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Bitches of Dracula (mainman x mappy)

The lady saw a few armored cops moving at inhuman speeds running and gunning. They seemed well-trained and moved with coordination. The first officer with a shield moves forward while the one behind shoots. The thugs did not stand a chance and were eliminated easily. More cops moved over and arrested the few who surrendered.

The armored cops cleared the rooms and encountered several thugs that seemed pretty fast as well, but the cops seemed unfazed as the thugs shot at them, even hitting their helmets, and they returned fire and gunned down the thugs.


It was a little too late, some of the thugs drank some vampire blood, but the armored cops rushed over and the thugs were too untrained to do anything useful as they shot into the shield and got gunned down. With a few senior members shot, most of the remaining thugs surrendered and were arrested.


The lady waited till everyone left and the detectives were scanning for every last bit of evidence and left, leaving 2 round cops behind.

"Time for some fun." She muttered and grabbed a round cop and choked him silently.

The other cop was reading some news on the phone and when he looked up, the lady bumped into him with her breasts. She hugged the cop and removed his belt. "Please..." The cop begged and the lady started fucking him. The cop was overpowered and helpless. She made him cum and bit into his throat and fucked him some more.
The desk sergeant saw a young girl entering the police station and looked around. He walked out to her and asked, "How may I help you?"

She looked confused and stared at the sergeant. "I'm lost and I need a drink of water..."

"Sure, you can come in and have a drink of water..." The sergeant said and opened the gate. As the sergeant walked over and ushered her in, and the girl waved at the sergeant to ask him to come closer. As the sergeant bent forward, the girl grabbed his head and kneed his face and the sergeant went limp.

"That's neat." The lady said and the ladies entered the police station and dragged the sergeant under the desk. They could smell a few nice smelling cops and spread out.

A plump cop was punched in the back and choked. He flailed silently and the lady grabbed his gun and pointed it at the other cop with a thick white mustache. The cop put his hands up and the lady dropped the plump cop and grabbed his belt and removed it, she pulled down his pants and started sucking the cop's dick.


A motorcycle cop was grabbed and kissed. The lady forcefully shoved him to the wall and pulled down his breeches and started rubbing his dick and thrusting onto it. The cop was overpowered and trembled in fear and she squeezed his balls and made him cum. As she felt something warm, she bit into his throat and drained some blood.


The other lady simply moved and clubbed the few cops she saw, knocking them out and walked into the evidence locker and grabbed the short cop with thick glasses. She pulled down his pants and started jerking him off while getting him to search for some interesting evidence. The cop found her several murder weapons and after looking at them and feeling them. She felt one of the hammer used to murder several men had something supernatural and decided to keep it. She kissed the cop and choked him out.


2 ladies moved among 4 cops and jabbed them and swiftly knocked them out. A round cop saw the ladies dropping the cops and turned and ran. One of the ladies chased him and he reached his locker and grabbed his shotgun and the lady reached him but he swung his shotgun and bashed her in the head and she seemed unharmed by it and he kicked her in the chest, kicking her backwards briefly and as she charged at him again, he prepared a stake and it pierced her heart and he blew her head off.

The cop seemed like a seasoned hunter and did not bother to shoot another vampire charging at him. He placed a wooden stake under his armpit and he was grabbed and shoved into the wall and his body shifted slightly and he pulled the lady into the stake and it pierced her heart and he decapitated her with the shotgun to the neck.

"Are there any more of these vampires?" The round cop asked and took out a syringe and collected some blood.
A few vampires saw a group of thugs with automatic weapons rush in and fired at them. A few of them were killed instantly, and the remainder rushed over and attacked the shooters, but several faster ones with shotguns came in, and they seemed well trained (as they were enforcers) and they finished the group of vampires, even though some of the vampires were escaped prisoners that were mercenaries.

The thugs seemed pissed with their drugs confiscated and men killed by these vampires stirring shit, and went to the police station to get their stuff back. A few cops went to various homes for domestic disturbance and the enforcers ambushed them and took their uniforms. Several cops were paid to unlock the doors at the police station and the enforcers in police uniform went to the roll call room.

A few men in police uniform moved towards the desk sergeant. "What the fuck is this?" The sergeant asked and the 2 men grabbed him and forced him to the ground and a third man approached and stomped on his head and the sergeant went limp. A few men rushed in and they overpowered the remaining cops in the police station.

In the roll call room, the lights were off and the enforcers with vampire blood could see in the low light and used batons and clubbed the cops in the room. Within a minute, all the cops were taken out. The enforcers moved from room to room and used garottes to strangle the remaining cops silently.

"This is the Armed Response Unit..." One of the enforcers said and they opened the door and rushed in. 3 cops were stabbed in the throat and the others started to realize that the men in police uniforms were here to kill them and the men moved with inhuman speeds and the cops struggled and tried to fight these inhumanly strong men, but they were eventually stabbed to death.


"Useless fat fuck..." An enforcer grabbed a fat policeman and rammed fists into his soft body. The policeman did not give any resistance and the enforcer beat the cops to a pulp and moved to the next room. 4 motorcycle cops were screaming for help as they were overpowered and fucked by several other men in police uniforms.


The old cop guarding the evidence locker was grabbed and forced to unlock the room and the group quickly took the drugs back and save the thugs that were arrested.

It was a successful mission but this led to a statewide lockdown for the hunt of the men involved.


The state police manned several roadblocks and as a car rolled forward at a roadblock, the enforcer looked at the cop and said. "We are not paid to kill you, so, just pretend you did not see us..."

The trooper drew his gun and shouted, "Get out of the vehicle now!"

"Bad mistake..." The enforcer said and calmly exited his car.

The trooper heard muffled moans and saw 2 men choking the other troopers behind him and as he turned, the enforcer disarmed him and sniffed his collar. "Those boots turn me on!"
The round cop searched around and found many officers limp with their pants down. "Those fucking horny bitches..." He muttered and did not find any other vampires and he quickly harvested and drank some blood before the other cops arrived. The round cop did not want to take any credit and he was one of the hunters that was just here for the hunt.

As the investigations continued, the FBI found that one of the vampires got away and this was a particularly dangerous cop killer and the city was on a lockdown.


The hunters were hunting vampires, the vampires were just killing humans, and taking over gangs. The gangs are taking revenge. The police is being used and abused on all ends and any groups that are arrested will surely be destroyed.


"Suspect spotted at the park, 2 mounted officers down, ambulance requested." An old cop reported on the radio and a group of 6 cops entered the park to look for the lady.

"Are you hunting for me?" The lady whispered as she covered the mouth of the old cop and dragged him behind a tree and choked him silently. "I'll keep you for later..."

"Motorcycle cop...alone?" The lady muttered, tilted his head backwards and bit his throat. She moved behind 2 cops, chopped their necks and they collapsed and she grabbed the round bald cop and shoved him to the ground and pulled down his pants. The cop frantically struggled but she grabbed his dick and it was all over. With a tight squeeze of the balls, the cop did not struggle anymore and simply allowed her to jerk off a load and drink from his neck.

Another nervous plump cop was looking around with his flashlight and pistol drawn and his mouth was covered and his gun shoved into his throat. "Piggy, you smell so good..." she said and dragged him into the bushes and rammed a fist into his soft body and disarmed him. The cop's belt was pulled down and the lady rubbed his dick and humped the erected dick hard and as he was about to cum, the lady drained a mouthful of blood.

"More nice cops..." She muttered and saw several cops approached as she was standing on a branch above them. She wrapped her thighs and choked a cop and grabbed the other cop with thick glasses and choked him. Both cops tapped helplessly and she rammed fists into their soft bodies and dragged them into the shadows and pulled down their pants. They trembled in fear as they saw a pile of limp cop and the lady grabbed their dicks and jerked them off.

The lady was having fun and taking out several armored cops and dragging an armored sergeant and enjoying the smell of the trembling cop as she removed his armor layer by layer. She sat on his face and gave him a blow job before drinking his erection away.

She was faster and stronger with every victim then suddenly, she went into a murder spree.


"Shit! She coming! Someone down that bitch!" A fat cop shouted as the lady rushed at a group of cops, crushing their throats with each bite and moving extremely fast and she now breaks necks with each chop, killing the officers.

A group of armored cops heard screams and rushed over to see 2 armored cops with their limbs broken. The lady landed among them in ambush, stabbed 2 in the throat, punched 2 cops in the gut, sending them flying into the trees and snapping the neck of the fat cop beside her. She was shot with a shotgun and the cop reloaded and the lady grabbed the gun and choked the cop, using him as a shield as she rushed towards the other cops. The cops were shoved together and she rushed over and stomped them in the head, crushing their skulls. The cops getting up were grabbed and drained.

A motorcycle cop spotted the limp armored cops and drew his gun and looked around. He heard muffled moans and the other motorcycle behind him had his neck snapped and the lady slapped away his gun and pulled him close. She hugged him and broke all his ribs and drank from his neck.

She was deadly but not reckless. Having gone into the frenzy state enough, the lady was able to somewhat control it, she continued to kill, but did not do it mindlessly.
The gang returned to the safehouse with the drugs but the police arrived shortly after and all the enforcers were recalled. "The police surrounded us, we need to get rid of them..."


The enforcers reached a roadblock and approached the cops. The cops spotted them but the enforcers easily grabbed the cops and choked them. There was a large male vampire with the enforcers and he drained the cops and fed the enforcers. There were a lot of police cars and the police surrounded the safehouse. The vampire circled 2 plump cops and snapped the neck of a cop and grabbed the other one and dragged him away. The vampire decided to fuck the plump cop before draining his blood.

2 motorcycle cops heard muffled moans and approached and saw a large man fucking a plump cop. The enforcers covered their mouths and jabbed their backs and broke their spines. They were dragged and subdued and when the vampire was done fucking and draining the plump cop, the enforcers shoved the motorcycle cops over for the vampire to feed and they drank some of his blood.


"Beast mode on..." An enforcer said and drew his dagger and moved towards the cops. A fat bald cop was grabbed and his neck was snapped, the cop beside him was stabbed in the throat and the enforcer twisted the blade and dislocated his spine and his body convulsed on the ground. The 2 more enforcers converged on the remaining cops, slitting their throats and the sergeant was grabbed and a few fists broke his ribs. The large vampire walked over and shoved his dick into the sergeant's mouth and choked him. The sergeant's struggles and helpless flail pleasured the vampire and as the sergeant went limp, the vampire drank his blood.

The enforcers exited a police van after finishing off a small squad of armored cops, and the cops were stripped and the enforcers put on the police armor. "Let's kill'em all."

The enforcers managed to sneak and kill several other officers before an armored cop spotted them slitting the throats of several cops. The armored cop shot one of the enforcer and a gunfight started. There was a lot of confusion as there were too many cops from different departments and it was hard to account for everyone and the armored cops injected themselves with vampire blood as well and everyone moved with superhuman speeds and shot each other. Although they were in armor, the elite police units and the enforcers were well trained and they shot at each other, scoring some headshots, and since they were still human, there was no return. 10 elite policemen were killed and 4 enforcers were gunned down as well. The remaining enforcers managed to blend into the police group and moved away from the area.
4 fat armored cops found the other cops, dead in a pile, but before they can call it in, the vampire punched the backs of 2 cops and grabbed their helmets and snapped their necks. The other 2 cops were chopped in the necks and it broke their spines and the twitching cops were dragged into the shadows.

A police sergeant with thick glasses heard gurgling sounds and saw 2 cops on the ground with their throats crushed and a lady walked up to him. The sergeant was disarmed and his belt was removed. She calmly grabbed his dick and started jerking him off. The sergeant was too frightened to do anything and she made him cum before biting into his throat. The vampire seemed to have fully able to control the frenzy. She licked the limp sergeant's face and sniffed his collar.

Move police cars arrived and the vampire moved behind a short cop and choked him as he exited the car. He was shoved to the ground and kicked silently before she snapped his neck. "Oooh, this one smells good..." A cop heard a voice and his mouth was covered and a fist rammed into the back of his head and he went limp.


"This is awesome..." The lady said as she grabbed the trembling desk sergeant of a police station and sniffed his collar. She grabbed his dick and led him around the police station as she stabbed the cops she meet. She saw 2 round motorcycle cops in a room and bit into the sergeant's throat and dropped him to the ground and entered the room. The 2 cops saw a blur shape and their throats were grabbed and they were slammed into the wall behind and the lady removed their guns and quickly removed their belts and pulled down their breeches. They were trembling in fear as they suddenly realized that the lady was jerking them off. The first cop ejaculated and was drained and the second cop begged for mercy and she grabbed him and fucked him hard and he shot a thick load into her and she bit into his throat.

She was bloodthirsty and wanted to kill, but she was not a murderous monster and planned around pleasure. She fucked and took out the entire police station and did not kill anyone and got to jerk off a dozen cops.


"Hey Captain!" The lady said as she walked into the room with a sergeant with white hair in her arms. She jerked off the sergeant in front of the captain and gave the sergeant some blood before drinking some blood from him. She walked over and kissed the captain and gave him some blood and started to fuck him hard. "Just don't come after us, we will kill every single cop."


The lady left with 2 cops in the trunk where she brought to a safe house for some snacks the next day. She can control her frenzy and continue to be faster and deadlier than normal.


A group of hunters arrived and the lady was exiting the police station and they shot at her and she seemed to be moving even faster than normal vampires. She was hit and she drew her gun and shot at the hunters, 8 shot, 4 head shots.

She walked over and looked at their bodies and did not know what she was looking at as she killed them too fast and an FBI truck arrived and she slammed the head of an agent on top of the police car and choked the other one exiting the car. She opened the rear door and saw several armored cops inside and she took out her silenced pistol and shot the faces of all the FBI SWAT inside.
An old policeman saw an armored cop grabbed his partner and shoved him into the police car. A few more armored cops came and said, "Drive us out of here or you all die!"

The enforcers in police uniform escaped. The ambushed cops were knocked out and survived.


There was a lot of talk about the apocalypse. The first imagery was the horseman who made a lot of vampires crazy killers that turned more vampires. With the drug lords and organized crime challenging the vampires and police, many large cities are on lockdown and it was like civil war.

In third-world countries, bad weather created drought and millions of crops were destroyed because of lack of access to water, creating famine and depleting the world's food supplies, which seemed to be famine. The very powerful elite vampires were now infected by some strange disease which causes death, even when these killers did not plan it, and this was seen as the last horseman -- Death.


A lady entered the police station as she heard gunshots and screams and saw a large male vampire fucking several plump cops and a few thugs subduing the remaining cops. "What the hell are you kids doing?" The lady asked and the lady gestured and all the thugs and cops seemed dazed. The vampire felt that it was a challenge and rushed at the lady and it was a short fight. The vampire thought he was strong but the lady decapitated him with a punch to the head.

"You shall follow me now!" The lady said and went to the trembling cop and fucked him as well. The lady allowed the thugs and cops to drink her blood and there was no reaction and they seemed to be ok now and the lady drank from everyone.

The lady entered the cell area and saw a lady choking an old cop and said. "I heard about you, ex-military, Rambo type of deal, inserted to kill everyone, and when you are back, you killed everyone in a police station, and they are transferring you out of women prison with maximum security before these blokes want to break you out... I'm going to feed you..."

The lady seemed calm and unphased when she saw that vampire lord. She moved with great speed and stabbed the vampire and the vampire simply grabbed her throat as she stabbed her and choked her.

The killer woke up, she seemed still human, but she had the taste of blood in her mouth. She was back in the cell and it seemed that the vampire and thugs have left, but did not save her.

The prison transport arrived and 3 cops entered the cell to transport her. The cops were cautious and pinned her before cuffing and she struggled briefly and suddenly became faster and stronger and smiled. As she was escorted out of the cell area, she counted 6 cops and when she was beside all 6 cops, she broke the cuffs and shoved her palm up the nose of 2 large cops. She grabbed another fat cop and snapped his neck and kicked the necks of 2 cops and they collapsed. The remaining cop turned and ran but his belt was grabbed and she pulled him close. "Love this old cop smell..." She said and pulled down his pants and started fucking the cop. She was not a vampire but she loved to overpower and abuse her power.

She took the guns and knives from the cops and moved silently and swiftly outside and slit the throats of 2 more troopers that were here to pick her up. She moved to the main office area, pulled a short cop to the ground and choked him out silently. She slit the throats of 2 cops and moved to the old desk sergeant and grabbed him. She sat on his face and gave him a blow job but in her excitement, she crushed his skull with her thighs. "Fuck, I'm like super strong now."


The lady escaped, taking out everyone in the police station and the troopers who were there for the escort. Half the cops were murdered and no alarm was triggered. She was silent and deadly and she walked to a police car with a cop inside and grabbed his throat and dragged him out of the car snapping his neck in the process. "What the..." The other cop with white hair saw his partner getting dragged out and as he exited the car with his gun drawn, she leaped and landed behind him and disarmed him. "I hate guns...." She whispered and covered his mouth. "Sweat, polyester and your cologne turns me on..."

The female vampire came and the lady moved beside her and cut her with her knife. The female vampire was surprised at her speed and power, but simply gestured and she stopped moving. 'That was really good..." She said and kissed the lady and they used a baton from the cop and fucked each other before the vampire drained the cops and gave her more blood. "Don't worry, you will be my ace!"
"Yo, leave those cops alone," The lady shouted to a group of vampires with several plump cops in their arms. "Get the fuck out of here..."

The vampires saw the lady and remembered meeting her when she destroyed a gang by herself and decided to leave her alone. She walked over and sniffed the trembling cops. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let anyone kill you..."

She grabbed her favorite cop and fucked him again, then drank a mouthful of blood and left him alone. There was a 5 alarm call for backup as another supernatural creature was killing cops and she brought along all the cops in the police truck and got the sergeant to drive them there.


The lady arrived and saw the headless horseman decapitating a group of cops as they shot at him. There were many police cars and not much policemen remaining. "Stop killing my food!" The lady said and saw the headless horseman taking several bullets in the chest before swinging his axe and chopping off more heads.

Several vampires along with the lady rushed at the headless horseman. This thing was a force of nature and it targets vampires as well, and they decided to just end it once and for all. The lady rushed over and kicked the headless horseman as he was choking a fat cop and sent the horseman flying into the police car. The vampires tried to hold him down and the horseman seemed to be able to summon his axe as it flew into his hands and he decapitated a vampire.

"What the hell?" The lady said and tackled him on the ground and kicked the axe away. The horseman was inhumanly strong as he snapped the necks of 2 vampires grabbing him and a few more cops with shotguns fired at him. He staggered a little and the lady kicked him, sending him into the side of a police van and the cops rushed over and shot him again. The vampires with broken necks healed their wounds and were hungry for blood and they grabbed the cops and bit into them.

"Hey, the cops are useful!" The lady said and the horseman stood up again and the combat continues. "I think we should drink his blood!"

The vampires tried to get close and overpower the horseman but the horseman seemed much stronger still. The the ability to summon his axe, it made him very dangerous and the lady let several new cops shoot at the horseman. These armored cops were faster than normal cops and they emptied their uzis into the horseman and the vampires proceeded to bit into him, draining his essence away, but the horseman summoned his axe again and decapitated 2 vampires before the others stood back and the cops shot at the horseman and the lady leaped and bit into the horseman and the other vampires joined in as well. When the horseman summoned the axe, another vampire was decapitated, the vampires dodged and the cops shot the horseman again, and this continued for another 30 mins before the horseman did not stand up anymore.

It was a joint effort and they drained all the essence from the horseman and it stopped animating and the cops set him on fire.
"This is my favorite cop..." The vampire said to the lady as she kissed a round trembling cop with a thick white mustache. "There are a few other delicious motorcycle cops in the police station, so if you pass through town, keep an eye out and make sure they are alive, please do this favor for me..."

The round cop was obedient. He was grabbed and fucked, and somehow able to do it in various positions as described by the vampire. The lady rolled her eyes. "I don't understand this obsession, but I like humiliating some of these cops, but this seemed like they are having too much fun..."

The lady walked into the police station and choked 2 fat cops and grabbed the desk sergeant and walked him to the basement and saw the round cop still fucking the vampire. "Man, this guy has stamina..." She muttered and started jerking off the desk sergeant.

The vampire walked over and sniffed the trembling desk sergeant. "This is Fred, he is good too, but his dick is not so hard..." The vampire said and gave the lady and Fred some blood and took out her double headed dildo and the ladies began fucking Fred from both sides.

They had some fun and drank from a few cops in the police station and left.


The world became more violent as some felt the end times were near. Riots became more common and the police used lethal force on any sort of violence as many officers were ambushed and killed in the past year. With famine and drought, the death toll was high in many third world countries as hungry people that were ignored by vampires begged to be turned to end the suffering, and some labs moved to these countries to test on the population in the return of giving them GMO food.

New weapons against vampires were created as thousands of poor people were turned and tested.


Many billionaires were murdered as the poor and violent decided that the rich should not hoard resources and with wealth, the rich used top vampire mercenaries to hunt down the ones that wanted violence against them, but it only created more violence.

There were also a lot more stupid people who somehow could obtain vampire blood and tried experiments to do transfusions and created pseudo vampires which were dangerous and unpredictable as they were not trained, but also had a hunger for blood.


Being bullied and raped by vampires, but not being good enough to be picked, some of the female assassins/bodyguard/mercenaries robbed a local mob boss and stole vampire blood. They went to a warehouse and followed some YouTube video and did the transfusion, and turned themselves into vampires, but were now all hungry for blood and messed up mentally as well.

They left the warehouse and spotted the security guards and simply rushed over and bit into the guard and drained him. Another guard spotted the vampires and called the police and these vampires went over to the guard room and decided to follow the rumor of fucking these uniformed men before drinking to test the theory and they fucked and drained the guard.


4 police cars arrived and the cops spread out and searched. 2 overweight cops entered the guardroom and saw the limp guards and the vampires covered their mouths and bit into their throats. "The cops are here..." One of the vampires said. "Yeah, they do taste a little better, maybe they need to be fucked a little as well?"

An old cop at the police car saw a lady with big breasts approaching him and he drew his gun. "Don't come any closer..." The cop shouted and felt a blade at his throat and a lady disarming him. "Shhh... We don't want to wake everyone up..." The old cop was given a blowjob and they quickly bit into him and drained him dry as his blood tasted very good. "That was really tasty!"

The ladies could hear the cops returning and hid the limp old cop in the police car and waited in ambush. The 2 rear cops were grabbed and dragged into the shadows and choked silently then the ladies drained their blood and discovered that they could burn the blood and become faster and stronger and became hungry again. A motorcycle cop arrived and the lady with big breasts walked up to him and hugged him. The other cops saw the lady forcing the motorcycle cop to the police car and making out with him and they reached for their guns and the other ladies surrounded them. 2 of the ladies were inhumanly fast and strong and lifted the 2 fat cops off the ground and easily overpowering the cops.

"Wow, there is so much more we can learn..." The ladies said and fucked the cops and share about how they could be faster and stronger. They did various tests and drained all the cops, killing them and saw the lady with big breasts still fucking the motorcycle cop. "Maybe we should leave this alive..."

"Bitch, you guys fed and you want me to go hungry?" The vampire said as the motorcycle cop trembled in fear and she made him shoot out thick cum into her. "This one smells so good..." She bit into his throat and it felt heavenly and the ladies managed to pull her away and the cop looked dazed and went limp but was still alive. "What the fuck bitch..."

The vampires had a short fight and one of them said. "Maybe we can try out our powers in the police station..."
"I guess my powers were put to good use..." The vampire said and left, and she thought nothing of it. The blood of the headless horseman tasted funny and gave little sustenance. After feeding on the cops and giving some of them blood to make them loyal to her, the vampire left town to search for more interesting places to be.


Zoe had a contract to take out a murder in New York City as the murders are lowering property values. The murder was still unknown but has murdered 2 police officers already.

Zoe searched for more information and paid a private detective and an old cop for more information on this killer and they brought Zoe to a dark corner beside an abandoned subway entrance.

"This is an old line, and some homeless and druggies are using this entrance, since no one cares about the homeless, and there is too much shit and filth for officers to walk through, we don't come this way, but many other investigation all points to this area." The old cop said. "Don't call the police or get me involved, I don't want to step in shit here..."


Zoe shrugged, the place stinks of human activity. She was happy to walk on the walls and ceiling to avoid open defecation on the ground and she searched through the stench of poo and pee.

There were many tunnels and the whole area looked dark and abandoned. Some of the tunnels already looked like they were crumbling and in disrepair and Zoe avoided the area. She searched for hours and briefly found a place less smelly to sleep for the day and continued the search. The search went on for days and Zoe finally found a pile of corpses. "Someone is busy here..."

"Sorry cops, but I have to do this..." Zoe called the police and directed them to the bodies by finding them a direct route from one of the subway tunnels. It took 4 hours for the cops to come and all the cops were unhappy as the corpses were real and and they had to search the tunnels. Zoe hid in the shadows and followed the police radio. There were more than 100 cops in the tunnels and they found several sleeping places of homeless men and what they thought was the lair of the killer.

Zoe looked around and saw the detective taking photos as she waited silently in the dark corner. She suddenly could not hear anything and saw a lady looping a garotte around a fat cop's neck and strangling him. The detective did not hear the fat cop trashing and the lady stabbed the detective in the throat and snapped the fat cop's neck. The lady proceeded to drag several more dead cops into the room.

"Whoa, this is the killer?" Zoe muttered but could not hear herself.

The lady was patient, ambushing only cops who are alone or in small groups. Zoe was also patient and waited as she dragged the cops to the room, slowly filling it up. Then Zoe saw her dragging a trembling motorcycle cop into the room and drank from his neck. "Finally, I knew you are a bloodsucker..." Zoe said and decapitated the lady with a dagger through her spine and sawing off her head. She took a short video of what the lady did to the cops and she sent the photos of the headless corpse and the head to her employer and left.
Lucy entered the police station and saw a group of vampire prostitutes fucking the cops. "What the fuck are you doing?" Lucy asked and one of the ladies rushed over and Lucy dodged her attack and shoved her to the ground. "Stop this now!"

"We are only fucking giving back, they saw us with our pimp and just got free fucks and did nothing, so we are here to dish out the free fucks!" A lady said and bit into the throat of a trembling cop.

"We killed our pimp after some client made Mandy into a vampire, and we are back for revenge..." A lady said and Lucy pulled the lady draining the plump cop away.

"Look, don't fucking touch these cops, if you kill your pimp, you are free, and go hunt down your pimp's boss..." Lucy said and pulled another lady off an old cop. "You can occasionally fuck them, but don't drain too much blood..."

Lucy grabbed the desk sergeant away from a lady giving him a blowjob and bit into his throat and drank a little blood. "This amount is okay, but don't fuck'em up too much... Most of you can't survive the streets, you look new and half of you will be destroyed anyway..."

The ladies stopped and released the cops. "Can you help us?"

"I need complete obedience..." Lucy said and fed the ladies her blood and drank from some of the cops and the ladies left.

The cops were confused and relieved, and Lucy started getting more followers. "Wonder who was creating more vampires..."


Dracula had more beautiful women throwing themselves at him, feeding him the blood he needs. He reached Chicago and the number of women traveling with him exceeded 20. Some new women came back with unclean blood and Dracula found that they fed on some sick homeless person and Dracule had 2 of his women destroyed. "Don't get infected..."

The ladies left and explored the city. They came across a police station and followed several cops and entered through the rear. "Hey ma'am... This is a restricted..." A plump cop entered the police station and stopped a lady who followed behind him but she simply grabbed and kissed him. The ladies spread out and grabbed the cops and did a quick sip of blood. Many of the vampires were elite athletes and mercenaries and the cops did not have a chance before getting grabbed and drained.

Dracula was happy with the blood and he visited several Mafia bosses as a show of power to make sure he gets respected and used up quite a bit of blood.

The ladies went out to hunt the next night again, some went to the club while others ambush what they could get on the street. They saw 4 cops at a quiet road setting up a roadblock and 2 ladies approached and 2 cops were grabbed and choked.

"What the fuck..." A bald cop shouted and reached for his gun and the lady kicked his jaw and he collapsed.

The remaining cop backed off and called for backup and was caught and drained. The vampires seemed to be enjoying themselves and they hid the cops in the alley and ambushed more arriving cops and more cops poured in. They did not know what to expect and 6 cops entering the alley were taken out within seconds and one of the ladies fucked the round cop with white hair before drinking his blood. The limp cops were dragged and hidden and more cops entered the alley.

A plump old cop was tossed into the wall and he saw 2 ladies moving inhumanly fast and punching and shoving the other cops, taking them out before a round was fired. "Fucking vampires..." The plump cop shouted and fired his shotgun at the head of a lady, blowing her head off and she collapsed. The other lady was shocked and she sprouted claws and fangs and grabbed a fat cop and bit into his neck and drained while rushing at the plump cop with the shotgun. The cop fired into the back of the fat cop, making the fat cop fall on the lady and he placed the shotgun on her face and blew her head off.

He collected some blood and injected himself and more cops came and found the pile of limp cops and the 2 headless vampires.


"What the fuck?" Dracula saw the vision of the 2 ladies terminated by the shotgun and sent his vampires over.


The plump cop left with many of the injured officers to the hospital and a small group of cops remained to scan the location for any missing clues. 4 cars arrived and a group of beautiful women approached the cops.

"This is a crime scene..." A sergeant with thick glasses said and a lady pressed her breasts on his chest and removed his glasses.

"How did these useless cops take out a vampire?" A lady asked and saw the other ladies reaching and subduing all the cops. There were nothing special about the cops, they trembled in fear and were soft and tasty. The ladies jerked them off, asked some question and found that the killer cop was from precinct 8 and they tossed the cops in trunk of the car and went to the precinct.

"Let's get rid of the killer cops..." A lady said and they entered the police station with one of the kidnapped cops from precinct 8. There were more than 10 ladies who moved with silence and they seemed to know about security system and they took out the recording cameras and went around the police station.

"Most of these guys are old and useless..." A vampire said as they moved and grabbed the cops, choking them silently. The vampires were so efficient and deadly that all the cops were grabbed before any alarm sounded. The group of mercenary-trained vampires moved into the room with the armored cops and there were more vampires than cops and the cops were disarmed and the ladies pulled down their pants and fucked them.

"Still nothing great here..." A lady said and the other ladies found 4 motorcycle cops and walked over and rubbed their breasts on the cops and prevented them from drawing their weapons and their breeches were pulled down and the vampires jerked off the cops and drained their erection away.

The plump cop returned to the station with several other cops and noticed the other cops missing and as he entered a room, he saw 4 motorcycle cops getting fucked by 8 vampires and heard muffled moans and saw other vampires grabbing the other cops. The cops were outnumbered and the plump cop drew his gun but was punched in the gut and disarmed. His attacker seemed highly skilled and he had no chance of escaping before his pants were pulled down and another vampire gave him a blowjob.


The vampires did not realize they had the killer cop in their midst and simply fucked him and the other cops and drained some blood. But as a show of power, the vampires murdered the strongest looking armored cop and left. Most of the cops were scarred by the interaction and realized how dangerous the vampires are.
Zoe and Zareth were hired to kidnap a banker's son and since it was a lot of money, they decided to take the job.


Zareth had a set of police uniform and put on his uniform and approached 2 cops at a police car. "Maybe we don't have to kill them..." Zoe said and grabbed a cop and choked him silently. Zareth grabbed the other cop and rammed a few fists into his body. "Ok fat boy... how many inside..." The cop showed 10 fingers and was choked out.

"See, still so many of them," Zareth said. "We may need to silence them all."

2 armored cops saw Zareth approaching and he punched their guts and grabbed their helmets. The cops struggled briefly before their necks were snapped. Zoe and Zareth walked to the back of the house and approached 2 plump cops. "Hey guys..." Zareth said and punched the throats of the cops and shoved one to Zoe who grabbed and bit into his throat. The other cop was choked and the bodies hidden as Zoe entered the house.

"Still so many cops inside..." Zoe said and moved into the kitchen and clubbed an old cop in the head and choked a bald cop. Zareth moved into the living room and swiftly took out the remaining cops.

Even after taking out everyone, Zareth decided to drink some blood from the cops and after sometime as they took out the last cop guarding the target, Zareth felt intense pain in his throat and stomach. It was like something was burning him from inside, and luckily, he does not need to do anything else and was incapacitated. Zoe was shocked as well and felt the same pain and was taken out. They woke up in a cell and was taken out by the new anti-vampire technology.
State troopers arrived and surrounded the police station with some troopers entering the main door. Minutes later, the ladies exited the police station and approached the troopers who surrounded them and the ladies were cooperative and they seemed happy. The troopers cuffed the ladies and more exited. The sergeant at the police car saw one of the ladies with large breasts with blood stains around her neck and she broke the cuffs and covered his mouth. The other ladies broke their cuffs and grabbed their troopers and drained them. There was no fight.

They moved quickly and took out the troopers in the rear of the police station and 4 of the older troopers were cuffed and subdued and taken to go...


"Suspects are very dangerous, use caution..." A police radio crackled and 4 more police cars arrived and the ladies surrounded them and the cops were grabbed as they exited the car.

"Where are the roadblocks?" A lady asked as she started jerked off one of the cops.


More than 100 cops were knocked out and 20 of them were jerked off and left alive. The ladies specifically went to the road blocks to knock the cops out and escaped.

A few senior cops were grabbed and fucked by the ladies and Dracula walked over and fed them some blood and kept them for the next few days to turn them into ghouls to serve him.

The kill count was low and all the cops that tracked down Dracula were knocked out and some were fucked by the ladies. Then Dracula left town.


"How do we stop these vampires?" An old cop asked. "I was with a squad of 10 cops and we cuffed a lady and another one circled behind us and ambushed us. When I heard the lady choking the officers behind me, the one arrested broke her cuffs and grabbed me. I was disarmed and they were simply too strong to fight and she raped me..."

"Frank and Miles were cuffed and brought along in a police van and they were given handjobs. I was grabbed by a lady and another one gave me a blowjob and I can't remember what happened next." A round cop said.

The FBI took notes and realized that this was a big group of vampires, overconfident and the casualties were low but they hunted down a lot of cops and took out 4 police stations.
"The cops got some vampires..." One of the enforcers said and a group of enforcers put on police uniforms and drove to the police station.

A cop unlocked the rear door and the enforcers entered the police station and grabbed the cop and dragged him into a closet and choked him out. "Thank you..." The enforcer said and placed $10,000 in his jacket. The police station was relatively empty. The enforcer walked to the main hall, clubbed 2 cops in the head with a leather sap and grabbed the desk sergeant and placed him in a chokehold. "We are here for the vampires... cell area?" The sergeant nodded and was clubbed unconscious.

An old cop saw the men in police uniform approached him and the man grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. The other cops in the room were also grabbed and they were clubbed in the head. The old cop did not try to reach for his gun, he simply pawed helplessly as he could feel that these men could easily break his neck. 2 motorcycle cops stepped into the room and their mouth were covered and they were shoved to the ground choked. None of the cops put up a fight and no one was killed.

A balding cop with thick glasses was grabbed and he saw his partner getting choked by a large man in police uniform. "I need you to unlock the cell for the vampires." The balding cop nodded and unlocked the cell and was escorted to the cell and the men saw Zoe and Zareth limp and cuffed and they carried the vampires away and left the balding cop in the cell. The enforcers did not face any resistance and the vampires were taken away.


The gangs collect vampires and fed them. Zoe and Zareth were brought to a small dark room and they were chained to the wall. These chain were extremely large and the lock itself was 3kg of pure metal. They were left there and were fed people who owed the gangs money or people the gangs wanted to get rid of. Then the gangs harvested the blood. It was a bad way to go, but there seemed to be no escape and the vampires were nothing but vessels to produce combat drugs.
Dracula left town and found that 2 more of his lady companions were missing. "Fuck, these cops never learn..." A small team of his elite ladies stayed back in the town to massacre gang members and mercenaries, broke into a prison and turned several killers into vampires and buried the vampires in a pile with a few chained policemen. The next night, the vampires returned to Dracula and the newly created vampires woke up and drained the policemen and were still blood thirsty.

There were 12 vampires covered in mud and they drained the cops and walked back to town where the rain started. They knocked on the door of a large church and as the priest opened the door, he was grabbed and the ladies drained him. The vampires broke into various home, killing the inhabitants and changing new clothes and washed up. They were just hungry and humans were food.


"Another break-in?" an old cop muttered and drove over to find the inhabitants dead, with their throats ripped out. The cops fanned out and searched for the killers and soon the rain stopped and with 10 homes raided, the cops went around the other homes nearby and found that they were broke in as well.

"We need to secure the area, the killers are nearby..." The sergeant said and all the cops were recalled and the cops from nearby cities were requested.


"Be careful, fucking vampires..." A round cop muttered as he found an elderly couple with their throats ripped out and their bodies still warm. He heard some sounds in the kitchen and saw a man biting into the neck of his partner and drew his gun but a lady disarmed him and shoved him to the ground. She grabbed his throat and he could not scream and easily bit into his throat and the struggling stopped.

"Cops are here..." The lady said and drained till the round cop stopped moving. "Feeling much better now."

One of the prisoners stripped the cop and put on his uniform and saw 2 more cops entering and waited in ambush. A short cop bumped into a pair of large breasts and the lady grabbed the side of his neck and he could not scream and bloodflow was blocked to the brain. His mouth was covered and the lady sniffed his neat white hair and started pulling down his pants and fucked the trembling cop. "Fucking cop smell makes me horny..."

The other cop drew his gun but the man in police uniform rammed a fist into his back and ruptured his kidney. The cop convulsed in pain and was easily disarmed and the man bit into his throat and drained the cop.

2 more cops entered and the man punched the gut of a cop and grabbed his head and choked him silently. The other cop grabbed his pepper spray and sprayed the man who felt a burning sensation on his face and screamed in pain before the cop placed a few rounds into his head. The lady was shocked that a round old cop killed the vampire and rushed towards him and the cop was calm and took out a stake and shoved it into her chest as she charged over. She could not move and the cop took out a syringe, took some blood from the vampires and decapitated them and burned their bodies.

"Vampires confirmed, be careful..." The cop reported.

A sergeant drew his gun and looked around the house with the main door open. The sergeant searched and saw 2 pudgy old cops getting fucked by 2 ladies on the bed and he fired his gun at them and suddenly another vampire disarmed him and overpowered him. The large man was also a vampire and the sergeant's pants was pulled down and he screamed for help as the vampire fucked him.

Another group of cops rushed into the house and they were ambushed by the vampires on the ceiling and their necks were bitten and drained. 4 more armored cops entered and the rear cops hand their necks snapped and the vampires disarmed the other cops and they were outnumbered and massacred.

The hunter cop entered with a few cops and they fired at the vampires with their shotguns and one of the male vampires was decapitated by the solid slug and the other vampires were blown off the cops they were fucking. "Don't chase..." The hunter cop shouted but the other cops rushed and continued to shoot at the vampires. The hunter cop made sure his vampire was destroyed and went to the next room and the cops had their throats ripped out. The hunter cops saw a pile of dead cops and the vampires were in the streets charging at the ops and they were inhumanly fast and strong. "I guess they are all here..." The police turned on the UV lights and burned the vampires and they were taken out.

2 female vampires were draining old cops in a police car and saw the other vampires destroyed by the UV lights and quickly drove off and escaped. The hunter cop did not give chase and collected some blood from the dead vampires and burned their bodies.


"Police car spotted, suspect in an alley near 224 Main street..." A motorcycle cop reported and when a police car arrived, the cops entered and searched for the cop killers.

As expected, the cops were ambushed but some of these cops were ready and had training for vampire attacks. Normally, the vampires would go for the necks and they had armor on the neck and the other cops were ready to shoot the vampires with solid slugs. The 2 female vampires were deadly killers, but they relied too much and were too inexperience with their vampire bodies that the regular cops had no problems destroying them.
The crime operation for extraction of vampire blood was a major operation that was worth billions. The organized crime did whatever they could to feed the vampires and use teach and all precautions to keep the vampires there and extract maximum blood. It was some kind of blood transfusion device which had built in technology that creates blood in a way where it has pleasure and all the benefits of a combat drug. Blended into a concoction for storage and easy consumption, capsules were created in sterile labs.

There was some partnership with drug companies who wanted byproducts of the vampire blood, and the whole process was highly illegal, hence managed by the organized crime.


A top enforcer for the Mafia was escorted into the police station to be processed. He found 4 pills of combat drugs under his bed and swallowed the pills. As the cops escorted him out to the van, the enforcer broke the cuffs and grabbed the fat cop's head and snapped his neck. He shoved his thumb and crushed the Adam's apple of 2 cops and grabbed the remaining cop's head and kneed his face, crushing his skull and the cop slumped lifelessly to the ground. He took a pocket knife from one of the dead cops and moved back into the police station.

He quickly took out all the communication in the building and cut off the only cell tower in town and got in a police car and drove off.

With the combat drug, it was small enough to be smuggled and good enough to turn elite killers into mass murderers. All at the cost of the freedom of vampires they kidnap to support this industry.
Even with the signs of the 4 horsemen of apocalypse, life seemed to be back to normal. The vampires were greatly culled when a lot of the security forces started taking meds to make their blood poisonous to the vampires, and they controlled the vampires like controlling a virus.

Dracula was still out there, but no one seemed to be interested in hunting or even talking about him. The hunters were well organized in hunting down the remaining vampires.


"A serial killer is on the loose, 3 families murdered, all officers on alert," A police sergeant reported. "Killer is armed and dangerous..."

The police swarmed the quiet residential neighborhood and went from home to home to search for the killer. Another family was found murdered and the police started breaking into the empty homes to check.

A small group of elite hunters decided to check if vampires were involved and they approached a roadblock. A plump cop's mouth was covered and he was punched in the back of his head and went limp. The cops saw 2 ladies approached and 2 old cops went to check on the ladies as the other hunters circled the remaining cops and strangled them. The ladies hugged the old cops and rammed fists into their soft bodies and easily knocked them out. The men stripped the cops and put on the police uniform and hid the bodies in the trunk and entered the police search area and joined the cops in searching for the killers.


"Team 1, please report..." "Team 1, house clear..."
"Team 9, please report..." "Team 9?"

A group of policemen entered a house, 2 cops guarded the rear as 2 cops entered.

The cops were ambushed and they were grabbed and neck snapped silently. "2 more outside..." A lady said and circled around the back and the cops spotted her. "Police business here...." An old cop shouted and the lady smiled as she saw the man looping a wire around the other cop's neck and strangling him. The old cop turned around and reached for his gun but the lady reached him and rammed a few fists into his soft body and dragged him inside.

The man snapped the cop's neck and dragged him into the bathroom and the lady overpowered the old cop and started pleasuring him.

"Something is not right here..." A cop said as he looked around inside the house. "Get off the officer!" The cop shouted as he spotted the lady fucking the old cop in the bedroom. As he picked up the radio, his mouth was covered and the man rammed a fist into his back and disarmed him. The cop saw 2 limp cops on the ground and the man sniffed his neck and licked his face. "We are all on the pill... you can't..." The trembling cop's belt was removed and his pants pulled down as the man thrusted into him. The old cop ejaculated into the lady and she bit into his throat and drained his blood.

The lady waited as she was on the ceiling and saw motorcycle cops running into the house. She grabbed the last cop's helmet and snapped his neck and silently approached another cop and bit into his throat. She moved in a blur and reached the 2 cops who saw the man fucking a trembling cop and chopped their necks and the cops collapsed. They were quickly dragged into the toilet and the lady could smell a nice cop entering the house. It was an old cop panting and as he looked up, the lady slapped away his gun and hugged him. "Old piggy smells so good..."

"What's with vampires and cops..." A man in a police uniform entered the living room and saw the lady fucking the old cop on the couch. The man charged at him and the punched the man's throat. The man stopped moving and found a stake in his chest but the punch was so hard that the man in police uniform could not breathe. A few more hunters entered the house and the lady rushed out the rear door, leaving the trembling old cop behind.

The lady took a syringe and extracted the blood from the vampire and gave it to the man who had healed his wounds. A group of armored cops entered the house and the man shouted, "The killer escaped!"


The police were all out in search for the female vampire. She waited calmly as 2 cops walked under a tree as the helicopter flew by, obscuring the sounds as she grabbed a cop's neck and snapped it easily and covered the other plump cop's mouth. "Fucking hunters..." The lady fucked the trembling plump cop and drained his blood and moved towards a checkpoint with several cops. She snapped the necks of 2 cops with her inhuman strength, punched and crushed the throats of 2 cops and grabbed the remaining sergeant. The sergeant trembled in fear as he did not even notice her and she pulled down his pants and dragged him into the rear of the police car and jerked him off.


A police sergeant looked at the man in police uniform and asked, "I've not seen you around..." The man's eyes narrowed and punched his throat. The sergeant trashed briefly before the man snapped his neck. 2 round cops entered the house and saw the sergeant on the ground. The man moved behind the rear cop and choked him silently and he kicked briefly before the man snapped his neck. The other cop turned around and the man hugged him and squeezed. The cop's ribs were crushed and the lady dragged the dead cops and noticed a pile of cops in the toilet.

"These vampires are busy..." The lady said and burnt the body of the male vampire.


There was a roadblock with 4 motorcycle cops and the lady managed to move among them before they realized they were in danger. She punched the sift gut of 2 cops and they crumpled to the ground. With a turning kick, she snapped the neck of a short cop and pounced on the remaining cop with white hair. She kissed him and quickly removed his breeches and started jerking him off. His gloved hands pawed helplessly at her as she squeezed his balls and rubbed his dick vigorously and started sucking his dick. When the cop was erect and his dick throbbing, she drained his erection away and hid the cops into the alley and continued to feed on the choking cops.

2 more cops arrived and she scaled the walls and landed behind them as they looked in the alley.
"I gave you the capsules..." An old man begged. "I got you out..."

"No," the enforcer said. "You sold me out..."

The enforcer broke the arm of the old man and proceeded to break the other limbs and slowly break every bone and managed to get the names and numbers of all the others that betrayed him and got the money back. It was now a list.

The enforcer took his silenced pistols and punch dagger and went into the lab. He killed all the guards and took all the capsules in storage. Looking at 4 vampires chained in the tanks, he took the keys and unlocked all the vampires and looked at Zoe and Zareth and left a printed list of names and location of the other labs for them. The enforcer then saw 4 police cars and the policemen entering the building.

"Fucking dirty cops..." The enforcer muttered and moved quickly and leaped on the ceiling and waited in ambush. He looped a wire and strangled a cop and slit the throat of the other cop. As the cop gurgled, the enforcer stabbed the dagger into the cop's heart for good measure and snapped the other cop's neck. 2 other cops saw the limp cops on the ground as they entered and the enforcer stabbed the dagger into their spines and paralyzed them and let them bleed to death. A plump cop was grabbed and the enforcer fired the silenced pistol and shot the other cops in the head and sniffed the white hair of the plump cop who trembled in fear. The enforcer sniffed his neck and whispered. "Gimme the names of the others involved... and perhaps I'll spare you."

The enforcer got a list of names of the cops and their precinct and he change into the police uniform and got in a police car and left. The other dirty cops were all in the same police station and the enforcer drove to the basement carpark and waited.


A motorcycle cop got off the bike and he was grabbed and pulled in the shadows. The enforcer looked at his nametag and said, "you are clean..." And choked the cop silently. He popped another capsule in his mouth and followed a fat cop into the police station and clubbed the cop's head and dragged him into a closet. He check his list and the cop's name was inside and he snapped the cop's neck and exited the closet. There were 2 old cops at the urinals and the enforcer moved behind them as they pulled their dicks out and clubbed their heads. "ok, these guys are clean.." He muttered and dragged them into a cubicle and saw another cop entering the toilet.

"Vargas," The enforcer read the name tag and the fat cop looked at him and the enforcer punched the cop's throat and slammed his head on the wall. "Fucking die!" The enforcer said and kneed his face.

The enforcer saw 6 cops in the main hall and took another capsule. He noticed 3 senior cops in a meeting room and entered the room and looked at their name tags and compared to his list. "Dirty..."

The cops looked at him and said, "Hey, this is a confidential..." The enforcer rushed over and stabbed 2 cops in the throat and grabbed the remaining cop and covered his mouth. A dagger was stabbed into his heart and twisted.

A balding cop entered the room and saw the 3 senior cops on the ground and his mouth was covered and he was pulled into the room. "You are ok..." The cop flailed briefly as he was choked and the enforcer took 2 batons and approached the other cops outside. "2 more dirty cops here..." The enforcer muttered and moved swiftly towards them and clubbed their heads. All the cops were shocked at his speed and went down without a fight. He found the 2 remaining dirty cops and stabbed them repeatedly and left.

"Now, who else is on the list..." The enforcer said.
A motorcycle cop flailed helplessly as he was choked and the other motorcycle cop gasped for air after getting punched in the throat. She drained the struggling cop, walked over to the choking cop, and pulled down his breeches. "So much fear..." She said and fucked the cop. "The blood now just tastes spicy, no longer hurts me." The motorcycle cop ejaculated and saw flashing blue and red lights but the lady continued to fuck him hard. She was inhumanly strong and getting stronger and she bit into his throat.


"Be careful... The moto boys are missing..." A round cop with thick glasses said as 4 cops entered the alley with their flashlights.

"Not enough cops..." The lady said and landed silently behind the round cop and covered his mouth. She punched the back of his head and the cop went limp. She chopped the necks of 2 cops, breaking their spines and grabbed the remaining cop and kissed him. "So soft, so round..." She heard heartbeats and shoved her thumb into the cop's neck and the cop went limp. 2 pudgy cops saw the cops limp on the ground and she grabbed their throats and pulled them into the alley. She slammed their heads together and quickly looked outside.

A sergeant heard muffled moans and saw the old cop beside him getting choked by a lady and she grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. "Not challenging..." She said and smashed the sergeant's head on the police car and the sergeant collapsed and she hugged the old cop.

"Please nooo..." The old cop begged and she pulled down his pants and grabbed his dick and jerked him off, then cuffed him and filled a police truck with several limp cops and drove off.

She went to a warehouse and met with 3 other vampires. 2 of them were still feeding on bloodbags from the hospital and healing their wounds before they fed on the cops, and got injured again.

"This took about 100 humans before it stopped hurting..." The lady said. 'You sort of build resistance..."


The police surrounded the warehouse and armored cops entered and searched. The 2 vampires that were able to drink the infected blood moved and circled the isolated cops and grabbed them. The cops were choked silently and cuffed and they were quick and silent and created a pile of 10 unconscious cops. Gunshots were heard inside the warehouse and the 2 vampires outside moved towards a distracted group of cops and they were fast and deadly, taking out the cops in seconds.

"What the..." A lieutenant muttered as the vampires reached the main group of cops and rammed fists into their soft bodies. The blows ruptured organs and within seconds, the cops were down without a fight. The captain was getting overpowered and the lady gave him a blow job while the other vampire choked the cops silently.

The other vampires exited, looking pretty injured from the bullets but managed to survive and they finished the last bloodbags and healed. Then proceeded to feed from the cops. The blood burned them, but they were able to heal more with the blood even when it hurts. They finished all the cops, draining them enough to take them out, but not kill them.

"That's pretty accelerated," The lady said. "Took me about 2 months to be able to do that..."


"Let's hunt..." An old cop heard a voice and his mouth was covered. His partner was fucked by another lady and the cops did not resist much and allowed the vampires to play with them before drinking their blood.


Another police station was taken down. The desk sergeant woke up with his pants down and dick out. He felt tired and sore, but could not remember anything. He reviewed the video and saw 4 vampires moving with inhuman speeds and taking everyone out. They seemed to be professional and the cops did not even get to draw their weapons. There were 10 cops in the station and all were drained but all survived with minimal wounds.

"How did the vampires?" The sergeant muttered. "We were all on pills!"


The group of vampires was now able to take the infected blood and gain nourishment, which allowed them again to abuse the blood and become physical monsters with inhuman speeds and strength to take out security forces. They fed on the cops from 5 police stations within the week and some of the cops were fucked as the vampires took their time and enjoyed the blood. It was back to the dark days when vampires could do anything they wanted.


"Yup, those are vampires..." A police captain said as he woke up sore with his pants down. "10 armored cops, 30 officers, all ambushed."

"We have a serious situation on our hand..." A man in the suit said. "30 of our armored units were killed as well."

"Does the FBI have new drugs?" The captain asked. "They are hunting down my men and draining them despite taking the pills..."

"We need to capture one to make a stronger version of the pill."
A plump cop saw a man in a distance and the man vanished. As he turned around, his mouth was covered and the enforcer placed a dagger under his throat and looked at his name tag. "Ok, you can live..." The enforcer said and choked the cop. The enforcer entered the police station and moved to the pantry and choked a balding cop. He dragged the cop aside and saw 3 cops in the next room and popped a capsule and rushed over. The enforcer made quick work of the cops and searched for the dirty cop and eventually found the cop in the locker room. A fat cop heard thuds and saw 4 cops on the ground and the enforcer snapping the neck of a short cop. The fat cop fired at the enforcer and the enforcer dodged but was hit in the shoulders. He popped 2 capsules and healed his wounds and as the fat cop approached, the enforcer was even faster and slide under him and disarmed the fat cop and punched his back. The enforcer checked his name tag and choked the cop and walked away.


The enforcer continued his path of destruction and killed the guards at a lab and released more vampires and collected more capsules. The vampires were also out for blood and the whole town was massacred as the vampires bathed in their blood.

Everything was done out of spite and the vampires joined the hunt for organized crime.


The vampires were on a feeding frenzy and killed everything in their path, however it did not last long as they fed on the cops that investigated and most of the vampires were destroyed.


One of the creatures released was not a vampire, and the police found out the hard way. 7 armored cops searched a house where the inhabitants were killed and 4 cops were ambushed and drained. They found 2 vampires dead, their throats and gut melted away.

A short girl leaped on a cop and grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. She leaped behind 2 armored cops, shoved her thumbs into their throats and crushed their Adam's apple. She leaped on a cop, kneed his face and crushed his skull in his helmet. The remaining cops were shoved together and she grabbed the rifle strap of a cop and snapped his neck. The other 2 cops fumbled for their guns and she stomped at their necks, killing them.

She waited for a motorcycle cop to enter, tripped the cop, grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. A plump cop heard the snap sound and entered the house and she punched his gut and her hands penetrated his body and she pulled out his intestines and kicked him to a wall behind while holding on to his intestines.

More cops rushed in as they heard the screams of the plump cop and she kneed the spine of a tall cop and leaped and grabbed the necks of 2 cops and squeezed and wrapped her ankles around the remaining cop and easily snapped his neck. The cops grabbed choked and flailed and she snapped their necks. She exited and saw 3 old cops outside and punched the guts of 2 cops and they kneeled down to the ground in pain and she kicked the last cop in the head, sending him flying towards the police car. A sergeant exited the car and she kicked his jaw and he collapsed.

2 remaining cops fired at her and she was hit in the head and collapsed. The cop went over to check while the other called for backup. She opened her eyes, wrapped her legs around the cop's neck and snapped it. The remaining cop turned and ran and she threw a baton at the back of his knees and the cop fell and she grabbed him and pulled him close. She sniffed the cop's collar and smiled. "Great work out..." and kneed his jaw and the cop collapsed lifelessly to the ground.
An old cop ran down the alley with several cops and paused for breadth. "Are you ok?" A bald cop asked.

"You guys go ahead..." The old cop waved and gasped for air. He heard some sounds ahead as the cops turned the corner and ran forward. All the cops were missing. "Frank? Dave?" The old cop shouted and as he picked up his radio, this mouth was covered. He could feel breasts pressing on his back and the lady gripped him in a chokehold and he flailed helplessly as he was choked.

The old cop woke up in the back of a van with his hands cuffed. There were 4 other motorcycle cops cuffed in the truck beside him. The rear door opened and more cops were tossed in and eventually, the truck was full. Then, there was silence again and the old cop tried to free himself and managed to get the cuff keys from another unconscious cop after hours and the door opened and he saw several young people dragging the cops out and there were screams. He frantically uncuffed himself and saw 4 female and 1 male dragging the trembling cops to a lady who fed on the cops and tossed them aside in a pile. They did not notice him and he quickly made his way out and hid in the corner as he trembled in fear. The lady then fed the group her blood and they left shortly after, and he could hear them speaking in Russian.


"Hey, I can smell you...' The lady said after the groups left. "Don't worry... won't bite... hard."

The old cop quickly turned and ran but the lady was inhumanly fast and she grabbed him and sniffed his collar. "Oh, you managed to get out..."

The old cop was dragged to a bed and he saw 4 limp motorcycle cops with their breeches down. She gave him some blood and started sucking on his dick and made him erect quickly. She rubbed her breasts on him and thrust on his erected dick and her hands reached down and grabbed his balls and squeezed. She fucked him hard and he jizzed quickly and she was a little disappointed and cleaned herself and started jerking him off again and sucked away his erection by draining away the blood.

The old cop was cuffed again and several cops were tossed in a smaller van and she drove off. When the old cop woke up again, he saw the lady giving blood to the young people and they rushed back into an army camp. The lady returned and grabbed a plump motorcycle cop and jerked him off and drank his blood. She continued with the other cops and tossed them outside and she grabbed the old cop and sniffed him again.

"Please.. nooo..." The old cop begged and she smiled. "You fucking smell so good with that fear..." She said and started rubbing his dick as the old cop cried. She pressed him against the police van and humped his erect dick. The old cop could see the group massacre everyone in the camp without a single shot fired. They returned with 4 chests and placed it into the van and the old cop was grabbed inside and she continued to fuck him and drank some more blood.

The van stopped briefly and the group exited the van and minutes later, several limp cops were dragged into the van and the lady jerked off 2 cuffed motorcycle cops and drank from them. 4 more limp cops were dragged into the van and it drove off again.

The old cop was fed when the van reached an underground parking. "I need the toilet..." The old cop said and was punched in the gut and he shit his pants and the group tossed him outside and drove off.


The old cop woke up in the hospital and an FBI agent waited. "So, you were with the group for a day, what can you tell us?"

"What happened? I was in an alley and we were ambushed..." The old cop asked. "Then tossed in various vehicles... A lady pulled down my pants and rubbed my dick."

"Can you provide us with any information?" The FBI Agent asked. "4 officers are in a coma and your team woke up in the warehouse, low on blood. We know a vampire was involved. But it seemed that they were working with other non-vampires as they took out 2 roadblocks in the day."

"I remember an army camp..." The old cop said.

"We had a general kidnapped. He was found dead." The agent said. "89 servicemen were killed as well."

"I think they are Russian..." the old cop said.

"This is what we have..." The agent said. "2 Gymnast, 1 dancer, 1 acrobat from Russia..."

"I think I saw them..." The old cop said then was frozen stiff.

The FBI agent's mouth was covered and the woman bit into his throat and drained his blood. 2 ladies in nurse uniform dragged 2 trembling cops into the room and the lady fed them blood and drained the cops. "Don't worry, I won't drink from you when you are not in uniform."
The NSA reviewed the bodycams of the dead cops and one of the agents recognized the short girl. "This is the asset that went missing 2 years ago, she was created and trained and went missing, and she could take down the vampires and used to hunt down the dangerous ones, but went missing in a mission and we thought she was dead, but now this is going to be a problem. She is a killing machine and would need to be given missions or she may just keep killing."

"Why the fuck would the government have something like that?" Another agent asked.

"To deal with the vampire problem..." The agent said.

"With something more dangerous, and can't stop killing?" The other agent asked.

"The government always solves the problem of guns with bigger guns," The agent said. "Vampires were the big problems initially."

"Can this killing machine benefit from combat drugs?" The other agent asked.

"We did not test it because we don't have it back then..."


The girl spotted the enforcer fighting several armored cops. The enforcer was shot in the leg and he staggered behind a van and popped some capsules and continued fighting. The girl was curious and decided to help the enforcer and she circled behind a few regular cops. 2 cops were choked and she wrapped her legs and choked the black cop who pawed helplessly. 2 motorcycle cops were clubbed in the neck and she snapped the neck of a fat cop. With every kill, she was faster and stronger and seemed to be building momentum.

She took the knife from the motorcycle cop and moved behind the armored cops and slit their throats. She moved forward and stabbed more cops, finishing everyone off. One of the armored cops with his throat cut managed to shoot his shotgun into the girl which sent her flying and she was really hurt. The enforcer saw the other cops getting taken out and rushed over and shot the remaining armored cop twice in the head and he inspected the other cops and shot them as well.

"Are you okay?" The enforcer asked and gave her a pack of 12 capsules.

The girl was in pain and she was confused and he popped a capsule in his mouth and she followed. It was just sterile vampire blood and the enforcer said, "You can use this to heal your wounds, that cop probably healed his wounds before he shot you..."

The girl popped the capsules and healed her wounds. "What the hell was that? I feel stronger and the pain is gone."

"It is combat drugs," The enforcer said and checked on the armored cops. "Some of them do have these capsules as well."

"This is awesome..." The girl said. "Thanks for saving me."

"Well, you saved me from them..." The enforcer said and more police sirens can be heard as they quickly hid the bodies and 2 police cars arrived.

The cops were grabbed and choked and the enforcer checked on their names and they were not dirty, so he did not kill them. The girl was just standing there and the enforcer asked, "Do you want to help me hunt down the gangs that trapped you for years? And kill dirty cops?"

"Should I?" The girl asked.

"Yes." The enforcer said and the girl nodded.
"Wrong secured ward..." The lady said and continued her search. A plump cop saw 2 nurses approached him and the young nurse smiled at him and covered his mouth, a syringe was poked into his neck and he was injected and his mouth was covered as he struggled before going limp.

The plump cop was dragged into the ward and the older cop inside saw him but the nurse was already beside him and he was grabbed and choked. "Yup, the general is still alive..." The nurse said and walked over to an old man on the bed and snapped his neck.

An alarm sounded and several cops ran around and searched for the killers. "Over there..." A man in a police uniform said and 3 cops followed him into an ambush. A lady hugged the balding round cop and dragged him into a room with limp cops and started to pull down his pants. The other 2 cops were choked and dragged into the room and the nurses waited for the man to lure more cops over.

The lady fucked the cop and drank some blood then proceeded to give the group some blood and they took out most of the cops and walked to the carpark. A bald cop's mouth was covered and he was dragged behind a pillar and his face smashed on the pillar and he slumped to the ground. A sergeant was pulled out of the car and choked and the lady grabbed an old cop and stared into his eyes. "Drive us out of there..."

The sergeant was tossed in the trunk and the man in police uniform sat in front as the others hid in the back seat and they drove off.
Many vampires were purged when Zoe and Zareth were trapped, after escaping, Zoe and Zareth were a little twisted and they escaped with the vampires who grouped together and were simply too scared to feed. Eventually, they started with the homeless population and built their confidence with other victims they trapped.

The vampires were all top hunters, and within weeks, they were back to almost normal again. One of the vampires fed on a paramedic and got severe burns in the throat, but managed to heal the wounds. Many of the uniformed personnel like security guards and policemen were all on some pill which makes their blood toxic to vampires. The vampires quickly avioded the police but some still tried feeding on the cops.

The vampires through trial and error realized that they could build up resistance by drinking from the cops repeatedly, and so they ambushed cops, sipped some blood and healed themselves, before drinking more. Within a few weeks, the pain was manageable and the blood now tastes more spicy, and it does not hurt them anymore.


Zoe followed the police calls again and saw the enforcer taking out yet another lab. The gang members and organized crime were massacred and the police were hesitant to engage the organized crime and waited in a distance as vampires showed up and help the enforcer destroy all the remaining organized crime members.

There were 10 vampires that arrived to help the enforcer, and most of the cops that were there, were either unlucky or were on the payroll of organized crime. The vampires easily subdued the cops and the enforcer was surprised he got help and the vampires were surprised that 2 people could kill 50 armed men. "You released us, and we are grateful for this," Zoe said.

"I'm just exacting vengeance..." The enforcer said. "They have to pay..." The enforcer checked the cops and found 4 names on his list and nodded at the girl and they proceeded to break all the bones of the dirty cops and let them die slowly. The girl and the enforcer looked wounded and the vampires all offered their blood to help him heal. "We want to be part of this vengeance as well... They fucking need to pay."
The sergeant and the old cop were found in an alley, fucked and unconscious. The Russian group moved to their next target, several military intelligence officers. The first one was easy, they broke into his house and waited for him to come back and the group easily overpowered him, pumped him full of drugs, and got him to share all the information he had on various projects. The second officer was kidnapped on his way home and brought to a warehouse, interrogated then killed.

All the targets were taken out in 1 night. The last intelligence officer was in a secured facility when a young man grabbed him and broke his arm. "We just want information and we heard you have it..."


The group went to a data center and the girl went through the ventilation duct and moved to the security room and took the guards hostage and unlocked the doors and let the others in. They went straight to the data room and sent military information and classified maps to Russia while the vampire fed on everyone in the building.

2 police cars arrived and the cops entered the building and searched. "Geez..." A cop muttered as he spotted the limp guards in a pile. "they are pretty well armed..."

"This is unit 302, we are at 11 Clover Street, someone broke into the building and took out the security here, send backup and ambulances." The cop radioed.


"I don't like this..." An NSA agent said as he arrived. "4 server location hit, the last one had advanced warning and all the guards were killed. 4 cops that arrived went missing. They accessed and sent some confidential information and a few intelligence officers were murdered as well."

"Something big is happening..."


At the port, a ship unloaded the cargo and the customs officers checked on a few containers. The Russian group was already at the port and they were in the security room, clubbing the guards and grabbing the remaining sergeant. The sergeant was given a blow job and turned off the recording and the male vampire changed into the guard uniform and they went to the customs office and used the silenced pistol and shot everyone inside. The ladied armed with knives ambushed the other customs officers and went to the container and grabbed the 4 remaining customs officers who found the 2 "corpses" in the container. The customs officer were jabbed and their ribs were broken and their throats were cut and their blood poured into the mouths of the "corpses" and they soon reanimated.

"Well, these are things that the motherland found it hard to contain, so they discarded it here?" The lady said and quickly got everyone to leave as the corpses started twitching.


Many police cars arrived at the port and they found the limp guards and dead customs officers. "The killer may still be here, search the area..." A sergeant said and went to the security room and found more limp guards. He looked around and turned on the cameras and spotted a large vampire biting into the throats of the cops. All the cops sent to the container area were down.

"Fuck!" The sergeant shouted. "Officers down! Vampires!"

Police trucks and armored cops arrived to search. They found several old cops with their pants down and backs broken but left alive after vigorous sex. 2 motorcycle cops were twitching on the ground and their breeches were down.


The Russian group went to the security room and the cops outside were dragged in and the lady grabbed the sergeant and he saw 2 old cops in the arms of the Russians. "Don't worry, we are not going to kill you..."

The old cops were jerked off and drained by the vampire and she grabbed a double headed dildo and fucked he sergeant as he moaned in pain and they watched the large vampire massacre the cops.

"You would think the cops here would have anti-vampire technology," The young lady said. "Fuck, that vampire is huge..."

There was a 8ft tall vampire that moved with inhuman speeds among the armored cops and tossed them around before killing them. There was a female vampire draining the other cops behind cover and another large vampire that was just ambushing and killing the cops. The cops fired at the vampires but they seemed to be mostly annoyed before rushed over and killing them.

The vampire was somehow turned on and proceeded to fuck the trembling sergeant and drank his blood.


A few motorcycle cops at the entrance of the port saw a topless woman approaching them. The other group circled quickly behind them and the topless woman put her hands up and 2 cops approached her. They did not notice the others quickly choking the cops behind them. One of the cops looked dazed and the lady hugged the other cop and kissed him. "Let's keep these for snacks..."

The cop struggled and the lady simply hugged him tight and he could not breathe and went limp. One of the Russian broke into a car and the lady tossed the cops in the trunk and drove off. "The police will be busy with those vampires..."
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