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Bitches of Dracula (mainman x mappy)

"They killed my children!" Dracula said and bit into the throats of 4 female vampires beside him. "Go make more sisters, we shall let them fear us!"


Over the next few days, top female assassins and mercenaries were killed and turned into vampires. At the prison, several women scaled the guard towers and surprised the guards and bit into their throats. They entered the most secured cells and killed everyone that stopped them. They turned all the death row prisoners into vampires and left.

The police arrived and these monsters attacked them and many managed to escape.

The female vampires trained these escaped prisoners again.


"Hi cop!" a man said as he grabbed the throat of an old cop with a thick white mustache and lifted him off the ground. The man sniffed the old cop and bit into his throat, drinking a little bit of blood at a time, savouring the taste. "This is good..."

The other vampires exited the police station, "I can get used to this..." A lady said and saw a police car arriving and 2 plump cops exited with their guns drawn. "Freeze!"

The lady continued towards them and she was shot in the shoulder and looked pissed. "Fuck this..."

The cops fired at her and she moved in a blur and grabbed a cop and snapped his neck. The other cop shot at her but she used the dead cop as a shield and suddenly, the cop was disarmed and a female vampire pulled down his pants and started jerking him off. The cop trembled in fear and she invited all the trainee vampires to try the cop.

The new vampires enjoyed the blood, it tasted better, but still hurt them. The female vampire inspected the police station and these prisoners were all killers and everyone inside was killed. "All of you survived, not bad..."


The new vampires were trained to be faster, stronger and heal their bullet wounds. They picked off patrolling cops and started fucking them and drinking from them.

"Another police station..." A female vampire said and entered. She leaped over the desk, landed behind the sergeant, and covered his mouth. "I'm going to enjoy you..." She said and started removing his belt and rubbed his dick. The other vampires entered the police station and spread out. 4 cops in the pantry were chatting and 2 ladies entered and knocked out 2 cops with fists to their jaws. Before the other cops could draw their batons, they were disarmed and overpowered.

The vampires were quick and deadly. A death row cop killer entered the security room and snapped the necks of 2 guards before grabbing the remaining cop with white hair and pulled him close. The cop trembled in fear and the cop killer shoved him on the console and started fucking him.

"Backup!" A short cop shouted. "Officers down!"

The large male vampire rammed a fist and the cop crumbled to the ground and the man took off his belt, pulled down his pants and skewered the cop's ass and lifted him in his dick while walking to the next room.

Within minutes, everyone was down and the ladies captured the police captain and every female vampire wanted to fuck the top cop as he screamed for help and saw all his men littered on the ground. The cops were drained and waited in ambush as more cops arrived.

"Nice leather cops!" A lady said and grabbed a motorcycle cop and disarmed him. The cop struggled but a kidney punch ruptured his kidney and the lady could do whatever she wanted. The other motorcycle cop was grabbed and fucked and the others that arrived were grabbed by the other vampires and drained.

A bald cop was disarmed by a lady but he had a knife out and he stabbed her in the neck. She looked amused and grabbed his arm and broke it at the elbow. The cop screamed in pain and a round cop exited the police car and shot a round into the ladies head and she staggered and the bald cop kicked her off and went to pick up his gun. when he got his gun, he saw the vampires grabbing the round cop and already biting into his neck. The cop shot at the vampires and a large male vampire moved behind him, grabbed his head and snapped his neck.

The limp cops were dragged away as more cops arrived and a man in police uniform gathered the cops and the other female vampires rushed towards them. "Man... pigs are so stupid..." The man said as none of the cops managed to shoot off a round before getting overpowered.

"These piggies are so soft and they smell so good..." A lady said as she jerked off a pudgy cop. "Show me that neck thing..." She asked another lady... the lady grabbed a bald cop, held his head at an angle and with a quick jerk, she snapped his neck.

"The trick is holding the head and feel it lock before twisting it the other way..." The lady said.

The group got into 2 police cars and left, and saw a roadblock ahead. "Nice tips..." One of the ladies said and they exited and moved towards the roadblock ahead.

"We don't even use guns... why are they armored?" A lady said and looped a belt around a fat cop's neck and strangled him silently.

All the cops were grabbed before they even realized they were in danger.
"Is it true that cops get fucked by beautiful ladies?" A man asked 2 cops at a roadblock.

"Please get moving, the killers are in the area, and we have a curfew," The older cop said.

"I mean, if I go through police academy and become a cop, will I get free fucks by women, and it is not illegal?" The man asked.

"Sir, can you please go home now," The older cop said, getting slightly agitated. "There is a curfew, and we need the streets clear."

The older cop heard muffled moans and all the other cops were grabbed and subdued and the man placed his arm over the cop's shoulders. "You guys just taste too good..."


The vampires were all out in murder mode. The victims were straight up drained or simply had their necks snapped. The few pleasured may escape death simply because the vampires were too high from drinking their blood and fucking them.

More hunters arrived and joined in the hunt. There were a lot of police and vampires, and the kill count was going to be high.
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