『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Rage and fear jolted through Amaya like a bolt of lightening, hand twitching at the threat. With her mouth covered, the words she wanted to say remained unsaid, glaring vitriolic hatred.
"Let's find a better spot, shall we? We need an appropriate sppt to set the right mood for sending the bakeneko child your head." He said and started to pull her along.
Amaya let him, the more secluded the place the better. She hid her anger, pushed it down and feigned fear as she was taken away by this man. She couldn’t decide if she was going to outright kill him once they were at the secondary location, or if she could get any useful information out of him.
Once he pulled her from sight, he pushed her toward a wall and pointed his blade at her, "I will give you the honor of last words."
Amaya stumbled and bumped into the wall, glad he finally had taken his hands off of her, glancing back at him with a scared look. “Why are you doing this? Why target Lady Akihime when all she seeks is to better the land?”
“A sham?” Amaya echoed out, her eyes becoming dark, and the fearful expression she had on her face mere moments ago slipped away exposing an angry one. The swordsman felt something tighten all around him like a snake, holding him firmly where he was but some unseen force. “Shamed? Disgraced?” She straightened up and faced him. “Your Lord should be grateful for Lady Akihime’s benevolence.” She hissed out as she approached him. “He should be on his hands and knees groveling at her feet.” She spat, stopping in front of him. “I don’t know what is going on here, but you’re going to tell me everything you know, or my spiders will eat you from the inside out.” She said lowly, grabbing the man by his jaw, spiders crawling out from her sleeve and down her arm.
He began to shake, eyes wide in terror, "A...Akihime was supposed to die at the Watanabe estate with the old man and his wife...the aobozu was supposed to kill them, along with you and that noble...! B-But it failed, and Date said he wouldn't kill Akihime for Lord Sorin...! A-And that dog...it's done nothing but mope around and protest...! We had to figure out a new plan...!"
Her eyes narrowed and she struggled to not cut the man into pieces that very moment. “What about the dog?” She had to tell Akihime all of this as soon as possible. “Tell me about this new plan that’s been concocted.” The spiders were at her hand now, their beady eyes staring down the man with hunger.
"It stopped listening to him, it doesn't do anything but lay around and cry. Even beating it does nothing...!" He said, "Akihime is an abomination...she has no right to live...!"
Amaya curled the fingers of her freehand and the spiderwebs around him sliced him into six, his limbs and torso tumbling to the ground, his head staying in her hand. “Scum.”

Someone watched Akihime and Sasuke work from the shadows, circling them for some time before making themselves known. Yukimura stepped from the shadows, a spear in hand as he walked calmly toward Akihime. His face was freshly bruised, nose still dripping blood, his sad eyes locked on the Onmyoji.
"Dana," Sasuke glared at Yukimura, fan folded tight in his hand, "we gave a guest." Akihime turned and gave Yukimura a once over.
"I see. So, he didn't want to wait for the demons to kill me after all." She mused
Yukimura looked guilty already, and despite his gaze being locked on Akihime he couldn’t meet her eyes. Slowly he extended a hand, holding his palm out like he wanted something. “Master Sorin… Wants his gold back as well.” It was clear that saying that disgusted and shamed him, having to look away from Akihime as he spoke.
“I see, then I’m sorry.” He said and changed his stance into an offensive one, eyes hardening as he looked back to Akihime. He was upon her in a heartbeat, his movements fast and fluid as he swung his spear for her neck.
"With urgent haste, in accordance with the law." A barrier stopped Yukimura's attack dead and Sasuke fell on him immediately, snapping his fan open and sending a wave of blue fire at him.
"You're making a big mistake here, kid! You should just go home!" He yelled.
He raised one hand and instantly a ward was blocking the flames, no incantation or talisman used. He frowned more, waiting for most of the fire to dissapate before moving to kick Sasuke away.
Sasuke cushioned the blow with his hand as best as he could, grimacing from the impact. This guy could hit hard; that was worrying. Akihime watched Yukimura and made a soft noise.
"I see..." She said softly, "you're an Okami..."
Yukimura’s attention snapped back to Akihime when he heard those words, eyes wide with something unreadable. Shame quickly made his expression twist into one of anger, bringing his spear tip to Akihime’s barrier, opening up his own barrier inside hers, shattering both instantly. With another firm kick to the gut, Yukimura sent Sasuke flying as he moved to take Akihime’s head for a second time.
"Dana!!" Sasuke yelled, but she swirved out of the spear's path. Her expression was sad as she watched Yukimura.
"How has such a noble guardian been forced into such servitude?" She asked.
“Silence!” He barked at her, but she could hear the pain in his voice. The scent of burnt flesh permeated the air and he dropped to his knee the next moment. He seemed to be in pain, gripping at his chest with a grimace- was he really that injured? But then what was the distinct smell of hot iron on flesh?
Akihime moved closer and Sasuke scrambled to get between them, pointing his ignited fan at Yukimura to keep him back should he return to his feet.
"Okami or not, don't be stupid, dana! He was sent here to kill us!"
"Sasuke, he's in pain. How can I ignore that?"
"He just tried to kill us." Sasuke reiterated through his teeth.
Yukimura pushed himself up despite his pain, body shaking with effort as he tried to disobey his orders, but it was no use. His body didn’t belong to him. He had to obey no matter what.
He brandished his blade again, sweat beading on his forehead as he watched Sasuke’s flame cautiously, face hard-set. “Please don’t fight back- I don’t wish to cause unnecessary suffering.” Tears dripped down his cheeks as he spoke.
“My lady!” Amaya had finally arrived, having taken the shortest route she could- along the rooftops. She panted lightly, skidding to a stop at the scene before her, a scowl hardening her face as she swung both hands, forcing Yukimura back from Sasuke unless he wished to be cut to ribbons. He earned a few cuts however, only able to dodge so quickly while fighting his own body.
"Amaya," Akihime looked up at her Jorogumo with a soft frown, "he's bound against his will. Help me seal him, please, before it kills him."
"Dana, I really don't think that's a great idea." Sasuke stated, "You don't know his true intentions, he could actually want to kill us!"
"An Okami is far from an evil spirit, Sasuke. His actions are not his own." Akihime said.
“An Okami..?” Amaya frowned softly and looked to Yukimura. This form dulled her senses, but she had not realized just how much they had dulled. “It’ll be done, my lady.” She nodded firmly, hopping down from the rooftop and approaching Yukimura, two long slender arachnid legs pushing out from her sleeves. Yukimura moved to attack Amaya, but she matched his speed, using her spider legs to deflect his blade as she used her webs to attack back.
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