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Pantsless Pirates [OOC]

@Lord_Red please remember to tell Penny and myself what the rituals entailed- for example, did the rituals involve putting an end to a sapient and sophont life or was it less barbaric/gruesome, like defiling the unwilling participant?

OoC, Penny brought up good points and I wonder if there is anything she could infer from the methodology of the enemy and all that really good stuff!

Unless you feel that this kind of direction is not interesting for the game, because that is, also, a valid opinion.
Exams finished, woulda responded today but i've had a headache all day. I got the time, just need to acquire the vibes
Ty, with any luck i'll be able to get back into it tomorrow. Sorry for not keeping y'all updated.
I'm sorry about not posting - I'm having trouble coming up with things to do. :unsure: Is there somewhere Joy should be or something that Joy should be doing right now?
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