neck and choked him. She picked off the troopers one by one and their armor did not help at all.

"Team 3, please respond..." A sergeant requested on the radio. "Team 4? Have you located Team 1 and 2?"

The sergeant head gurgling sounds and saw 5 troopers with their throats crushed and the girl punched the gut of the sergeant and grabbed his neck in a chokehold. A short cop with white hair heard a snap sound and walked over. He saw the sergeant's neck at a bad angle and a few other troopers on the ground. She does not feel threatened by the short cop and kicked the back of his knee and kneed his head and he collapsed.

She moved towards a new police cars approaching and started massacring everyone coming out.
2 cops were grabbed and their heads smashed together. A plump cop was kicked in the head and collapsed and the remaining old cop turned and ran and his belt was grabbed and a fist rammed into his back and he was dragged to the van to feed the vampire.


The army and police were busy with the vampires and still had problems taking them down. Armored vehicles and soldiers with heavy weapons fired at the vampires that slaughtered the police and even humvees were flipped and the soldiers massacred.

The vampires were large but still too small to be targeted by antivehicle weapons, but too tough for antipersonnel weapons. They could seek out snipers and soldier hidden and kill them all.


The Russian group took out a few target, scientists and intelligence officers, and when they broke into a house and blew up a saferoom to get to the remaining scientist, more police arrived and surrounded the house.

The girl and the vampire saw the cops surrounding the house as they were in the van and waited. 2 round cops walked over and searched the van and the girl punched the cop and covered his mouth while the vampire dragged on into the van. Ball gags were put on the cops and the vampire fucked them and drained their blood. She fed the girl who seemed eager to take more action.


Armored cops searched the house and the Russians picked them off silently. Armed with daggers, a man danced gracefully among 4 cops beside him and slit their throats. 2 cops spotted the gurgling cops and he stabbed them both in the head from under the jaw.

The group of cops were small and the Russians rushed out and shot everyone.
The vampires arrived at the massacre and found the girl injured, but still alive. They fed her some blood and got her away and found many bodies around. "She did all that?" One of the vampires asked.


Some time went by and monster and vampires were still hunted, but now seen as part of everyday life. Vampires still played and fed on cops, and most of the vampires that hunted down cops for fun were all eliminated, except for the elite ones that seemed to be immune to all the new drugs created that just made everyone taking it more sick. With less vampires affected, the security forces stopped taking drugs to combat the vampires.

Other worldly creatures became more dangerous, the 4 horsemen were unstoppable, but their kills were relatively limited. Organized crime were unable to sell the vampire blood as most of the labs were destroyed, and with money and proper treatment of vampires, they continued to produce blood for combat use but not done in large quantities anymore.


Zoe has been meeting different vampire groups and sharing blood to try to get some new powers. Zoe met up with a group of vampires in Japan and they were sharing that they could play with the minds of their victims.

The group triggered an alarm and 2 motorcycle cops arrived. "Let me show you this..." Zoe said and moved behind them. Zoe bit into a cop's throat and grabbed the other cop and pulled him close and choked him.

"Wow, very silent, like ninja..." A Japanese vampire said. "This is how we do it..."

The vampires were extremely fast. 4 cops entered the house and the vampires moved in a blur and grabbed them.

"Wait..." Zoe stopped the vampires from drinking from them and grabbed the old cop and jerked him off. When he ejaculated, he got the vampires all to sip some blood and they were surprised at how much better the blood tasted.

The remaining cops were fucked and drained, and more cops arrived.

The vampires were high on blood and more than 20 cops were fucked by them and they ended up in a police station fucking the desk sergeant.

"Japanese cops are much cleaner," Zoe said. "They sweat less and smell less strong, but I like my fat leather American cop, probably taste similar, but the cop smell is stronger."

Zoe shared her blood and taught some of them how to walk on vertical surfaces and learned some martial arts from them. The vampires did not rely on their vampire powers much and they were very hard to find, and no one hunted for them.
"Someone is breaking into the sex shop?" An old cop muttered and looked around with the other cops. He heard some sounds behind him and approached to see the other cops limp on the ground. "Shit! Officers down!" He shouted on the radio and his mouth was covered and the vampire held him down. His belt was removed and pants pulled down and the vampire started fucking him. The old cop trembled in fear and she bit into his throat.

"Be careful, these things are dangerous..." A sergeant said as 10 more cops entered the adult shop.

2 cops outside saw a young girl approaching and they were grabbed from behind from the other 2 young men. The men choked them easily and dragged them into the van. The young girl approached a motorcycle cop who just arrived and punched his kidney and the cop collapsed in pain and was dragged to the van and cuffed.


The vampire rubbed the short wispy hair on the sergeant and saw the other cops on the ground. She jerked the sergeant off and shoved a dildo into the sergeant who screamed in pain as she fucked him hard. Then silenced him with a bite.

"Too many cops..." She said and sniffed them, keeping the 2 cops and feeding the young group. On the police radio, she heard the cops and army had successfully destroyed the large vampires and requesting support to establish control. "Fuck, they actually did it?"


The Russians met with the local mobs and the mobs were planning to loot while there was chaos. With the vampire on their side, they arranged for a prison transfer for the most dangerous killers in jail.

The vampire in a policewoman uniform has access to the prison and easily drained all the killers and made them vampires. "Let's see how dangerous these Americans are..."


The police were stumped. All 10 prisoners were dead and looked pale and lifeless. It started raining and the phone line and Internet were down. 2 cops were sent out to report where they have connection. They reached a roadblock and they were ambushed and kidnapped.


The young man entered the cell area and choked a short cop and got him to unlock the cells and saw the prisoners moving. "Good... You have to prove yourselves..." The young man said and the 2 new vampires looked at the short cop hungrily and rushed over and drained him. One of the vampires decided to attack the young man from the back and the man tossed the vampire on the wall and rushed over and smashed his head and cracked his skull. "You are not my level as you don't even know how to use your blood, don't bother attacking me, I can destroy all of you..."

2 cops heard sounds from the cell area and looked around. A vampire on the ceiling landed behind them and shoved them towards the other vampires and the cops were overpowered and drained.


4 cops escorted a doctor to the cell area and the vampires waited hungrily.


The Russian group entered the police station again and heard gunshots. The vampires rushed at the remaining cops, hunted down every single one and drained them. The female vampire grabbed the desk sergeant and jerked him off, then offered the trembling old cop to the other vampires who were surprised on how he tasted and they drained him dry.

"Perhaps this is not a good test..." The vampire said. "Look, you are vampires, and these are food, go feed and you can used the blood to be stronger and faster, just that you need to feed more as the physical abilities consume blood..."

The Russian group was pleased with the result. All the cops were drained and the new batch of killers have the hunger to kill more.


"We have a few more targets," A young man said. "Need these guys are new distraction."


The escaped prisoners put on police uniforms and drove away in the police cars. They spotted a roadblock and approached and parked behind the last car and walked over. An old cop with thick glasses was hugged and he saw the other cops grabbed and 4 ladies were making out with them. The man in police uniform removed his glasses and pulled down his pants and the cop did not know what was going on and a lady came over and started sucking his dick. The cop trembled in fear as they started draining the blood from the other cops.

The escaped prisoners felt satisfied after draining blood and getting full. They started practicing on getting faster and stronger and were surprised by their abilities. Then they got hungry again. "Fuck, need more cops..."


At a police station, 2 cops walked to their police cars and their mouths were covered. The younger one was bitten and drained and the older one had his pants pulled down and the vampire fucked him with his large erected dick.

There were 4 female vampire prisoners and they moved with inhuman speeds and grabbed the desk sergeant before he even realized the door was open. "Nice juicy piggies..." The other plump cops were grabbed and squeezed before the vampire bit into their throats and the female prisoner fucked the desk sergeant.

Gunshots were heard and the motorcycle cops drew their guns and rushed over and the prisoners in police uniform easily ambushed them, grabbing their necks and disarmed them.

The Russians saw a few police vans with armored cops arriving and smiled. "The real test is beginning."
The vampires introduced Zoe to a few stealth vampires, the vampires were silent and weer able to move unnoticed by cameras, sensors and other electronics. The vampires showed Zoe how they sneak around and after a few hours of trying, Zoe was tired and hungry. Zoe went to feed and continued her training the next day and the vampires brought her to a secured compound where a judge was guarded by many policemen.

Zoe moved and choked a plump cop silently and gripped the heads to 2 older cops and slammed their heads together, knocking them out. "Not sure if I'm silent or they are just not attentive. Zoe moved in and grabbed a sergeant in the kitchen and covered his mouth. The sergeant flailed helplessly as he was dragged to a corner and Zoe drank some blood and knocked him out.

Zoe moved around and chopped the necks of a few cops and one by one, she took them out. The vampires entered the house and saw the cops knocked out and placed in a pile and searched for the security recording and found a recorder and reviewed the video. Zoe was caught by the cameras but the guards did not notice her. "You are good, but you did not use the ability..."

The judge was grabbed and the vampires saw Zoe jerk him off and Zoe offered them to drink his blood and the vampires were surprised that he tasted so good.


Another police car arrived and the vampire said, "Now, we want to try more..."

The cops exited the car and the vampires grabbed them and dragged them into the house where they were pleasured. While the cops were kidnapped, Zoe tried exerting herself and hide from the cameras and the vampires show her how it was done. The vampire closed his eyes, concentrated a little and he did not appear on the camera. Zoe was stumped. She just could not do it.

The short policemen were overpowered and the vampires started dubbing their dicks and making them erect. The vampires were fast and the policemen did not resist and laid back to be milked. The vampires had the policemen erect and were good at stopped before the policemen cums, and they drank from the cops.

The police continued to come but when 1 or 2 cars arrived, the cops exited the cars and were grabbed and brought to the house. They were completely ineffective and the floor was littered with policemen in the house.

"Whoa. So many of them..." Zoe said as the vampire knocked some out and pleasured some as too many cops were arriving, but still there was no real engagement or conflict. The vampire drank till they are satisfied and they left the house before the news media arrived.


"17 police cars..." Zoe muttered as she entered the van and the vampires dragged 3 motorcycle cops and started jerking them off. "That is a lot of cops..."
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A few armored cops exited the police station and walked to the command truck. "What's going on in there?" The police commander asked and the armored cops grabbed the cops in the truck and rammed punches into their vital organs. Some of the cops were subdued and the armored cops moved among the cops outside. "These guys are fucking useless..." One of the armored cops muttered and started clubbing the cops outside. The ladies rushed out and grabbed the surprised motorcycle cops and kissed them. None of the cops outside managed to fire a shot before going down.

A few cops were gasping for air as the armored cops broke their ribs with punches and their belts were removed and the armored cops started pulling down their pants and fucking them. The ladies jerked off the motorcycle cops and drank from them.


"Wow, better than expected..." One of the Russians muttered and drove far away as they expected more police to arrive.


The Russians got some of the local mobs to raid some of the police stations to take back weapons and drugs. The weapons are then sold cheaply to gun nuts and they are told that the government is coming after their guns.

There is chaos as riots broke out all over the country, and most of these are just vampires dominating influencers, spreading toxic and fake news to stir up feelings.


More Russian agents entered and more local government officials and security forces were targeted. With the help of the dangerous prisoners, more deadly killers are turned into vampires to create more chaos.

Dracula did not want to be outdone, so he sent his vampires out to kill more as well.
The vampires escaped to a park and drained the cops. They took out a phone and tried to train Zoe again. "Concentrate, you need to try to blend in, focus..." One of the female vampires said. Zoe tried her best and the vampires tried to record her. For a minute, Zoe started blending in and she was hard to see in the camera, but as police sirens are approaching, she appeared again.

"You almost got it..." The vampire said and pointed, "Cops are here..."

These vampires are professional. They vanished from sight and as the cops exited the police car, they were grabbed and dragged away to the shadows and choked. A police van arrived and several cops in helmets exited and shadows surrounded them and they were all grabbed.

"Wow, this stealth thing kinda works," Zoe said. "When not detected by the cameras, they will not know how many of you are there, and when you are in such a big group, you can take them all out..."

Zoe fed on some blood and tested until she could be invisible in front of the cameras. "Yes, you got it!"


2 police cars arrived and the cops looked around nervously as there were many other police vehicles but no one else was around. As they searched the vehicles, 2 younger cops were choked silently, and Zoe grabbed an old cop with thick glasses and a short white beard and kicked the other plump cop in the head.

"Wow, they didn't see me..." Zoe said and sniffed the old cop and pulled down his pants. She could feel the cop trembling in fear and giving off quiet moans as she rubbed his dick. "This guy seems to be enjoying it..." The old cop did not struggle and simply allowed Zoe to do whatever she wants and she made him cum and bit into his throat.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it..." Zoe muttered and hid the limp cop as the vampires prepare for more cops arriving.

"They keep coming!" A female vampire said as several cops with helmets exited a police truck. The vampire moved among them and within seconds, all the cops were grabbed and they flailed helpless as they were choked. The police captain's pants was pulled down and his glasses removed and a large male vampire sniffed his collar. "I've been around for so long, but never though of this..." The police captain was fucked by the vampire and screamed in pain. "This feels so good..."

The vampires heard on the radio that the assault team is approaching and they can hear a helicopter coming. "We need to go, these guys are not easy to deal with."
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Dracula summoned the female vampires to him and met a lot of new faces. "All these new beauties..." Dracula said and drank their blood and gave some of his blood, "Go out and feed for me!"

The new female prisoner vampires got more confident, and 4 decided to go have fun at a club. They lured men to the toilet and fucked them before feeding on them, and the death toll piled up as they were high on blood and started killing people. These vampires went into a frenzy and rushed to the dance floor and started dancing violently and when they punched their victims, they hit so hard that they broke bones with each punch.

The vampires blocked all the exits and started killing anyone near them and breaking skulls by grabbing the faces of their victims and crushing the skulls with their bare hands.


"What the fuck?" A plump cop shouted as he entered the bar and saw the massacre. He saw a lady hugging his partner and another lady slapped away his gun and overpowered him. She started to force him on a table and removed his belt and started grabbing and rubbing his dick.

2 more cops entered the bar and the ladies moved behind them and they were grabbed and forced to the ground.


The Russians entered the bar and quickly fought with the female vampires. The ladies just seemed like they want to feed on everyone. "Stop this!" The vampire with the Russians shouted as more cops entered and shot at everyone. "Not good..." The girl said as more armored cops entered and it was starting to get messy.

The young acrobatic man kneed a cop in the jaw, knocking him out and gave a spinning heel kick to another armored cop but the female vampires simply rammed against him and he fell and he stabbed the vampire but she kept crushing his ribs and started to crush his lungs and the police fired at her. It was chaos.
"Wow, you gave us a lot more confidence, and interest in blood..." One of the vampires said. "Thanks a lot..."

The group approached a roadblock and as a lady drove towards the roadblock, the others moved silently towards them. Zoe joined them to train her stealth skills and none of the cops noticed the vampires moving towards them till it was too late.

"I like your mustache..." Zoe whispered to her trembling old cop with a white mustache and pulled down his pants.

"You just made us a lot more dangerous..." A vampire said as she gave a fat cop a handjob. "We can kill them so easily now, and they don't even stand a chance..."

These vampires seemed to be sex-crazed. The cops were all fucked and the vampires drank from them before fleeing. "Wow, things are a lot easier in Japan... The guns are smaller here too, and these old cops have shorter dicks, but fuck pretty well..." Zoe said.


Zoe returned to the states and with her new powers, she had no problems clearing customs. Zoe followed the news of some possible new vampire prisoners and searched for them.

Zoe followed a call for backup and found the female prisoners fucking some old cops. "There are so many of them..." Zoe muttered as she stealthily moved towards them and saw 4 cops approaching 2 female vampires fucking 2 old cops. The 4 cops were grabbed and choked and the 2 cops that fucked the old cops left and returned with 2 trembling motorcycle cops and fucked them as well.

"Wow, it is great to be in a big group..." Zoe said as she approached them and they seemed to be having fun fucking the cops. "Hey, don't be alarmed, I'm just here to share some information and learn from you..."

The vampires continued to jerk off their cops and listened to Zoe. "Good, well, I guess you know how to be stronger and faster, and I just learnt this, that you can be silent and invisible to cameras as well..."

The vampires drained some of their cops and watched Zoe demo and were quite surprised, and Zoe offered to share blood with them and showed them her powers and got a little high on their blood. These vampires seemed to kill some of their cops and enjoy it as well.

Then more cops arrived and Zoe avoided the cops and moved straight to the sergeant with the radio and choked him and saw the other 3 cops entering the building. The sergeant was choked out and when Zoe entered the building, she saw the ladies drinking from the 3 cops. "That was fast..." Zoe said and they smiled. The group practiced and more cops arrived, and now with armor and bigger guns. Zoe was not too sure if running was the only solution and so she simply waited and hid herself.


"Be careful," A sergeant warned, "These killers are tough..."

The vampires moved among the cops and a vampire grabbed the heads of 2 cops under her armpits and choked them. A vampire appeared in front of a short round cop and kissed him. The sergeant walked into a pair of breasts and suddenly realized that a topless woman was in front of him and she hugged him and sniffed his white hair. The remaining cops were grabbed and choked and the vampires made quick work of them and started to fuck the few cops they captured.

A group of cops in armor took out their flashlight and searched around the police cars and trucks. As they looked between the cars, they spotted a pistol and the ladies moved silently among them. A plump cop's mouth was covered and he felt a few fist into his back. The vampires appeared among them and started draining their blood.

"Oh shit!" A motorcycle cop shouted and fired a few rounds into a lady biting into the neck of an armored cop and he was tackled and disarmed. Another vampire pulled down his breeches and fucked him while he screamed for help. More cops came and saw the cops getting fucked and shot at the vampires but others appeared among them and bit into their throats. These vampires were out for blood and their ambush seemed to be deadlier than before as they could go up close to kill without being noticed.

Motorcycle cops moved around and saw the ladies fucking the plump cops and shot at them and more cops ran over towards the gunshots and saw the motorcycle cops getting fucked and they were grabbed and choked. The motorcycle cops were fucked repeatedly and they screamed for help. Then more cops rushed over and got ambushed. These more armored cops with heavier weapons walked straight into the trap as they were tossed at each other and with fists to vital organs, they do not put up much of a fight before the vampires drained them.

"We need to stop these killers!" A police captain said to a group of cops as they moved towards gunshots.

2 vampires grabbed and choked the cops around the captain and snapped the necks of the cops and hugged the captain. "How nice of you to drop in!" The captain was disarmed and the lady forced him to the ground and gave him a blowjob. He gave off muffled moans and the lady behind him suddenly disappeared again and he screamed for help. 2 cops rushed over and saw the lady placing her vaginal over the captain's head and sucking his dick and the other vampire moved behind them and punched their backs and grabbed their heads under her armpits and choked them.

The vampire was shot in the head and her head exploded. The choking cops got up and drove a police truck aside and the sniper could see the vampire fucking the captain and blew off her head. It was not easy but the police made some progress.
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The Russian group was unlucky as they encountered Dracula's bitches and the vampires converged on them. They were highly trained and even as humans, they managed to defend themselves against the initial wave of vampires, but as more female vampires arrived, they were eventually outnumbered, overpowered and drained. The female in the group brought to Dracula to be turned.

She woke up, feeling weird and the other vampires shoved her a trembling cuffed security guards where she bit into his neck and crushed his throat and drained the blood. She was already familiar with vampire blood in her system and now she had to deal with the hunger and sunlight. It was not a good day, but she also realized that she did not need to rely on the scarce vampire blood, and human blood was easier to get.

Dracula met her, gently kissed her on the face and bit into her throat and took some blood and fed her some blood from a cut on his wrist and his wounds closed up after that. She felt ecstasy like never before and felt stronger and faster. "You are immortal now, don't worry and don't bother about human politics... We are on the top of the food chain."


The new vampires were brought together and were briefed on their powers and they went out feeding and tested their powers. This group of new vampires however, consisted of killers and other ex-military and mercenaries, and they decided to hunt down others with a little challenge and took out several armored vehicles and security guards just to feed.

They were fast and deadly and one of the female cop killers brought the group to a police station. "We can do a test here.."

"Nice, some female cops..." The vampire said and grabbed the cops and dragged them behind a pillar and drained them. After changing into the police uniforms, they saw the other vampires grabbing 2 plump cops as they entered the station and they left the doors opened for the others to come in.

"I could do this easily without vampire powers..." One of the vampires bragged as she watched the vampires fucked the plump cops and drained them.

3 younger fat cops were just grabbed and their throats crushed with a bite and the other vampires grabbed the remaining cops and overpowered them. The cops were rounded up and fucked. The desk sergeant had a vampire with large boobs play with his dick and then fucked him hard while crushing his nuts and he screamed as he could hardly breathe and she let him ejaculate into her before she crushed his ribs and drank his blood.

The cop killer had 2 motorcycle cops under her, both had their kidneys bruised with just one punch and were unable to fight anymore as they had their breeches pulled down and they were being milked. The first one ejaculated and she bit and drained some blood, keeping him alive, and she went back to the other cop and now started thrusting on his erect dick and pumped him hard and continued even when he shot cum into her. She bit him when satisfied and saw the others were also done.

A few remaining cops returned to the police station and were immediately ambushed and grabbed. "The vests won't help..." One of the vampires said to the trembling cop in her arms. She sniffed his collar and licked his face. "Smells sooo good..." She said and did a demo to the other vampires. "This is a kidney punch.." She said and landed a sharp solid punch which ruptured the kidney and the cop simply collapsed and twitched in pain. "One punch is all it takes..."

The cop killer had a fat cop with her gasping for air and she released him. "If you want fast, a swift knifehand in the vertebrae can paralyze them and break their spine. One by one, the vampires shared tips to take out sentries quickly, but as they wanted to show that they were the alpha in the group, it quickly escalated into a brutal fight which became a large brawl, and the Russian lady seemed to have the upperhand and she seemed to be the most skilled in unarmed combat, and the ladies healed up and left the police station.
"Fucking snipers..." A lady vampire said as she moved in the shadows towards the snipers on the roof. She grabbed the throats of 2 round cops and snapped their necks and as a fat cop approached, he was grabbed and they bit into his throat. Reaching the roof, the vampires moved towards the snipers and their spotters and bit into the throats of the spotters and stomped and killed the snipers.

The 2 vampires leaped off the roof and moved towards 2 motorcycle cops with white hair. "Behind you!" A round police sergeant shouted as one of the ladies moved behind them, but before they could react, their helmets were grabbed and slammed together and the cops went limp. "They are all dead!" The sergeant shouted on the radio and his mouth was covered.

"We can still visit your station." The vampire said.
"What do you mean all the officers cannot be contacted?" A police captain shouted. "We have at least cops from 4 cities and the state police all there!"

The ladies entered the office with 2 plump cops in their arms and the tall black lady approached the captain and took his radio. "Don't worry, we will take you guys too."

The lady popped a viagra pill into the captain and forced him to chug down some water before dragging the group of cops into a police truck and drove off. They went to the motel where several motorcycle cops were grabbed and fucked as the ladies enjoyed their prey and their blood.


It was a wild night and the vampires left and hid for the day. The streets were quiet and police cars zoomed around as the policemen on duty were still looking for the cop killers. Miore than 100 cops were in the hospital and many others were killed.

The cop killer and 3 other elite assassins were arguing about their techniques again and decided to try it out at a roadblock. 2 armored cops had their necks snapped and the ladies moved swiftly and grabbed the remaining cops. With a few jabs, the cops all had broken ribs and struggled helplessly against their supernatural foes. One of the ladies stopped the heart of a fat cop with a jab to the center of his body and the cop collapsed. Another lady snapped the cop's neck with a chop to the spine. "Ok, one hit kill, that is actually possible..."

They tested on the cops and fucked the remaining ones and saw 2 motorcycle cops and a police car arriving. "Oh, great, more motorcycle cops..."

The motorcycle cops were grabbed and choked and they tapped helplessly and another vampire went over, pulled down their breeches and started rubbing their dicks. An old sergeant exited the police car and his partner was grabbed and choked. The sergeant drew his gun and fired at the lady grabbing his partner in the head and the lady staggered back and was shocked at his accuracy. Before the sergeant could shoot, another lady was beside him and she grabbed his gun and twisted it off his hand. The sergeant was grabbed and his belt removed and the lady overpowered him and pulled down his pants. "Let's fuck!"

Cops arriving in small numbers were ineffective and were grabbed, fucked and drained. Then the truck of armored cops arrived and did not find anyone, and as they started searching, the vampires pounced on them to test their skills. The ladies tried their one-hit kills but these cops have armor on the necks and the helmets, and even the blows to their backs hurt the cops a lot, but did not kill them. The cops managed to fire a few rounds but the vampires were too fast and too close and the police were massacred. Like before, the vampires fucked them before drinking their blood, and suddenly, the vampires felt a burning sensation, and 3 of the vampires had their throats burnt out and they could not heal on time and simply had their throats melted. The tablets were once again effective against these new vampires.
"You bitches are crazy..." Zoe said and decided to take a look but not participate in this crazy prank.

The group arrived at the police station and Zoe stayed in the police truck and fucked the old cops inside and drank some blood while enjoying the show.

A few more policemen returned to the station and Zoe saw 2 vampires grabbing and hugging the motorcycle cops and dragging them to the shadows. "Many these bitches are smooth...' Zoe muttered as she saw the 2 vampires circling behind a group of cops, choking the rear ones silently and moving forward and grabbing the 2 remaining cops and kissed them. The cops struggled and one of the vampire punched his soft gut, bruised his kidney and the cop stopped struggling and was milked and drained.

The vampires dragged the limp cops into the police station as more police cars arrived and they waited in ambush.


More cops arrived and like before, they made a bad mistake arriving in small groups and the vampires seemed well trained in taking them out. The cops did not stand a chance and group of 10 cops were grabbed and knocked out and the remaining plump old cops were dragged into the police station and fucked before getting drained.

The vampires left before the national guard arrived and broke into smaller groups to raid smaller police stations.


A desk sergeant saw a lady approaching them and saw 4 other cops on the ground and she grabbed his belt and pulled him close. The sergeant was fucked and the vampire drank enough blood to knock him out and moved on.

The group was quick and effective and riots broke out with looting as there were not enough cops to enforce the law.

It took a few hours for martial law to kick in and National Guards were activated to secure the streets and control the riots but the vampires were long gone.


"Road block again..." One of the ladies said.

"I'm still having fun with this one..." Another lady said as she continued to fuck a round motorcycle cop.

"Alright, I'll bring back more ... alive." Another lady said.

A lady drove up to the road block while 3 other vampires moved in towards the roadblock, circling the cops.

A short cop with white hair looked at the lady. "license and registration..."

"My my... you look so nice and tasty..." She said and stared into his eyes. "Gimme a hug..."


A sergeant saw the cop at the van hugging the driver and kissing her and was confused. He exited the police car and heard muffled moans and saw the motorcycle cops getting choked. He quickly reached for the radio and his belt was grabbed and a hand covered his mouth. "Shhh..." The lady said. "We just want to have fun."

The sergeant's belt was removed and the lady grabbed his dick and rubbed it. She sniffed his bald head and licked his ears as he got erect and started fucking the sergeant. The sergeant saw the motorcycle cops getting overpowered and fucked as well, and did not struggle.

"These guys taste good..." The lady said and left the sergeant limp and walked off as they dropped the drained cops in the van and took 2 trembling motorcycle cops with them and left.

The ladies could see some army trucks in a distance and decided to stop to check it out.

One of the ladies said, "Soldiers, let's get ready..." They drained the motorcycle cops in the van and tossed them outside and moved towards the army trucks. A lady moved behind a soldier, covered his mouth and snapped his neck, then dragged him aside and placed the other soldier in a chokehold and snapped his neck as well. The soldiers were drained and they moved even faster now and used batons they took from the cops to club behind the necks of the soldiers, breaking their spines with the blow.

The soldiers suddenly realized they were in danger but the ladies were among them and their rifles cannot be used in closed combat and the ladies seemed highly skilled in such situations and punched their vitals. Within seconds, all the soldiers were choking or twitching in pain. "Ah... a lieutenant..." A lady said as she grabbed a hunky looking guy, pulled down his pants and sucked his dick. The soldiers were all drained and killed and it seemed like nothing was stopping these vampires.
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"We secured the target," An FBI agent said on the radio. "A unit is bringing her in. The other male targets are killed, 2 females were badly injured but they escaped..."

The agent walked to the interrogation room and saw the detective and 2 cops dead on the ground and the lady had escaped. "We need a lockdown now, the target has escaped..."

The alarm sounded and the cops searched the police station and found many officers killed. "Holy shit!" A short cop shouted as he spotted 4 limp cops in the corridor and went over to check and he heard muffled moans and saw 2 cops getting choked by a lady and another one walked over and hugged him. The short cop oculd not breathe as the lady crushed his ribs and she sniffed the cop and loved his smell. She proceeded to fuck him and drink some of his blood.

Waves of armored cops rushed into the building and after the first wave was killed, the second wave managed to shoot at the ladies before they cornered them. Even though the cops have vampire blood and are faster and stronger than humans, these vampires are well trained and much quicker and stronger. The vampires were shot as they murdered the cops but more came. It was a mistake to assault a police station to save their friend, but the FBI had quick resources, and more armored units from helicopters arrived and 2 of the female vampires were killed while the remaining one was still at large.

At a police car, a woman in police uniform walked to an old cop, punched his gut and choked him under her armpits silently. She dragged him into the car and drove off.


"Police car spotted, alley on 311 Main St. Backup requested." A motorcycle cop reported on the radio and approached cautiously. He shined his flashlight and saw the old cop limp on the seat with his pants down. "Shit, vampire..." His mouth was covered and the lady punched his back and removed his belt and started rubbing his dick. The cop was in pain and overpowered as she jerked him off and started fucking him as a police car arrived.

"You'll live..." She said and dragged him aside as 2 more cops entered the alley. The balding cop with a thick mustache was grabbed and choked and the other cop turned around and she punched him in the throat, grabbed his head and kneed his face, crushing his skull. The balding cop's pants was pulled down and she fucked him hard and drained his blood.

"More fucking cops..." She said and as a sergeant exited the police car, she grabbed his head and choked him and walked towards a short cop with a white beard and grabbed his throat and he flailed helplessly as she crushed his throat. A motorcycle cop arrived and she choked him from behind and tossed him into the police car along with the sergeant and saw 2 more cars arrived.

A plump cop heard a thud and saw 2 cops on the ground and the bald cop beside him was choked by a lady. She walked over and touched his face as he seemed frozen and unable to move and watched the lady jerk off the bald cop and drink from his throat. The plump cop did not move and she simply cuffed him and threw him into the car and drove away.


The cop killing vampires also killed all the local gangs and massacred the national guards. They were high on blood and simply killed everything but they were still coordinated and very deadly, and the small groups of cops that responded were kidnapped and became food.


An old cop was cuffed to the bed and a punk lady with black lipstick fucked a fat motorcycle cop, bit into his throat and shoved him off the bed. She sniffed the old cop and started giving him a blow job. She did not bother and continued sucking on his dick as gunshots were heard outside and as he ejaculated, she bit on his dick and drained away his erection.

The gunshots stopped and eventually the lady cleaned up and left. The old cop used his spare key to uncuff himself and found more than 10 other cops limp on the ground and as he exited the room, the corridor was littered with armored cops, many of them had their throats ripped out. He checked for survivors but all the armored cops were dead. The stairwell was also littered with cops and the carpark was full of police cars.

The ladies killed everyone and got away.
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"We've been hunting these escaped prisoners for days, and the bodycount is mounting," A cop said to his partner. "The last house they entered had 8 cops from precinct 5, all fucked but alive... A few groups of national guards were totally destroyed, everyone killed."

"Cop killers are probably vampires," An old cop said. "I can't remember what happened, but I think I was assaulted as well. My groin area bruised for weeks."

The cops looked around and found several limp motorcycle cops with their pants down. "Oh shit, they are here!" The old cop shouted and picked up his radio. "Dispatch, officers down! I think they are still here... Dispatch!"

"Your station has been taken out..." A lady said and approached the old cop. "My other sisters went there to fuck them before they came for us..."

The old cop drew his gun and saw another vampire with the sergeant in a chokehold and lifting his partner by the throat. The old cop looked over as the sergeant was choking and the lady was already beside him and slapped away the gun. "Man, you guys are fucking useless... but delicious..."

The old cop was overpowered and cuffed with his partner and their belts and pants removed. The sergeant begged as one of the vampires strapped on a dildo and started fucking him as he screamed in pain and the other vampire sucked his dick and drained his blood.

The old cop was jerked off and the 2 ladies sipped a little blood and jerked off his partner as well. The cops felt helpless and weak and they were simply forced to do whatever the vampires wanted. Then another group of cops arrived and approached the moaning cops and the ladies ambushed them. Within seconds, the ladies landed vicious blow into the vitals and 4 cops collapsed and twitched in pain while the remaining cops were choked. The old cop watched as the ladies efficiently took everyone out and returned to them. She strapped on the dildo again and fucked the old cop now with the other vampire fucking him from the front and he screamed in pain as they drank from him. The old cop was fucked hard and the whole dildo entered his ass and ruptured some internal organs as he trembled in pain and they drained him.

"Wow, I'm all excited, but it seemed like all the backup is no coming..." The lady said and head on the police radio about other cops requesting for backup at the station and decided it is more fun there.


"So many cops..." The lady said as she coshed a short cop with white hair at the back of the head and grabbed a round cop and choked him silently. She noticed a man with a sword walking towards her and she stood there while the other lady circled around him and tried to ambush him.

"That is useless..." The man said and the vampire leaped on him and he chopped off her head.

The other lady moved in a blur and tried to punch his throat but he dodged it last minute and she as already stabbed and he twisted his sword and pulled it upwards, cutting her in half.

The man looked around and he seemed to have killed his attackers and he was satisfied with the vampire kills and walked away.
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