『Kodoku no Saibou』(1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Akihime sighed as they stopped in front of the Otomo estate gate and she knocked.
"That dog better be chained up." Sasuke muttered bitterly.
There was silence for a brief period before the gate opened and a tired young man with long brown hair stood before them. His hair was pulled into a low pony tail, bags under his tired brown eyes. “Lady Akihime,” He bowed his head before stepping aside to open the door further. “Please enter, Master Sorin has been waiting for you.” He said, holding up a bruised arm to motion which way to go. Amaya’s eyes scanned over the young man, something feeling off about him, but she couldn’t place what, bowing her head out of respect when he opened the gate.
Akihime watched him; it was the same young man as last time, but he looked more beaten down than before. She bowed her head gently and stepped in, Sasuke watching him with sharp eyes as he past.
Yukimura escorted them to where the old lord paced anxiously, stopping when he saw Akihime. “You said you rid this city of evil spirits, and yet they still walk my streets at night!” He was clearly not doing well- he looked tired and disheveled, eyes wide with paranoia. “Three more people are dead already since you’ve left!”
"I dealt with the demons plaguing the Watanabe house, as you asked. And, when I returned to report, your grandson here refused to allow me entry. Said you were too ill, so I respected his request and left. Any other demon attacks are not my fault." She replied calmly.
"Not like dana summoned them herself." Sasuke mumbled.
“Grands-“ Sorin looked to Yukimura with a scowl before looking back to Akihime. “He is not my grandson.” He said roughly. “He’s my ward.” He turned and moved to his desk, pushing aside some scrolls on the messy tabletop. “Rid the whole city of those vile things. Don't leave a single one alive, and then leave.” He turned with three long strings of gold coins. “This should be more than enough for your services- be grateful girl.” With a sneer he tossed the coins on the ground between them, a satisfied smirk on his face as he waited for Akihime to retrieve them.
Amaya stepped forward immediately and knelt to retrieve the coins, turning to hold them out for Akihime to take. “My lady.” Her tone was quite gentle for the expression she wore on her face. With her back to Sorin, an angry scowl darkened her features, showing her great anger at the slight to her master.
Yukimura stood aside silently, eyes on the floor as his master acted, a soft scowl on his face.
Akihime stared at the coins before her eyes moved to Sorin, "A whole city cleansed and this is the payment?" She asked, before turning away, "Amaya, put those back where you grabbed them. I'm not interested in such disrespect. You'd be better off asking Date for help. Good day, Sorin-sama."
"Kukuku~ how mean, dana~" Sasuke cooed.
Amaya nodded immediately and moved to place them back on the ground. “Of course, my lady.”
Sorin’s face was bright red with anger and humiliation, clenching his fist around his cane until his knuckles turned white. “Th-That’s only the first part of the payment!” He said quickly, nearly hissing his words through his teeth. “The other seven strands will come once the job is finished.”
"Oh ho~?" Sasuke smirked behind his fan as Akihime stopped just at the gate, "Ten strings in total, huh~? Someone's desperate~"
"Fine," Akihime turned back to Sorin, "you will tell me where to start and you will tell me everything."
Sorin glared at Akihime like he was trying to set her on fire. “The common folk report of bodies being found drained of blood, other than that, I know nothing.”
Amaya glanced to Akihime, putting the coins in her sleeve before standing to move back to her side. “Sounds like a vampire.” She said softly to Akihime.
Akihime nodded in agreement, "Very well, I'll begin right away. Waiting for night will waste too much time." She said and turned again, "A shame that dog of yours is missing. It looked like a good tracking hound."
"Dana, you can't be serious." Sasuke mumbled bitterly.
The old man scowled darkly and glowered at Akihime, letting his breath out through his nose. “Yes, it is a shame, hopefully he’ll return by supper.” He said shortly.
Amaya bowed her head and followed close behind Akihime, keeping her hands in her pocket and her face stony.
When the gate shut, Akihime scowled gently.
"When this is said and done, Amaya, you can pick the meat from his bones." She stated before heading down the path, "Old fuck..."
"Does he really expect us to cleanse a whole city in a night?" Sasuke asked. Akihime rolled her eyes.
"No, he expects us to die."
“Gladly, my lady.” She said, brows furrowing as she listened. “Do you think it’s a trap?” She asked.
"I know it is. One does not simply allow a vampire to just trout about and pile up bodies." She answered, "I tire of him and this place."
“I’ve sent out spiders to get eyes out there, but it will take some time to cover the entire city.” Amaya said, bowing her head slightly. “What are your orders?”
"He says there's demons crawling through the whole of the city, we'll summon them." Akihime said before glancing at Sasuke. He frowned with dissatisfaction.
"You want me to get Kongiku, don't you?"
"She would have the ability to help us gather the demons and spirits in one place." Akihime confirmed before looking to Amaya, "See if you can't locate any other spiders, find out what they know. Any information will be helpful. After, I'll need your webs to create a trap."
She nodded and bowed after listening. “I’ll ensure that it’s done, my lady.” She said. “Allow me a short time to prepare- I can head out myself on foot, I am much faster than my spiders.”
Akihime nodded, "Just be safe." She said gently before turning to Sasuke, "Let's go."
"Hai, hai." He replied, following Akihime, "Good luck, Amaya."
“You too, Sasuke, Lady Akihime.” She said, and then was off on her own. She moved quickly through the streets, making an effort to stay mostly out of sight as she gathered information from the local spiders. The more she learned the more fishy things seemed, and all of it pointed back to Sorin. She didn’t like what she was learning one bit, a soft scowl on her face as she headed on to the next spider.
Akihime and Sasuke moved to the center of the city and Sasuke sighed loudly.
"Whenever you're ready, dana." He said. Akihime clapped her hands together and Sasuke copied her, both of them praying quietly beforr a chill surrounded them.
"Hello, Onmyoji-sama~ Sasu-kun~"
"Damare." Sasuke huffed and Akihime waved him down.
"We need your help to lure the demons in the city to this spot." Akihime requested. Kongiku frowned softly, her lantern flickering.
"That would require many souls."
"I am aware. But there is something suspicious going on, and I would be grateful for the aid. I would feed you all the kitsune udon you could eat in return." Akihime told her. Kongiku smiled coyly.
"How could I say no to that~?"
It didn’t take long for Amaya to find signs of youkai squatting in an old home. She made note of where she found them, sending a spider out to deliver the news to Akihime before moving on again. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, feeling someone’s eyes on her as she worked, but kept on her mission.
When she was in a more secluded area, she heard someone run up on her and grab her. A hand moved over her mouth and a blade pressed into her back.
"Move and I'll kill you right now."
Amaya stiffened, freezing and making not a single sound. She tried to get a look at the man, but he was out of her line of sight.
"Your master has deeply upset my lord Sorin. I've been sent to make an example of you." He hissed in her ear, "Only to find out you're a youkai. What would happen to your master if word got out that she employed demons?"
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