Cuddle the person above you...

I tried playing DnD once at school with a friend. It was horrible. He just had us draw maps. We didn't get to fight anything, didn't get to choose where we went. He was pretty much telling us a shitty story about people with the names we made up. didn't even let us pick our own races. Control freaks are no fun to play games with, especially games like DnD.
Nah I hit him years later for being a prick. He was the kind of guy who thought he was always right and if you didn't agree with him he'd make you agree with him via violence. Needless to say I don't talk to him anymore. *snuggles Atlas Cruz to follow with the rules of the thread*
Cuddles the golden haired boy as we lay on the hammock in the back yard, feeding him some fresh, sweet strawberries while the gentle breeze sways them back and forth in the cool shade...
Grabs a big comforter and makes a "snuggle nest" for the two of us. (Turns the a/c way down low to make it cold so we have to cuddle close to keep warm!) :D
Laughs at how cute you are in my cowgirl hat and pulls you close to my bare chest and squeezes tight....
Cuddles with both Jaq and RD, getting out her trusty rope to tie up RD with, showing him some of her fancy roping tricks! ;)
Puts on her "flame retardant" chaps and cowgirl boots, then cuddles with Atlas, running her fingers through his sexy long hair! :p
Molds her round, soft, more-than-ample curves closer to his more chiseled, hard ones while they watch an all-time favorite chick flick! :p
No thank you on the chick flick. I will however, enjoy a nice viewing of defiance.

*pulls Camille down on his lap, his arms around her waist*

Watch the movie. Liev Schrieber is amazing. :p
*Pouts for a few seconds, (was so wanting to watch While You Were Sleeping for the gazillionth time, AC!) but decides she will just try and make the best of it. Curling herself up on AC's lap, she wraps her arms around his waist, sighs softly and lays her head against his wide, strong shoulder. In mere seconds, she falls fast asleep, and a small pool of drool begins to puddle on the AC's chest!* :p
Snuggles close with the gamergirl, giving her a lolli to suck while she watches the movie....
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