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Pantsless Pirates [IC]

Zahn Cragscale
"Do you know what these amalgamations can do? Magic? Fight with skill or raw power?"

Zahn asked, blunt as always. He did not look away from some strands that had frayed in the net, with a critical eye. Eventually, he put the net away.
The Highwind's sails turn, and the ship starts her journey northwards.

"Experience has taught me the amalgams themselves aren't capable of magic. Or good tactics either-but they're usually directed by someone who can do both," Sasha tells you. "Still, I wouldn't rule anything out."
Zahn Cragscale
Zahn nodded his understanding, huffing in exasperation as he poked his calloused finger with the barbed hook that he was threading onto the fishing line.

Before long, he was finished and helped wherever he could in order to make the ship run smoothly: but when the time came that freed up most of the crew during the straight voyage, weather permitting, he took out his fishing gear once more to spend the time of the journey fishing, at least until it came time for him to set his head down to sleep.

Even if he aimed to replenish the pantry with some fresh fish, the lizardkin had an open ear and would converse with anyone who wished to have a chat, or asked him a favor, or requested a task of him.
Nanbako listened saying "Well, only one thing for it. Lets go on another adventure! Strange machine parts, technology no one can understand. I cant wait to get some samples." the Tabaxi said with a wide smile.
Joy returns both hugs, sniffing once after she's released. "Thank you," she says softly. "At this point, I shouldn't be shocked by the Hegemon's evil and thirst for domination, but...I'm just not clever enough to predict all their cruelties."

She nods at Sasha. "In Her name, it's my duty and pleasure to deplete their resources however I can. The Spire won't know what hit them."

Joy goes with Helena to the weatherdeck. Once she's under the sky again, she sighs and smiles. "It's a nice breeze today," she says, and if Helena allows it, rests a head on the other woman's shoulder.
"Tis aye." Helena said simply, her arms still wrapped around the shorter redhead. For a while, she was content to stay silent, enjoying the weather and company. Eventually though, she looked over to Joy.

"Ah'm curious. 'ow come yer 'ere? Ya 'ardly seem the sort fer piracy. Murder'n theft bein' rather anathema to ya." She asked. "Nae judgement, just wonderin's all."
You talk for a while longer, your captain taking charge of the ship's travel. The Spire isn't too close, so you've time to prepare in whatever ways you need.

The skies grow dark and storm clouds roll above the Highwind, sending sheets of rain onto her decks. But, her crew is experienced and competent-the storm will not stop you. It does make it a little harder to see the Spire, but at the same time, it'll make it harder for the Highwind to be spotted in return.

With the destination nearly reached, Sasha calls for Kadah, the tabaxi woman having some of the keenest eyes on your ship. She takes a spyglass and starts peering through. "We've got... Two-no, three, patrolling ships. Not sure we're gonna be able to get past without alerting at least one."
Helena made her way over to the captain, scowling as she got pelted with rain. The redhead had wrapped a hooded jacket over herself, but there were still icy droplets on her face and neck.
"Reckon ah'n a few others could swim o'er and board one've 'em when we're close!" she shouted, trying to be heard over the storm. "We'd take control 'n the 'ighwind can sail by unseen by 't'others." she suggested.
Zahn Cragscale
Zahn stood on deck in the rain, wearing naught but his cotton, brown-orange vest and his usual cotton loincloth. He also had a leather harness that crossed over his torso and held his moon-touched longsword, sheathed, as well as his warhammer, trident, two handaxes and a quiver of javelins.

His arms were crossed, as his gaze slowly encompassed the two ships in the distance.

"This idea is good. If we take a ship, we can steer it and ram another ship with it, take both out and the third is all alone."

The warrior spoke, illustrating the idea in his head, which was very optimistic all told.
The ships are barely visible through the squall and the distance. Sasha laughs at Zahn's suggestion. "Straight to the point as always, Zahn. I trust you four to be the vanguard?"
"Ah'm curious. 'ow come yer 'ere? Ya 'ardly seem the sort fer piracy. Murder'n theft bein' rather anathema to ya."
"I live to serve my Goddess," Joy says, smiling up at Helena, "and so, I live to bring pleasure, leisure, and freedom to those who would seek it and share it. It is my reason for being, my holy purpose."

She keeps one hand around Helena, but sweeps the other arm out across the horizon. "In days past, we were celebrated by both the commons and the...well, maybe not celebrated by the nobility, but accepted. Tolerated, at least. But the Hegemon has no place for sacred hedonism. To those that rule now, all exist only to serve. A person has no value but their toil and their product. The sweat of one's brow and the ache of one's back is not the means to a better end, but its own reward."

She grimaces and turns away, gripping the taffrail. "The Hegemon steals the colour and music of life. It reduces its people to tools. I...She can't abide it. Though I know it's strange to fight in her name, there's no way but rebellion to protect what's good in life. The meaning of life. Service in Captain Sasha's ship is the best way I've found to do that."

She smiles and leans her head on Helena's shoulder again. "Besides, this crew understands Her holy words as well as any temple I've seen, even those that had never heard them."

Joy squints against the rain, holding one hand up over her face. Her white shirt is plastered to her skin, translucent with wet. "We've surprise on our side, but we're still facing three alone."

She turns to Sasha. "It'll take my most powerful magics, Captain, but I can summon a powerful wind - ten miles an hour, enshrouding myself, but wide enough to push sail at my direction. Would it help us?"
Zahn Cragscale
Zahn's eyes squinted and his eyelids crinkled, as they always did when he 'smiled'. All shipmates knew what his expressions meant, even if other kindred might not, if they had little experience with lizardfolk.

"I am ready, just give the order."

And, given that he was at the top of skilled swimmers, when it came to the crew, none could doubt that he would be able to swim and catch up to the ships in the distance.

His feat, when he jumped into a freak whirlpool a couple moons past to rescue a drifting fisherman, had not yet been forgotten.
"Right... Take one of the tenders, and sneak in using the weather," Sasha tells you. "We'll stay on the edge, and once we see the chaos unfolding, the Highwind will come in and help mop up."

You four go to the the smaller vessels, lowering one to the choppy seas below, and following yourselves soon after. You start off, the salty sea spraying into your faces.

Give me a check, from one of you. Let's say... Strength, adding proficiency if you have sea vehicle proficiency and adding it again if you have Stealth proficiency.
Whoever isn't doing it can Help, letting you roll with advantage.
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