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Pantsless Pirates [IC]

Zahn Cragscale
Helena's words echoed in his mind, empty as it was all on its lonesome: Zahn nodded, giving a visible sign that he had heard her as well as showing his assent to the course of action she'd talked about. Joy chimed in and Zahn quietly, softly, replied: "I take on the one to the right, you take the one to the left. We keep them away from the prisoners."

As such, when Helena dexterously leapt and threw the dagger, the lizardkin followed suit and silently charged the two sailors that had been together at the start and were still untouched by weapons. The one at the helm seemed to have been disposed of by Helena, so he took it upon himself to follow suit, rage building as he balled his hands into fists.

Seethrough, slightly glowing drool once more dripped from his maw, eyes and scars alight with the same eerie effect- and that was the first, most eye-catching for the one sailor, right before the big fist of the barbarian.

Unfortunately, Zahn did not hit him right on the eye, but it was still close enough, as he pummeled the enemy into submission, with no intent to kill him- yet.

Attack roll to unarmed-hit one of the two sailors that were standing close to each other, since Helena took care of the one at the helm.

Rolled 18 to hit, bringing the total to 26, which I assume hits. Damage is 1d4+5, rolled a 3 for a total of 8 (nonlethal and nonmagical) bludgeoning damage.
As a bonus action, as per Tavern Brawler, I roll Athletics to Grapple the sailor I hit. Due to Rage, I roll Athletics with Advantage. I got a 24 total Athletics for the contested check.
If the sailor i hit is not yet knocked unconscious, I will attack him again. Otherwise go for the second sailor, attack with my other fist.
Attack roll is a 1, so that is sadly a miss.
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Were this a simple, fair fight of sailor versus sailor, in which everyone were able to defend themselves, then Joy would be more patient. With helpless lives in the balance, however, she cannot take the risk of the sailor taking a hostage. As Zahn instructed, she focuses her attention on the leftmost sailor of the two remaining.

"You face the rain while your captain huddles below, outnumbered by your own prisoners! Isn't it absurd?" She lifts her holy symbol high, grinning. "Even in the darkness, joy is light! In Her name - laugh!"

Joy casts Tasha's hideous laughter on the sailor that Zahn is not pummeling. DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall prone and be incapacitated for the duration (1 minute, concentration). If he fails, he may retry the save at the end of every one of his turns or whenever he takes damage, with Advantage if the save is prompted by damage. If he succeeds, the spell ends.
Nanbako darts for the sailor Zahn has in his grasp, and with a quick slap from her claws, knocks him out.

She then moves next to the sailor incapacitated with laughter, readying to strike him should he break free.

Sailor C [Laughing]
Sailor 1 [Down]
Sailor 2 Down]

As a quick note, this last sailor left up looks significantly hardier and tougher than the others you've bopped down.
Zahn Cragscale
With the sailor he had held in his hand slumping over, unconscious, Zahn opened his hand and let him drop to the floorboards. And, immediately after, he unslung the warhammer from his harness. Gripping the weapon in both hands, the towering and enraged lizardkin took aim and slammed the blunt weapon down.

He wanted to knock this man unconscious as quickly as possible, though he was not willing to risk him getting up, if he did not lose consciousness.
Attack roll to hit the laughing sailor with the warhammer, for blunt nonlethal damage.

Attack with advantage due to the enemy being prone… the total of the two rolls is 22 and 24 respectively. I will assume the 24 hits and roll 1d10+STR+RageDamage for the bludgeoning the sailor suffers- result is a total of 13.

If the enemy is still conscious, Zahn will use his second attack action to make a Grapple Attack. Due to Rage, Zahn makes this contested Athletics check with Advantage and the total rolled is 23.

If the Sailor can't beat Zahn's Athletics check he is Grappled until he knocks Zahn unconscious, beats his Athletics roll with an Action to break out or uses magic for some other effect that undoes the Grapple.
Nat 20 to avoid the grapple. But that's a solid 13 damage on him.
That being said, he failed to shake the laughter, so he's still prone and such.

The hammer hits hard, and the sailor finds this absolutely hilarious. He cannot stop the magical laughter, still on the ground, though his wriggling keeps him free of Zahn's hands.
With the other two down, Helena rushed forward with a roar. Seeing the last one on the ground laughing, she leaned down and decked him in the nose with the handguard of her cutlass.
"Right! How'd'we signal the 'ighwind? She cannae attack while these bastards'r'e tied on t'other ships." She asked, looking between her three allies for a suggestion.

Non lethal attack with a rapier which I flavour as a cutlass because they're cooler :)
Attack with adv because she's in melee and he's prone.

Got a 2, and a nat 20 +7. so 27

Since it's a crit, 2d8 +4 +6d6 sneak attack.
2d8 (5, 5) + 4 + 6d6 (2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5)
For a total of 31 nonmagical piercing damage.
The sailor goes down, giggling in his unconscious state.
The chained people have not responded in the slightest to the events unfolding.

If you don't have a way of alerting the Highwind, I'll assume that they're just waiting for ten or so minutes before coming in, trusting you all to have done your jobs.
Zahn Cragscale
Helena sprinted over and hit the laughing man with her weapon, knocking him into unconsciousness, and Zahn hissed a lizardfolk sigh of relief. With that over and done with, he looked to the people seemingly restrained in the middle of the deck.

"We change our plan." He replied after hearing Helena's words. "The enemy does not know what happened on the ship: so we change course, and one if not both pursue to take boarding action and deal with perceived deserters or mutineers. When they board us, we attack them and take them by surprise, disabling the other ship like this one, even if it is in a different manner than the original plan."

The barbarian spoke, somewhat loudly so that she could hear him, as he got a little bit closer to the previously thought prisoners: he unsheathed his sword of moonlight, the light of the weapon as bright as that of a torch. With better visibility, he could make out the details of these people.
I request a description of the huddled prisoners as well as anything that might be unusual about them. If a check would apply, like Perception, Insight or Investigation, let me know: I will make an active perception, insight or investigation roll with Zahn's stats.
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The chained folk, viewed closely instead of distantly through the rain, are not right. There are bits of metal at various joints and their eyes are empty, glazed over without thought.
Some of them have limbs that are facing the wrong way, and most of them have different skin tones on various points of their bodies. It's like someone took them apart and put them back together sloppily.
"Oh, no." Once Joy gets a good look at the prisoners, she pulls back, grimacing in distaste and unease.

"Why are they chained up?" she asks the others.
"Zahn! Nanbako! Batten down the 'atches. If the rest o' the crew start coming up, we want'em tae come up where we can control 'em!" Helena ordered, gesturing to the hatches that would lead below decks. Meanwhile she knelt and began examining the tied up 'people'.

Medicine check
1d20 (5) +3
... an 8
The chained people don't seem to be the picture of vitality and health, but they aren't crippled or anything. They're physically capable of moving on their own.
"Joy! Any ideas? Ah dinnae 'ave a clue's ta what's 'appenin' ta this lot." She asked, then looked out in the direction they came from. "Any chance y'e've a way ta send a message back to the 'Ighwind? Someth's nae right 'ere." Helena added, scowling.
Zahn Cragscale
"This is what the enemy is doing with people, turning them into weapons."

Zahn surmised, his thoughts coming to words out loud. He looked over to Helena and Joy and inclined his head once. "If Joy casst a light spell on one of my bolts and I shot it in the air, that signals the Highwind. Do we do so?" After all, in this stormy weather and the dark shadows it cast, a bright light shooting into the sky was definitely a sigal of kind.

And with that, Zahn sheathed his sword and took out the crossbow from the holster attached to his harness, giving it a pat with his free hand.
"Joy! Any ideas? Ah dinnae 'ave a clue's ta what's 'appenin' ta this lot."
"They're the Hegemon's experiments," Joy says mournfully. "The amalgams. People mixed with machines, under their control. Don't untie them!"

She moves closer to Zahn, ready to cast her spell, but waits on the others. "I hope we can save them," she mutters, looking at the amalgams.
There's a battering at the door to the main deck-someone has come and found it wedged shut, and is trying to get it open.
Helena scowled at the noise and looked to Zahn. He was the strongest, not to mention heaviest of their group, the first choice for the rather brutal plan that came to her mind. She put a finger on her lips in the universal gesture of 'be quiet'.

"Ah'll open the 'atch part way. You yank 'im out and put an 'and o'er 'is mouth. Knock 'im out if'n ya need ta. We cannae let 'im scream but it'd be be'er ta 'ave 'im alive."

Helena telepathically repeated her plan to the other two as she slid silently toward the hatch, making sure they knew what was coming. Once Zahn was in position, the redhead counted down from 3 on her fingers. Once her hand was a closed fist, she yanked the hatch open as quick as humanely possible.

If anyone wants to interrupt with a better plan or anything by all means! I don't wanna god mode other characters or move things along without everyone being ready.
Zahn Cragscale
Joy moved towards him and it was exactly then, that crew from belowdecks knocked on the hatch to try and get it open so they could get on deck. Helena was swift and the barbarian followed suit, trying to jog on over swiftly, yet stealthily. As he did, he put his crossbow back into its place on his harness, securing it once again.

When Helena contacted him telepathically, Zahn nodded once, a grim look in his eyes. So he readied himself to punch and grab the opposing party, in order to haul whoever is on the other side up on deck and hopefully getting a hand over their mouth to silence a possible shout of alarm before it even began.
Alright, first off: attack roll (punch) is a 7 rolled, for a total hit result of 15. Let me know if that hits. Damage roll for the first attack is 1d4+5 for a total of 8. (Bludgeoning damage, nonlethal.)

If it hits, I will Grapple as a bonus action as per the Tavern Brawler feat: rolled an 11 for athletics, for a result of 19 total.

If the first attack hit, and the grapple goes through, the second attack will be a regular attack for a hit roll of nat 20 (total roll will be 28). Second attack because of crit is 2d4+5 for a total of 8. (Bludgeoning damage, nonlethal.)
Helena pulls the hatch open, letting Zahn pull the unsuspecting sailor through. He's swiftly bludgeoned unconscious, and with the immediate threat dealt with, you notice that this foe has some magical paraphernalia. A wand, an amulet, and a small pouch of spell components.
Zahn Cragscale
Zahn hauled the sailor up and out of the hatch, chucking him onto the wet, cold deck. Then, he closed the hatch and turned to address Helena, Joy and Nanbako: "These poor kith seem like living dead. It is a mercy to put them out of this misery, I believe: if I become like that and you are in a dangerous situation like we are now when you find me, kill me. Allow me to grant them this mercy."

The barbarian reasoned, though all his crewmates could tell that he was not determined to die on this hill: if they did not want him to kill the amalgams, the husks of humanoids chained together on deck, they could easily tell him no.
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"Hmm.. aye, kill 'em. But dinnae kill this'n. Ah wanna get some answers outta 'im." Helena said, gesturing to the mage looking one he'd just knocked out. "Just make it quick lad, dinnae turn yer mercy ta more torture." She added.

With that, Helena turned to the now asleep mage and quickly patted him down, trying to find any hidden weapons or magical tools, all of which she quickly removed from his posession.
"Right, let's wake 'im when ye're ahl readae." She said, pulling her dagger from her belt once again.

So, wasn't sure what to roll/ if i need to. Figure Investigation or slight of hand are best for taking any magical stuff or weapons he has.
Rolling 1d20, and using that for either check with different modifiers.

Aaand it's a nat 1.
So if it's invest, it's a +2 for a total of 3

If sleight of hand, it's a +10 for a total of 11
I'll let someone Help you for Advantage. It'd be Investigation, and I got a 9 on Advantage roll, for a total of 11. Not GREAT, but adequate.

The mage has a few more odds and ends-a second pouch and two daggers.
"Is there no way to reverse it?" Joy asks mournfully. "It was the Hegemon that made them like this. Do we know they have no way to undo it?"
Zahn Cragscale
"There is a wizard, who lives in a tower. It is possible he knows something- but he lives in the marsh, on the other side of the sea. Leading these people into the marshes and keeping them alive… is impossible, without some dying for sure."

Zahn spoke up, giving one… very improbable option for salvation. One that, according to the barbarian, was very unlikely to result in success and much more likely to result in the victims needless suffering intensifying in the brief time they still had left to live.
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