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Bitches of Dracula (mainman x mappy)

Zoe and Zareth took some contracts and spotted some others where there was vampire vs vampire going on. They stayed away from those contracts, and eventually, 4 top assassins approached them after they completed a mission of taking out a witness.

"Hey, we have jobs that can make a lot more," The man said. "We took out some of the bigger gangs and have taken over some of these job allocations on our own and our terms. We have the top people, and would love your inputs."

"Jaime..." Zareth said. "One of the best assassins, now a vampire? I mean, do we have a choice?"

"Well, we took over the contracts, so we will give you a fairer share," Jaime said. "There are just random vampires that are now problematic, and this has to be dealt with, but there are just too many of them."

"Well, if there is a price, we will do it," Zareth said.

"They are sort of like... new vampires," Jaime said. "Some bitches created more..."

"Why is it a problem?" Zareth asked.

"They are just doing too many massacres, and bringing too much attention," Jaime said. "Not good for all of us."


"So, these ladies killed the cops, stole their uniforms, and went into a prison to kill other prisoners?" Zoe asked.

"Yup, looks like that," Jaime said. "There are quite a few of them here, so we need to be careful."


The police surrounded the prison which had a riot as many of the guards went missing. There was chaos and many prisoners were killed. The ESU sent in 2 units which did not respond.

"Ok, the ladies are here..." Zoe said as she spotted a police van with a pile of limp cops. "They are better than expected."


"Freeze!" A cop shouted as he saw a man stabbing a lady and forcing her on the ground.

"I'm on your side..." The man said and more cops surrounded him. The cops cuffed the man and the man decided not to fight the cops and was escorted away in a police car.

An old cop checked on the lady and she was not breathing. 3 cops waited at her body and a police woman moved behind 2 cops and snapped their necks. "Whoa..." The remaining cop muttered and his head was tilted back and his throat cut and placed over the limp lady. Zareth moved over and decapitated the lady who killed the cop but the other lady stabbed him with a dagger to the heart and kicked him into a police van and the cops rushed over, shot at Zareth and the lady that ran away and Zareth had a hole in his chest and decided not to move.

2 ladies in police uniform entered the command truck and approached the captain. The sergeant beside the captain was grabbed and a knife placed on his throat and the captain saw the other lady dropping 2 cops in her arms. "We don't want to kill all of you..."She said and hugged the captain and bit into his throat.

2 assassins moved in and fought the female vampires. The assassins were more skilled but the female vampires were faster and stronger, and eventually after an assassin stabbed a lady in the throat and dislocated her spine, he was able to take her out, and 2 on 1 was too much of the remaining lady and the assassins grabbed them and drained their blood to destroy them. However, the assassins were shot by snipers outside and collapsed.

Zoe and Zareth cornered a lady who was dragging limp motorcycle cops into the trunk of police cars. It was a tough fight and Zoe was covered in wounds but they managed to decapitate the lady. But the police came and arrested Zoe and Zareth.


Zoe and Zareth exited the police van and saw an ambulance that took away the dead assassin in the carpark and Zoe spotted the paramedic limp on the seat.

"Hello cops..." An assassin said and escorted the cop to the rear of the van and got him to uncuff Zoe and Zareth before knocking him out. "Andy is still inside..."

The assassin was quick and he grabbed a motorcycle cop and entered the police station, keeping the door ajar. Zoe and Zareth saw the cop's boots kicking silently in the air and they moved from room to room to clear everyone. Zareth entered the room, grabbed a bald cop and kicked the other fat cop in the head. "Need you to open the cells..." Zareth said and the cop nodded and was escorted to the cells and he unlocked and let the other assassin out.

The assassin already took out the rest of the cops and had a trembling desk sergeant in his arms. When he saw his friend, he punched the back of the cop's head and they quickly took a police car and left.


Returning to the prison, they met with the other assassins there and the assassin shook his head. "Some escaped."

There were several overturned trucks and 2 trucks of massacred armored cops. It looked like many other policemen were on the scene now and a dozen female vampires were destroyed.

"Well, we tried our best, just too many of them..." The assassin said and heard police roadblock calling for backup and quickly jumped into a police car and rushed over.
"Fuck the police..." A lady said and grabbed a policewoman and snapped her neck. She changed into the police uniform but her breasts were too big and she could not button the top button.

The other vampires arrived and they saw the police surrounding the prison. "They are just food, why are they fighting back?"

The lady in police uniform saw that the other vampires had silently killed all the ESU officers and signaled 2 motorcycle cops to come over. 2 vampires moved behind them and covered their mouths. Their guns were shoved into their necks and they were dragged into the police truck and the ladies started to fuck them. A round cop with a thick white mustache approached and saw the lady in the tight uniform and stared at her breasts. She smiled at him and placed her arms around his shoulder and sniffed his white hair. "I like your smell..." She whispered and covered his mouth. The cop was dragged into the truck and a vampire covered his mouth while the lady sucked his dick. The cop trembled in fear as the vampires seemed too strong for him to struggle and he was milked by the lady and she gave him the best head, but drained his erection away.

The cops were fucked and drained. The ladies were stealthy and silent, and the cops were picked off one by one. Some were also professional fighter and mercenaries, so taking out sentries are easy for them.

The vampires moved to a group of cops and with swift chops to the necks, the cops went limp and the remaining cop was choked and dragged away. An old cop with thick glasses went to his patrol car and saw the sergeant limp in his seat in the next car. "What the fuck?" The cop muttered and check on the sergeant and a lady covered his mouth.


A few vampires rushed out from the prison and the police fired on them as they seemed to be armed with the weapons from ESU officers. Several vampires closed in on the cops and started killing them, by snapping their necks and eventually slashing at them with daggers and shooting them. A gunfight started and vampires moved in a blur and started stabbing the group of cops beside them.

It was chaos as the vampires massacred the police but some other vampires joined in and fought the ladies and killed some of them. More police came and arrested these killers who killed the vampires as they did not know who was on whose side.

The arrested people were taken away along with the corpses and the policemen found the dead cops in the police trucks and another wave of vampires assaulted them. More vampires rushed out of the prison and the police started firing at them again.

There were several elite killers and they converged on the cops shooting at the escaping vampires. These killers were silent and vicious. A cop was punched in the gut, his head grabbed and neck snapped. Another lady punched the throats of 2 cops and pounced on a plump cop and bit into his throat. An old cop turned and ran as the cops beside him fired at the lady and she grabbed their heads and smashed them together and the cops dropped lifelessly to the ground. The old cop's belt was grabbed and the lady bit into his throat.

Another ESU truck arrived and several combat monster rushed into the truck and started slaughtering the officers inside. 2 plump motorcycle cops arrived and shot at the ladies. "That is so annoying..." One of the ladies muttered and moved at inhuman speeds, disarmed a cop and forced him on the ground. She removed his belt and grabbed his dick and rubbed it furiously. The other plump cop turned and ran but another vampire grabbed and subdued him. The cops were fucked repeatedly and the ladies enjoyed themselves and decided to keep some of the cops and drove off with the several vampires they knew and the vampires had a feast as they drove off.

More police arrived and as another group of prisoners streamed out, they were fired upon and as some were vampires, the vampires charged at the cops but were also eventually gunned down.
The assassins murdered and shot at the prisoners trying to escape until the police came and the assassins slowly left when there was control from the police. They continued to try to track down some of the vampires, but even the police had no trace of them.

"Well, these crazy bitches will start killing again..." Zoe said and the group went into town and continued to listen to the police radio.


The vampires increased in numbers and have more female prisoners on death row, killers, murderers and assassins, and the surviving vampire started to teach the new vampires how to use their powers and broke into apartments and murdered the inhabitants.

The cops responded to an alarm at an apartment building and 2 police cars arrived and 2 cops went into the alley and guarded the fire escape as 2 other cops moved to the apartment. "Excuse me ma'am, there was an alarm that triggered in the house, can we come in?" A cop asked and the lady smiled and invited the cops in.

"Just nice, we were looking for more blood..." The lady said and hugged the cop. The other lady emerged behind the rear cop and covered his mouth. "Fear makes their blood taste better."

2 cops in the alley heard something land behind them and they were grabbed.


The assassins followed the police call as 4 cops did not respond and when they arrived, the cops were found drained and the killers escaped. "Fuck, these gals are smarter than expected..."
"What happened?" A lady asked. "There were so many of you and now only 8 reached here?"

Police cars were zooming around and the city was under a lockdown after the prison massacre and the police continued to hunt for the vampires. The escaped prisoners were trained further as they moved from different apartments, fed on the inhabitants, and slept for the day. The more experienced vampires trained them to use blood for combat and prepared them as they searched for more gangsters to join their crew.

"You are stronger and faster, but you do get hungry and feed more," The lady said. "And when you feed too much at once, the beast takes over and you become a combat monster, but cops with big guns can still kill you."

The group of ladies drank from a few units in a luxury apartment and went to Central Park to test their powers. They picked on various joggers and dragged them into the bushes to feed.

"ooh, horse cop..." A lady whispered and they waited on the trees for the 2 cops to pass by.

The cops rode under the tree and the ladies leaped on them and tackled them to the ground. The cops were overpowered and dragged to the bushes and their breeches were pulled down and the ladies seemed to be very eager to fuck them. "Wow, did not know why I'm so fucking horny for this piggy now, but polyester and sweat do turn me on."

The more experienced vampire covered the mouth of the mounted cop and sniffed his collar. "Love your mustache...' She muttered and licked his face as the cop trembled while another lady was giving him a blow job as he was cuffed from behind.

The vampires were having fun and had been ambushing people for hours. They did not kill their victims, just drained a little blood leaving them dazed but this also posed a problem as the first victims woke up and were confused and one of the men who had his pants pulled down to his knees could not remember what happened and quickly tidied up and went to report the incident to the police.


The police came in big numbers and searched the park, but the vampires were gone. They found the unconscious cops and a dozen unconscious joggers. "I need the footage of all the cameras, these suspects need to be stopped."

The police tracked some cameras and found a group of ladies exiting the park. "Looks like they entered the bar..."


The police surrounded the bar and a dozen cops entered and approached the bartender. One of the old cops looked around and saw the people at the tables slumped over. "Something is not right..."

"I need you to turn on the lights..." A sergeant commanded and heard muffled moans behind him and looked at the bartender who looked dazed. "What the fuck?"

"This is not hard at all..." A lady said and grabbed the sergeant's gun and shoved it into his neck. The sergeant saw the ladies fucking some of the cops and dragging the other limp cops away. The sergeant was shoved into a booth and his pants were pulled down, dick was rubbed till it was hard and the lady fucked him hard.

2 motorcycle cops entered through the rear door and looked around. "Oooh, leather piggies..." A voice muttered and the cops were grabbed and dragged to the bar area and the ladies gathered and watched as the cops were fucked repeatedly.

"We need to go... more cops coming..." A lady said and they exited through the rear and moved silently towards a group of cops. The cops did not have a chance to react and the lady grabbed them and bit into their throats, drained a mouthful of blood and left. 2 cops outside were grabbed and dragged into the alley and they were choked and the ladies left without any resistance.


The ESU entered the bar, "20 officers down..." A sergeant said and a plump cop entered from the rear entrance. "18 officers ambushed in the alley..."

"We have to find them and stop them!" The sergeant shouted and radioed for more backup.
"The ladies are bound to kill again..." The assassins said and the group split up. Zoe and Zareth began following the police radio and they have sectors to cover to stop the murderous vampires.

Over at the meatpacking district, the ladies struck again and they massacred people in the bar and the police arrived to search for the killers. When 2 assassins arrived, they found 4 police cars but the officers were missing. "Yup, looks like them..." The assassin said and searched the alley. 2 ladies were fucking 2 old cops and drained their blood. The assassins approached and decapitated one of the ladies with a dagger and the other lady rushed at the assassin who was good at dodging her attacks.

"Fuck, so many of them..." The assassins shouted as he realized that the lady vampire surrounded them. The assassins shot at the vampires and as they closed in, the assassins managed to stab the ladies before they grabbed him and bit into his arm and drained his blood. The other assassin managed to decapitate another lady but he was grabbed and shoved to the ground and the vampires drained his blood.


"Be careful men, suspects are armed..." A sergeant said as several cops searched the alley. The ladies were silent, by now, they were perfect at ambushing and the cops were picked off one at a time.

A plump cop was grabbed and choked silently and he saw another lady grabbing the round cop and carrying him away silently. They ladies seemed well coordinated and a fat cop's head was smashed into the wall and the sergeant beside him was grabbed and kissed.

A short cop spotted a pile of limp cops and as he grabbed his radio, his mouth was covered. "shhh..." A lady whispered and she shoved a blade to his throat and unbuckled his belt. "Let's have fun..."

The ladies left and managed to escape.
Dracula saw a few beautiful vampires whom he never met before and they seemed to be runninaway from cops. When approached, they seemed hostile and there was calmness and Dracula kissed one of the ladies and said, "Don't be afraid of a bunch of useless mortals, give them fear, break them, fuck em all..." The ladies were dazed and Dracula drained their blood and gave them some blood and left.


"Since we took out a lot of them near by, lets show them what fear is..." one of the ladies said as they headed towards a police station.

"We are here to give blow jobs, any nice round cops around?" The lady asked the desk sergeant and stared into his eyes. "Let us in..."

The sergeant unlocked the gates and let the ladies in and the first lady grabbed the desk sergeant and kissed him. A plump cop turned and saw several ladies rushing towards them and he reached for his gun but he was disarmed and she bit into his throat.

"Man, the detectives here are fat..." A man heard a voice and 3 ladies rushed in and grabbed them. Their pants were pulled down and they called for help as they were fucked hard and drained.

"What's going on here?" An old cop muttered and 2 ladies entered the room and hugged him. He felt large breasts pressing against him and could not push them away and they grabbed the other balding cop and bit into their throats. The old cop was forced to unlock the evidence locker as the lady grabbed his dick and commanded him to open. She proceed to rub his dick and fuck him.

"Nice, we got chloroform... does it work?" A lady said and grabbed a cloth, soaked it and approached motorcycle cops in the recreation room.

"What the hell?" The motorcycle cop said as he saw his partner grabbed with a cloth over his face. He reached for his gun and was disarmed and his head was tilted and the lady drained him.

The cop tapped helplessly and went limp. "Not bad..." The lady said and moved to the next room.

"Backup! We are under attack!" An old cop at the security room saw a lot of cops getting taken out and sounded the alarm and as the ladies rushed in, he shot at them and they grabbed him and overpowered him. The old cop trembled in fear as the lady grabbed his dick and pleasured him and gave him the best head before he was drained and felt high before going limp.

The vampires heard the alarm, moved up a notch, and decided to be more vicious. They moved into a room and saw cops putting on armor and rushed over. One of the cops managed to fire a round but the ladies reached them and crushed their throats with a bite. The cops fired at the vampires but they kept coming and they turned and ran but it was too late. The cops were grabbed and drained. The remaining cops were hunted, tossed around and the ladies grabbed the captain, fucked him multiple times and sucked a little blood and left.

It took 5 mins before cops from other precinct arrived and they exited the car just to see the ladies exit and the ladies rushed at them and easily massacred them. A motorcycle cop shot a lady 4 times, but she reached him and slapped away his gun and bit into his neck.

"I'm going to keep him..." A lady said as she grabbed an old cop running away and sniffed his collar. The cop did not struggle much and she accessed his dick and started jerking him off.

A police command truck arrived and the ladies entered the truck and grabbed the cops before they could set up and the driver was commanded to leave while the other ladies entered with their victims and fucked everyone in the truck. They managed to escape and the cops now know the true powers of the vampires.


With the ladies distraction, Dracula was at Times Square, poured blood on the ground, and started a ritual. a thick fog surrounded the bright Time Square and the lights were flickering and a few ladies brought dazed men into the circle and cut their throats.

Their blood seeped down beneath the streets and Dracula walked off as a man woke up in a tunnel beneath the street. There was chaos as the people did not know what was going on and just filmed it, thinking it was a performance.
"So, what are you convicted for?" One of the ladies asked another.

"Murder... cop killing..." She replied. "Killed 4 cops and 2 prison guards, multiple consecutive life sentences, but heh... I'm out."

"Cool, so you like killing cops?" The other lady asked.

"Kinda like the power of able to be above the law," She said. "And now, to fuck the cops till they yield, wow, and how we can smell fear now, the whole adrenalin, fear and blood just excites me..."

"Yup, and now, I love the taste of cops," The other lady said, "Kinda addicted to them now."


"What the hell?" A plump cop muttered and his mouth was covered as he was grabbed and carried into the alley. A topless lady rubbed her breasts on his face, the other lady sucked his dick and squeezed his balls. The cop trembled in fear. The vampire were inhumanly strong and they made him cum before fucking him. The cop was cuffed and dragged into the shadows and more cops entered the alley.

"Fat piggies smell so good..." The lady said and punched 2 cops in the back and grabbed their heads under her armpits and choked them. The other round cop with white hair was grabbed and choked.

"Hello?" A short motorcycle cop looked around the alley and a lady walked up to hug him. "What the f..."

"Yes..." She said and kissed him.

"Kinda want to play with them, but more coming... do we kill?" The other lady asked.

"Why not?" The lady replied and bit into her cop.


"Armored cops..." A lady said and grabbed the rear cop's helmet and snapped his neck. She was a combat monster and she chopped the necks of 2 cops and drew their daggers and plunged the daggers into the throats of 2 cops. She leaped on a cop, grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck as they reached the ground and kicked the sergeant in the balls and pulled away his gun. "Let's have fun..."

The other lady dragged the limp cops away and could smell 2 old cops and looked. She saw flashlights and these cops did not seemed to notice the armored cops missing and she waited in ambush.

"Man, they killed all the cops..." An assassin said when he saw the lady fucking the armored sergeant on the pile of dead cops and moved in and stabbed her, but she was so high on blood that she was pretty much a combat monster and she kicked the assassin into the wall and tossed the sergeant away. The lady moved with inhuman speeds to punch the assassin and broke some bones. It was a tough fight as she was agile and fast as well.

More cops rushed through the alley as they heard fight sounds and saw the assassin fighting the lady. The other lady moved behind the 2 rear cops. The lady saw the assassin strangling the other lady and rushed over, and the patient assassin on the roof smiled. When he had a clear shot, he blew off her head. The other assassins also decapitated his vampire with a wire.
A group of cops entered the alley with the police truck and looked around. "Freeze! Put your hands in the air..." An old cop shouted as he spotted a lady dressed in skin tight vinyl suit, wiping her dress with a dirty rag...

"I just cleaned my dress..." She said and looked a little annoyed and the cop heard muffled moans behind him and the sergeant with the radio was grabbed and other ladies surrounded and choked the other cops. The lady moved in a blur and disarmed the old cop and sniffed his neck. He was shoved onto the wall and trembled in fear as the other cops were overpowered and the ladies were all making out with the cops.

One of the cops managed to pull out a hidden knife and cut one of the ladies but she was calm and she smiled, then grabbed his hand and covered his mouth. She broke his wrist and he gave out a muffled moan as he dropped his knife and she grabbed his groin and squeezed, crushing his nuts. The cop convulsed and twitched and she bit into his neck, draining his blood.

Some of the cops were drained and killed while others were knocked out and they were dragged into the truck. One of the ladies stared into the eyes of the trembling sergeant as he ejaculated into her and said. "Call for more backup... we are not done."


Another group of cops searched the dark alley. A plump cop with a thick mustache and white hair entered after putting on his vest and saw the other cops kissing ladies dressed in black. "Fuck! It's them!" The cop shouted and took out his radio and ran. He bumped into a pair of large breasts as he shouted, "Officer down! Backup!" The lady punched his soft gut and held his face on her breasts and the cop flailed as he could not breathe. His armor did not help much.

A man and a young girl entered the alley and saw the ladies fucking the helpless cops. "Quite an operation going on..." The man said. "We just cleaned out a police station near by... And we want to party here."

Sirens can be heard and now ESU entered the alley. The young girl approached a police car with a cop wearing thick glasses. "Hello... What can I do for you?" The cop asked as he squat down to talk to the little young girl. She looked around and saw that the other cops could not see them so she grabbed the back of his neck and bit his throat. The cop's eyes widened and he felt ecstasy. She drained enough blood to knock him out and saw the man dragging 3 cops into the trunk of a police car.

"Hi officer!" The young girl asked a police captain. "What's going on in there?"

The captain bent down to her level and looked at her. "You have some stains..." And as he took out some wet wipes, he heard gurgling sounds behind him and saw 3 cops on the ground and a man strangling a fat cop beside him. The young girl leaped on the captain, force him to the ground and bit into his throat.

Gunshots were heard as the ESU engaged the ladies. The ESU were fast and had heavy weapons, they managed to shoot down 2 vampires but the others ambushed them and the ESU were destroyed and massacred within seconds.


"They are all dead!" A cop shouted on the radio as more police cars arrived and the cops kept rushing into the alley and gunshots can be heard.

"Wow, still so many of them," The man said and moved behind a motorcycle cop who approached a police van. The cop spotted a pile of limp cops in the police van and his mouth was covered and neck was snapped as the man dragged him into the police van. As more cops arrived, the man changed into a fitting uniform and heard more gunshots as the cops rushed into the alley.

"Hey, a little help here..." The man said to a plump cop and as the cop approached, the man stabbed a dagger into the back of his head and tossed him into the police van. The man then went to a police car and grabbed the helmet of a fat cop in the car and snapped his neck. He was meticulous and silent, but when the gunshots stopped, the man decided not to stay as he saw a few more ESU officers injecting themselves and rushing into the alley. "Fuck, they are boosted too..."


"23 officers dead, 60 unconscious," The police commander said. "How do I explain this to their families?"

"We got all of them here, 6, including a serial cop killer who killed 10 officers last week, so we are slowly getting them all!" The police captain said.

"We need to try to get them all ASAP, search every corner and..." The police commander said and another police captain ran over frantically.

"Another 8 officers dead and 22 unconscious in a police truck," The captain said. "I think the killer got away."
The assassins were doing well eliminating the vampires, and the vampires were getting reduced in numbers. With the police hunting them down, it was harder for the vampires to be around. Many of these vampires were killers, and they feel threatened by the situation and began killing more.

2 ladies teamed up, and they were top tier assassins, and also serial killers, one of them had now an addiction to the blood of policemen and they started hunting cops. An old cop spotted 6 limp cops in a police van and as he picked up his radio, a lady covered his mouth. "Shhh..." She whispered and he was grabbed and pulled into the van. The lady pulled down his pants and gave him a blow job. The cop was too scared to do anything as he was pleasured and she drained away his erection and enjoyed his blood.

2 cops approached the police van and the cop in front heard a snap sound and saw a lady with a limp cop in her arms, she kicked the other fat cop in the gut and grabbed his head and placed it at his armpits. These vampires were cautious and once they felt like more cops were coming, they quickly left.
The man and girl helped 2 ladies to escape as the police eliminated the rest. 2 of the remaining ladies managed to hide near a police car and the man moved behind an old cop who heard them and covered his mouth. "We need you to drive away."


The ladies healed their wounds and were hungry. They contacted the others and it seemed that most of them were killed. "Why are you saving us?" The ladies asked.

"You seemed skilled, and we don't want you destroyed..." The man said and forced the old cop to drive into an alley.

The old cop was dragged out of the police car and the man cuffed him and knocked him out with a chop to the neck. The man proceeded to feel the ladies his blood as they looked hungry. "Fuck, more cops..." The man muttered and saw a lot of police cars zooming by and 2 plump cops with flashlights looking around in the alley.

A plump cop saw the young girl who was sitting in the alley and they approached her. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?" A cop asked.

"Can you get more of your friends to come in?" The young girl asked. "My friends are hungry..."

"What?" The cop muttered and felt someone moving behind him. He turned and saw a man dropping his partner and the man grabbed his belt and pulled him close and bit into his throat.

"Something is going on..." The man said and pulled the cops and dumped them into the trunk. "They should not be this close.


"Hello policeman, my mum dropped something in there, need your light, can you help?" The young girl said to a short cop with white hair and the cop signaled 2 other cops to enter the alley...

"Where is your mum?" The cop asked and scanned around. The cop saw the man choking the other 2 cops and was shocked and reached for his gun but the young girl kneed his jaw and he collapsed.

"Don't worry, I'll get more in to feed you..." The young girl said.

A sergeant found his men missing and got a few more cops to look around and saw the young girl. "Hi, I think the people you are looking for in inside..." She said and the cops went into the alley and search.

"Are you lost?" The sergeant asked the girl. "Where are your parents?"

She smiled. "You smell really nice..." She said and leaped up and kneed his jaw and the sergeant collapsed. She dragged him behind a dumpster and drank his blood.

"So many NYPD, this should be good..." The man said and grabbed the necks of 2 cops and choked them silently.

The ladies ambushed the remaining cops and slammed their heads together, with swift jabs and punches, the cops collapsed and they grabbed a remaining balding cop with neat white hair and a big belly and pulled him close. They removed his gun belt and pulled down his pants. One of the ladies kissed the trembling cop while the other one sucked his dick. He did not struggle much and they drained enough to knock him out.

They tidied themselves and exited the alley and saw more cops outside and a strange dense fog around Times Square which seemed empty, except for cops.

"I still need more blood..." A lady said and moved towards 2 cops behind the police post.

The man moved beside a short cop with glasses and shoved him into the police car and choked him. The cop pawed helplessly as he could not breathe and the man took a sip and looked around.

"What are you doing here?" A few cops spotted the young girl and approached. "There is a curfew, where are your parents?"

The ladies circled behind the rear cops and choked them silently. The man gripped the side of the necks of 2 cops and the cops were quickly knocked out. They were dragged to the back of the police post and as the door opened, a pudgy cop was hugged by the lady and she signaled the rest to enter. The cop was confused and struggled with his inhuman foe and she bit into his throat. The group quickly entered and the man grabbed the sergeant and pulled him close as the ladies finished off the remaining cops with swift jabs.

The sergeant's gun was removed and his pants pulled down. The ladies started jerking him off as the man asked. "What is with this fog... where is everyone?"

"There was a murder and we cleared the street and the fog rolled in and we found more bodies and cleared people away from the area..." The sergeant said and the ladies started sucking on his dick. "Please don't kill me..."

2 cops entered the police post and were shocked to see the sergeant getting fucked by a lady on the desk. The man grabbed the fat cop and took his gun while the other lady hugged the round cop. "Let's fuck..."

The cops were overpowered and fucked. The man decided to thrust into the fat cop as he screamed in pain and continued to thrust and choked the cop till he stopped moving. "Shit, not done... The man said and saw the other trembling cop that was fucked by the lady and joined her. The cop screamed in pain as he was penetrated and the lady enjoyed the screams and fucked him harder and made him cum. The man shot bloody cum into the cop as well and he felt the trauma finally over as they bit into his neck.

The fog reduced visibility greatly and the ladies were still out there ambushing cops. The younger ones were clubbed and dragged away and occasionally, they grabbed an older cop and dragged him back to the police post to play with him. The policemen in armor did not do well as the vampires high on blood can knock the cops out with a chop to the neck.

The ladies found the ritual and did not understand what happened and found more dead cops. "Someone else is here..."


The supernatural creatures took out all the cops in the fog and the vampires met other female vampires whom they never met that were just having fun with the cops. Then screams are heard and they saw a large man exiting a train station and he grabbed a female vampire and he eyes turned solid black and he tossed her aside and she started attacking everyone including other vampires.


The police blocked the roads to Times Square and heard screams inside and inhumanly fast vampires rushed out. The cops fired at the vampires but the vampires seemed to be combat monsters and were in big numbers and the cops did not have a chance. "We need bigger guns! Fucking vampires are here!" A sergeant shouted as his men were massacred. The managed to shoot down a vampire but the other vampires reached their line and pounced on the cops and massacred them.

The news crew and public who were there were also hunted down and destroyed. It was utter chaos
"Why is the police car here?" A plump cop muttered and approached. He looked inside the car and it was empty. "Dispatch, Patrol car 531 is spotted at 53rd and 4th, no one inside over..."

The cop heard some sounds in the narrow alley and approached. As he looked inside, he spotted 4 limp cops on the ground and a lady covered his mouth. "Let's have some fun." The plump cop saw a man fucking a motorcycle cop and there were several cops in armor and helmets limp. The lady pushed him against the wall and removed his belt.

"Why y'all got to pick on these cops?" a man said and drew 2 daggers, ready to fight.

"You have a death wish?" A man said and showed him his vampire fangs.

The other 2 ladies looked at the man and shook their heads. "3 of us... 1 of you."

"No," The man said, "2 of us...'

Another man approached with a sword.

A fight broke out. The 2 men were assassins (vampires) ready to take out the rogue vampires who were killing cops, and they successfully killed several already, but these vampires seemed faster and tougher than the others. The fight was long drawn and the vampires hurt each other but seemed pretty tough and none of them went down. The assassins disarmed the vampires and the vampires disarmed them, they had claws and fangs and tore into each other.

A few cops moved into the alley and saw the limp cops and vampires fighting, but since the vampires were wounded and low on blood, the first 4 cops were pounced on and drained as the vampires continued to fight.

"Fuck..." A lady said as she had a big cut on the waist and she grabbed a fat cop and bit into his throat. The cop flailed briefly before he was drained and she healed her wound and continued to fight as the other lady saw 2 armored cops entering and kicked a cop's head and grabbed the other cop and bit into his throat and the cop managed to fire a roudn before his throat was crushed. She healed her wounds and now, the ladies were doing better than the assassin as they managed to heal up and joined in the fight again.

The police came and saw the fight and started firing at everyone. They were clearly supernatural and moving with inhuman speeds and the cops just shot their rifles and MP5s at them till they stopped moving.

"Fuckers killed off the officers!" A cop muttered and the cops moved into the alley and checked on the corpses.

"Truce..." An assassin whispered to the lady and she nodded.

The assassin grabbed the daggers on the ground and slit the officers' throats and grabbed 2 cops and drained their blood. The ladies and the other man moved and grabbed the remaining cops and drained them before they could raise the alarm. The assassins started stripping the armored cops and putting on their uniforms.

More armored cops arrived and saw the dead cops and unfortunately for the assassins, they have not put on the uniforms yet. The armored cops fired into the vampires who returned fire, but there were just so many cops and the police continued to come and shoot them, and many of the cops had vampire blood which made them faster and they managed to hit and eventually shred all the vampires, including the assassins.

This time, the police commander arrived and they did not take any chances and US lights were used and the vampires were burnt along with all the other corpses in the alley to prevent more vampires from turning.
"Are you ok?" An old cop asked the young girl as she was standing on the streets covered in blood. There were several limp cops near her. She tilted her head and smiled. "Those things are scary..." She said.

The old cop heard gunshots and saw 4 humanoids moving at inhuman speeds toward the cops. The cops fired at the humanoids and managed to take one down before they reached the cops and screams were heard as they were destroyed.

The old cop carried her and ran. He hid behind a van and looked at the humanoids ripping and tearing into the cops. The young girl was confused why her food wanted to save her and she just bit into his throat and the cop was dazed and she drank a mouthful of blood and healed her wounds. The old cop was limp and she smiled and gave him some blood and moved away.

The man she was with looked around and a humanoid tackled him and attacked viciously. It was like a wild animal and he was savaged but managed to stab a dagger into his neck and decapitated it. The girl waved at the man and he ran over and more police vehicles arrived and the armored cops managed to shoot them down but more screams could be heard in the dense fog.

The man healed her wounds and looked hungry and moved behind the rear cop and covered his mouth. "I need your blood..."

The round cop beside was shocked and the young girl leaped and kneed the back of his head and he went limp. The man gripped the throat of a sergeant and the sergeant pawed helplessly as he could not breathe and he grabbed a police captain behind a police car and bit into his throat. When the captain was limp, he sucked some blood from the limp sergeant as well.

"The fog thing is not good, turned many of us into monsters..." The man said and cops spotted them and pointed their guns at them.

"Freeze!" The cops shouted.

"I'm just bringing my daughter home!" The man shouted and the cops looked at her and brought him to a police car. 2 older cops got in and drove them away. "Where do you live?"

The man stared into the driver's eyes and said, just drive in here, and pointed into the alley.

"What's going on?" The other cop asked and the man got out of the car and approached him. "Hey, stop approaching."

The cop reached for his gun and it was not in the holster and the young girl behind him laughed.. "Too slow!" The man grabbed the cop and punched his soft gut and removed his pants. The cop struggled but the man turned him around and fucked him. The cop screamed in pain and the man enjoyed himself and loved the smell of the trembling old cop and sniffed the cop's hair and fucked him harder and drank from him. The dazed cop was grabbed and the man drank a mouthful of blood and left them alive.

"I'm full..." The man said.


The 2 female cop killer vampires now have solid black eyes and they circled around the nervous cops and saw a group of armored cops gathered and entered the fog. One of the ladies moved at inhuman speeds and stabbed the cops in the throats, breaking their spines, killing them one by one as they gave off gurgled sounds and she grabbed the last one and drank from him. The other lady grabbed each of the gurgling cops and sucked them dry.

More vampires gathered after gunshots and finished off the other cops and they exited the mist to meet heavy gunfire. The police was very good at securing the area and the vampires retreated into the fog and healed. The ladies climbed up the building and leaped from roof to roof and spotted snipers and moved silently behind them. The spotter beside the sniper was grabbed and drained and the lady stomped at the head of the sniper, snapping his neck. The other lady finished the sniper in a similar fashion and they moved towards 2 fat cops guarding the stairwell of the roof, shoved them to the ground and fucked them.
Zoe saw Dracula and Dracula signaled her and she walked over and Dracula drank her blood. Suddenly Zoe woke up and felt tired and drained. "Damn it..." She muttered. "Do you know humans are destroying your children? You created some and your ideology make vampires a threat to humans..."

Dracula smiled and touched Zoe's mouth and gave her some blood and Zoe was high and dazed. "Don't worry, humans are just food..."

Dracula entered the police station and gestured at the door and entered the secured area. The sergeant looked at him and more ladies walked in and the sergeant could not move or make any sounds as the ladies walked over and pleasured him. The police did not do much when Dracula walked into the room, they could not move and the ladies walked in and jerked them off before drinking from them.

Zoe entered and joined the ladies in feeding on the cops. Strangely with Dracula, the vampires were not so murderous and the police were not a threat, so the ladies just fed and left them alone. Zoe felt weird like she was gaslighted but she was now well fed and probably learnt a new power.

The police captain was grabbed and the ladies fucked him. Zoe could feel the 2 cops arriving and waited in ambush with another lady. 2 round motorcycle cops saw the ladies fucking the cops on the desk and their belts were grabbed and they were pulled into the room. Zoe stared into the eyes of the cop and the cop trembled in fear and stopped struggling. "Wow, it worked..." She muttered and pulled down his breeches and started giving the cop a blow job.

Zoe saw the other ladies fucking the ESU squad as well. "Not a round fired..." Dracula said and fed the cops some blood and the ladies gave Dracula some blood. "Don't worry, they are pretty obedient, we just need to visit from time to time..."


The vampires got a list of names of the cops on duty and decided to hunt down the remaining cops. They moved around and found the first police car and 2 fat cops. The first round cop with white hair and thick glasses was hugged. "So soft...." The other cop saw the ladies and suddenly, he could not move and a lady walked over and removed his hat and rubbed his balding head.

The remaining officers were hunted down by the vampires who managed to corner them out
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"Pestilience... An infection that makes the top of the food chain kill for fun." An occult researcher said to the police commissioner. "In this case, the vampires that are affected will just kill."

The police watched the videos of 4 vampires entering the police station and started stabbing and draining the cops. More cops entered and fired at the vampires who seemed to be annoyed and slightly injured by the pistols and the cops were grabbed and their throats ripped open with deadly bites. More vampires entered from the basement and finished off the cops trying to escape.

There was another video of the vampires entering an office building and murdering the guards and anyone left in the office. The same vampires then broke into a lab and stole some chemicals.

The vampires moved and entered a police station and massacred everyone again, but this time, the ESU arrived and they were all prepped and they managed to kill many vampires, however, 4 elite vampires seemed to be good with guns and they ambushed all the ESU officers, took their uniforms and massacred the cops outside as well.


"Top priority is to eliminate these 4 vampires. They are killers and will kill unprovoked. There is no reason with them, but they let some of the officers live." The police commissioner said. "They have an online program -- just for bites, where vampires try different ways to improve the taste of blood from fucking their victims to picking uniformed people who have mandatory drug tests including cops. I don't know who this program is targeting but has millions of views especially when our officers are raped and drained."

The commissioner received a call, "The detective found the vampires at Greenwich Village, but before the ESU was dispatched, the detective was spotted and the squad was killed."

"Check the video feeds, we need to stop them now!"
A few cops saw 2 beautiful ladies approaching and one of the plump cop with grey hair immediately stepped back and reached for his gun. "Step back!" he shouted and the ladies rushed ahead and grabbed the cops and tossed them around. The plump cop was disarmed and with a few fists, the cop stopped struggling and were dragged into the alley.

"Please, you got me last week..." The plump cop begged as one of the ladies pulled down his pants and started rubbing his dick.

"Don't worry, we will keep you alive for next week." The lady said and fucked the plump cop. The other cops were in pain after the fists into their internal organs and did not resist.


"The soldiers outside the HQ are taken out?" The police commissioner asked. "Quick, send more backup!"

Screams are heard down the hallway with shots fired and the vampires entered the various rooms and drained the blood from the people inside. They walked to the cell area and entered. The 4 old cops shot at the approaching vampires and they reached the first cop and bit into his throat. The lady hugged another round cop with white hair and he screamed as his ribs were crushed and she sucked the blood coming from his mouth and the others could see their wounds heal. The cops reloaded and the lady unlocked the cells and reached the cops and disarmed them.

"We are here to give you eternal life," The lady said. "You must show that you are worthy..."

A large man emerged from the cells and the lady shoved the old cop towards him and he grabbed the cop's throat with 1 hand and lift him off the ground. "I thought you guys were just doing this to girls..." The man said and pulled down his pants and inserted his dick into the old cop who screamed in pain. He shoved the cop on the cell door and penetrated deeper and carried the cop with his dick. The other cop was shoved over and the man grabbed the old cop's head and sniffed his hair. The cop begged for mercy and the man twisted his head and snapped his neck.

"That's pretty good..." The lady said and gave the cop on the man a blow job and sucked his erection away. She walked over and gave the man some of her blood and the prisoners were broken out from the cells and the ladies gave them blood and made them blood thirsty as their eyes turned black as well.

The ESU shot the vampires charging at them and managed to blow a few away before the vampires reached them and punched them. Each fists broke bones and the killers and assassins did not miss their vital organs. The officers were down with one blow and within seconds, the vampires overrun them and drained their blood. The vampire went from room to room and there were some policemen that did not even seemed to be armed, and they were fucked as well.

Half the cops were killed and even the commissioner and other senior cops in the command room were grabbed and raped, the vampires fed them blood and their eyes turned solid black.


The army and officers from other precinct arrived and started clearing the building. The first wave entered and did not respond after minutes.

There were ESU officers entering command truck and they were quick and armed with daggers. The cops did not stand a chance as the ESU officers stabbed them silently. The ESU officers moved silently among the cops, picking them off one at a time and as they know how the ESU worked, they tracked down the commanders and murder them silently.

UV light was turned on, and a few vampires in police uniforms were burnt and shot down, it was a war of attrition and the death toll was high.
As the vampires burnt in the UV light, a lady moved behind several soldiers and decapitated them with a sword and moved towards other soldiers. She was fast and deadly and the soldiers did not even realize they were in danger before they were killed. After eliminating several platoons of soldiers, she cut off the power supply and the police and soldiers outside had to deal with the vampires that survived which healed their wounds and became hungry for blood.

A round policeman spotted the dead soldiers and informed his sergeant and saw vampires charging at the cops as the cops shot at them. The policeman shot a vampire in the head and the sergeant managed to get free and aimed his shotgun and blew off the vampire's head, unfortunately, another vampire reached the round policeman and disarmed him. The vampire sniffed his neck and overpowered the cop and squeezed his groin and the cop screamed in pain and the vampire bit his throat.

The lady grabbed the vampire and shoved a stake into her chest and pulled her away from the round policeman. The round policeman was glad to be alive but saw the lady opened her jaw 4 way and drained the vampires that she grabbed. The round policeman trembled in fear and the lady hugged him and squeezed him. The lady cuffed the cop and pulled down his pants and jerked the cop off and moved away and waited. As the other vampires finished off the other cops, one of the vampires saw the trembling round cop and approached. The lady moved behind the vampire and grabbed him behind a police car and bit into the vampire and drained him.

The vampires tossed the cops around and drained them, healing their wounds and another vampire smell something sweet and saw the trembling round policeman and the lady grabbed the vampire and pulled her between the police cars and drained her. It was some kind of vampire ambushing vampires and eventually, the lady decapitated 2 vampires and grabbed the remaining one and bit into his neck.

The round policeman trembled in fear as this lady easily eliminated all the vampires that killed the cops outside the police station. More vampires charged out again and most of the cops were already taken out and the soldiers murdered. The lady waited for the vampires to reached the injured cops and soldiers before she turned on the UV light and moved among the vampires screaming in pain and decapitating them.

More highway patrol and cops from other cities arrived and they shot the burning vampires and destroyed most of them, and armored units went into the police station to hunt the remaining ones.

The round policeman witnessed the other type of vampire, which was faster, stronger and deadlier than vampires, and was glad to be alive.
It was a vampire pestilence. A massive vampire infection which makes more vampires. In the big assault, many vampires were created and destroyed, a few escaped but these vampires made more dangerous and violent vampires and started moving to other states.


"Boston Police..." A lady said and move behind a plump cop and covered his mouth. "Nice and soft..." She whispered and rammed a fist into his lower back and the cop's legs buckled and he was dragged into the alley and the lady fucked him. 2 more cops walked to the police car and looked around. "Where's Joe?" A cop asked and heard moans and approached an alley.

"This piggy smells good..." A lady said and covered the mouth of the short cop and sniffed his collar. The other cop turned around and saw the short cop grabbed and flailing and as he reached for his gun, his gun was removed by another lady who shoved it into his neck. "Let's have some fun..."

The ladies aggressively jerked off the cops and drained some blood. They decided to have more fun as Boston seemed to have quite a few cops patrolling even though it was not on any alert. The ladies left the cops in a pile and walked away, checking out some shops in a touristy area. A male vampire was seen grabbing a pedestrain and biting into her neck and the female vampires approached and the male vampire started being aggressive and they started fighting.

The fight got violent and the vampires threw each other into walls and smashed the glass displays and soon, a few cops arrived. The 3 female vampires seemed frustrated, the male vampire seemed inhumanly strong and able to fight well despite being outnumbered and the cops surrounded them with guns and the vampires decided to play along and they were cuffed and placed at the back of the police car and driven to the police station.

The 2 police cars with vampires parked in the carpark and as the cops escorted them out of the car, the man was escorted into the police station and as he walked down a narrow corridor, he broke his cuffs and smashed a cop's head into the wall and the cop slumped to the ground. The other cop was shocked and he was grabbed and drained. He quickly dragged the limp cops into a closet and changed into police uniform.

The ladies were brought to the processing area and noticed the man was missing. 2 of the ladies trembled and their eyes turned completely black and they grabbed the cops and crushed their throat and drained the blood. "What the hell..." The other lady muttered and the 2 ladies seemed to be high on violence and sprouted fangs and rushed out of the room. "What's going on!"

The ladies were fast and deadly. None of the cops were ready as they were ambushed and the ladies snapped their necks and grabbed the remaining cops and drained them. It has begun.

The man in police uniform grabbed he desk sergeant and drained his blood. He moved from room to room to clear the police station and saw the ladies finishing some cops in another room. They looked at each other and did not seemed to fight but they went to another room and saw 4 motorcycle cops and the man walked in and choked 2 cops while the ladies grabbed the other 2 fat cops and bit into their throats.

The only lady that seemed fine saw a motorcycle cop at the garage and grabbed him. "You go as far away as possible, some freaking vampire killers are here and they are clearing house..." She said to the policeman and let him go and he ran away and radioed for backup.
"Officer down!" A cop shouted on the radio. "Backup! Where's my backup!"


Moments later, more police cars arrived at the prison where most of the prisoners were massacred and some turned into monsters, killing everything in their path. At a roadblock, several cops were found raped and killed.

"We've seen this before, reinforce the police stations..." An FBI agent said.


At a police station, the corridor was littered with dead armored cops. The 4 ladies in the station fucked the desk sergeant and several other plump cops. A round cop with a thick white mustache entered the main office area and a lady covered his mouth and grabbed his gun. "Shhhh..." The lady said and removed his pants and another lady gave him a blowjob.

The FBI sent a van and the armored agents rushed into the police station and saw a dozen cops with their pants down and limp on the ground. 7 armored cops had their throats ripped out. 4 motorcycle cops were also fucked and left alive. "FBI?" An agent head a voice behind him and his head was tilted up and the lady bit into his throat. The other ladies moved among the FBI SWAT and stabbed their throats. The remaining agent was grabbed and disarmed and the ladies rubbed his white hair. "This one smells good..."

2 Armored units by the door were grabbed and hugged by the ladies. The remaining FBI agent in armor was kicked between the legs and disarmed. "Don't worry, it will be over soon..."


4 cops arrived and the ladies with FBI armor approached them. A helicopter flew over head and saw the ladies with FBI armor hugged the cops and crushed them and fired automatic weapons at them.

"Fuck, helicopter..." A lady said as the sniper blew off her head.
"4 officers at a roadblock were murdered an hour ago, and the suspects may be coming this direction," The police captain said. "The FBI informed every precinct to be alert..."

4 ladies walked into the room and tossed a fat cop at the other cops and chopped the necks of the officers they could reach. The ladies grabbed the fat cop and snapped his neck and stomped on the other cops. The senior cops were disarmed and the ladies stared into their eyes and smiled. "We need you..." They were jerked off and fed blood and the vampires fucked the senior cops and drank their blood, but gave them blood in return. The cops were dazed and were commanded to send other cops into ambushes.


"The backup smells real good..." A plump cop heard a voice said as the group of cops entered the meeting room and the ladies hugged the 4 old cops. One of the ladies choked 3 cops and held them down as the other ladies pulled down the pants of the plump old cop and started pleasuring him. His dick was sucked and a dildo was shoved up his ass as the ladies fucked him. The cop was fucked and cuffed when the ladies were done and they grabbed another old cop and continued their pleasure.


"22 officers were killed, 60 others were taken out. " An FBI agent said. "They were in the police station for 4 hours, fucked 30 police officers... And still managed to escape..."


"Another roadblock down, 2 officers missing..." A sergeant reported.

"Set another perimeter, they are vulnerable to the sun and we need to know where they went to get them..." The FBI agent said.


The ladies exited a police truck and wiped their mouths and grabbed the belt of the sergeant and pulled him close. The sergeant trembled in fear as he saw the armored cops limp in the truck. 2 motorcycle cops arrived and saw a lady grabbing the sergeant and they quickly called for backup. Within minutes, the FBI SWAT arrived and the place was swarming with police as the cops searched for the ladies.

Flashing red and blue lights engulfed the north end. Dozens of policemen went missing before finally, one of the officers fired a round before the vampires drained his blood. More cops arrived and the vampires were surrounded but decided to fight and the cops simply tazered them to prevent the ladies from doing anything else. Within 10 minutes, all the ladies were cuffed and subdued.
The vampires were well-trained with Automatic weapons and fired at the helicopter and it quickly flew away from the damage taken. More police cars arrived and as a fat cop went to the back of his patrol car to put on police armor, a lady moved behind him and snapped his neck, then dumped him in the trunk of the car. His partner approached and his belt was grabbed and the lady pulled him close and choked him silently.

The other vampires ambushed the cops as they exited the police car and none of them even had their guns drawn before getting taken out. Another truck with armored cops arrived and the ladies quickly converged and grabbed the sergeant beside the driver and slit the driver's throat. As the rear door of the truck was opened, the cops saw the ladies rushed in, stabbing the throats of the cops nearest to the entrance and moved with inhuman speeds and were very selective of their targets. The ones that seemed well trained, fitter and more competent were targeted first and swiftly finished off. The remaining ones had their limbs dislocated and broken and the ladies slowly enjoyed their blood.


The city was flooded with cops. The ladies managed to take out and massacre everyone that came to the North End and walked towards the city. 2 old cops beside their police car were grabbed and kissed. The ladies overpowered the cops and fucked them before drinking some blood. They were high and very aggressive and moved silently toward several state troopers and snapped their necks with ease.

There were a lot of cops but not much resistance was met. The remaining plump old state trooper was kidnapped and the ladies pulled down his breeches and jerked him off in the back of his car as they drove into the city. They parked downtown and enjoyed the smell of the trembling old trooper and drank some blood but kept him alive.

"Moto cops..." A lady said and they converged on 4 cops on the other side of the alley. The first cop's helmet was grabbed and his neck snapped. A plump cop's mouth was covered and a punch in his lower back destroyed some internal organs and the cop was dragged into the alley.

"What the..." A chopped the neck of the bald cop and the short cop remaining was grabbed and his mouth covered and the ladies walked them into the alley.

"Love the breeches and boots..." A lady muttered and removed the boots and smelled it and returned to the trembling motorcycle cop and pulled down his pants and gave him a blow job. The cops were milked and the ladies seemed to have time to ambush the cops while having fun.

The short cop was fucked after he ejaculated into the face of a lady and another lady sniffed his thinning hair and fucked him from behind with a dildo. He gave off muffled moans as there was a tongue in his mouth. He saw 2 patrolman entering the alley and vampires were collective and calm and moved behind them and a cop was tapped in the side of his neck and he collapsed and the other older cop was punched in the throat and his belt removed as he was choking and the lady pulled him into the shadows and jerked him off.

When the vampires were satisfied, they exited the alley and saw 2 police cars outside and a cop with white hair in the police car and they approached him, covered his mouth and choked him out. The ladies continued walking and entered Chinatown and avoided a few road blocks and climbed up the fire escape to enter an empty apartment and spent the night there.
A vampire saw a young lady approaching her, "please help me! they killed my sister!"

"Gal, I'm not here to help anyone!" the vampire said. "I'm not in the mood to kill you too..."

Police sirens can be heard and the vampire said, "Go run out and ask them for help!"

"No, they killed my sister!" The lady said.

"They are the police!" The vampire said. "Why would they kill your sister?"

"My sister is like you, she was just trying to keep me safe, but they shot her and dragged her into the sun." the lady said.

"Your sister has fangs?" The vampire asked. "Like this?"

"Yes, she feeds me blood," The lady said. "I'm not one of you, but I want to be like you."

"You will stop aging, and be forever like that," The vampire said. "And you will be too short and young, your sister is right, you should grow up."

"I want revenge," The lady said.

"Sorry, I don't do charity..." The vampire said.

"I can get them in for you to feed..." The lady said.

The vampire looked at the lady and said, "Hey, if you direct them in, sure, I'll have some blood..."


"Hey, sir, I need some help..." The lady said to the last 2 cops who were passing the alley. "I dropped my phone in the alley..."

"There is a curfew now," The older cop said. "You should not even be out..."

"Ok, We'll get your phone and send you home..." The other round cop with thick glasses said.

The cops entered the alley and the lady moved behind the round cop and choked him silently as he kicked in the air. The other cop looked around with his flashlight and the lady walked up and grabbed his gun and shoved it to his neck. "Nice piggy... smells so good..."

The older cop's pants were pulled down and she started jerking him off and sniffed his collar. The cop trembled in fear and she made him ejaculate before drinking some blood and went to the unconscious cop and sipped a little as well. She dumped both cops into the dumpster and saw the young girl leading 2 more cops inside the alley, The first cop was tossed at the wall and she hugged the old cop with white hair and rubbed his hair. The cop trembled in fear and she sniffed his neck and bit into the throat.


After the 10th police officer was drained, the vampire was full and gave the little girl some blood. "You have earned this..."
2 cops were chatting with a restaurant worker in an alley and a beautiful lady walked up to the worker and bit into his throat. The cops were grabbed from behind and dragged into the shadows and drained. "A lot of cops here..." The ladies said and listened to the police radio.

Lucy wanted to meet some of the vampires as the chaos continued. There were doomsday groups during the chaos and they were predicting the end of days as there were several appearances of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, the vampire outbreak, and the decimation of vampires as pestilence.

The ladies were patient and ambushed 6 more cops in the alley. Lucy arrived in Boston and was following several police reports. The police were focused on locating the killers in Chinatown and the Downtown area, and after many cops went missing more policemen joined the search.

Lucy saw a lot of cops rushing to Downtown area after a gunshot was heard but she was convinced that there were still vampires in Chinatown. Following a group of 2 round cops and an old sergeant, Lucy entered the alley and followed the cops. Lucy saw the cops getting choked by the ladies and the sergeant collapsed beside her. She did not even see the vampires and she was grabbed and bitten in the throat and released.

"What the fuck are you doing with these cops?" The female vampire asked.

"I was looking for you..." Lucy said and saw a lady jerking off the trembling sergeant and the other ladies draining some blood from the round cops and cuffing them.

"You found us, now what?" The vampire said, placing a knife to her throat.

"I can still help you get out of here..." Lucy said. "I know some cops and this is getting a lot of attention..."

The trembling sergeant ejaculated and the lady bit into his throat. "Why do you think we need your help?" The lady said and signaled the other ladies.

2 motorcycle cops entering the alley were hugged and kissed.

"I can get you out of here before more arrive," Lucy said. "I just want to learn some of your powers..."

The motorcycle cops were pleasured and drained, Lucy was released and the female vampires did not seemed to need her help.

Lucy went out and got a police sergeant and stared into his eyes. "Your officers saved 3 ladies, and a monster came and knocked out your men, I need help to send these ladies out of here..." The sergeant looked dazed, entered the alley, called for backup, escorted the ladies to his SUV, and drove them out of Chinatown to the police HQ. As he parked the car, one of the vampires grabbed the side of his neck and the sergeant went limp.

"No, you are not going to fuck around the police station..." Lucy said. "Let's just drive off..."

Lucy went to an overweight cop and hugged him, "Do you have a personal car?" Lucy smiled and rubbed her breasts on the cop. "I need a lift."

The cop nodded and the ladies got in the car and were driven further away.

"Ok gals, I got you out... I can command cops to do things, and make them forget..." Lucy said. "I can become stronger and faster, and now walk up vertical surfaces... I realized this by sharing blood... What powers do you have?"

"I never thought about that..." A lady said. "Well, we can get really strong... like snap necks easily and knock these guys out with one blow... And fast..."

Lucy shared her blood and tried to teach the ladies her powers. The ladies learned something and informed Lucy about the other male vampire, and Lucy left to find him.

The female vampire saw the dazed old cop in the police car and decided to fuck him and drink some blood and call it a night.
The young girl seemed happy and like an addict, she sucked up every drop of blood and the vampires gave her as much as she can drink.

Flashlights can be seen as 3 more cops entered the alley. The young girl was like a rat, sneaking and moving around in the shadows and moving to ambush the cops. She leaped on the rear fat cop, grabbed his head and snapped his neck. The vampires were in shock as she leaped on another cop and wrapped her thighs and choked him while grabbing the short balding cop and placing him in a well executed chokehold. Both cops were on the ground struggling and flailing but she seemed inhumanly strong and she snapped the balding cop's neck and adjusted her legs on the choking cop and with a quick jerk, snapped his neck.

"I'm strong again..." She said and picked up her phone that is recording the murder and uploaded the video.

The vampires were shocked at how vicious she was and went over and checked on the cops, they were dead. "Can I have more blood?" The girl asked.

The vampires drank from the dead cops and the blood was still fresh, so they drained the cops and tossed them in the dumpster and gave the girl some blood.

"Officers missing, I think they are in here..." a team of armored cops entered the alley and searched. The ladies were very well trained in taking out armed personnel and they leaped on the cops and moved with inhuman speeds, snapping the necks of 2 cops and biting into the throats of the other 2. Not a round was fired. Another squad entered the alley and spotted the dead cops and rushed inside.

"Officers down... ack.. SNAP!" The cop shouted on the radio and the lady moved behind him and snapped his neck. The ladies were fast and deadly, they chopped at the necks of 2 cops and pounced on the other cops and bit their throats and one managed to fire a round and hit the vampire before she drained all his blood. The young girl searched the dead armored cop and picked up a dagger and saw more cops rushing into the alley. The big group was more than 20 cops and they fired at the ladies who used the fat armored cops as shields and rushed towards them. The cops dodged as the ladies used the automatic weapons and fired on them and when they reached the cops, the ladies tossed them on each other and broke bones with each fist. The cops fired at the vampires, but the vampires kept attacking and landed precision blow which destroyed internal organs. They grabbed the trembling cops and drained their blood and more cops arrived.

The girl saw a few cops rushing through the alley towards the gunshots and waited in ambush. The rear cop was stabbed in the spine with the dagger and was paralyzed and she leaped and stabbed a large cop in neck, breaking his spine and cutting his windpipe and the cop collapsed. She leaped on a short cop, forcing him to the ground, snapping his neck before he hits the ground.

She saw the vampires being attacked from all corners and ran out of the alley and moved among the police car. "Hey! Get out of here!" An old cop shouted as he spotted the young girl hiding among the police car and approached. The old cop wanted to pick her up to carry her away and she grabbed his head and kneed his jaw and the cop collapsed. Another plump cop walked over and she punched his kidney and he leaned forward and an uppercut to his jaw knocked him out. She moved swiftly and opened the car door and saw another old cop inside and leaped into the car, kneeing the cop in the jaw and grabbing the seatbelt and strangled the cop in the seat.


The vampires were shot at, and they returned fire and approached the cops behind cover, they seemed well trained -- military trained and when they reached the group of cops, the cops were massacred and they drained the blood, heal up and moved towards another group of cops. Suddenly, UV lights were turned on and the vampires were blinded and the cops shot the vampires who retreated and had burns on their skin.

An FBI SWAT van arrived and a sergeant rushed over. "Thank god you are here..." The sergeant said and another lady exited the van and covered the mouth of the sergeant and walked him to the rear of the van and opened the door, showing a pile of limp armored cops and she bit into his throat and drained him. She tossed the limp sergeant into the van and saw the other man with 2 pudgy motorcycle cops approaching the rear of the van and the man grabbed the cop's round head and choked him. The other cop was shocked and the lady moved behind him and bit into his throat and he flailed helplessly as he was drained. The cops necks were snapped and they were tossed in the van and the group moved towards the command truck with the UV lights and fired their automatic weapons inside, killing everyone and destroying the lights.

The vampires rushed at the surprised cops and grabbed 2 cops and drained them as they heal their wounds. The young girl watched a nervous old cop run behind a police car and panting as the other cops were massacred and she kicked the cop's head and he slumped over.

At this point, the remaining cops had no hope. They frantically called for backup, fired a few more rounds before the vampires reached them and they were grabbed, disarmed and drained.

"The UV lights can be deadly..." The male vampire in FBI armor said. "We killed all the FBI SWAT and head the gunshots and came over. You seemed a little too good to be destroyed..."

2 more police cars arrived and a sergeant exited the car and saw the massacre. He picked up the radio and a hand covered his mouth. The man sniffed his collar and removed his gun. The other vampires were already draining from the other cops and snapping their necks. The trembling sergeant was cuffed and tossed into the police car and they saw more cars arriving and the cops were ambushed and kidnapped.

The young girl wanted to go with the group as they took one of the police cars and drove away. The man seemed to know where the roadblocks are drove to a secluded alley in the city and talked to the ladies more. They shared blood, and gave more to the young girl and their eyes turned solid black and the ladies were cuffed and also kidnapped by the couple, and the young girl was knocked out.

They woke up in a storage unit and had multiple cuffs to prevent them from escaping. The man said. "We survived the plague and it makes you vicious and do stupid things, you become much faster, stronger, and we thought you were survivors as well, but sadly, you were not infected yet. It will take a week before the craving to kill mindlessly end. And we brought some cops here for you to feed on. He looked at the young girl and cuffed her to a wall with a thick chain and said. "I'll come back with food."


The 2 female vampires wanted to kill everything, and they grabbed the trembling cops cuffed to them and destroyed the cops and tore the cops apart and drained the blood. In the week they were brought a few more victims and were fed and their hunger for violence died down and the man returned to release them.

"The FBI and police have better rounds that hurt more and can kill you if they blow your head off," The man said. "Your base line strength and speed it much faster than before, and you can easily take them down, but they are also equipped with vampire blood and can move as fast to negate your advantage."

"I guess we have to leave town. When you kill cops in the city, all the cops are out for blood," The man said. "When you traumatize them and let them leave, they will fear you..."
The female vampire visited Dorchester and various rough neighborhoods to test her powers. She tried walking on the walls and with a little concentration, it worked and she climbed up various apartment blocks and broke into some apartments just for fun.

Moments later, the alarm was triggered in an apartment and the police arrived. "Not bad, pretty fast..." The vampire quickly moved downstairs and saw the cops going up. There were 2 cops in the alley and the vampire decided to have fun. The 2 cops were choked and they flailed helplessly as they could not breathe and went limp. "That was too easy."

A motorcycle cop arrived and as the cop got off his bike, the lady covered his mouth and punched his lower back. The cop gave off muffled moans and was dragged into the alley. She jerked him off and drank some blood. Then saw the other cops already in the apartment above and hid the bodies. "Maybe I should see if those cops taste good as well..."

"What's this?" A thug said as he looked at the lady, "Some crazy bitch alone at night?"

"Why don't you go fuck yourself in the alley..." She said and stared into the thug's eyes but the thug just got annoyed.

"What did you say? Bitch?" The thug shouted and drew his gun.

"Oh really?" The vampire smiled. "Big man needs a gun?"

3 other thugs entered the alley and she said, "Look, why don't you guys fuck up some useless cops and I give you guys head, and trust me, it will be the best in your lives..."

The thugs were confused, "Why would we fuck up cops for you?"

"The cops will come arrest you because you are black..." The vampire said and saw 3 cops entering the alley.

"Freeze!" An old cop shouted and approached the thugs cautiously.

"These men attacked me..." The vampire cried. "Officers are down as well..."

"What the fuck are you talking about bitch?" A thug shouted.

"Fuck the cops..." The lady said and burned some blood and concentrated as she stared at the thugs. The thugs looked a little dazed and the lady saw the police ignoring her and she shoved the cops towards the thugs and grabbed the remaining one beside her. The cop was bitten in the throat and drained. And she saw the thugs fight the cops and somehow, the cops managed to club the thugs with batons and the cops started arresting them.

"Wow, these guys are kinda useless..." She said and chopped the neck of a fat cop and he collapsed. The thugs rushed the remaining cop, the cop took out his pepper spray and sprayed the thugs and clubbed them. "Okay, they are shit..." The lady said and grabbed the cop's head and kneed his head and the cop collapsed. The thugs looked relieved as the lady took out the cop but she was not done. She picked up the baton and smashed the heads of the thugs, cracking their skulls.


The lady decided to test her powers again and she found a police station and waited for cops to exit and grabbed 2 cops and stared into their eyes. "Drug houses are involved in cop killings, you need to take revenge and kill those motherfuckers..." The lady said and burned some blood and the cops looked dazed and she followed them in their car. The cops seemed focused and they knew exactly where to go to look for a drug house.

The lady watched the cops execute the thugs and soon, the thugs fired back and the cops ducked for cover and returned fire. "That was pretty fun..." The lady said and saw the cops call for backup.
"You gals were crazy..." The young girl said. "You even wanted to eat me..."

The ladies were dropped off in Washington and it was raining. The van drove off and the ladies could see a lot of police cars around. "I guess we won't starve..."

"Let's go kill some cops..." The young girl said.

"I think, let's have fun, maybe not kill them yet." The lady said.


The group spent a week feeding on the homeless and drinking from pimps and prostitutes. They fed the young girl some blood as well, and she seemed to use up the blood in her and trained to become stronger and faster as well. Robbing the pimps, the vampires have money to train in the gyms and test some of their abilities but by the end of the week, the gangster surrounded the gym and everyone ran out. Armed with guns, clubs and knives the gangsters were there to destroy the ladies.

They did not know about the young girl who was waiting to kill and she simply waited till all the gangsters entered and moved beside the remaining 2 outside and she leaped and kneed one of them in the jaw and he collapsed to the ground. "The fuck?" The other gangster muttered and the young girl tackled him to the ground and grabbed his throat and crushed his Adam's apple.

The gangsters were then dragged into the gym and there were gunshots and screams heard.


The police arrived and a group of fat armored cops entered the dark gym. The young girl saw the ladies on the ceiling, grabbing the rear cops off the ground and choking them silently. She went below to help lower the limp cops and the ladies moved swiftly and took out the other cops.

"Team A, please respond..." The radio crackled.

Another group of cops entered with shotguns and searched. A plump cop heard muffled moans and turned around and saw the other cops limp on the ground and 4 cops flailing in the arms of 2 ladies. "Holy shit!" The cop shouted and the young girl punched his kidneys and ruptured them. The cop collapsed and screamed in pain and his mouth was covered and the young girl placed him in a chokehold.

"That was easy..." The ladies said and quickly dragged the limp cops into a pile as more cops entered.


The cops in the corridor did not provide any resistance. The vampires rushed out, rammed a few blows into their soft bodies and drained their blood. They escaped through the rear exit and took out the 4 cops and moved through the alley and left. An old cop beside the police car saw a young girl approaching and she said. "That police uncle told me to come here..." The old cop looked over and the vampire rushed over and covered his mouth. "Piggy smells real good..."

The old cop was dragged into his police car and the lady jerked him off in the rear seat as the other lady drove off. "Precinct 5..." The lady said and drank his blood.


The FBI agents arrived at the gym and found the unconscious cops and dead gangsters. 2 cops had their pants down and penis out, more than a dozen cops were knocked out. "Yup, vampires."

The police were out in force, all of them trying to locate the vampires and make the streets safe again.
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